Master of the Kingdom: Seizing Power Arc - Cover

Master of the Kingdom: Seizing Power Arc

Copyright© 2019 by NoMoshing

Chapter 5: Marie I

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5: Marie I - Young King Roland has taken the throne of his nation and ousted his mediocre father in a military coup. After acquiring the aid of the court witch in inventing a means of making the women of his nation his helpless fuck toys, he then has to dismantle a conspiracy arrayed against him and solidify his power base.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Consensual   Magic   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Romantic   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Clergy   Public Sex   Politics   Royalty  

The actual manor of House Nessane was near the city limits, perched near the edge of the disused wood that served as the royal family’s hunting ground. While not a vast estate, it was far from humble, and key among it’s features was a carefully tended rose garden tucked away inside a delicate glass greenhouse.

Lady Marie Nessane enjoyed doting on her garden. She was a tall, slender woman of graceful step, with a flood of deep crimson hair flowing down her back, and dark amber eyes. She wore a simple brown woolen gown for working about the garden, and an apron and gloves to protect herself from the soil.

The garden itself was the pride of her late husband. Hers was a marriage of vanity- a man far too old who already had an heir plucking an innocent girl just barely old enough that it wasn’t a scandal. And, of course, when Lord Nessane managed to get her with child shortly after their wedding, all of Marie’s peers began gossiping on the assumption that Lord Nessane was a saint rather than a vain old man, having married her to cover up some impropriety that left Marie unmarried and pregnant. Despite her being a scared little girl, The old man fussed over his rose garden more than he ever had time for his second wife, only ever coming to her in order to sate his lusts.

Some years ago, when their daughter was still too young to remember, a sudden sickness came over old Lord Nessane. While he was bedridden and recouperating, his drunkard of a son happened to be robbed and murdered on his way back from the tavern one night ... which resulted in the old lord dying of grief some few days later. A tragedy, really. But this left Marie as her late husband’s heir, and her sole daughter, Angeline, to inherit after her.

All of what once belonged to old Lord Nessane was now Marie’s. Including his beloved garden.

Marie was carefully trimming back dying blossoms when the black-armoured royal guards came for her. She had to bite back a curse- she had always suspected that the king was too bright for his own good. She carefully set down her clippers and stood, showing her hands so they could see she was unarmed. “I am surrendering, there is no need for violence. All that I ask is that you not trample my roses.”

The two guards exchanged glanced, taken aback. “King Roland awaits, my lady.”

She removed her gloves and dropped them next to her clippers. This shouldn’t take long- after all, what evidence would the king have of her part in the conspiracy? They had taken care to never put things in writing. “Very well. I assume you have a carriage waiting for me?”

The guard shook his great head, while the other grew a lewd grin. “No, my lady,” the first one replied, “He is within your manor, speaking with your daughter.”

That did cause Marie to frown with puzzlement. Why would the king come here, personally? “Lead on, then, if you please.”

And so they did. Outside her manor, in the long drive before the main doors, there were the massive warhorses that the Veronomigan Guard used- the only beasts capable of bearing the massive giants, truth be told. Beside that was one of the royal carriages, and within, was that ... Desiree and Adeline? A sinking feeling, deep within Marie’s gut, began to grow stronger.

The guards lead her inside the manor, but passed by all the guest areas and began to lead up to the second floor. Further puzzled, Marie inquired, “Where does it please his grace to speak with me? My study?”

“No, my lady, he wishes to speak with you in the master bedroom.”

The master bedroom? Suddenly it ocurred to Marie what must be happening to her daughter, and she lunged up the stairs, taking the guards by surprise. She was already up to the first landing by the time they shouted after her, and she raced to the bedroom, grateful for her practical, flat-soled gardening shoes. Had she been dressed as a proper lady should, the heels would have prevented this dash to protect her daughter. There were more guards outside the master bedroom, but they did not bar Marie’s way, one even opening the door for her, even though she ended up shoving through before he could get it fully open.

Marie shouted in wordless anger at what she beheld when she ran into the bedroom. The king reclined on Marie’s bed, naked, and seemingly unconcerned with Marie’s intrusion. Meanwhile, her daughter, with the same dark red hair and graceful stature as her mother, only painted with more freckles and with smaller breasts, was similarly naked and kneeling over the king ... who seemed to enjoy himself as Angeline’ head bobbed over the royal cock.

The door slammed shut behind Marie, leaving the three of them alone. “Your ... what ... Angeline! Come away from there!” Marie stammered out.

Angeline bolted upright, staring at her mother in horror, blushing furiously. She then ran away from the bedside, to wrap her arms around her mother and bury her head in the older woman’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, mother...” the young girl sobbed, “I know I’m supposed to be kept pure, but he told me you were a traitor, and I had to show my loyalty to the throne...”

“Shh, sweetling, hush...” Marie said as she comforted the girl. She glared daggers at the king. “I know you have business with me, your grace, but leave my daughter out of this. She had no part in it, and deserves none of your ... ill treatment.”

King Roland rose out of bed smoothly. “So you say,” he replied, stretching luxuriously, “And perhaps, if I was a good man, I would agree with you. But a good man and a good king are two very different things.”

“You’re a monster, that’s what you are,” growled Marie.

“That’s the second time today a traitor has told me that,” said the king thoughtfully. “You sought to take away the power that is my birthright and reduce me to a puppet on the throne, and called that ‘right’? ‘Just’? Then, I shall take away everything you hold dear and reduce you to my toy, a plaything that I control, and call that justice.”

Suddenly the king’s hand shot out and seized the bodice hem of Marie’s dress, and easily tore the farbic away from her skin, revealing her bountiful chest. He then reached out and seized a fistful of her long luxurious hair in hand, and pulled Marie down to her knees. She had no choice but to obey.

Angeline sqeaked in surprise as the King grabbed her hair, similarly, but now to bring her down, but rather to fling the lithe young girl back towards the bed.

Marie could but laugh, despite being at eye level with the king’s massive member. “You speak of justice and then decide to rape me?” she taunted, “You are an inconstant king, your grace.”

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