Accidental Gigolos - Cover

Accidental Gigolos

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Bobby happened to be in the right place at the right time and lost his virginity to a woman twice his age. He was a quick learner and soon he was ringing her bell regularly. Then one of her friends needed the same thing. And another friend after that, until Bobby was satisfying the needs of five women. That's a lot for a seventeen-year-old kid to handle. But maybe his best friend could help him out. And that was just the beginning.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Cuckold   Incest   Brother   Sister   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   First   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Size  

Betty decided that there needed to be a “family” meeting, with all the girls and Dan there. His dream was explained and each woman’s potential part in it. There was intense interest and excitement in all the women. This was a very positive add-on to their plan to become free.

For Cathy and Trudy it was easy. They would just keep working, but would find a place large enough for four women to live. A simple four bedroom house would do, though if women started having babies things would get crowded. Sarah said she had the time to go look at places and would do that.

“I would be delighted to use my accounting education to help Dan with the books for the business,” she added.

Julie was more than willing to become a hired hand for the vending machine business and learn how to repair the machines. A lot of her bulk wasn’t fat at all, but was rather muscle under a layer of fatty tissue. She didn’t think she’d have any trouble muscling machines around, since there were carts and dollies designed for that purpose.

“I’ve never gotten a chance to use my graphic design degree,” she said. “I may as well help you.”

Betty, who worked at the bank as a teller, would also keep working, so that there would be uninterrupted income while Dan got his two businesses going.

When all the questions had been answered Julie raised her hand.

“I just thought about Bobby. And Russell. Where do they fit into all this?”

“They’re going to college in roughly nine months. They need to think of their futures, not about us,” said Betty.

“If Cathy and I have our way they won’t be able to avoid thinking of us, at least once in a while,” said Trudy.

“If you guys are going to do it, then I am, too,” said Julie.

“So am I,” said Betty. That got a reaction and she had to shush them to avoid waking up Emily. Reggie had been reading a book and ignoring the adults.

“I don’t know,” said Sarah, when Julie looked at her. “I love being pregnant, but I already have two.”

“You have some time to think about it and there will be no pressure. There shouldn’t be any pressure on anybody, the boys included.” Betty looked around and got some nods.

“Has anybody talked to them, yet?” asked Cathy.

No one spoke up.

“Actually,” said Betty, “Dan is going to talk to them about me. I’m sure he’d be happy to act as a broker for the rest of you.”

“I would,” said Dan.

“Let me get this straight,” said Julie. “You are going to talk one of those boys into getting your wife pregnant, and then you’re going to convince them they need to get the rest of us pregnant, too?”

Most of the rest of us,” said Sarah. She frowned. “I think.”

“I’d be happy to, if that’s what you want,” he said.

“Why?” asked Cathy.

“Because you’re my wife’s best friends, and because I know this would make my wife happy. It would also make me happy.” He shrugged.

The women all looked at each other.

“Okay,” said Trudy.

“Yes,” said Cathy.

“I’m in,” said Julie.

“I didn’t plan on this, but I think I might be in, too,” said Sarah, with a sigh. “I may back out later but I know they’d understand.”

It is amazing how lives can drag on for years and decades and seem like nothing has changed or ever will. Particularly older folks, who no longer go to work, or leave the house as often as they used to, can feel like nothing is happening in their lives. Even younger people, who do go to work every day and meet different people and feel like their lives are hectic and tiring, sometimes sit and reflect on how nothing since going to college seems to have been much of a real disruption in their lives.

This is not true, however, when you arrange things to force a divorce, and move into accommodations with three other female roommates, instead of the male one you’re used to. The possible exception was Julie, who felt like her life was finally going somewhere. As for the rest, it was nothing but disruption after disruption in their lives. And that didn’t even take into account having babies around, which will definitely make one feel like life has changed.

The point is that things became tumultuous for almost all of them, and for a variety of reasons, which also makes the telling of the remainder of this tale a bit tumultuous and disorganized. The reader is asked to forgive the literary buffeting that is to come, but the information could not be chronologically listed without it becoming frustrating, if not incomprehensible. So things will bounce around a bit from here on out.

Perhaps the easiest transition was for Trudy Carver, whose husband, Jerry, did not react like she thought he would when, one night at supper, she said, “Jerry, you need a wife who wants to go to orgies and fuck different men and act wild for you. We both know I’m not that woman. You need to divorce me and find that woman.”

His response was, “You’re right. I think we got married in a rush. How do you want to go about this?”

It was just that easy for them. They split their assets themselves, used an online company to prepare the papers, and then went to the county clerk to complete the process. Trudy wasn’t interested in the house, so Jerry let her have the savings account she had started and which he hadn’t paid any attention to. He balked a little when he found out how much was in that account, but it had been opened in her name only (a happy accident, as it turned out) and her “A deal is a deal” attitude won out. She left the marriage with two hundred grand in a new bank account. The house was an even more valuable asset, and Jerry imagined moving into an apartment anyway. The breakup was so amicable, in fact, that she kept living in the house, since Jerry had no prospect to bring home and live with him, yet. He knew she wanted to move in with one of her female friends and that they were ‘house hunting’.

Cathy’s divorce was almost as easy, though there were elements in it that were closer to what most people think of when they imagine “divorce”. She did hire a private detective, who only took three months to get evidence proving that, not only did he have a mistress on the other side of town, every time he went off on one of his “maintenance trips”, one of his stops was always in Hill City, Nevada, where he had another house, another wife, and another child. The most difficult part of things for the PI was getting the documents that showed a “legal” marriage to this other woman and a birth certificate that showed Ron as the father of the child. He had committed the crime of bigamy and, once outed by Cathy, knew full well that she could have him prosecuted and sent to jail. A little on-line research indicated that, in addition to being eligible for a ten year prison sentence, the second marriage would be annulled, along with any legal connection to the child(ren) involved.

The choices she presented him (along with the proof she had) were simple. Give her the divorce, the house, and half of his bank account. He could have any furniture he wanted and go live with his other family ... or be arrested for a felony that any judge or jury would certainly find him guilty of committing.

Ron didn’t want his cozy little life to be fucked up. His company had stationed him in Pine Bluffs because it was in the middle of the country and he could get to any assignment quickly. He was an engineer who specialized in the testing of work done by contractors who built power substations, and he made a lot of money. He also had a thing for Asian women, which his parents would have objected to by disowning him. They were old and when they died, he’d inherit a valuable estate, so he found a Caucasian woman to marry and introduce to his parents. Meanwhile, he found an Asian woman to fuck and have a baby with, because that’s just what he wanted to do. The woman across town in Pine Bluffs was just because he couldn’t keep his pants zipped. He would miss Annie and the son he had fathered on her, but he had made no promises and if he just disappeared there wouldn’t be anything she could do about it. She didn’t even have his real name.

Cathy didn’t know how big “his bank account” was, which was why when he came up with “an equitable distribution of assets” and she hired an attorney to look at it (without telling him about the whole bigamy thing), she felt like things were okay. What she didn’t pay attention to was when her attorney said, “If this is a genuine listing of all assets, then you’re getting a fair deal. Once you both sign this and it’s notarized then the divorce will be considered uncontested and the judge who looks at it won’t have a lot of questions.”

To Cathy, that meant, “Sign it and get him to sign it and you’re home free.”

What ended up really benefitting Cathy was that two years later he would later be caught engaging in the exact same crime, during which investigation by a real law enforcement agency found not only all his assets, but Cathy’s name as a previous wife. The dates of marriage overlapped with his marriage to his Asian wife (which was not a legal marriage), so Cathy was interviewed as a victim. By then she wasn’t really interested in Ron or his problems, though when she found out she might have a claim to a significant amount of money as his first (and therefore only legal) wife, and the attorney who contacted her offered to represent her for a cut of the proceeds, she said, “Okay,” and then went on with her own life. While the judicial system took care of the criminal complaint, a question arose as to whether his divorce from Cathy made his Nevada marriage legal or not. He never “redid” that marriage, which could mean it was never a legal marriage. Then he married the third woman and on the application swore he had no other wife, which could also be viewed as false, whether Nevada honored the faulty marriage there or not. Cathy’s lawyer claimed she was the only woman who had ever been legally married to him, and that there was a division of assets in that divorce that had been flawed because he had hidden bank accounts. It was possible that the only claim any woman could have for his assets was Cathy. His “second wife” sued him in civil court, saying she entered into the marriage with an understanding that she would share in his income and estate. When Cathy’s lawyer was presented with papers that would document her disinterest in said income and estate, he advised her to negotiate and eventually she signed papers saying she only wanted one third interest in his estate.

To be honest, Cathy did all this primarily so investigators and lawyers would quit coming around. She had her own secret to keep and didn’t want any outsiders to find out about Bobby and Russell. She hadn’t broken any laws by letting two high school seniors fill her bed, because the age of consent (yes, even for boys) was sixteen. On the other hand, why ask for her past mess to be made public?

All of this current mess, with Ron’s greed causing problems, would make another whole story, and enough of the details have been provided to explain how Cathy could sell the house she’d been living in with her ex-husband and use the proceeds to seek something more to her liking. Suddenly, making the payments with four women splitting the amount looked like it might actually be possible to afford what they really wanted. For Cathy, Trudy, and Sarah, just getting away from their husbands had been enough to give them strength to face financial adversity. Now they could flower and fly free.

They also flowered because living with people you love (and, even more importantly, like) makes you feel good most of the time.

There was a meeting to which Bobby and Russell were invited. They were told “It’s important, so don’t miss it or be late,” which made them curious.

“What do you think is going on?” Russell asked Bobby, the day before the meeting was scheduled.

“Beats me,” said Bobby. He was remembering how he, Russell, and Dan had made love to Betty that time, and thinking maybe this might be another of those episodes. It was Betty who had told them to be there for the meeting.

“Do you think Sarah has decided to join in?” asked Russell. “I think she’s so hot. She’s an actual MILF.”

“I agree,” said Bobby, “though technically Betty’s an actual MILF, too, but why would Sarah decide to do that now, after not wanting to participate all this time?”

“I don’t know,” sighed Russell. “I just hope we’re not in trouble.”

“Are your parents showing any interest in where you’ve been going?” Bobby knew Russell was spending a lot more time away from home in the last three months than he had in the past. He kept telling his parents he was “going to Bobby’s house” and the women were worried somebody might think he was spending too much time at his friend’s house.

“No, but my sister has asked me several times why I like you so much and hang with you all the time. She tried to rile me up by asking me if I was gay and you were my boyfriend.”

“That’s interesting. I thought she ignored you whenever possible.”

“She did, and she still does, for the most part. She can’t wait until I go to college and she’s the only one left at home. She wants to be a senior in the worst way.”

The next day, however, Betty wasn’t alone when the boys got there. All the women were there.

“We’re all going to miss you two when you go to college,” Cathy started off.

“Trust me, we’re going to miss all of you, too,” said Bobby. He and Russell had commiserated with each other on how lucky they’d been to have all this pussy on tap, and how all that would change drastically when they went to college. Neither boy had paid any attention to girls their own age because grown women would pull them in bed.

“We’ll get right to the point,” said Trudy, impatient, as usual. “We don’t need to go into all the details right now, but we need you to get us pregnant before you go off to college.”

Not even the other women were quite ready for things to be exposed that brutally, but it was Bobby’s response that really blew them away.

All of you? We thought it was only you and Cathy who wanted that.”

“What?” That was voiced as a duet by Cathy and Trudy.

“The first time Trudy and I did it, at your house, remember? Well, you two were in the kitchen and I kind of overheard you two talking about that,” said Russell. His self-confidence had skyrocketed after all these women had happily and voluntarily chosen him to have sex with. He knew they genuinely liked him and he genuinely liked them, too. He was no longer the shy young man he’d been. “I told Bobby about it,” he finished. Bobby took over from there.

“Julie talks about how she wishes she could get pregnant a lot. I always thought she was teasing me until I found out Cathy and Trudy wanted to get pregnant so they could get a divorce. So, yeah, Russell and I have talked about all this before.”

“And what did you decide?” asked Betty. “I suppose you think we’re all crazy.”

“No,” said Bobby. “Not crazy. I mean I think we all know how odd all this is.” He motioned around the circle of women and the two males present. “It feels kind of weird, though, to think about actually being a father. I mean we wouldn’t really be fathers. You’re not going to marry us or anything and even if we made the babies, we wouldn’t raise them. That makes both of us sad. At the same time, the idea that a woman wants me to do that is really exciting.”

“What he said,” Russell murmured.

“Okay, look,” said Trudy. “I get it that we’re using you to try to make our lives better. I admit that. At least that’s kind of what I’ve been doing. On the other hand I can’t think of any other man who I’d let get me pregnant.” She looked at Russell. “That includes you,” she said. She blinked. “I mean you’re included in the men I’d let get me pregnant.”

“This is complicate because life is complicated,” said Cathy. “We need to get divorced but it also needs to be under conditions where we’re not left sitting on our asses with nothing to our names. The babies would help us avoid that.”

“I don’t understand how all that would work,” said Bobby. “Russell and I need to go to college. I’d want to get to see any children I helped make, but I know that’s all I’d ever get to do; just see them now and then.”

“That is not necessarily true,” said Betty. “You two mean a lot to all of us and we would want your children to know you. They might not know you as Daddy, but you could still come visit and spend time with them. At least that’s how I feel.”

“Me, too,” said Cathy. “I’m not going to get married again and you’ll be welcome in my house whenever you have time to visit.”

“I feel the same way,” said Julie. “I’m pretty sure I’ll never get married but that doesn’t mean I don’t want a family. You two are the most important men in my life and I’d just love having a little piece of you growing in me and then being my child.”

“Maybe we should tell them what we all have in mind for the future,” said Trudy.

“I don’t think that matters,” said Bobby. “As long as everybody understands that Russell and I need to go to college, I’ll be most happy to make a baby with anybody who wants to. After I graduate we can talk about where things go from there.”

“What he said,” Russell chimed in, again. He looked around. “I assume you know what any babies I make will look like, and that anybody else in town who sees a baby I helped make will know what happened, too. Right?” He looked around again.

“I don’t care about that,” said Cathy, boldly. “Who I make babies with is nobody’s business but mine.” She blinked. “And yours, of course.”

“We don’t want anybody to get hurt by this,” said Betty. “We don’t want you to be sorry later.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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