Astrid - Cover


Copyright© 2018 by Lapi

Chapter 1: Well, I Never...

OK, OK so I was being a perv on her. You would too if she came your way instead of mine. Astrid was ... well she was ... well no words might describe her.

The fact that we shared a common interest, lived so close to each other made up for the major gap in our age. If she was fine with it, enjoyed the company of an old man, who was I to complain, not me Buckaroo!

OK, I may, just may have been infatuated with her. All right, I was gob-smacked with her.

Dinners turned into more overnights with breakfast. Weekdays turned into weekends and she had a ‘companion’ for any museum, art show or symposium my ‘little darling’ wanted to see. It became easier for her to study at my place all the time and moved out of the Dorm. Her own room at the house turned out to be a better, quieter and more pleasant environment for her than sharing a small room with three others; much cheaper too. Zero here.

The Pool, Hot Tub, Sauna and Garden Tub with water jets had no bearing on ‘her’ decision to stay with me; neither did the use of the Mercedes and weekly shopping trips we took to refill the larder. So, maybe I was going a bit overboard about her. So shoot me.

Astrid was tall, very tall, 6’ 6” or a little more than 198 cm.

Her 42”, 36”, 38”, (107, 91, 96.5 cm) made for pleasant viewing while we went on a stroll. No jogging for me, she did that while I sat and watched her go around the school track.

Like all women of any age, we went clothes shopping too. You got it, she shopped, I paid and carried. Nothing was ‘out of line’ I could well afford it and anything expensive she would sweetly ask “is this too much”.

“You might try Amazon, they have on-line shopping down to a science,”

Never to look a ‘gift horse in the mouth’, she asked “if IKEA had that too”.

Her first purchase on-line was a laptop. This not only helped her with school work but with ‘VOIP’, daily calls to Norway were virtually free. This helped me too, any questions, research or irregularity about Norse History could more readily be refined; after all, this was the only reason I was doing this with her. She was ‘helping’ me out of the goodness of her heart. I had plenty of ways to ‘Thank’ her though especially when ‘we’ went on vacations together.

As I said, Astrid really, really ‘gave me a hand’ in my research about the Norse. I was amazed how much she knew about so many things; it was almost as though she was ‘remembering things’ instead of looking them up on the Internet.

She would often just fall asleep next to me telling stories of ancient traditions and events that were no where else to be found. We usually got up early and I made us a nice breakfast while she swam a few laps in the pool.

One day she came home, red in the face and eyes from obviously crying. She threw her arms around me saying: “Just hold me, why do people have to be so mean and think nasty things about us?”

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