My Changing Life - Cover

My Changing Life

Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 5: A Virgin and a Fantasy

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5: A Virgin and a Fantasy - If you are anal then don't read it. It is about a man from his teen years on. He tries to do the right thing but considering how fucked up his life is, he doesn't always have the tools to figure out what the right thing is. There is at least one scene with c&b torture but it is brief and not a main part of the story. The story progresses past modern times, so I classified it as sci-fi. Enjoy

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   School   Sharing   MaleDom   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Violence  

The Wednesday after Mary asked me to start fucking virgins, she approached me at lunch with a blond girl that couldn’t be more than 5 ft tall. The girl was red faced and fidgeting. Mary was amazing. I mean, what girl brings her man virgins to deflower? She said, “You remember that thing we talked about the other night. I thought you could help her out, and then maybe later, we could train her so she can do the helicopter with us.”

I looked Mary in the eyes. I was full of frustration, “Mary, we will not pressure a girl to do more than she wants. Training her implies you want her long term. We will talk later.” I then offered my hand to the scared little thing. When she accepted it, I kissed her hand, then locked our arms as lovers do and walked down the hall, which left Mary in her thoughts.

“I am sorry about that Jesica. Mary can be a little pushy if she finds something she wants, but this is about you. It is obvious that you are nervous. Do you want to go to the back field, where we can walk and have a private conversation, where nobody else can here?” I was trying to keep to questions to short answers until she was more comfortable. She nodded her head, yes, so I walked her to her locker, for her coat. Thankfully, my locker was near hers. As we walked, I compliment her and asked questions about her family and personal life. I made sure not to ask anything invasive. By the time we were outside she was warming up to me and was hugging my arm.

It was time to get to the point. “Jesica, did Mary put you up to this or are you here by your free will?


“Explain, and Jesica, from now on, can you please start using full sentences? You are much smarter than you are making yourself sound.”

“I’m sorry, Trent. Mary approached me and this is her idea. At the same time this is a dream come true. Being 18, I am embarrassed that I am a virgin. The dream is to have you. After all you have done, fighting the drug dealers, then saving all us girls, every girl here loves you. The only ones that don’t are the ones afraid of you, because they have done something wrong. I know you do not know me, or love me, and we can not have a relationship, but l want this more than you can imagine.”

“That is quite a revelation. You are brave to tell me, and I appreciate it.” I stoped and pulled her in for a kiss. No tongue, but with as much passion as I could give. I continued, “If we are going to do this, we will do this right. It will not be a wham bam thank you ma’am. We will go on a date. Then we will go to a place of your choosing. I will not just run off, unless you tell me that is what you want. I will spend the night and cuddle with you until morning. Then we will kiss and part ways.”

“You know you do not have to make me fall for you, right? You had me without saying a word.”

I laughed, “I like you. You are cute. But, we need to get back to planning our date. Would you like it to end in a hotel, at my place, yours or is there some other place you have in mind? If it were summer I would have like to take you on a sail boat.”

Jesica looked at me all dreamy eyed, “hmmm choices. I think hotel is best.”

“In that case, wear a fancy dress, I will wear a black tie and we will go to the Chandler. After supper, we will go up to our room and watch a romantic movie until you are comfortable. Sound like a plan?”

She had puppy dog eyes and was looking into mine. She pulled me down for a kiss. When our lips parted her eyes were open again. She looked into my eyes and said, “Sounds better than perfect. It is way better than my dreams.”

“Then its settled. I do not want to ruin your mood, but there is something else we need to talk about. Do you know what Mary means when she says she wants you trained?”

“She wants me to become one of your girls. She says, because of my size I can give you something you desire, that the rest of your women can’t.”

“That is part of it, but not all. She wants you to become an escort with me as your handler. It does mean, if you chose this, you will be one of my girls and I will cherish and protect you. You will be my primary concern. It means you sharing me, me sharing you and you giving up control of some aspects of your life.”

“I know all of that. It doesn’t scare me, but I will admit to being hesitant. I am not a virgin because I was saving myself. Until now, I didn’t see anybody worth giving it to. I have no problem doing it for fun and all your girls talk about how much fun they have. I know there must be bad times, but that is no different than a regular job. Besides, she said the helicopter was your greatest fantasy and she wants to be there when it happens.”

I laughed, “The helicopter isn’t a fantasy. It is a move that few women are capable of doing and brings a lot of pleasure to the guy she is doing it to. I would greatly enjoy it, but it is not my greatest fantasy. If you join us I will show you what the helicopter is but only after Mary and I have done it at least once.”

She was cute. You could tell she was trying hard not to jump up and down in excitement. She was bouncing a bit. That didn’t stop her from pulling me down for another kiss. I let her have her kiss. When she did release me, I continued our conversation, “Another potentially scary thing, the drugs all those people got addicted to were stolen from me. I am secretly helping the people that got caught up in it ... That is why they are not sick anymore. The drugs were misused. When used properly, they enhance your senses and give you energy. They increase the pleasure during sex, which is why my girls love their job.”

This time she is a little tentative, “Trent, all your women are more than beautiful. They are intelligent. They know you better than anyone and have a greater trust in you than I have ever experienced. If they trust you, so do I.”

“Great, that leaves one last thing. We have no secrets, ever. The reason Patty was able to steal from us and enslave so many people was because we weren’t talking to each other. We all agreed, that will never happen again. We will not tolerate even a lie of omission. Hide nothing. If you so much as fake and orgasm with me, there are consequences. Honesty at all times.”

This time it was a light peck on the lips before she confirmed, “I trust you and want this. Please stop trying to talk me out of it.” With all the kissing we ended up hugging each other. Hands had not wondered. At this point in the conversation was when I lowered my hand and grabbed her ass.

I smiled at her and said, “mmmm that feels good enough to eat. I wasn’t trying to talk you out of it. I only want to make sure you are making a fully informed decision an this is what you truly want. I will give you time to think about it. I do not want you making a quick decision. Not to worry. If you want this, you will be welcomed into the family.

“We have got an audience, It is time we go in any way. I am starving. I would eat you up but am saving you for Friday. Lets say I pick you up at 6. I’ll make the reservation.” She gave me one last peck then we turned and headed for our lockers. She was hugging my arm and pressing her body to mine the entire time. As we passed the girls that were spying on us through the glass doors, half of them were scowling in jealousy, the others had looks of envy.

We parted ways. I headed to the cafeteria to find Mary was waiting for me. I didn’t even get to sit before she questioned, “Well, how did it go.”

“With all the excitement you would think it is your cherry I was going to pop. Yes, I have a date with her on Friday.” In a fake angry expression I looked at Mary, “It was a low blow, trying to use what you thought was my greatest fantasy against me. It worked. You might have another sister. On the other hand, you just proved you do not know me as well as you think. Your punishment is to be the girl in my greatest fantasy and you will arrange it without knowing what it is. Look at the schedules. With as little disturbance to their dates as possible, arrange to have three of our girls at your place, Saturday at one in the afternoon. Everybody is to be well fed, and hydrated, especially you. This will take a lot out of you. Drink one bottle of laced water at 12:45. The others may drink some if they want. I want you ready when I arrive. Everybody is to wear their work clothes. Sexy but easy to remove, without wrecking them. I doubt you will last 15 minutes, but make sure the girls have a couple hours to pleasure me after you pass out. Now leave me. I do not have time to talk. Lunch is almost over.”

You could see the lust drip off of her. She was definitely extremely excited but a little afraid to. Quietly, but loud enough for the next table to hear she said, “Yes master.” She turned and quickly walked out the door. My guess was she was going to the washroom in order to finger herself to completion.

The people at the next table all looked at me with questioning looks. I just shrugged and continued eating. After lunch hour the rumour mill was active.

After school, I met up with Chelsie. I figured she would be the one with the most free time. I invited her out to coffee and we headed to the local mom and pop doughnut shop. I didn’t want to be interrupted by the other girls. Once we had our order and we were seated, I got down to business, “I notice you are a bit down, and so are some of the other girls. I am guessing, it is the first time you are away from family for Christmas. It is likely the same for all of them too. It is up to you and me to do something to make this year special for each one of them. I doubt you will get a warm reception from their parents, so phone their siblings to find out what you need to know. I want something special, yet personal, as a gift for each of them. On top of that, I need a Santa suit, tailor made to fit me and I need at least two of the girls that never had a good family. Make elf costumes for them. They have a special assignment starting at 4pm on Christmas eve. We are having a Christmas party and EVERY GIRL is to attend

We talked about specifics for a short time, then we had a lovely chat. You could see the loneliness in her eyes. I wished I didn’t have so much to do. I would spend more time with her and the others. When we got home, I mentioned it to Mary, so she could arrange time for her sisters and me to spend more time with Chelsie.

Friday, I picked up Jesica. I was wearing a tux I bought the day before. I had to pay extra to have it tailored on time. I figured I would surprise her and rented the only rentable limo in town. I got to the door and a grungy girl at least a year younger than Jesica answered. She just yelled out Jesica’s name and walked away. I let myself in and closed the door behind me. Even though there were two newer vehicles in the driveway, there were no parents to great me. Her father passed by, on the way to the living room, and didn’t say hi. I wondered if these people cared about their daughter? I was starting to get irritated, when a door at the end of the hall opened and Jesica walked through. I let out a quiet whistle. “WOW, I can not believe my eyes. You are even better looking than normal. You are beautiful.” She blushed.

Her brother looked in from the kitchen said, “huh,” then was gone.

I took her hand in mine and kissed it. We locked arms and left.

She was surprised and joyed to see the limo. She stopped to give me a kiss and said thank you. The driver opened the door and we got in. After buckling up I held her hand and started a conversation about nothing. It only took a couple minutes to get to the restaurant. Before we knew it, the driver was holding the door open. I got out and then helped her out. This was the only black tie restaurant in town and wasn’t as classy as I was hoping for. I had never been there before. There was nobody to open the door for us. I was able to get the first set of doors for her but the second was not far enough away and she opened them for me before I could get there.

The lights were dim, providing a romantic atmosphere. There was no host and it took a minute for the waiter to get to us. He directed us to our seats and was going to walk away. I stopped him, saying, “We are ready to order now. I take a couple seconds to look at the menu. It had a wide selection but was overpriced considering how much this place lacked in service. They had what I was looking for.

I ordered for her, “To start, she will have a plate of escargot. She has never had it before so bring an assortment of dipping sauces for her to try. I will have a New England clam chowder, if there isn’t bacon in it then have the chef put some in. I notice you have a smoked salmon on a rice pilaf. Ask the chef if it is agreeable to lemon and if so, get him to sprinkle lemon over the salmon, add some lemon garnish and bring a little extra lemon juice in case she would like the lemon on the pilaf. If the fish is not agreeable to lemon, she will have the steak and lobster dish, as is rare.” A lemoned smoke salmon is her favourite food and she has never had lobster. “To drink, bring her your best white wine. For me, I’ll have a flame grilled ribeye, medium rare, peppered with onions caramelized in butter not oil, mushrooms fried in butter with a slight bit of extra salt. Over that, sprinkle some edam cheese. Bring a baked potato with my steak. For fixings layer it. Start the bottom with butter the amount you would normally put. The rest I want three times the volume you usually put and do not be cheap about it. Next is cheddar followed by bacon bits. I trust you make your own. On top of that put sour cream and finish it all with green unions. We are not used to a four course meal so she will skip the soup and I will skip the appy. Come to us after the main dish and we will decide then if or what we will have for dessert. Thank you”

She didn’t know what to think. I figured this was the best anybody had ever treated her. The excitement within her was shining out and her smile could light up the darkest room. As we waited for the first course, we held hands. Normally, I would ask about her family, assuming they were the people she cared about, but given the reception I received at her place, I asked about her hobbies, and any team she might be on or have been on. I kept the topic on things she loved and enjoyed. I wanted to keep her thinking of things that gave her joy and excitement.

She ended up with the salmon, and she loved it. The main course ended, and I asked, “Do you want dessert or shall we just cuddle up and watch a movie.”

“Everything here is so good but I am stuffed and have no more room. The movie sounds wonderful.”

We got up, and headed to the hotel lobby. As we passed the doors to the lobby, she asked, “Arn’t you going to pay”

“It is taken care of.”

I took her to the elevator.

“What about getting a room?”

“It is taken care of. You know I take care of my girls. Just relax and enjoy thing as you should.”

If she wasn’t in love with me before, she was then. The expression on her face was priceless.

We got to the room. There were yellow rose peddles making a trail to the bed. At the time there were no hotels in town up scale enough to have suites. This was the finest room in town and it didn’t have a couch for us to sit on while watching tv. On the bed were a dozen white roses. She thought red roses were cheesy. I was of the same mind. I would say her face lit up, but it already was. She got a tear in her eye. I joked, “There is no reason to cry. I know white roses are not your favourite, but it is hard to get an Eastern European flower in northern Canada with only 2 days notice. We can get Ranunculus for your birthday.” Ranunculus were her favourite. She was stunned into silence.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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