The Apartment Manager - Cover

The Apartment Manager

Copyright© 2018 by JRyter

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Ethan Walker is hired to manage a multi-complex apartment group. His first day on the job he discovers a secret surveillance system that not only spies on the tenants of all 240 apartments but all their activities are digitally recorded. Ethan becomes addicted to voyeurism. He's attracted to the woman who hired him and soon learns he's not alone in his desire to spy on others.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Cousins   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism  

I put some clothes on and decided to take a walking tour around the premises before going to the supermarket. I needed everything and I needed to stock up on Sprite too.

I went out the back door, then instead of going outside. I went through another door marked private and it went back into the hallway that leads to the back of the complex units.

The complex is laid out like a huge ‘ X ‘ with one wing extending toward the street, where the entrance to the office is located. The wings are marked with N E S W, with the apartment numbers in front of the letter, designating the wing. Of course, there are four floors and they’re numbered like a hotel, with floor numbers.

There’s ample parking all around the entire complex and each apartment has designated parking, close to the nearest entrance. There’s more parking on the outer perimeter for guests and for residents who have more than one vehicle.

This place is even larger than I first thought, covering one huge, oversized block, with an actual city street for access on both sides.

I saw a lot of young moms walking their kids. Some were sitting in the shade of the big trees in back, swinging their babies, and others playing with kids on the playground.

I saw a few dads out playing with kids, and knew these must either work night shifts, or they’re out of work.

I thought of asking Vera about staging an ‘open house’ out on the open patio/pool area. Make it over a three day period, from Friday through Sunday evening. Just so I could have a chance to meet and talk to any of the residents who may want to come by.

I knew I could never remember all their names, but at least we could meet and exchange any views about the complex and any problems that may have been ignored before I came here.

By the time I completed my walk, I had a plan in mind where I’d have Joey, and maybe one of his best buddies, go to each apartment and drop off an invitation to come by for a cold soda and sandwiches for the kids, and maybe cocktails or beer for the adults. I liked this idea better than putting something in all the mailboxes. I know that when I sort mail, I throw away the things that look like political or sale announcements.

I had seen a lot of picnic tables located at different places around the property, and wondered if anyone ever had yard or rummage sales on the site. Over in Scottsdale, I organized a monthly yard sale for the entire apartment complex and they were always a huge success, unless it rained.

I was in the produce section of the supermarket when I noticed a fucking gorgeous HOT MOM with butt length blond hair. She was dressed in a neat business suit with a short blue jacket and a skirt that came to just above her knees. She was wearing a white, frilly, lace blouse underneath the jacket. She’s tall, long legged, and wearing red high heels. I’d bet she’s wearing hose too, not pantyhose. She’s pushing a cart that’s almost filled to running over and having a hard time making the corners. I went by her as she bent over the fruit section, getting apples and grapes. NICE butt and VERY nice breasts.

I thought about shoving her ass-first up in the grapes and fucking her with her silk hose wrapped around my naked hips. I decided to wait though.

When I reached the dairy section, I got milk and butter, then picked up some frozen biscuits and a big container of juice. I was making my way up the aisle toward the coffee and sugar, when she came down from the other end. When we passed, I smiled and spoke.

She looked at me and smiled. She nodded and said hi to me, as we continued on with our shopping. This HOT MOM is class. She is either an executive or she owns her own company.

I looked back at her and she was looking back at me, or at least back my way. I saw her butt sticking out, as she leaned into the heavy cart to push it. Damn, that woman has a fine body and her legs must be as long as a football field.

I filled the entire lower rack of the grocery cart with twelve packs of Sprite in plastic bottles.

I saw HOT MOM once more as we both checked out, about three lanes apart. Once again, I saw her looking my way. I nodded and smiled and she nodded too. After that, she never really made eye contact, looking as if she was just facing my way when I looked up.

I loaded my own groceries in my cart after the checker had them bagged. They were busy and all the bag boys were already on runs. When I went through the sliding doors, I looked over my shoulder to see two bag boys vying for the chance to be the one to push HOT MOM’S cart out.

She saw me and we did make eye contact this time. I wasn’t going to let this pass by either. I pointed down to my cart that I was pushing myself and looked at hers, with two boys around it. I just shrugged my shoulders, smiled again, then walked out. If I see her here again, we’ll have something to stop and chat about. That is if she wants to.

I drove off the parking lot and just happened to look to my left. I saw the HOT MOM once more. She was getting into her big white GMC SUV and looked up just as I drove by. Damn, she waved a little wave, as if she pulled her hand back when I looked.

I parked at my side entrance next to the curb to unload my groceries and carry them in. I came back for the last load, after finally giving up on getting all the loops on the plastic bags hooked on my fingers at one time. I looked up to see her parked there, looking at me and smiling. She had the window rolled down on the passenger side of her white GMC Yukon and I walked over to say hi.

“Hi, I apologize for staring at you in the grocery store. I’m Ethan Walker, the new apartment manager here, as of today.”

“Hello, Ethan. I’m Barbra Winfield. Barbra with the last ‘r’ after the last ‘b’. I live here. Nice to meet you. I did see you looking, but each time you looked up, I was looking too, so if you like, we can call it a draw,” she laughed, and I liked her laugh. It was sincere and easy, not fake.

“What apartment do you live in? I’ve only met a few residents today.”

“We live in 210-E, directly above you. We’re close neighbors,” she laughed again.

She said ‘we’ and I knew she had to have a professional athlete for a husband or boyfriend. She was too attractive to be married to just an ordinary guy who pushes pencils.

“I’d be more than happy to help you carry your groceries up,” I offered. I wanted to get a look at her ring finger and know all she was willing to tell me about herself.

Hell, I was single again and I don’t know how to meet people, other than my boss and the teens that live here, that is.

“Would you? That is so noble of you. I called my kids, but they must have the stereo on so loud they can’t hear or they’re down at the pool.”

“Let me get the caddy and we’ll load them onto it, we can carry them all up at once,” I said, then looked down to see my fingers still hooked in plastic loops of all my grocery bags.

“Sorry, I’ll put these up and be right back with the caddy.”

“I’ll be here, I hope it’s alright to park here next to the manager while I unload. My two kids eat more than an army and always have their own grocery list for me on grocery day,” she smiled, and I hurried to my door.

I almost ran down the hall to get a caddy and push it back out to where she was parked.

With her handing the bags out to me, and me placing them on the cart so as not to mash bread, eggs, or produce, we soon had all the bags loaded.

“I’ll come back down and move my vehicle as soon as I get these put away. If that’s alright with the manager,” she laughed, and I liked her laugh more and more.

“Sure, the manager is a pushover. I know him well,” I said, and smiled when she laughed.

In the elevator, it was like I was choking. I couldn’t think of anything to say, when my brain finally kicked in.

“How long have you and your boys lived here,” I asked, knowing this was going to tell me more than I ever thought I’d know about her.

“We’ve lived here two years. I have a boy and girl, though. I think they’re really part fish and part bear by the way they like to swim and the way they eat, then hibernate.”

“How old are they?”

“Jerry is the oldest; he’s sixteen and a half, and Jennie is eleven months younger. I have to brag on them every chance I get and I don’t get that chance often enough. You asked though. They’re both very responsible and look out for each other like hawks. I do have one problem though, they’re cooped up here in the apartment too much and I’ve started letting them swim each day to ease that problem.

“I know they’re entering the stage where they think of sex, and both my kids seem to think being naked is part of breathing. I hope they at least come in the door from the pool with clothes on. I have to laugh, though; I was the same way when I was their age. I was an only daughter and mom and dad were nudists and we were always naked in the house.

“Ethan, are you shocked by the idea of family nudity, or even public nudity?”

“No, I love looking at naked women and girls,” I laughed, and she looked at me and smiled.

“I have to tell you also, I’m glad that old man Henry, who was here before you, is gone. Jerry and Jen both said he stood in the shadows at the pool area and stared at all the young kids. I feel better now, knowing you will be here.”

I didn’t know what to say. Here I was, just a few hours from being naked with three teenagers in my apartment.

“Well, I do like looking at women and girls in bathing suits almost as I much as I like seeing them naked, but I’m not a predator,” I said, making a joke of it.

We were in her kitchen and she was reaching for a bag at a time, her jacket was too tight and she took it off.

She caught me looking at her big breasts that were screaming to get out of that tight confine called a silk, lace blouse. I could see her bra cups, her straps, and the band around her ribcage.

I felt like a dirty old man named Henry when she looked up at me this time.

I turned to look out her kitchen window, then back to her spotless kitchen sink, then back to see her looking at me, smiling.

“Ethan, that was so cute. Almost like Jerry used to be when he was younger, when Jen and I would catch him sneaking a peek as we dressed or undressed. I’d be most disappointed if you hadn’t looked. At least you were a gentleman about it,” she said, and reached across for another bag, still smiling at me.

“Busted again, I tried to tell you I liked looking.”

“How long have you been divorced?”

“How did you know?”

“I’m divorced too and I like to look. I was ogling your sexy butt and those tremendous biceps you have. My God, how can a woman NOT look at you?

“When we passed in that wide aisle where you got coffee and sugar, I didn’t get anything. I just wanted to walk by, facing you. I looked back at your butt and you were looking at my butt. I almost laughed out loud.”

“I’ve been divorced almost six months,” I told her.

“Really? My six month divorce anniversary is on the fifteenth,” she told me, and I loved that information.

“Mine’s the fourteenth,” I laughed, and she did too.

“Wanna celebrate?” she asked, then looked down.

“I’m sorry, I was having so much fun with this. You’re so easy to talk to and you’re a very handsome man. I just said that before I thought about what I said.”

“I’d love to celebrate. I haven’t been anywhere in six months; are you allowed to have a night out? I don’t have kids.”

“I’ve never been on a date; well, not in seventeen and a half years, anyway. I’m a good cook and I could send the kids to bed early. I’m sorry, Ethan, that didn’t come out right either. I’m not good at this and I keep saying things before I think.”

“I like your idea better, that is if the kids don’t mind their mom making out with a stranger in the living room later,” I laughed when she laughed aloud.

“I’m glad we were ogling each other in the grocery store. I love talking to you and I feel like I could be your friend and not get hurt.”

“I feel the same way. I don’t think either of us is ready for commitment yet, and if I know women, you’ve sworn off commitments until your kids are out of school.”

“You do know women, Ethan. Does that mean we can just be friends first, then see if we like each other?”

“You mean, see if Jen and Jerry like me first?”

“Ethan, you’re reading my mind, and that’s not fair,” she laughed, as she took the last plastic bag off the caddy and started putting the contents in the cabinets. I had helped by handing her all the frozen foods, then the bags that had the foods that needed to be cooled.

“Just be glad you can’t read mine right now,” I laughed aloud this time, when she looked at me over her shoulder. Her left breast was pushing hard against that thin white garment and my cock was already pushing against my boxers.

This is the way Jean and I had started out, bantering and having fun with words and looks, and later, touches.

“Did you read what I just wrote in my mind?” she laughed, looking up into the cabinet as she put three packages of spaghetti up.

“Yes, and I’m blushing.”

“MY GOD, Ethan! Did you?”

“No, I was just kidding. If I was ever going to though, I would want to start right now.”

“I would too, can we talk soon?”

“I’d love to, my place or yours?” I asked.

“Yours, unless you feel safer here with the kids close by,” she laughed, when I looked shocked.

“Okay, you nailed me with that one, but I do like this easy way you have of talking. You seem to be over the bitterness and the hurt, no matter what happened or to whom it happened. I’ll be honest, I’m trying hard to get over mine,” I told her.

“I’m almost over mine too. She left you, didn’t she?”

“Yes, I guess the one left behind is always the most hurt, thinking it was our fault no matter why they left.”

“You’re really making good sense; did you go to a support group?”

“No, I’d rather hurt on my own. It lasts longer that way, and I can keep kicking my own butt.”

“Neither did I, but it wasn’t because I wanted to hurt more or longer. I had my two teenagers to help me and we’ve really gotten to know each other better. Just so you’ll know, they caught their dad in bed with my best friend, or supposed to be best friend. They haven’t talked to him or seen him since that day they came home from school early.”


“Yes, it was sorry of him letting his own kids see him with that bitch sitting on his belly, screaming for him to fuck her.”

“I don’t know what to say, Barbra, with the last r after the last b.”

“Ethan, I could hug you. But then you’d think I was hard up and too easy.”

“You’re right, I think you are easy; easy to talk to, easy to be friends with, easy on my mind, and very easy on my eyes. You may have urges, but you will never be hard up. There’re thousands of men like me, and some even worse, that would kill to just be seen with you.”

“You’re good for my ego, Ethan Walker. Want to have dinner with us? We’re only having spaghetti, my kids favorite food, except pizza.”

“Shouldn’t you ask them first?”

“Maybe, but this is one time, I’m making the call myself. Besides, they’ve been after me to date. Not that this is a date. Wait, is this a date, Ethan?”

“I want it to be a dinner date. I would have asked you first, but you were braver than me and you have kids to protect you.”

“I want it to be a date too. Did you put all your groceries up?”

“Yes, why?”

“Because I want you to stay and talk to me. First, I want you to watch the spaghetti while I go change. I want to be dressed casual like you and I want you to talk to me about THINGS.”


“Yes, you know, THINGS. Things that no one talks about during the day at work or out on a real date.”

“I may say things that are offensive, if I talk about those kinds of things,” I said, and smiled.

“You would never offend me, and I may want to hear about some things that may have been offensive at one time, six months ago.”

“I’m your man then, when will Jen and Jerry be in?”

“They know I go by the store on Mondays, so they always stay later. They make sure I’ll be through putting the groceries up,” she said, as she started down the hall.

“I thought you were going to put the spaghetti on.”

“This suit is hot; either that, or I’m having hot flashes, I’ll be right back. You can turn the stereo or TV on if you like. They’ll reverse it when they come in though, no matter.”

“I’ll just sit here and wait while I try to think of some good THINGS to talk about.”

She was almost out of sight, as I followed her down the hall with my eyes. She must have known I’d be looking. She looked back and smiled, as she slipped her high heels off then picked them up and looked back at me.

“Think of something hot and juicy, and I don’t mean food or gossip,” she said, and turned to enter a room. I knew it was her bedroom, I could see a white bed and part of a big mirror. She had her white silk blouse off one shoulder as she went in. I saw her kick at the door with her stocking covered heel. The door didn’t close and I almost went over to look out the kitchen window. I couldn’t though.

I could still see most of the white bedspread and half the mirror. There was another mirror across the room from it, a dressing mirror.

I saw Barbra as she pulled her blouse off and hung it on her bedpost. She turned to face the dressing mirror and reached back to unhook her bra. My heart was about to come up in my throat as she slowly bent forward and let her big bra cups fall into her hands.

I could see the red marks where the back strap was, then she turned and I saw her breasts. They were big and heavy, and they had just enough sag to be pendulous from their weight. They were fucking beautiful and I wanted her before I even knew her. I was right about the hose.

She stepped forward and I saw her tiny white string bikini panties and garter belt. She propped one foot on a stool in front of the mirror and loosened the fasteners that held her stockings. I knew the instant she began to smoothly roll them down that they were made of pure silk. I know, I’d bought some just like them for Jean and she loved them. Flesh colored except for the wide top band, heel, and toe.

My cock was rock hard as I stared at her. I couldn’t look away if I knew a Mexican firing squad was behind me and my life depended on it.

By the time she had slowly and sensually rolled the other stocking down, my boxers were wet where I had leaked pre-cum. I felt like a voyeur, or worse, a pervert named Henry, as I kept watching. I hardly blinked my eyes, afraid I’d miss some part of her tall, slender, sexy body. She turned slowly and pulled her bikini panties off. Her pussy was shaved clean; she was tanned from her long blond hair to her red toenails. Barbra loved to spoil herself. If and when she ever did decide to let loose on society, she was going to be a female force to be reckoned with.

I know she has to be five foot nine barefoot, she’s as tall as me in her heels, and I’m six even, in socks.

She picked up a small bottle of lotion and squeezed a small drop into her palm. I wasn’t sure if it was her right or left hand, looking in both mirrors. I could care less. She stood with one leg locked straight and lifted her other foot to the stool. She stretched down with her hands to her ankles and smoothed the shiny, glistening lotion all the way to her pussy. She smoothed both hands right up over her brown pussy and patted her narrow, pouty lips.

Barbra bent over again with another small drop of the lotion. I wish I knew what it was; I’d buy her some and pay her to apply it in front of me. She had to know I was watching.

Just the thought that she might made my cock jerk and leak all the more. This time, she rubbed her pussy then took another small glob. With it still in her palm, she massaged her tan pussy until I thought I was going to cum.

She spread her legs and ran one hand behind her, the other one in front, as she reached down to spread the remaining lotion all over, and up through her buttock crack. She slowly ran her hands from her navel around to her back. I knew she was wet, she had to be. It occurred to me then, she either saw me watching, or she wanted me to be, maybe even hoping that I was. She slowly licked both her palms, then rubbed her swollen, puffy nipples as her pendulous breasts swung and swayed with her massage.

That bra has to be one of those minimizer bras. She has to be at least a 40D in the bust, now that she’s naked. All natural and all tanned. When she was through with her breast and nipple massage, she turned and picked up a pure white pair of sweatpants and slowly pulled them on. She left them untied as she pushed the strings down inside, all the way to her pussy. She kept her hand inside longer than necessary, then she shoved her other hand inside all the way as she opened her legs as wide as she could.

She was putting the little ropes with the small knots between her pussy lips. She eased the waistband of her sweatpants down to where they were about to slide right off her sexy hips. Only the rise of her buttocks kept them up. She stood up and squeezed her legs together, shook her sexy ass, then picked up a solid, pure white sweatshirt and pulled it over her head.

She reached under her shirt with her hands and pushed her huge natural breasts up, then let them go. She smiled with confidence and pride as she swung her body from side to side, making her big breasts sway heavily and tantalizingly. She reached up, fluffing her long blond hair out from under her top, letting it float forever until it fell straight down her back, each strand of hair as straight and golden as the thin gold chain around her neck.

I had just now noticed it, after all the time I had spied on her. I just now saw her necklace.

I knew her kids had given it to her, either for her birthday or last Christmas. I could have run to her, pulled her skin tight, white sweats off her sexy ass, bent her over, and fucked her right there. I wanted to so bad. I would have, if we had known each other longer than just an hour, and felt good about it too.

I lost sight of her, then heard water running; she was washing her hands. She was back through the door, looking right at me, watching me, as I watched her walk up the hall to where I sat at her counter.

“Sorry I took so long. I’ve made a commitment to myself to pamper my body since my divorce. You said earlier that we blame ourselves, even though it’s not our fault. It’s true and I try to make my body feel good each afternoon when I come home. I work out, I tan, and I love my body. I love pampering ME for just a few minutes each day too. Now I have told you something intimate about me. Talk to me, Ethan. While I cook for you, tell me what you were thinking while I was gone so long,” she smiled, as she touched my arm and walked behind me, over to push the caddy to the side.

“If I told you what I was thinking while you were gone, you’d tell me to get out,” I honestly said, and she looked at me with a strange look. I thought this may be where it ended.

“I may shock you too, Ethan Walker. I told you to think of something hot and juicy. I work in the bank about three blocks from here. I’ve been there since high school and I’ve taken classes and gone to seminars and studied all I can find to study. I have worked my way up to Vice President. I am so proud of that, I just had to brag on myself. I work at that place from 8:30 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. Everyone, and I mean everyone there, women and men, are so prim and proper.

“No one takes time to laugh, no one likes to tell naughty jokes, no one even smiles unless a customer is present, then the smiles shine like the keys on a piano. I want to talk to a handsome adult male that has the hard body of a professional athlete. He looks like a man that could throw a woman over his shoulder and carry her to his cave and do all sorts of wonderful, thrilling, naughty things to her willing body.” She smiled when she stopped talking and looked at me.

“I saw you, Barbra.”

“I know. I left the door open. I wanted you to see me. Does that make me a wanton slut in your eyes?”

“No, but that almost got you raped and ravaged. You are a Goddess.”

“Ethan, I could rape your sexy ass right there on the stool. Did you really think that way about me? Tell me? Please tell me what you saw and what you felt. I need to hear it, Ethan.”

“Barbra, we just met and I don’t want to make you feel bad. I’m the manager here and you’re a beautiful woman that could have any man she wanted, ANY man.”

“Ethan, I don’t want ANY man. I’m not sure what I want, EXCEPT I want to know what you saw, what you felt. You were telling me little things and talking about fun things earlier. Talk to me, Ethan. I have never known a man that would just tell me the things he was feeling. I can take it, please tell me. Talk dirty if you want to, I know all the words,” she pleaded.

She had walked over to stand beside me as she talked. Her elbow was against my arm as she looked at me.

I almost put my arm around her hip as I sat on the stool. It was so tempting and she was so sexy and she smelled so good.

“Barbra, if I lose a tenant because of what I say, I’ll hate myself. If I lose the chance to have a beautiful, sexy woman as my friend, I’ll hate myself even more. But, I’m going to talk to you, just like I wanted to when I saw you today, just like I was thinking when I saw you walk down that hall, just like I wanted to when I saw you strip naked and touch your body.


“Hush, Barbra, I want to do this now. I want you to know how I felt, what I saw, and what I almost did to you just now.

“When you were in the supermarket, I saw you in that sexy suit, with your red high heels and your silk stockings. Yes, I knew they were silk. I wanted you then, right there in that store, and I didn’t even know your name. When you bent over the produce and picked out apples and grapes, I wanted you naked and sitting in the grapes as I took you with your stockings against my naked body, my hands squeezing grapes all over your huge naked breasts.

“When I saw you wave at me as I was driving off, I almost turned around, but I didn’t. When I came out of my side door to get my groceries, I could have fallen to my knees and worshipped you.

“Barbra, when I saw you take your clothes off just now, I almost got up and looked out your kitchen window, but I didn’t. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I even had a thought that if I was in front of a Mexican firing squad and knew I was going to die if I didn’t look away, I’d die looking at you. When you put that lotion on your legs and smoothed it all over your hairless pussy, I wanted to know the brand so I could buy you some and pay you to apply it in front of me.

“When I saw you put your hands on your pussy, then lick your palms, I felt my cock get wet. When you rubbed your nipples and made your huge, beautiful, natural breasts move and sway, my cock leaked even more. When you pushed the tie cord on your sweats down between your pussy lips, I could have pulled my cock out and jacked off. Then you pushed your waistband down until it was barely hanging by your sexy ass.

“I saw you pull your shirt on and push your breasts up to let them swing under your sweatshirt, then smile in confidence and pride as you watched them swing, then suddenly stop. When you looked at your own ass with those white sweats stretched across it, I could have ran to you and jerked them to your ankles, bent you over, and fucked you forever. But I didn’t.

“Do you know why I didn’t?”

“NO TELL ME, ETHAN. WHY? MY GOD, I’M wet to my fucking knees.”

“Because I wanted you to want me. I wanted to wait and play our word and our teasing games, and both of us build up until we were about to erupt, then I wanted you to take me.”

“Would you really do all that? Would you really let me take you?”

“Would you?”

“Hell yes, I would, and if my two teenagers weren’t about to break that door down any second. I’d take these sweats off and climb up on that stool and fuck your ass right here, right this minute.”

“That’s what I was talking about, Barbra, take me and I’ll take your sexy ass the next time, if we both survive the first one.”

“Feel me, Ethan.” She pulled my hand to shove it down into her loose fitting sweats. I rammed my open hand down to her slippery pussy and she was flooding her legs, just as she’d said. I slipped two fingers into her pussy and she was tight. I wiggled them and she shook her ass and gasped for air. I pushed my thumb against her clitty, then shoved my two fingers into her pussy and she grabbed my shoulders as she shook like a wet dog. I pushed the two small knots of the drawstring back deeper into her seething pussy as she fucked my hand.

My hand was filled with her pussy juices as she hunched and fucked it, holding it between her legs through her sweats. She pulled my hand from her pussy and licked and sucked my fingers as I shot my cum in my pants.

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