Jasmine and the Argonaut - Cover

Jasmine and the Argonaut

Copyright© 2023 by Rachael Jane

Chapter 14: Invitation to a party

Fiction Story: Chapter 14: Invitation to a party - Jasmine was born into a dystopian world where most of the population must live as modern day serfs. Now Jasmine has the opportunity to gain her freedom, and the right to work in the city of Argon. All she needs to do is be one of the winners of a quarterly competition known as the Argonaut. Her rivals, however, will play with her affections and try to sabotage her chances of success. However Jasmine isn't a pushover and isn't afraid to use sex as a tool in achieving her goal.

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Post Apocalypse   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Petting   Slow  

I’ve only ten minutes to change for the party if I want to make an impression on the city-born guests who will be attending. Fortunately I showered and washed my hair straight after the television show. Changing clothes isn’t going to take long. I’m tempted to wear the Jewels of Desire, but I owe it to Ellen to keep the jewels safe until I can return them in the morning. That’s not something I can guarantee at a party, particularly one organised by Paulo. I’m not sure how he has managed to organise the invitations to include several of those in tonight’s studio audience. The Argonaut event is surrounded by festivities and celebrations among Argon’s elite. I can only assume Paulo has somehow persuaded a group to attend his party. Half a dozen or more, all female, from what Harper tells me, although Harper isn’t the most reliable source of gossip.

I ask Patrick if he wishes to come, but he declines. I’ve already established that he and Paulo don’t get on. I think Patrick was hoping that he and I would keep each other company tonight. If he were to come out and ask me to stay I might consider doing so, but I’m not putting up with his ‘secret admirer’ routine. Nevertheless, I feel a twinge of guilt for leaving a fellow Buchanan contestant alone tonight.

Paulo’s invitation gives me enough information to plan my attire from the limited wardrobe available to me. As Paulo said at the outset, clothing is almost optional. I begin to wonder if this is going to be a party or an orgy. To be honest, I’m more than a little nervous about how I am going to cope. I want to be with Paulo, but the prospect of sharing his attentions with other women doesn’t sit comfortably with me.

I present myself at the room set aside for the party guests to assemble. The guests arrive singly. The first is a young woman a year or so older than me with long blond hair. She has the superior look of someone from the Argon’s ruling elite, although her clothes are relatively plain. She makes no effort to greet me and she sits on the opposite side of the room. The second, third and fourth women are equally aloof.

The people of Argon’s city centre place great importance on their looks. Despite their arrogant attitude, these young women are hardly the pick of the crop. Perhaps that’s why they are here rather than at some swanky party elsewhere. I have no idea what drives these people to do what they do.

A fifth woman arrives. Unlike the others she clearly doesn’t want to be here. I walk over to her.

“Hi, I’m Jasmine,” I say. “Is everything alright? You don’t look happy to be here.”

“Um ... Hi ... I’m Sheba ... Bathsheba actually, but only my parents ever use my real name. And no; I don’t want to be here. But my parents said I must prostitute myself with a contestant tonight or they would marry me off to my slime ball of a third cousin.”

“They told you to prostitute yourself?” I say in genuine shock.

“Um ... not in so many words, but that was their meaning. They know how I loath my third cousin. He’s been trying to get his paws on me since I was twelve.”

“Did your parents specify any particular contestant?” I ask.

“No. Male or female. They don’t care. If I can seduce a contestant into working for my parents, I get another six months grace to find a husband. But with six of us here tonight I don’t stand much of a chance. I hear the contestant hosting this party is an arrogant peacock.”

“Yes, that sounds like Paulo. Perhaps I can help you. I know one of the other contestants. He would probably appreciate some feminine company tonight.”

I almost laugh out loud when she leaps at my offer. I quickly bustle her out of the room and up to the dormitory. I just hope Patrick accepts the opportunity on offer. Patrick is alone in the dormitory so I practically throw Sheba at him. What happens next is up to the two of them. That’s all the pandering I intend to do tonight.

I bolt downstairs before I miss the arrival of the final guest. The other women don’t seem the slightest bit interested in Sheba’s disappearance. We don’t have long to wait before the final guest arrives. Unlike her rivals, this young woman is pretty. A natural beauty with long black hair. I wonder why she wants to take part in this tacky party tonight. She puts on the all-too-familiar superior look and sits near the other women without greeting anyone.

Cassius, one of the volunteer helpers, enters a few moments later. He reads off the names of the women on his list. When he calls out Sheba’s name I tell him that Sheba withdrew. Another woman enters the room while Cassius is making the alteration to his list. She’s in her mid twenties and dressed in a smart black leather outfit. She hands Cassius a small bag and murmurs something only he can hear.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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