My Changing Life - Cover

My Changing Life

Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 7: The Holidays

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7: The Holidays - If you are anal then don't read it. It is about a man from his teen years on. He tries to do the right thing but considering how fucked up his life is, he doesn't always have the tools to figure out what the right thing is. There is at least one scene with c&b torture but it is brief and not a main part of the story. The story progresses past modern times, so I classified it as sci-fi. Enjoy

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   School   Sharing   MaleDom   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Violence  

When I wasn’t at the hospital, I was helping Chelsie get everything ready for Christmas. I made one more elf suit to fit Beth. Starting at noon, Christmas eve, we visited every place one of my girls new of that had children. I would knock on the door as Santa and Beth was my elf. The first place we went to, a 5 year old boy answered the door with his mom a few steps behind. I said, “Ho ho ho, marry Christmas”

The boy turned to get his mother, “Mommy, Mommy its Santa”

I plaid my part, saying, “That is right and I know little Jimmy has been a good boy.” His little sister Sue was playing shy and hid behind her father’s leg.”

They found me a seat and I did the typical Santa thing. Beth handed me presents and direct traffic, so only one person was on my lap at a time. When we were done with the children I got the adults to have a turn. Each house I would pick a random adult and pretend they were too heavy. I would drop the leg they were sitting on and spill them onto the floor. Everything was planned, so all would have good time, most of all Beth. She was smiling for the first time since we met.

Each house was slightly different. I made sure to get a kiss from all the ladies. We had extra gifts incase there were children we didn’t know about and everybody including adults got a card with their name on it. There were a couple adults that refused to sit on my knee, so I would chase them down and sit on theirs. After 6 hours of this I dropped Beth off at the hospital and Picked up my other elves

Most of my girls were waiting for me as I got to the apartments. They all wanted to know what the elf costumes were about. I told them, “We are going to surprise the old folks home. Most of you do not know this because I keep it private, but my grandfather lives there. He doesn’t have the mind he once did and doesn’t always remember me. One of the few things my family does right is we make sure there is somebody visiting him every night and we often volunteer when the home needs help. You would be surprised how few of the residence actually have people that stop by and the ones that do usually only get the occasional guest.

“I know you have all seen a child light up when they seen Santa. You haven’t seen anything until you see one of the elderly and helpless get a visit from the old guy. I had Chelsie pick three of you and we are heading over there. In the morning I switch out the elves and the new elves can help me hand out presents at the home. I may not see all of you before you go to bed tonight, so I am telling you now NO OPENING PRESENTS until I get back unless you find a stocking then you can open the stocking. We have to go quick because I have the Hospital to do yet.”

I gathered the elves and we were on our way. Last time I was at the old folks home, I had the receptionist print me a list of all the residents. Then Chelsie and I wrote a note in a card for each of them and had it personalized. Each patient would get a hand written card with their name on it, signed by Santa. When I planned this, I thought 3 elves was too much, but I wanted them to get the experience. It turned out 3 might not have been enough. At first the girls stood around chatted with a couple old ladies and one of the attendants while I went around the common area. The people that could would sit on my knee. With the ones that couldn’t, I would sit on the arm of their chair. As my girls started mingling a bit more, they were getting fondled by the old men. The old guys were encouraged when they didn’t meet any resistance. When I was done with the common area, I would pull a card from my sack and get an elf to hunt the person down. Most were in their rooms. I have a nice picture of me sitting on my Grandfathers bed. He has the biggest smile I ever had ever seen on his face. He didn’t even know it was me. One card ended up not delivered as the guy passed on the day before. It was especially sad, as nobody seemed to notice his absence. The point was to put smiles on faces, and it worked as good as it did previous years. Last stop was the common area again. I had my elves track down my favourite nurse. She and I would flirt all the time. When she sat on my lap, I placed my hand on her thigh and she didn’t object. In fact she turned up the flirting a bit more. I didn’t have time to get to all the staff, so I gave her the sack full of chocolates I had for the staff. One of the staff was diabetic, so instead of chocolate I made her a special sugarless blueberry mousse. As the nurse got off my lap, I grabbed her ass. She giggled turned and gave me a love tap, calling me a bad Santa. Little did I know how bad of a Santa I was going to be before I went to sleep.

At the hospital, the elves went with me to Long Term Care and helped me locate patients for their gifts. With the amount my girls were fondled that night, you would have thought they would have worn through their costumes. Jesica was the last one we visited in Long Term Care. Considering Beth was still dressed as an elf, Jes knew it was me. I kissed her hand, not wanting to hurt her face and left for the intensive care. I couldn’t get to all the patients there, because I wasn’t allowed in every room. The girls had a lot of fun and had a special experience.

When we got back to the apartments, I kissed each elf goodby and thanked them. I also gave Beth a peck on the cheek. She came home with us because she wasn’t allowed to sleep at the hospital. As I pulled away, I saw her smile and how she was looking at me. She was starting to fall for me. I would have to be careful until she turned of age.

There was a bit of a party that the sisters put on for everybody. I was a bit of a killjoy as I announced, “I love a good party as much as the next guy, especially when I am the only guy and every body else is a contender for hottest woman in town. But, we need to shut this down early. We are all going to the retirement home in the morning. I know I said, there was only going to be three elves, but they loved the elves and it will do you a lot of good. I also know most of you bought sexy elf costumes for your dates. 8am you will have breakfast at the sisters apartments. 8:30 you will be loaded up into the cars. You WILL NOT be late.” On my insistence they ended the party at midnight and I took a 1 hour nap. I woke Mary up as I got out of bed. She was curious why I would be getting up, especially since I sent everybody to bed. I told her to never mind and go back to sleep.

In the living room, I got back into my Santa costume. I see now that I should have bought a gimmick costume for this part of the night, but hind sight is 20/20. Once I was dressed, I headed down to my truck and picked up the last of Santa’s gift bags. I do not know why I dressed up. I guess it was because of a long family tradition. Who else can say, “I saw mommy tickle Santa Claus underneath his beard so snowy white” As a kid that was one of my favourite Christmas songs because it was my reality. As a kid, I didn’t realize the 2nd part of that tradition. Unbeknownst to me I was about to discover it.

The first apartment was Liz and Tracy. I snuck into Tracy’s room undetected and placed her stocking on her dresser. It was placed perfectly for her to see before she got out of bed in the morning. Unfortunately/fortunately I was not quite so lucky with liz. I didn’t know if she was already awake or woke up when I opened her door. In any event she pretended to sleep, just as I did when dad would fill my stocking as a child. I placed her stocking and was about to leave when Liz flings her blanket off and in her most sensual voice says, “Santa, I have been a naughty girl. Do you want to join me and be my naughty Santa?”

I turned and saw, she had struck a pose, and was wearing the skimpiest of negligee. How was I supposed to say no to that? Heck, it was one of my fantasies and was on my bucket list. “Ho ho ho, are you Santa’s little hoe? It is not often Santa gets a present. Do I get to unwrap you?”

She did that sexy little finger gesture girls do to get you to come over. The hunger in her eyes was unimaginable. I slowly walked over beside her bed and she leant over to start undoing my pants. I knew I wasn’t going to last long and I had to get going, so I stopped her when she tried to impale her mouth on my cock. I bend down and kissed her, as I rolled on top of her. I then hugged her and rolled once more. She was then on top. She moved with determination as she ripped of her panties and mounted me. I thought this was making me hot, but she was more worked up than I had ever seen her before. She was screaming on the first downward motion. It was no surprise when Tracy entered the room. These were two naughty girls indeed.

An hour later I was finally able to get them off of me. I grabbed my suit and left before they could attack me again.

I got to the next apartment. Barb normally slept on the couch here, but had gone home for Christmas. I hoped she worked things out with her family and didn’t return. I was falling for her and she knew it. Her family was what was best for her. I got the next two stockings placed without incident. Unfortunately, Yana piled a bunch of stuff on here dresser. She was the messiest of my girls. When I placed the stocking it fell and woke her up. It took a bit for her to wake up and realize what was happening. She had that come hither look before I could leave. Yana’s parents were eastern European and she definitely looked like one. Skinny but not too skinny, athletic, gorgeous, looks younger than she is and can go all night. “Yana, you know I love you, but the other girls wore me out, and I’m still not finished.”

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