Careful What You Wish For - Cover

Careful What You Wish For

Copyright© 2019 by Neolime69

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Alene and Suzie meet for the first time

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Magic   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   Transformation  

Day 2

The room filled with white, Suzie felt the cum covering every inch of her body as she fell into a deep, peaceful sleep, knowing her deepest wish was fulfilled.

Alene exhaled, she felt wonderfully relieved. It took her over three hours but her sack was empty. She looked around and took in the room, every inch was covered in a thick coat of white, even the ceiling. She tried to reposition herself and noticed that the floor was covered as well, a pool of her love juice reached Alene’s knees. On her left was what remained of a bed. Suzie was fast asleep, her flaccid cock rested limply across the bed, its tip under the ocean of cum.

“My my, what a treat you’ve been Suzie,” Alene said as she licked her lips, tasting the savory cum, “I ought to at least pay you back for that amazing night you gave me.” Alene was used to finding herself in oceans of cum. “Dictum” she whispered silently and a smile started spreading across her face as the cum slowly disappeared. Before long the room was back to its former glory. Alene followed the routine almost like a robot, after all, she had years to practice it. First, she shrunk her cock back to a more manageable size, next she went to the shower and cleaned her body, the room filled with the scent of lavender. When she was done she came back into the room and looked for her phone.

She got a text from Nadia, “Sex! Now!” Alene knew that this day was going to be a long one. She went for the door when a thought crossed her mind. “I can’t leave you like that Suzie, it’s not fair after what you gave me.” Alene turned around and came closer to Suzie. With a smile on her face, she whispered once more, “Crescere.”

Suzie woke up suddenly. She felt warm and content. She looked over to her little compact travelling clock on the small bedside chest of drawers and noticed the clock was reading 08:45. Still sleepy, she stretched her arms and then stretched lazily and settled back onto the pillows. A wide smile formed on her lips as she thought of what had happened in the room earlier.

“Mmmm, Alene, that was wonderful” she murmured softly, feelings of utter, warm satisfaction engulfed her mind. She reached down to feel her balls and as soon as she brushed her hand against the shaft of her cock she knew something didn’t feel right. Still, in a soporific frame of mind, she absently started feeling with her fingers along her shaft. It took a few moments of ever more forceful poking for her to suddenly realize something here had changed.

She grasped her shaft with both hands and pulled. A strong feeling of unease entered her mind as she realized this was no longer a dream. She let go momentarily of her newly over-engorged soft penis and went to sit up so she could fully inspect just what was going on. As she pushed her elbows into the bed to lever herself upright she felt an enormous resistance as the weight and size of her now significantly bigger cock pulled against her efforts.

‘What’s going on?’ she wondered, now beginning to feel the first pangs of unease enter her consciousness ... She grunted as she tried to push herself upright again and after at least two minutes of solid effort managed to lever herself up against the headboard of the bed.

As Suzie looked at what stretched out before her, she let out a long, mournful wailing gasp. Suddenly she realized with frightful clarity what had changed. Somehow her world-beating cock had grown. Where as before it was 1 m 45 cm and she knew precisely where it ended in any situation, now it stretched out, completely flaccid, at least another meter.

For the first time since she had woken she felt it’s size pushing her legs apart. She looked down over her firm, jutting HH bosom and saw that it’s diameter had increased proportionally too. She leant forward and pushing the mounting anxiety inside her started pulling her now nearly 3 meters long flaccid fuck hose onto the bed so she could examine herself closer. She grunted with effort at every pull.

Normally she enjoyed the feel and weight of her over augmented cock but right now she felt strangely disconnected as she struggled against the extra width, length and weight. After a good two minutes, she had managed to pull all of it up onto the king-sized bed. She grasped the shaft behind the glans of the head of her newly resized flesh monster and heaved as much as she could lift up so she could have a close look.

As she did so she felt the veins, now so much more obscenely pronounced under the skin, against her hands. Its diameter was so fat that it was hindering her grip. Suzie’s shaft was now so large that it slipped out of her grasp. After the third attempt, she managed to grip it tightly enough with both hands to lift it up to eye level. She felt the tightness of her grip squeezing the soft flesh of her shaft so hard it ached. ‘Boy are you heavy today!’ she thought, her fear spurring her on with the strength to carefully look at how much more she had become.

Her world-beating penis was definitely bigger, much bigger. ‘ I’m so much larger! I can barely lift you, my wonderful penis! What the hell has happened to you, me? ‘ Suzie asked herself frantically. The head was beyond obscene, still perfectly shaped it had grown so that it must have been 30 centimeters across the ridge of the glans and at least 25 centimeters long. ‘How did this happen?’ Suzie’s mind raced, she could feel ner anxiety beginning to form into the first pangs of fear. Strange, jumbled thoughts raced through her mind. ‘Look at the size of me! How am I ever going to fuck anyone this big, let alone erect?’ She suddenly realized that the girl she had met last night would have the answers. Instinctively she cried.

“Alene? Alene!” Suzie cried out loudly. There was only silence. Suzie looked around frantically and called again. “Alene, where are you?” A horrible silence followed. Suddenly she realized she was alone and at that moment panic started to engulf her.

Suzie forced herself to calm down and began to take stock of the situation. She looked around but there was no hint of her lover from last night. She looked at the place where she remembered Alene had ejaculated whilst on the bed earlier but saw no sign of cum. Nothing. She looked around the room and became aware of how clean it was. Momentarily she smelt a light scent of Lavender. “What the hell?” She blurted out loud. For a moment she started doubting herself, ‘maybe Alene was a dream? was last night real? am I hallucinating?’ she thought worriedly, trying to make sense of Alene’s disappearance. As she looked around and the reality of her situation began to dawn on her, she felt like she was sinking into a tar pit, fear creeped throughout her body and she began to shiver.

The sound of knocking temporarily jarred Suzie out of her fearful mood, she was still shaken but managed to focus on reality, she was back in her hotel, in her bed. Another knock came, it was the door to her room. A faint voice reached Suzie’s ears, it was coming from behind the door.

“Do you think she’s still sleeping?” one voice asked.

“It’s not like Suzie, she never sleeps in...” another voice answered.

Another bang on the door, “Suzie, wake up, it’s Jane and Phillippa!” Suzie came to, in her panic she had forgotten her friends were supposed to come over. She carefully made her way to the side of her bed, what was once a simple task became a fight for freedom, Suzie pushed the head aside, it was easy enough, but then she noticed another section of her cock also moved to block her path. she tried to grab it but it was heavier than she imagined it to be, she hugged the shaft with both her hands and pulled up and away, the cock moved but it made Suzie break into a sweat. “Coming,” she yelled and moved another hefty band of her cock out of the way.

After a fight Suzie won the battle, she managed to place it over her shoulder and with her left arm wrapped around the soft shaft to stop it slipping off her narrow shoulder, she got off the bed and onto her feet. “On my way!” She shouted at the door ‘She started a crab-like shuffle to the door. After the amount she had cum with Alene and now the much-increased weight of her cock which was fighting her with every small movement she made, she felt exhausted. Somehow she got to the door and managed to pull it open.

Jane and Philippa stood a little way back from the door. They both turned to face Suzie as the door opened. Instantly their eyes widened as they saw the hugely over engorged but flaccid cock they knew so well. As Suzie stood there her newly engorged cock slipped from her grasp and dropped with a solid thud onto the thick pile carpet. They turned to look at each other in surprise.

Jane stared at the huge penis and felt a definite reaction. Blood rushed to her head as she stared at the monster attached to her best friend. In spite of herself not wanting to be seen to act badly in front of her friends. Philippa was slow to look away from the huge cock resting untidily on the floor in front of her. Philippa, usually someone with a response to anything was silent for a few moments. She too couldn’t help staring at the obscene amount of penis that Suzie was now carrying and after a long pause gasped. “Suzie? Suzie my sweet mega cocker, what the hell have you done to yourself?”

Suzie’s eyes filled up with tears and she started to sob violently. Phillipa knew she had to take charge as she knew Jane would be too shocked to do anything but gawp.

“No doubt she’ll get a hard-on.” Philippa thought. Jane was usually very cool but when a huge cock got flashed around, especially if it was Suzie’s, she was anyone’s.

Philippa kneeled down and gently grabbed as much of Suzie’s massively oversized flesh hose as she could and grunting with effort tried to lift the huge penis up to place it back again over Suzie’s shoulders. ‘ Hey Jane, stop gawking and give me a hand! ‘ she said sharply looking in her pal’s direction. Between the two of them, they hoisted Suzie’s cock onto her shoulders and then helped her carry it over to the bed where they all three sat down.

Gently stroking Suzie’s face, Philippa then said. ‘ Now Suzie, let’s hear what this is all about.

As Suzie recounts the story, her two best friends initial disbelief fades. As Suzie recounts the immense size that Alene grows to, Jane’s normal reserve evaporates and soon she starts to feel a wetness down below. She was wearing a tailored skirt which disguises her natural 40 cm flaccid long 7 cm diameter penis but as Suzie retells the evening’s events, her cock starts swelling rapidly. Jane is hanging onto every word and as after ten minutes cannot resist anymore.

She stands up and pulls out her cock now fully stiff cock and finishes stroking herself to a full erection. Neither Suzie or Philippa are perturbed by this as Jane although the most elegant and sophisticated of the three, has a weakness for massive cocks. She is always very discrete in society but with her two best friends she has no inhibitions. In front of her two friends, she pumps herself up to her full, 60 centimeters long, 11 cm thick size.

Philippa looked at her and was going to make a cutting comment but she suddenly sees the look of absolute lust on Jane’s features and then notices the way the veins on her cock are bulging and she knows that nothing short of battering Jane’s curving, straining member would stop her now.

As Jane grasps her cock with one of her long-fingered elegant hands she leans forward and starts rubbing Suzie’s soft flaccid 2m 80 cm long fuckpole with the other. She knows exactly how Suzie responds but after a good 15 minutes, nothing seems to be happening. Both girls exchange glances again, this for them is a well-established ritual and Suzie normally would be reacting positively to Janes delicate and sensual touch. “what’s the matter, Suzie?” Philippa mouths.

“I don’t know, I just can’t seem to get any bigger.” Suzie wails miserably, tears now rolling down her cheeks. As Jane’s strokes of her own penis become more frantic, precum starts to drip from the end. Because of its length and the frantic movements of Jane’s exertions to satiate the now burning passion inside her cock, she is spattering the both of them with the clear liquid now oozing quickly from the tip of her perfectly formed head. Suddenly she lets out a loud sigh, her whole body jerks and Suzie is again the recipient of someone else’s seed. ‘ Jane doesn’t stop there, her pace unabated. However, Philippa thinks that Suzie maybe needs a more tender and understanding reaction.

“Jane, sometimes you are the perfect slut. We all know how you can’t keep your cock in your pants whenever there’s a massive fuckpole on show but really, can’t you see how distraught Suzie is? If you must jerk yourself off, do it in the bathroom and leave us in peace. For someone who likes to tell us how cultured she is, you sometimes leave a lot to be desired!”

A look of annoyance flashes over Janes countenance but a stern glare from Philippa sends her meekly into the bathroom. Jane doesn’t shut the door though and deliberately, in a fit of pique, makes sure the others can hear her as she jacks herself again and again over Suzie’s monster size.

Ignoring Jane’s petulance, Philippa finds a towel, wets it from the jug of water by the bed and gently wipes the newly delivered semen from Suzie’s face and upper torso, very carefully wiping it from her breasts. Suzie smiles in spite of herself. ‘ Philippa you’re so silly! ‘ she whispers gratefully. She reaches over to tough Philippas face in an expression of gratitude.

Philippa smiles broadly, takes her hand and places it on her lap. ‘Let’s get you cleaned up and then you can tell me all about it.’ Philippa shakes her head slowly. “That Jane!” she starts to say something cutting but Suzie interrupts. “No, it’s okay, I know she’s had a thing for me for years. All she has to do is talk to me about it but you know how shy she can be, Anyway in a way I’m grateful, I mean look at me! Who would want a freak with a cock the size of mine?” Her face crumpled into tears and after a few moments of sobbing, she seemed to pull herself together and continued.

“Okay, I know before this, this horrible thing happened I was too big, I know that but at least I had a cock that was beautiful and worked. Look at me know, all distended and lumpy and ... and...” Suzie tailed off into more floods of tears. She tried to move to a more comfortable position but the added weight of all those extra centimeters make it a big struggle. “Here, let me help you.” Philippa whispers softly and together, with a lot of effort and grunting, managed to get Suzie comfortable on the bed, her back resting against the headboard and her legs splayed but stretched out in front of her.

Philippa then gently tugged Suzies massively oversized cock straight out from between her legs, hefting it so it rested over the end of the bed, she placed the obscenely oversized head on a couple of pillows. Once she had managed this she stepped back and placed her hands on her hips. She let out a long slow whistle. “Oh, my poor Suzie! The size of you now.” She moved closer and spent a few moments studying the massively distended organ.

“Suzie, are you in pain?” she asked with a worried tinge in her voice. ‘ I only ask because the skin of your cock looks awfully white and thin, not the healthy rude pink it usually is.’ Suzie looked over to Philippa with a confused expression on her face. “No Philippa darling, it just feels huge and sluggish.” She paused momentarily and a small smile crept over her features. “Listen to Jane!” she murmured.

“Hasn’t she the perfect cock? Long enough to be proud of and still not so big as to be useless! Normally I would be turned on by that and she would be making me bigger...” she suddenly stopped and looked at Philippa. “Don’t look so surprised. We both know how damn sexy she is! I know she has a crush on me but if she wants me, she has to tell me, you know how I am!” Suzie paused again. “But right now, everything that turns me on about you two isn’t doing anything to make my cock stiff.” Suzie tailed off tears of frustration beginning to well up again.

“Look we’ll find an answer, I promise,” cooed Philippa gently. “Have you anyway to get hold of this witch?” She said looking intently at Suzie’s tear-stained face. Suzie shook her head sadly. “I, I don’t think so,” Suzie replied. Philippa knew that Suzie was not very organized at best and right now she was far from that. She rummaged around for a few seconds and the found a scrap of paper with Alene’s number scribbled carelessly on it.

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