The Nexus - Book 2: the First Witnesses - Cover

The Nexus - Book 2: the First Witnesses

Copyright© 2024 by Smutreader

Chapter 4: Kitt

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4: Kitt - The saga of Jade, Marcy, and Kitt continues as they grapple with angels, demons, and other mystical beings who seek to control the Nexus while balancing their own hectic lives. READ BOOK ONE FIRST!

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Futanari   Magic   Demons   Cheating   BDSM   DomSub   Rough   Spanking   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Squirting   Size  

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Delilah: Did you see the latest view count?

Me: Yeah! Crazy.

Delilah: Told you. It’s a great start. Tons of people talking about it on TikTok and Reddit. Tons of shares.

Me: Do we stick with the plan and make the next video paywall?

Delilah: I think so. Don’t you?

Me: I’m learning from you. If you say so, I’m on board. We need to make money, right?

Delilah: That’s the idea. We need to get your view count up. Have you given any more thought to showing your face on camera?

Me: Yeah, I’m still not there yet. Not ruling it out though.

Delilah: Huge bump for me the last two weeks. Think about it. See you later this week.

I checked the view count on my FFE profile page. 151,321 views. I’d received lots of great comments, many of them debating whether or not my cock was real. It was exactly what we wanted. The unrestricted views hadn’t translated to many subscribers yet. Thus far, I’d gained 21 subscribers who would pay me $10 monthly for content. Still, $210 per month minus fees wasn’t bad, but not enough to cover expenses. Delilah’s account, however, had picked several new subscribers since she changed her username to Temptress Delilah and showed her face on the last two videos we’d made: the outdoor video and the bedroom scene. Before our video aired, she’d had 265 subscribers. In the previous week, she’d gained 401 more. That kind of money was nearly enough to live on.

Our expenses included paying for locations, regular blood testing, paying Kimmy for her camera work and editing services, FFE fees, which amounted to 20% of our earnings, and the equipment we rented for each shoot.

After refreshing the page again on my phone, my view count had gone up to 151,437. It wasn’t going up nearly as fast as when we first posted the free videos, but it was still rising.

“Whatcha looking at?” Bethany asked me.

I turned off my phone and slipped it back into the pocket of my scrubs. “Nothing. Just checking something. What’s up?”

Bethany smiled at me, her dimple as cute and pronounced as ever. “Not much. Are we still good for tonight?”

“Yep,” I said. Ever since Bethany and I talked about spending more time together as friends, I’d made more effort to plan one or two weekly activities with her. But a big part of that promise meant me being more available for her and having fewer sleepovers with my harem—as she liked to call my lady friends. “Do you still want to go axe-throwing?”

“I do,” Bethany said.


“Are you brave enough to put a wager on the game?” she asked, a dangerous glint in her big brown eyes.

“What kind of wager?” I asked.

“How about a truth wager?” she asked. “For every game I win, you must honestly answer one question. And vice versa.”

“Okay,” I agreed.

She stuck out her hand for me to shake.

“What? My word isn’t enough?”

“Just shake on it.”

I did. She left the nurse’s station to check on some of her patients, and Janiqua sidled up to me afterward, watching Bethany go. Janiqua was still one of my fuck-buddies who Bethany considered to be part of my harem, along with London, Katya, and a couple of other girls I’d met through various friends or at parties.

“After axe-throwing...” Janiqua asked.

“Yep. I’ll text you.”

Janiqua smiled at me, her beautiful white teeth looking even whiter against her dark skin. “Hell yeah. I need a damn good—”

Suddenly, Dr. Granger appeared and cleared her throat.

“Backrub,” Janiqua finished, dramatically massaging her shoulders. “Getting out these knots after work would hit the spot. How are you, Dr. Granger?”

The doctor was focused on her patient’s chart, but a smirk played at the corner of her lips. “Why am I skeptical that a backrub is not what you were actually going to say?”

Janiqua shrugged. “No idea, Doc. You need to get your mind out of the gutter.”

Only Janiqua could get away with saying something like that to one of the doctors in the ICU. She had such a fun personality and a natural sense of humor that no one could help but like her. She gave me a wink and went back to her duties.

Dr. Granger hovered around the station for a moment longer.

“Everything okay, Dr. Granger?” I asked.

“Just fine, Kitt.” She walked away without a glance in my direction. She’d hardly spoken to me for the last few weeks unless it was about a patient or other work-related matter. She rarely even looked me in the eye. As someone nursing a long-standing crush on her, I didn’t like our new dynamic. But what could I do about it?

I returned to my phone, searching for Super Schlong on Reddit and finding another thread about the first video Delilah and I had posted. In it the comments of our video, several people were debating whether my penis was real.

Pornmaster9000: Fake. Next plz

Geysercumbot: Dood. its real

SirGallahadof_Cum: Fake

Pornmaster9000: No white dude is that big

Geysercumbot: You can tell its real from the way the skin moves

Pornmaster9000: they can make anything look real nowadays with cgi no way its real. next plz

Smokeadick: its real. ignore pronmaster9k. he wouldn’t no a real dik if it choked him out

Pornmaster9000: i’d no ur moms real dick

Smokeadick: ew. my mom don’t shave

Geysercumbot: lol. its real. pornmaster has a small pp

Pornmaster9000: that dong is like a footlong. no white dude is that big

Geysercumbot: y not? u racist?

Smokeadick: did you see the other video? its real. what’s more amazing is that TempestDelilah took it all. I don’t usually pay for pron but I will for her. Might subscribe to SS if he fucks some other girls. Delilah is hawt.

Geysercumbot: SS?

Pornmaster9000: Super Schlong. That’s the name of the dude you dum fuk.

Geysercumbot: thx.

Pornmaster9000: loads of cum are ridiculously fake too. the whole thing is whack

Geysercumbot: I’m gay for Super Schlong

Smokeadick: I’m straight but a cock like that ... i’d have to try it, right?

There were so many conversations and threads in a similar vein. I could barely keep up with them all. Delilah kept reminding me that seeing what people were saying online was important, so I had to stay abreast. But the video popped up everywhere on so many subreddits. I reread one line:

Might subscribe to SS if he fucks some other girls.

Delilah and I were shooting three more videos soon and would post one a week for the next three weeks on our FFE pages. Delilah was doing more content independently but sent them to me before posting, as we’d agreed. Most of them were just short videos interacting with fans, masturbating outdoors, or flashing a camera as she tried on clothes. I wasn’t sure I was ready to do that kind of stuff. The things she posted felt intimate, and she had a knack for it. Maybe she could teach me.

But I also needed to find other women to shoot videos with once my exclusive contract with Delilah ended. For our third video, we rented a huge house for the night along with a Bugatti. An expensive shoot, to be sure, but we wanted to push the limit on what amateur porn could do. I was wearing a tailored suit as part of the video. I would fuck Delilah atop the Bugatti in the first video, do a car pick-up scene second, and for the final video, Delilah suggested an indoor scene featuring some light bondage play, to which I readily agreed. It would be my first time experimenting with bondage, and I was eager to learn.

I continued to check various Reddit threads and view counts until my shift ended. I went home and changed, then picked up Bethany. She looked great in short shorts and a crop top, her toned body on display. I tried not to check her out.

We talked about work and family on our way to the axe-throwing place. It was more of a bar and restaurant than anything else, but the axe-throwing booths were along the back wall. We had reserved a booth for an hour and prepaid for light snacks and beers. The bar’s theme was Vikings, which went well with the bar’s name, Valhalla.

The axes weren’t axes at all but hatchets. And they were a pain to throw for both of us. For the first fifteen minutes, we looked like idiots because we were trying to get a feel for the weight and distance. The beers didn’t help much, especially for Bethany because she was such a lightweight when it came to alcohol. But after a few dozen throws, we started getting the hang of it.

“You ready to compete?” she asked me.

“Truth or truth still?” I asked.

Bethany looked at me while taking a sip from her beer bottle. “Nervous?”


“First to eleven points gets a question. We’ll settle up at the end.”

Bethany threw her first hatchet and got it in the second ring for two points. My first throw went into the third, outer-most ring for one point. Bethany shook her hips in celebration.

“I’m gonna win...” she taunted in a sing-song voice. “I’m gonna win...”

“Just shut up and throw,” I said.

She outscored me in the first game, eleven to five. Our appetizer plate had arrived by then, so we played our second game more casually while eating.

“I wonder what I should ask with my first question...” she said, pretending to be thinking aloud. “So many possibilities.”

“I’ve never seen so little power go to someone’s head so quickly,” I responded.

Bethany also won the second game, this time by a wider margin. By that point, she had two beers and a shot under her belt and needed to pee. I’d had two more drinks and had a nice buzz going. While she was gone, our server came by and checked on us.

“You or Bethany need anything, sweetheart?” she asked.

“No. We’re good.” I paused for a second. The server had called Bethany by name. “Do you know Bethany?”

“Oh yeah. She’s been coming here three or four times a week for six weeks. She’s super sweet. You be good to her.”

I rolled my eyes. Of course, the server knew Bethany. My best friend had scammed me.

“Ready for round three?” Bethany asked.

“Oh ... I don’t know. My butt’s pretty sore from the whipping you’ve been putting on me.”

Bethany frowned. “Come on. You’ve got a chance to regain some of your manhood. Defend your honor, man!”

“How about a different wager on this game?” I suggested.

Bethany raised an eyebrow, accentuating her big brown eyes. “Oh?”

“Yeah. How about if you win this one,” I began, “you get to ask me anything you want for a full hour while I give you a back rub.”

Bethany’s eyes glowed with enthusiasm.

“But if I win, it erases your previous wins, and you have to give me a five-second French kiss!”

“A five-second frencher?” she repeated, her cheeks turning red. “Is this middle school again?”

I shrugged. “Maybe it is.”

“No deal. I’m not erasing my wins! I earned those.”

“You’d get a one-hour back rub if you win,” I pressed.

“No deal!”

I grumbled under my breath, still miffed at having been played by Bethany. “How about if I win, you get one question, and you have to give me a five-second frencher.”

“I don’t want a five-second frencher!” she said hotly. “I’ve kissed you before. It’s not what I want.”

“What do you want?”

Bethany thought for a moment, and a devilish glint appeared in her eye. “How about if I win, I get my two questions, and you have to get me off with your hand? If you win, I still get my two questions, and I do the same for you?”

“Whoa.” My slightly drunken mind reeled. “What? No way! We can’t do that!”

Bethany’s wicked mirth was gone, replaced with hurt and anger. “Why not? You mess around with everybody else in the ICU but me.”

“This again?” I asked. I was sobering up pretty quickly from a sudden rush of adrenaline. “This is the same argument you made on St. Patrick’s Day. We can’t.”

“Why not? I’m starting to wonder what the hell I’m missing out on because apparently, whatever you have in your pants is something amazing.”

“I get to choose who I do that stuff with, not you.”

“You just offered to kiss me!”

“A five-second kiss is way different than ... that!”

“When you hook up with everybody but me, it makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me. Am I somehow less than them?”

“I don’t do it with you because you’re more. You’re special. You’re my best friend.”

“You’re still friends with the others, and you’re having sex with them. Geez, Kitt, all I’m asking for is a trip to second or third base.”

We stared each other down for several seconds before I wilted. “I can’t. Not with you. I’m sorry. And I’d appreciate it if you would stop bringing it up. It’s never going to happen.”

Bethany looked away and wiped her eyes very quickly. “Fine. I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to ruin our evening.”

“You haven’t ruined—”

“Could you take me home?” she asked huskily. “I’m not feeling great.”

My whole body slumped. Why did it have to be like this? I paid for the booth, food, and drinks, and we walked out to my car. We didn’t speak to each other. There were so many things I wanted to say, but I didn’t know how to bring them up without making her more upset. When I pulled up outside her place, she moved to leave, but I locked her door from my side. She tried to unlock it, but I locked it again.

“Stop, Kitt,” she mumbled, unlocking it again but unable to open the door before I relocked it.

“Two questions. Then I’ll let you go.”

“I don’t want to—”

“You earned it. Just ask.”

Bethany glared at me for twenty seconds until finally, her face softened, and she asked, “What happened between you and Dr. Granger?”

I rolled my eyes and groaned silently. Of all the questions she could ask, why did it have to be that? “Why do you want to know?”

“Because everybody has noticed the changes between you two. She doesn’t look at you. She hardly speaks to you. You avoid her.”

“I don’t avoid her.”

“Are you going to answer or not?”

“It’s not that simple,” I explained. “I can’t talk about what happened, or I’ll get in trouble. I’ll answer anything else.”

Bethany was not mollified. “You realize that makes me even more curious, right?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t talk about it.”

“Do you still have feelings for her?”


Another sour expression crossed my friend’s face. She turned to face me fully. “Why? That’s not one of my questions, so you don’t have to answer it, but really ... why? Is it her looks?”

“I can’t explain it. Why does anyone have feelings for anyone else?” I asked. “Why do you have feelings for ... whoever you like?”

“I don’t like anybody!” Bethany interjected so rapidly it changed the whole tone of our conversation.


“What? I don’t.”

“Fine. But I can’t explain why I like Uma. I just do.”

“Fine.” Bethany looked at the floor before continuing. “Why have you been driving to Denver three times in the last several weeks?”


“Don’t lie.”

“I’m not going to lie, Bethany! Good grief!” I ran my fingers through my hair to buy myself a few more seconds. “It’s just a booty call with a girl I met at the gym. I’m kind of into her. We have sex. That’s it.”

“Must be amazing sex if she’s worth driving to Denver. You sure there’s not more there?”

“Trust me,” I said, “she made it very clear there’s nothing more.”

“So you have feelings for her?”

“No. Bethany. I don’t. I’m just saying there’s nothing more than sex.” I didn’t know whether to laugh or get angry at all the questions. “Why are you so weird about my sex life lately? And why did you throw yourself at me on St. Patrick’s Day?”

“I don’t know,” Bethany said as she closed her eyes and rested her head. “You’re different now. And it’s hard for me. I was drunk and curious about what all the fuss was about. And on some level, I’m kinda tired of being a virgin. I mean, I’m glad I’m waiting for the right person at the right time, but it seems like everybody else is having sex except me.”

“Yeah. I get it. But Bethany, you aren’t Janiqua ... or London ... or any other girl. It’s different with you. I don’t think I could have a casual sexual relationship with you.”

“Why not?”

I didn’t answer right away. Why couldn’t I?

“Okay then,” she finally said when I didn’t respond. “You don’t know, or you won’t say?”

I grabbed the first thing that came to my mind. “Our friendship. It’s so important to me.”

“You always say that.”

“It’s true.”

Bethany leaned across her seat to hug me. I reciprocated. She smelled like a mixture of honey cream and lemon. It was during our long, lingering hug that I discovered there was a part of me that wanted Bethany. That part of me understood why I thought about her during sex with other women and why I struggled with control over my orgasm in those moments. That was why I could never allow myself to slip around her. Bethany was too special to me. I cared about her more deeply than everyone else, even Uma. Having sex with her could mean losing my lifestyle.

“It’s important to me, too,” Bethany finally said. “Maybe I need to get back out there and find a boyfriend. It’s a little awkward to say in front of you, but I’m human, too, Kitt. Sometimes I get so friggin’ horny!”

My cock responded to her words by twitching in my pants, but I did not allow myself to react. If I did anything sexual with Bethany, it would derail my new world. I wasn’t ready to give that up.

“So when’s our next hangout?” I asked. “My turn to pick, right?”

Bethany sighed deeply and looked away. “Yeah. Your turn.”

“I’ll let you know.” I pulled her in for another hug; this one lasted even longer than the first.

On my way home, I got a text from Janiqua.

Janiqua: can’t tonite. something came up. sorry

I called Katya to see if she could come over, but then remembered she was gone, headed back to her home country in Eastern Europe. Gretchen was gone for the summer, as were a few other college girls I’d met. London was working late, but she had also been acting strange ever since the night she’d told me she knew I could change the size of my cock.

Perhaps it was time to go to a bar and find a new friend for the evening.

I went home first to change my clothes. I was not expecting to find Lilly at my door. She was easy to recognize from her bright orange hair and startling green eyes. Those eyes tracked me from my car to my apartment door. She wore fashionable jeans that exposed her thighs and knees with well-placed holes. Her shirt was gold and tight and left her navel showing, which was pierced with a ring bearing a giant ruby. Her hair was shorter than before, curling just above her shoulder. And she wore very little makeup this time.

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