My Changing Life - Cover

My Changing Life

Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 1: Patty

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1: Patty - If you are anal then don't read it. It is about a man from his teen years on. He tries to do the right thing but considering how fucked up his life is, he doesn't always have the tools to figure out what the right thing is. There is at least one scene with c&b torture but it is brief and not a main part of the story. The story progresses past modern times, so I classified it as sci-fi. Enjoy

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   School   Sharing   MaleDom   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Violence  

I suppose it all started with Patty. Before her, I was a loner in the extreme. I had a shit life, and by no fault of my own, I was forced to do some crazy things at a young age. By the time junior high came around, I had everybody so afraid of me that I finally had some peace of mind, and could spend time trying to figure out who I was, without all the violence.

When you live in a northern village where the closest big city is less than ten thousand people, everybody knows everybody. I may have had time in junior high, to figure out who I was, but everybody had already made up their minds as to who that was. It didn’t matter how much I tried to change, people wouldn’t let me.

I remember trying to pay for the kid in front of me, in the cafeteria, when he couldn’t find his lunch money. He was afraid to accept, in case I would come looking for a favour, or in case it was part of some nefarious scheme. I could take my jacket off to give it to some girl and she would refuse it, thinking I was going to hurt her somehow. I never figured that out. I mean, I never once hit a girl, unless I mistook her for a guy. That only happened once.

I suppose, I am getting sidetracked. So, I had a shit life, boo hoo. Back to Patty. Like every small town, everybody knows everybody. In a way, I knew Patty, but I didn’t really. Because of my rep, nobody would let me get too close.

It was grade 12. Every lunch, I would head to the weight room and work out. This particular lunch, there was a group of girls that decided to try the weight room, for the first time. It was a strange mix of girls and I do not know what they had in common that got them to all show up together. It seemed to me, there was at least one girl from every clique. Some were popular and others weren’t.

Patty wasn’t one of the popular girls. She was a ‘but her face.’ You know, the kind of girl that has a hot body, ‘but her face’ looks like it hit every branch from the ugly tree. It wasn’t social suicide to talk to her, and in this case, she was hanging out with some of the popular girls.

Unfortunately for the girls, one of the biggest groups of people to use the weight room was the meatheads from my village. They were the crudest, rudest bunch of assholes I ever met. Almost as soon as she walks into the gym, Barry starts in on her, “There is no sense you working out. It doesn’t matter how hot your body is. No guy will ever want to look at that ugly mug of yours.”

His cronies laughed. The thing that disappointed me the most was Gerry. He was normally their moral compass and would point them in the right direction as to what it was that they should or shouldn’t do. On this day, Gerry just laughed at her, with the rest of his palls. At least he didn’t add to it.

Sheila, one of the popular girls, tried standing up for her, saying, “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

The guys laughed at her and Barry replied, “You just want her around as a wingman. She gets all the ugly guys so you can have me all to yourself. As desperate as she is, I bet she would take on ten guys, if you threw them at her.”

There were a couple other popular girls that tried to stand up for her but they were all shot down. Lets face it, the popular crowd have no clue how to deflect a bully and the losers aren’t about to stick their necks out.

I believe in letting a person try to stand up for themselves. How else are they ever going to learn to defend themselves? Admittedly, some of the stuff they were saying was true, but to pick on somebody until they fall to the floor, crying is not acceptable, and that is what they did.

I deliberately dropped my weights. There was a loud thump and everybody looked my way. I may have only been 5’9” but I was 180lb. of solid muscle. Since I had a rep for never losing a fight unless I had at least 4 opponents, people moved when I got mad. I was mad. The meatheads that were picking on Patty, figured they could take me, because there were 5 of them and they were all muscle. Since they were from my village, they new my rep better than most. They were afraid of attacking me because they new I would hunt them down, one at a time, and make them pay.

When I got up, I lost my temper and yelled a good tirade about never picking on any girl ever. I even addressed how some of the stuff they said may have been true, but they had no right to bring it up in such an inappropriate time. I explained that the weak need protecting and if they were such tough men, they had no reason to pick on a helpless girl. That meant, they had to be pathetically weak themselves. They coward and didn’t know what to do. They half heartedly made some offhanded comment to me, in a pathetic show of force. They pretended not to be intimidated by not leaving the weight room, but they stayed hidden in their little corner.

When I turned from the bullies, I saw Patty was no longer on the ground. A couple of the popular girls were holding her, but she was still crying. Looking around the room, I was surprised to notice the looks I was getting from all the girls. The looks ranged from being dreamy eyed, to them needing to change into dry underwear, while looking at me with an I’m going to jump your bones like a wild animal look. Since Patty was being taken care of, I left. I knew my limitations. I was pissed and needed to leave or people were going to get hurt.

After I showered and changed, I left the boys locker room. She was waiting for me. I wasn’t paying attention and when she pounced on me to try and suck my tonsils out, I almost fell over. Apparently, when I stood up to defend her, she stopped crying from the torment and started crying tears of happiness. Nobody had ever stood up for her before and she had a rather low self esteem, thinking nobody would ever like her. She started crying again as she explained this to me.

I do not want any of you to get the wrong impression when I say, I wasn’t giving her all my attention. When you have had a few people try to kill you and were gang beaten almost every day for about 7 years, you tend to notice your surroundings. It was clear that what happened had gotten around to half the student body, but not to the other half. Half the people walking by were looking at me like some kind of hero. They obviously heard what happened. The other half looked at me in disgust. To a casual observer, it looked like I was making her cry. I guess I was but, they were tears of joy, not pain. She insisted on meeting me after school. I explained to her, I only had a few minutes after school. If I was late, I would miss my bus and have no way back to my village.

The rest of the day flew by, as I was feeling a little full of myself. After school, she did get to my locker before I did. She took me into the girls washroom, and pushed me into a stall. I do not understand how she did it, but it seamed as though she took both our pants off at the same time. She was that fast. I couldn’t even blink, before she had her tongue in my mouth, and was inserting me into her hunny pot. I felt her barrier as she popped her cherry. It couldn’t have been a good experience for her. It all went so fast. I am surprised, she wasn’t crying out in pain. She did have a tear running down her cheek. She plowed on anyway, bouncing up and down on my lap as fast as she could. I was in a hurry so I tried to cum as fast as I could, but the fact that she wasn’t having the pleasure that she should be, distracted me. I felt like shit, as I only had time to give her a quick peck on the cheek as I pulled my pants up, and told her to phone me in an hour and a half. That is when I would get home. It was 1991 so there were no cell phones.

She promptly phoned me at 4:30, as I had asked. I told her, I was honoured that I was her first. I didn’t raise my voice and tried to sound as caring as I could, but I told her, I wanted to scold her because it should have been so much better for her. I told her, I didn’t want to lead her on, but I hoped that she would give me a chance to do it properly and we would just pretend her cherry was intact until I could take care of her properly.

Her reply was to tell me, she didn’t care if I loved her, but she loved me and because of what I did, she always will. Patty didn’t care if I slept with or even loved other women, as long as she could have me for as long as she could. She reiterated, how nobody had stood up for her like that, or showed her that kind of love and respect. Being a teen male, there was no way I was going to turn away a free fuck buddy.

I told Patty of a friend, Joey. He lived with his Dad, but his Dad worked shifts in the oil fields, so he was gone for a couple weeks at a time. She could tell her parents, she was staying the weekend at a friends place, and we could have a room at Joey’s. I knew it wouldn’t be a problem, since I was good friends with both him and his girlfriend. I also knew, he wouldn’t mind the noises we made, as they would be doing the same thing.

The rest of the week was slow. I may not have loved her, but hey, I am a guy that didn’t get much loving, and she wanted to fuck me. She asked me to meet her at the girls locker room after school, because she wanted to change into something that would please me.

I often have a habit of speaking my mind, so I must admit, I wasn’t the most eloquent gentleman on the planet. She walked out and my jaw hit the floor. Before I could stop myself, I said, “Holly shit girl, are you trying to make me cream my pants? “ She blushed and giggled, obviously enjoying my fumble.

While walking to Joey’s place, I turned our conversation towards religion. Having a high intellect and no friends, tends to give a guy poor social skills. It was my attempt at being romantic. Thankfully, this girl would love me regardless of what I did. I told her, how the Jews used more books than just the Torah. Each of the sects believed in and used different books. Hence you get the Dead Sea Scrolls. Among the other scriptures, there is a book that only a rabbi or higher level of priest are allowed to read. In this book, there are rules for having sex. The first and most important rule that must never be broken is, the woman must have at least one orgasm before the man is allowed to disrobe. After explaining this I told her, that we were going to do this properly and that she was going to experience Jewish sex.

When we got there, it was none to romantic. The apartment was a little grungy. Joey and Amy were already there and ordered pizza for the four of us. We all wanted to eat ASAP so we could get right to bed.

By the time the pizza was done, Joey and Amy were on the couch necking heavily. It was obvious, Patty was nervous, and didn’t know what to think about the show being put on by Joey and Amy. I wanted this to be special for Patty, so to ease her discomfort, I turned her away from my friends, lightly kissed her forehead and asked her if she would rather be in the bedroom. Being nervous, the best she could reply was to slowly nod her head, yes.

I took her by the hand, kissed it, then slowly walked her to the bedroom. She stood transfixed, looking at the bed. Not wanting to push her, I stood behind her and started off slowly nibbling the back of her neck and her ears. Basically, paying attention to any erogenous zone my lips could reach. To add to her enjoyment, I took a cherry cough drop from my pocket and put it in my mouth. It adds to her sensitivity of her skin and I wanted the effects of the cough drop to be in full swing before I got her naked.

As I reached for the hem of her shirt, she turned her head to look at me. We kissed, lightly at first. As she slowly parted her lips, I snuck my tongue into her mouth. I do not know how long the kiss lasted, but it was a while. The entire time, I was feeling up her perfectly flat tummy. Just before our lips parted, I passed the cough drop into her mouth.

She took the cough drop and I lifted her shirt above her head. Before the shirt is out of the way, I have moved in front of her and am taking the cough drop back. This time, instead of nibbling her neck and ears, I am lightly licking, then breathing on them. This lightly coats her erogenous zones with alcohol from the cough drop, then the breath causes it to evaporate. She shivered, and a moan escaped her lips. She could no longer hide her arousal, as she could not stop panting. I continued my assault of all her erogenous zones, as my hands wonder over her back. I know she wanted me to move on, but I was deliberately making her frustrated. I wanted her to build up, so the first orgasm I gave her would be the best she would ever have. I was going to ruin her for any other guy. She said, she wanted to be mine and she is going to be.

We started kissing again, passing the cough drop between us, as I undid her bra and slid it off her shoulders. For the first time since she lost her shirt, she took her arms off my back and let the bra hit the floor. As we kissed, I lifted her in my arms. I moved over to the bed and gently placed her in the centre of it. I laid beside her. The entire time, our lips never parted.

Now that we were on the bed, I slowly worked my kissing down the sensitive skin between her breasts, leaving them nice and wet with alcohol from the cough drop. I then started working the underside of her lovely breasts. She couldn’t keep still and had reached up to play with her nipples. I couldn’t have that. I needed her to know this was all me.

I took her hands and interlocked our fingers, as lovers sometimes do. I kept her hands beside her shoulders, as I licked each nipple. I made sure they got a healthy does of slobber. With her hands restrained and the alcohol strategically placed, I gave her one last kiss on the top of each breast. I looked her in the eyes and gave her an evil grin. I then lightly blow on the alcohol between her breasts, then circle under the left one. I took another breath and once again went between, but this time circling right. Her back was arched. I went in for the kill. I blew on her nipples and she started to scream and shook having a mini orgasm without me touching her.

This was taking longer than I originally planned, so I let go of her left hand, while she was having problems thinking straight, and I got another cough drop. I then let go of her other hand, so that our fingers were no longer interlocked. We were now holding both hands again, but without interlocking fingers.

I slowly worked my way down to her navel, kissing as I went, but not letting her hands free. She had the cutest little navel. I circle it with my tongue, then lounge my tongue right in. Her head was flopping from side to side. I then blew on her navel and watch her back arch again.

I looked up and saw Amy standing in the doorway, with her hands furiously working over her oversized cunt. I laughed inwardly, as I knew Joey didn’t last and I had yet to remove any of my clothing.

Patty was begging, chanting a mantra, “Oh please, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me now please.” I laugh and calmly said, “Not now princes. You may have cum but you have not properly cum yet. I can not take my pants off until you do.”

I saw Amy’s eyes bug out and she quietly said “fuck,” as she shivered and slid down to the floor. At the same time in a much louder voice Patty screamed, “Fuck that, Fuck me now.”

I ignored her. I wanted her to build up even more, so I kissed all around her pussy. My tongue darted along the sensitive skin between inner thigh and her pussy and I lightly blew on it, wanting the alcohol sensation to last. I saw her shaking and her head was once again flopping from side to side. This was when I went in for the kill. I put a lot of extra slobber onto my tongue. Then I started at her perineum and licked up through the centre of her vagina. As I did this, I was exhaling, hard through my nose. This way she got the sensation of my tongue at the same time as the alcohol worked its magic. Just as my tongue lifted off her clit, she screamed louder than any banshee ever has. Her back was arched in the extreme and she was shaking. About 20 seconds after my tongue left her clit, her back relaxed enough for her to hit the bed, but she was still shaking. I finally let go of her hands, as she passed out.

Joey heard the scream and ran into the room. He couldn’t decide who to look at, Patty lying limp, or me sitting there fully clothed. As his head kept turning like he is watching a tennis match, I told him to fuck off, and let me have sex with Patty in peace. He shook his head and left.

I started taking off my cloths. I was about to take off my underwear when Patty came to. Still not with it enough to string two words together, but she had the biggest shit eating grin on her face. I was waiting for her to fully come around. I started playing with her little cunny. I looked at her and said, “Now that you are warmed up, do you want to start.”

Her eyes almost popping out of her head and she was panting hard, trying to speak, she replied, “Ohh fuuuck, If that is just the warm up, you can do anything to me any time, any where. I do not care, just fucking do it.”

Now I had a problem. I explained to her that I had spent all that time on her and got all excited. If we did it then I was going to be a two pump wonder and she deserved better than that. She got an evil grin, saying, “I always wanted to know what it tastes like,” as she dove for my crotch. At first she looked at it. She quickly kissed the tip. Stared at it for a couple seconds, shrugged her shoulders, then licked it like a lollipop. She put the tip in her mouth, but she really didn’t know what she was doing. In fact, my arousal was going down. Patty had tons of enthusiasm but she knew nothing about giving head.

Since Amy was still sitting by the door, I called her over. “Patty dear, why do you not let Amy give you pointers, so you can become really good at that?” Amy must have really known what she was doing, because she was giving Patty a lot of information and Patty soaked it all up. A couple minutes later her lips were glued to my cock and I gave her a warning, I was ready to blow. She latched on, like the strongest vacuum you could ever imagine. Since she was a beginner, she choked and wasn’t able to contain it all, but man, was she happy. She didn’t even pause, before she starts wiping up all the mess and eating it.

I told her to lie down, and I started playing with her cunny again. It only took me a minute to get hard, but I wanted her nice and wet. I may not be a giant but I am 9.5 inches and a couple inches wide. I like to think of it as big enough to satisfy any woman but not so big that I wouldn’t fit. I think little Mikey is the perfect size.

After I saw she was ready, I slowly brought myself up, along her perfect body. I was sure to support my body with my arms as I go. Finally, little Mikey was lined up perfectly with her cunny, and I teased her some more, rubbing my cock up and down her folds and lightly gliding over her clit with it a couple times. She wrapped her legs around my back, and pulled me in. I knew my limitations, and knew that even now, she would outlast me if I didn’t play it right.

I didn’t care for missionary any way. Though, this time, I was enjoying looking into her eyes. I knew I was starting to get close, and so I switched positions. With my left hand, I reached behind me, and grabbed her right leg. Without removing my dick, I placed both my legs on the outside of her right leg. Then I brought her right leg in front of me, and place it on my right. She was now face down on the mattress, with me laying on top of her, and my cock had never left the warm embrace of her cunt. I then grabbed her by the hips and pulled her up so we were now properly in the doggy position.

I wanted her to cream before me. This was her day after all. So, I reached forward with my right hand and I grabbed her tit. I groped and pulled listening the entire time. I was gauging her likes and dislikes, so I could give her exactly what she wanted. Not only did this make things better for her, but it took my mind off of my pleasure, and I lasted longer.

Once I knew what she liked with her tits, I wrapped my left arm around, and played with her labia and clit. I took my time and explored. You never know when you will find some secret sensitive spot that a particular girl has, and others do not. With my hands busy, I didn’t have the control over my pounding her that I wanted, so I could get the most pleasure out of it. I didn’t really care, because I was trying to pleasure her.

She must have really liked this position, as she climaxed before I had properly explored her cunny. Oh well, next position. I hugged her and leant back. I then rolled over and fell down. We were then in reverse cowgirl. I explained to her how to spin around, without losing my cock, to get her into cowgirl. Now I could better play with her tits. She liked how it felt to have my dick twist in her cunt. Taking what she learnt from me. She started doing the helicopter, turning into reverse cowgirl then back to cowgirl, again and again. She was a bit slow, but it was nice. She was a bit too tight for it and it hurt a b it. Once I fucked her good a few times, I could have her spinning like a top. Thankfully, this quickly tired her out. As she slowed down, I grabbed one of her legs and throw her down into a scissor fuck. I made sure to make as much friction with her clit as she could take. I grabbed her upper shoulder, so I could slam into her as far as possible, and with my free hand, I played with her upper tit, just the way she likes it. She exploded one final time, doing the funky chicken and flopping around for almost a minute. About 10 seconds into it, I could take it no more, and started spurting like I had never before. When I was finished, I kept pounding her, so she could have a longer and more fulfilling orgasm. It was easy to see, she wasn’t up for anymore and was conscious, but barely. It was OK, because I was not sure I could do much more anyway. I lay down on top of her, hugging her and rolled over, so we were laying down with her on top, cuddling me, with my dick still inside her. I then reached down, and grabbed a bed sheet to cover us.

Man, I loved that little body of hers. After that night she gave me some good dreams.

I woke up to her stroking my morning wood. As I opened my eyes, I saw her face with a giant grin. She looked into my eyes and said, “I love you.” Well there went that hardon.

I was thinking, here comes a tear fest. I sat up and looked her in the eye. I calmly said, “I told you, I didn’t love you, and that this was just to show you, what your first time should have been like.” She tried to interrupt. I brought my finger to her mouth and stop her, seeing the water in her eyes.

I continued, “This was fun and I will always remember it. I am extremely honoured that you gave yourself to me. For now, I do not love you. Where we go from here is up to you. I would greatly enjoy you, as a friend and a fuck buddy, but as of now, that is the most I can give you. If that is not enough, I will understand, and do my best not to hurt you any more than I already have.”

I removed my finger from her lips, as she starts crying. Apparently they were tears of joy again, she almost yelled out, “That is all I want.” Calming down she said,” Before the other day, when you rescued me, you didn’t know me. I can not expect you to love me, you silly man. All I want is to be with you while I can, and if that pretty little cock wants to come out and play, well I can’t stop him. Anything you want from me, I will give. Even if it means finding other women for you.”

I felt bad for manipulating her, but she didn’t exactly make it difficult. I mean, she was basically asking to be my slave. I was hoping I would treat her better than a slave, but she was definitely going to open up some possibilities for me.

Saturday was awesome. We spent the day in bed. Girls with low self esteem are amazing. You can get them to do anything. Patty was no exception. In fact, she was freakier than expected. At one point, she was even begging me to take her ass. I told her, I didn’t want to hurt her, and I would take her ass, but she would have to train it first. Unfortunately, living up north, the closest sex shop was in Prince George, which was a 6 hour drive away. Since it was 1991 there was no internet shopping or phone shopping. This meant, we had to wait or find something other than a butt plug to train her.

Joey wanted to swap partners, but there was no way I was going for Amy’s giant cunt. Besides, Patty only wanted me. Between sessions, I learnt that Patty was bi curious. She only ever had experiences with guys, and so, she started looking at the other team.

Monday, Patty wanted to sit with me at lunch. When I refuse she asks, “Why can’t we have lunch together?”

“Patty I told you, I didn’t want to lead you on, and you need to continue on with some normalcy in your life. Your friends are one of the cliques, and will not follow us for lunch. You need to keep your friends. Besides, I have other things to do and may not even eat.”

“You are always looking out for me, even though you are not my boyfriend yet. How am I supposed to not love you?” She gave me a big hug and went back to sit with her friends. The ironic thing was, I needed her to sit with me the next day. I came up with a scheme I needed her help with.

Despite being a bit of a goon, I was also a genius and tended to help people in need. So, when Francis came to me, the previous year, distraught that he wasn’t going to graduate because he was failing math. I told him, if he was serious and wanted to pass, I would meet him for 15 minutes, every lunch, giving him 10 minutes of instruction then giving him homework that I would mark in the other 5 minutes. I underestimated how much he was behind and needed 30 minutes for the first 2 weeks. By the end of the month, his grade was back up to a B and he was scoring A’s on all the tests. He wasn’t dumb. It was the teacher that was stupid. Everybody learns differently, especially in math. The teacher only ever taught one way, and expected everybody to get it. Since I did that for Francis, the Math teachers let me use their rooms whenever I wanted, if the room was free. I did help others, but only Francis needed more than a few days help.

I met Patty in Mr. McAlister’s classroom, for lunch. She was ecstatic that morning, when I asked her to meet me for lunch. Patty got there before me. As I walked in, she jumped on me again, hugged and kissed me, before I could even get the door closed. She was definitely an excitable girl. I’m a guy, so I grabbed that perfect ass, before I pushed her away. I told her, “Patty, I have come up with a solution for some of our problems. We are going to blackmail Miss Davies. She lives alone, so we can use her place whenever we want, that way we will not be disturbed by pot belly Joey, or his ugly ass girlfriend. We can also send Miss Davies to Prince George on weekends, to pick stuff up at the sex shop. Three weeks from now, your anal cherry will be gone.” She squealed and jumped me again trying to remove my tonsils.

I pulled away saying, “Fuck woman, calm down.” I suppose I really didn’t mean it, as the hand pushing her away was on her tit and my other hand was undoing her pants. I lifted my lower hand to a pressure point under her chin. Then I pushed the pressure point to the side, not enough to hurt, but enough to cause her to turn around and face the closest desk. The hand that was on her tit was now on her back, so I push her forward until she was leaning over the desk. I was thankful, she was not one of the popular girls that wore skin tight jeans, as I pulled her jeans to her knees. She was hot as hell and her panties were not stopping the river running down her leg. No foreplay was needed, so I slid it in her perfect little tight cunny, as she purred her approval. It didn’t take me long to start ramming her hard and the entire session only lasted a little over 3 minutes. She came before I did. Ramming her clit into the corner of the desk with every stroke might have helped that along. It was difficult not to erupt when she came. She was tight enough, but when her orgasm erupted and squeezed the shit out of my dick I had no choice but to erupt and add to the mess. As I let her go, I was thinking, ‘An entire weekend of cream pies and now this. This bitch is going to get preggers fast. Too late now, we will talk about it later.’

Miss Davies was one of the gym teachers. She always wore baggy shorts with no panties. Every class, during the warm up, and the final stretching, she was constantly flashing her hairy cunt to the entire class. Both classes meet up for the warm up, and cool down, which meant at the top and bottom of every hour, she was flashing 80 kids. I hadn’t seen it for sure, but there was rumour that she was fucking a few of the students. This was kind of gross to me, because she had the most unkempt hairy, ugly cunt I have ever seen. I do not know, how anybody could get near it. Unfortunately, my plan involved me doing just that. Other than her cunt, she was actually really good looking. When a girl works out every day, all day, for a living, she is going to be hot. For an athletic woman, she had fun bags too. I would guess Ds.

I told Patty, “I need you to talk about me in front of her. Brag about the first time I made love to you. Talk about how you came multiple times, almost lost consciousness, before I even took my close off. That I only came twice during the entire fuck, and was able to get hard again in only a short time. Tell them, how I didn’t take my cock out when we changed positions and how it felt as it twisted inside you. Any one of those points should make her wet enough to pick me as her next target. You can add in anything else, but be sure she clearly hears at least one of those points. This slut is ours. I just hope she isn’t filled with STDs.”

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