Master of the Kingdom: Seizing Power Arc - Cover

Master of the Kingdom: Seizing Power Arc

Copyright© 2019 by NoMoshing

Chapter 3: Adeline II

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 3: Adeline II - Young King Roland has taken the throne of his nation and ousted his mediocre father in a military coup. After acquiring the aid of the court witch in inventing a means of making the women of his nation his helpless fuck toys, he then has to dismantle a conspiracy arrayed against him and solidify his power base.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Consensual   Magic   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Romantic   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Clergy   Public Sex   Politics   Royalty  

It took only one week for Adeline to research the proper ingredients, perfect her technique, and craft the potion to her satisfaction. Pleased with her cunning, she ventured out of her laboratory, situated in one of the lesser keeps of the castle, just long enough to find one of the common maids of the castle and send a message to His Grace, inviting him to come see her work for herself.

To the untrained eye, the laboratory appeared muhc like a kitchen, with dried herbs and jars of strange powders and spices at hand, a cauldron for the fireplace, knives and tools of all sizes about. It was only on close inspection that one would notice the runes inscribed into a blade, the well-worn spell circle cut into a countertop. For Adeline, it had been home for near three-quarters of a century, a place of comfort away from the more populous parts of the castle.

I did not take long for King Roland to arrive, leaving the two black-armoured guards that flanked him outside of Adeline’s sanctum. The heavy oaken door, itself subtly inscribed with magical sigils on the inside, slammed shut, leaving the witch and the king alone.

Grinning with pride, Adeline offered the king a glass flask filled with a thick, greyish liquid. “Your Grace, may I offer you a drink?”

King Roland silently regarded the flask for a moment, then, meeting Adeline’s eyes, he unstoppered it and started drinking. Soon, he had finished the potion, and put the empty flask down.

“Chalky” he remarked flatly, “I don’t feel any different. Are you certain your potion works, witch?”

Adeline nodded, with a staisfied look on her face. “You won’t feel any different- by design, it changes the quality of your semen. The potion itself is otherwise inert- it does not act upon you so much as transport part of you. No more than cutting a different length of board changes the sawmill.”

King Roland frowned, processing the analogy. “And it functions as I asked?”

“Not quite,” Adeline said with a small frown, idly playing with the potion bottle, “I came as close as I could. But, please understand, Your Grace, even so this is no less than a miracle of magical ingenuity.”

The king folded his arms and leaned against one of the witch’s workshop tables. “Explain,” he commanded.

“In exchange for the effects to be permanent, and for your own semen to not act upon you, it functions in a three-step process,” Adeline replied, “The first time a woman contacts your seed, it induces an immediate reaction. The woman orgasms, then...”

“I do not believe I have trouble with that aspect of sex,” the king interrupted.

“No,” the witch replied, “I’m sure you don’t, Your Grace. The orgasm is a side effect of how the potion works upon a woman’s mind, and it will trigger the moment any woman touches your semen. For roughly an hour, the woman then becomes perfectly compliant with your will, then the potion wears off.”

King Roland’s face darkened. “I need a permanent effect, witch.”

“Your Radiance is so impatient ... let me finish, if it pleases you.” The witch motioned in a placating gesture. “The second time a woman touches your seed- with any part of her body, mind you- her tongue, womb, bottom, hands, face, whatever His Grace prefers- the perfect obedience lasts longer, likely about three hours, and the woman is permanently enamoured with you. She is not compelled to obey you per se, but she’ll constantly long for you, like a maiden for her first love.”

“The final act,” she said with a grand gesture, “Makes her yours forever. The third time she touches your seed, she is a slave to your will for all time. She is compelled to obey your every command, not other man nor woman will be able to satisfy her sexually, and she will feel great distress when you are away for long enough. She also becomes addicted to your seed, and will crave it. But, you must also be careful- perfect obedience does not mean she will not be able to be manipulated or deceived, or that she cannot unintentionally ruin your plans for you.”

King Roland nodded, taking all this information in. “Could I take a woman thrice within one hour, then, and have her move to the final stage of the magic right away?”

Adeline frowned. “You could ... but most women would be broken by so much stimulation all at once.” She shrugged. “Perhaps some may have the will to keep from breaking, but each time you do that is a risk. Better to take them slowly, unless you want a mentally shatttered shadow of a girl that does but crave for your seed and care for naught else.”

The king nodded. “What else, witch? Any other dire warnings?”

The witch smiled slyly. “Of a sort. Your semen has no effect on men.”

King Roland raised an eyebrow, but the witch only shrugged in response.

“Remember, contact is all you require. You could simply spill your seed on a woman’s food, or touch her with semen on your hands, and ensnare her such. If you choose to seduce or force your attentions on a woman, it’s simply an unnecessary extra step.”

“Very well, I shall have to test it immediately.”

The King seized Adeline, sending the glass flask crashing to the floor. Adeline put on her act, pretending to be wide-eyed with surprise, to struggle against his firm grip as he bent her over the counter, but it was going accoding to her plan. This “rape” was something she had been preparing for all week.

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