After Corona: In The Dorms - Cover

After Corona: In The Dorms

Copyright© 2020 by plus plus

Chapter 7

Warmth. Slickness. Pressure. Friction. Movement. Grasping. Breathing. Groaning. Sounds. Smells. Straining. Release. Sundering.

Sex was overwhelming.

Diane and I quickly realized we were both virgins, and yet had both watched porn and read books. So while we both knew what was required, it took a while for us to get to it. I don’t know how to describe it, but I imagine every other person or couple had gone through their first time in a similar state. We figured it out.

First, we just held each other and looked in each others eyes, kissing a bit, then pulling back to look at different parts of each other. Eventually, I moved down to feel her breasts, and examine them. She carefully showed me what she liked, but I surprised her when I stopped licking one nipple and pushed her breasts together to lick both together at the same time. That turned out to be a great surprise. The entire time, I was well aware of a furry warm patch rubbing against my chest. She was arching her hips and lifting me a bit.

So I slid down further to take a look. A quick stop along the way to tease the belly button and then I was face to face with it. The great mystery. The source of all humanity. The Vagina. Pussy. Cunt. Kitty. Mound of Venus. Ok, I was running out of words, but none of them were enough anyway. I could see her lips throbbing and moving slightly, probably much like my balls did when I got excited or warm. I gently moved her thighs apart and she eagerly moved with my hands, peering down at me from further up the bed.

I had heard stories about the smell, usually told by guys I now suspected had never been this close to one except maybe when they were born. There was a smell, but it was deep and rich, it simply stank of sexiness and I wanted to wear it as a cologne. The sheer power of the scent made me almost come, but my curiosity overcame it.

Diane took pity on me and moved her hands down to open her lips in front of me. She gave me a guided tour of her parts, pulling a little here to show me a different angle, arching her pelvis up to give me a better view. She warned me to be gentle, but then took my fingers and started running them around her sex. I was happy to be guided and started to notice when her breathing changed again and when she started moving against me.

At the right time, at least in my mind, I added my tongue and gently licked the whole region. The gentleness we had been keeping disappeared when that caused her to shove her crotch right into my mouth and started rocking it back and forth. Her soft hands grabbed my head and pulled it against her. “Uggghhhh, right there. That feels so damn good, keep licking!”

We must have teased each other for long enough because she suddenly started shivering and locking her joints before groaning and making interesting sounds. Eventually, she slumped back to the bed and let me go. I had just witnessed my first female orgasm on my tongue. I didn’t get much of a view, but the experience was still amazing.

After she relaxed, I thought it would be a good idea to slide back up her body. Evidently that was the right move since she curled into me with her head in my neck. She was murmuring something, but I couldn’t tell you what it was. My arm was down her back and I could feel how slick her skin was.

A minute or so later, though it could really have been an hour for all I knew, she moved to look me in the face and kissed me deeply. I was worried that I should have cleaned my face, but apparently, that was not an issue. After we had gone back and forth french kissing, she leaned back and said, “Thank you, that was amazing. I’m going to want much more of that, but my mom always told me that you have to take turns when playing nice.”

She tried to do most of the same things I had as she explored my body, except it was impossible to get my nipples next to each other. She spent a lot more time running her hands up and down my chest, feeling out my muscles even though I wouldn’t call myself muscular. Eventually she got to my cock so I gave her the tour of my genitalia, which was a lot quicker than hers had been. Men are simple compared to women.

I guess it was my turn to be surprised since even though I had played with myself a lot, having someone else touch you is entirely different. I had no idea the underside of the head of my penis would be so sensitive, especially when touched by a very wet tongue. As you might expect, it didn’t take much for me to start hunching my hips. I warned her that I was about to come. I panicked, looking around for the paper towels but just then, felt her mouth cover the end of my cock. Her tongue was randomly touching me while I could feel the tight circle of her lips around my shaft. There was no thinking after that except a roaring noise, a throbbing, pulsing, shooting sensation.

As I came back to my senses, she was back in position next to me, shyly smiling at me and then leaning over for a kiss. I hesitated for a second, which caused her to slow down, but before her face could show any concern, I kissed her full on. I had been worried I might taste myself, but then realized that she hadn’t minded tasting her own juices and my parents told me to always balance things out. It turned out I was worried about nothing. She must have swallowed it all, or I couldn’t taste it. She eagerly returned my kiss. Her nipples were hot and poking me in the chest.

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