African Treats - Cover

African Treats

Copyright© 2023 by NaturalHammer

Chapter 6

Part 1 - A Simple Holiday

It was day 4 of our amazing holiday. We’d finished breakfast and were taking an early’ish morning walk through the village. Hand in hand, smiling at everyone, enjoying the sunshine and clean air, it was perfect.

“I love you Chris,” and I felt her hand squeeze mine. This wasn’t an unusual ‘drop’ but was lovely to hear all the same.

Turning to her but keeping our stride going, I replied, “Love you too, Mrs H.”

Her head didn’t turn to me but I saw her smile. I also couldn’t help but glance at her amazing side profile and the obvious bounce of her boobs. Even in their usual bra prison, they were alive. I was so lucky to have her as my wife. She was her usual smart self, dark brown hair tied back in a perfect ponytail, black rimmed glasses, darkened from the bright daylight. Her t-shirt was a size too big, as usual, to try to hide her figure. That didn’t work, her boobs were there, front and center as always. She had a nice loose fitting, light blue pair of trousers on and some white trainers. Yup I was lucky with my life partner.

Turning back to look at the direction of our walk, I continued our small talk, “Why didn’t you wear the skirt?”

She chuckled, “I don’t think you’re ready for that?”

What did that mean? “Eh?”

“Seeing my legs out for 3 days in a row,” and she laughed.

I did too. “Well I liked it.”

“Yer I bet you did.” I felt her head turn to me but I didn’t look over. “And I bet you loved seeing my baps free.”

That made me turn to her, she was grinning at me, I looked down at them, “You know I always love that babes.”

She turned forwards, “Everyone notices them.”

She was right, everyone did, I loved that. I paused mid thought, my mind going back to the sex hut that I was next to yesterday and the vision of the people fucking in there. Emily popped back into that vision a second, again she was the naked woman getting fucked. Then it just fell out of my mouth, “Bet they’d all blow their loads to see your hooters out.”

She swatted my arm playfully, “God, Chris you’d never cope with that.”

That felt like a challenge, I bit, “Oh I dunno. It could be interesting.”

She scoffed, “I don’t think so Mr. I think you’d freak out. It’s ok in fantasy land but in the real world...”

I knew what she was talking about, for years we’d talked about her cuckolding me. It was all fantasy that I had given up on. I decided that it wasn’t something that was going to happen so I’d moved on. She was right, fantasy is one thing, real world very different. She’d never go with her boobs out, “But you would?”

She laughed loudly, “I did yesterday, so you never know.”

That was the first time she’d ever even remotely hinted at anything like this. I laughed with her and ignored it. We walked on hand in hand, in the back of my mind was the thing that didn’t happen yesterday, but I didn’t think about it really. I felt like she was feeling me out for something. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but for a split second her lying under Hibo naked flashed through my head again. No way. No chance.

After we’d had lunch, Nia appeared and decided that her and Emily needed some time together. Half of me didn’t want to be separated from my lovely wife, we’d had a great morning but the other half, a new half, was happy for them to go and see what my wife returned as. I knew that skirt was going to come into play again. No complaints from me if it did.

I lounged around, did nothing for a while, proper holiday mode. I felt like an hour passed and I didn’t have a single thought. My mind and soul, clear and powered down.

Eventually, I wandered back towards the village and realised something that I’d missed earlier. All the women had on a white small tube top today. It was strange, as they were all very clean and neat, almost to the point of being brand new. It was also strange because I’d become used to seeing all their boobs. However it was now sort of, bringing more attention to them as now all I could see was jiggling bra free boobs with very pointy nipples through these tops. I had to look away, but they were everywhere.

I found myself at the little sex hut again. This time there were no sex sounds, but everything else was the same. I looked around at everyone. No one paid me any attention. I had to see inside, even if just for a quick peek. Without thinking I simply leaned forward and pushed the door curtain to one side. There was nothing to see at all. Simply a circular room with some mats on the floor. A high roof, pretty dark with no windows, a lot of cloth things on the floor, maybe room for 2 or 3 people to fit comfortably. It was obvious that there could only have been one woman in here 2 days ago when I heard it all. Wow, she was busy.

I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this. It was too simple, I was relieved and disappointed at the same time. At least I now knew. I leaned back and let the curtain fall back into place. I was about to go for another walk, about to see what Emily had gotten up and about, but yet right then there she was, walking towards me with Nia. Her pale white skin made her like some albino among these people. They were a long way off and casually walking towards me. I started to help close the gap and walk towards them.

My wife had a tiny cloth thing around her hips that kept sort of flashing as she walked towards us. It was the same yellow as the skirt from the other day but a much flimsier material that clearly barely covered anything. I could tell she wasn’t comfortable with it as her hands wouldn’t leave it alone, grabbing and pulling it here and there. It was comical and clearly embarrassing at the same time.

Again she had a few necklace bead things on and a white tube top over her breasts, like all the others. It was nice to see that she was part of the no bare boob day here today. However the small white tube just emphasised the size of her boobs. They looked huge as usual, but my focus today was on her skirt.

As the three of us came closer I could see the problem even more. It was a wrap sort of skirt and it appeared that she had no knickers on underneath and nearly every step showed everyone her lightly haired pussy. I was shocked that she’d chosen to go out like this. Why on earth did she not have knickers on at the very least? She really was going native today. I then noticed behind them at some distance was Hibo.

Eventually we met up but they didn’t stop for me and it was Nia that acknowledged me first, “Morning Chris.”

“Morning ladies. Emily.” But my wife couldn’t make eye contact with me, it was funny. She was so busy with her skirt. They continued walking and I joined them. “What’s on the schedule today?” asking Nia.

She looked at me, “Emily enjoying holiday today,” and she grinned.

I smiled back at her, “Me too.” I again looked over at my wife as we walked. Loving the jiggle of her boobs and the odd flash of her pussy. It was pretty magical. I felt my cock stiring. She looked fucking sexing if I do say so. I couldn’t help myself, so with a chuckle, “I love the outfit love.”

That got me a sideways glare from her and she stopped walking, “This is not funny.”

Well I thought it sort of was, “Why’d you put it on then?” She looked over at Nia and didn’t reply, so I pressed a little more, with a whisper, “And no knickers?”

Looking back at me, she huffed, “I don’t like being like this.” Looking down her body, as she shook her head with clear disappointment with herself, she uttered “This isn’t...”

Nia cut in quickly, “It ok Emily, we love you. You enjoy holiday remember?”

Emily looked up and turned to her. I was wondering ‘remember what?’ What did that mean? Before I could ask, Nia grabbed her arm and literally dragged her onwards again. I stumbled with them, more questions in my head, “How’s your morning been?”

Nia answered for them, “Ready for relaxation.”

“Oh,” was all I could muster.

Part 2 - The Truth

In no time we arrived surprisingly at the sex hut thing. I hadn’t realised we were heading here and wondered if the fact that I’d peeked in earlier or was listening to people having sex was about to be revealed to my wife. Oopps, I was in trouble.

However I was taken back when both the women entered the hut. Not sure what was going on I stepped inside with them, it was a tight squeeze. Strangely, Emily simply lay on the floor in the middle of the room. She lay there on her back with her legs straight out, together in front of herself as she adjusted her skirt to cover herself as best she could. Her eyes closed tightly, as if she refused to acknowledge what she was doing. This was very confusing.

I was about to say something when Nia knelt down a little and with something in her hand ripped or cut my wifes top off her and wrestled it away. Emily opened her eyes quickly at the move, I caught her gaze, but she closed her eyes and turned her head back to looking at the roof. My wife was now laying there with just her beads and skirt on.

Nia then handed me a stick like thing and the remains of my wifes top. I didn’t know what else to do, so I took them, still gob smacked at what Emily was doing. Was this some Yoga thing for relaxation? “Emily what’s going on?” But she didn’t open her eyes.

Nia then told her, “Legs!” A few seconds of no movement, before a huff from Emily and she brought her feet close to her bottom, still keeping her legs together, her knees high. Another long pause, before a deep breath as she simply parted her legs wide and shuffled her feet apart a little. It was like she was in a birthing position, I could see everything. And I mean everything, her pussy was open, on display to both of us. What fucking Yoga was this, I wanted in. God darn.

Nia then did something that blew my mind, she lightly ran two fingers over my wifes pussy. A few little circles around her opening. My wife visibly shivered and moaned at the touch. Nia then stood up next to me, “We leave, she ready.”

Ready, ready for what? What the hell was going on. Emily was going to just be here like this? I was surprised when Nia stood and, taking my arm, forcibly pushed me out the room in front of her. For some reason Emily stayed there. Laying on the ground like that, with her legs open and her pussy on display.

As soon as we were outside I was surprised to see Hibo standing there right at the doorway. I sort of stood to block it, I didn’t want him seeing my wife like this.

He shocked me by saying something to Nia while at the same time he started to step out of his shorts. He was now 100 % buck naked as he dropped them on the floor. Saying something else to Nia he cupped his balls and she replied and put two fingers under his nose. He sniffed deeply and sighed. Those two fingers. The two fingers that had just felt my wife’s pussy. What the hell was going on?

Instantly his cock started to expand and shoot up. And I mean shoot up. With every heartbeat it looked like it expanded a centimeter in girth and length while clicking upwards like a clock. Within moments it was aimed straight up like a rocket bashing against his abs, pointing to the sky, a huge eye at the top open wider than I’d ever seen on a cock, with some sort of fluid starting to leak from it. It easily reached his belly button and must have been as thick as a coke can.

He smiled at me and let go of his balls that I’d swear I saw moving of their own accord. He reached forward as Nia moved to one side and he pushed me to the other side and stooped into the room through the curtain. That was it, he was gone. I stood there dumb founded. If my wife hadn’t made herself decent in the last few seconds he not only was going to see her naked breasts he was going to see her open pussy.

I was frozen in place, confused. It was as if my heart had stopped, time itself had stopped. What the hell was a huge naked black man doing going into that hut with only my wife in.

It then dawned on me that it wasn’t a birthing or yoga position that she was in. She was opening herself up ready to be taken. I stood there shocked and lost. This couldn’t be.

Then we heard it, a woman whimpering and groaning. It was unmistakable. I felt Nia’s hand on the back of my head, “You look, it ok,” and she sort of pushed me around and towards the doorway. I couldn’t help it – I moved forward, it was as if I was having an out of body experience. My throat was dry and now my heart was beating out of my chest. I didn’t want to see inside that room. With her free hand she lifted the cloth away and I saw it.

My wife’s eyes were open and she was looking up directly into Hibos’ face that was hovering above her. Her mouth was open and there was a moan coming from it. I could see them side on, he was holding his body up on his arms, they were above my wifes head, it made him look like a giant above her. Her arms were snaking up his. I could see her right boob fallen down into her armpit, her slender stomach leading to her flaring hip and the leg bent at the knee. Then there was his long, black body over hers, between her legs. He towered over her, possibly only their crotches touching, as he slowly slithered his giant cock into her.

At least I assume that’s where it was going, I couldn’t actually see from this angle, but it had to have gone somewhere. The contrast not only of their skin colours but their toned’ness was something to take in. My wife actually looked voluptuous and soft against his rigid tightness. I’d never seen this side of her, it was another new thing for me.

He groaned as he slowly moved forward and she grunted as she was filled. Where his giant cock was going was beyond me, there surely wasn’t room. He appeared to start to move back down her body, exiting her slowly. This made my wife purr and almost smirk at him. Their eyes still locked at each other. When he was all the way backwards I could actually see a little bit of his trunk, his cock, it looked impossibly thick.

He thrust his entire body forward and down and forward with force. We heard my wife cry out a deep, “Arrrgggggghhhhhh!” as her eyes shot open. At the same time he lowered his entire body onto hers. His back arched as he bent his head, my heart crushed as their lips met and they kissed. Not only was his cock snaking deep inside her body they were sharing a loving kiss. My world was shattered.

I felt my body being pulled backwards and the curtain fell closed in front of me. Another long moan, a fucking sound came from the hut.

I was shocked. There could be no doubt. My wife was having sex with someone else right now in there. How on earth? Why? I turned to Nia, “Why?”

But I could see that the big old man from the other day was here also. He started to say something to Nia but she shook her head and said something that made him walk away. As he limped away I was surprised to see his naked shrivelled ass bare for all to see.

I turned back to Nia, “What is going on?” and I waved towards the hut. I was so confused, my heart ached, my cock throbbed, my mouth was dry. What had I just witnessed? Why wasn’t I going nuts and shouting and screaming? Why was my cock throbbing?

She smiled, “She on holiday.”

I was cross and confused, “But what the...?!”

She continued to smile, “They in love.”

God darn it, was that a language problem or was she saying that my wife was in love with Hibo? I corrected her, “They’re making love.” However I hated myself for saying that. It sounded so wrong. And hearing the moans it didn’t sound like love, it was fucking. I corrected myself again, “They’re having sex.”

She nodded, “Yes.”

“But why, when, what the hell?” I was so confused. I closed my eyes and instantly saw them in my minds eye fucking in time with the sounds I was hearing. I instantly realised that something in me was excited. I opened my eyes in shock at my own awareness.

“She liked it,” and she looked towards the tent. She wasn’t wrong, “They like her.” And turning back to me she ran her hands down her body and wiggled it. I think showing that they liked her curves. She then put her hands a little way from her boobs, “Very fat, good.” Clearly she was saying that they liked her big boobs. Why did she say ‘they?’ Language problem again?

“But when?”

She didn’t understand and laughed a little. “Now,” and nodded to the hut. Clearly the sounds of people fucking continuing.

“But when did this start?”

She looked at me a second before deciding on the answer, “4 day.”

“Shit, what! She’s been fucking for 4 days?” She nodded and grinned. My mind was exploding. “When, where?”

She nodded at the hut, “Here.”

I was so confused. “She had sex in this hut before?” I was starting to worry. The other day, that woman that was in there. What no, what.

At that moment there was a roar from the hut and she held a finger up. “You wait here,” and she giggled. “First always fast.” I wasn’t sure what that meant but she wandered into the tent. I just stood there, as instructed. Lost, I looked around me. Again there were people, but no one paid any attention to us. Everyone heard the fucking and no one cared.

I tried to take in what Nia had just said to me. Emily had been fucking Hibo for the last four days. That couldn’t be right, surely not. We’d only been here 5 days. She had to be wrong. And more to the point, why was my wife cheating on me? We’d never discussed it, we’d never swung, we’d never ... I couldn’t get my head around it all. And why the fuck was my cock hard and my heart pounding like I was turned on. I was turned on, wasn’t I? What was wrong with us both? What had they done to us?

Before I could get answers in my head, Hibo stepped out of the tent. He was covered in a sheen of sweat and naked as the day he was born. His cock was already deflating but still more impressive than mine. It had a shine to it like the rest of his body but I knew that wasn’t sweat. He didn’t make eye contact with me and simply picked up his shorts from the floor and walked off.

Was that it? Were they done? Could I speak to Emily now? I know she told me to wait but I had to speak to my wife. I stepped to the hut and pulled the curtain back. Shocked and again confused at what I saw.

Emily was still lying on her back but she was tilted backwards as Nia standing at her head had her feet in her hands, almost tilting her backwards. Her hips high off the ground. Her boobs were pretty much in her face at this angle. What were they doing and why? “Emily, what the?”

Both sets of eyes shot towards me. Emily’s eyes were glazed like she was still in an orgasmic state but Nia wasn’t happy. “Go.” Then shouting, “Wait out!”

That told me I didn’t belong in here, so I stood back and let the curtain fall. What the hell were they doing and why had she just had sex with Hibo? I stood there pondering, while I realised, irritatingly, that what I’d just seen, that strange pose, had my cock pulsing even more.

I heard some shuffling and mumbling in the room. Something was going on. I heard my wife, “I don’t want to do that.”

However a few moments later she appeared, pushed out through the curtain. She quickly put her arms across her breasts as she no longer had a top. Nia followed behind her, with her hands on my wifes back. Emily’s skirt wasn’t in place properly and I could see her pussy. Her thighs were slick. Nia pushed her forward again, “You go Kgosi.”

Emily stumbled forward but turned to her confused, “Kgosi?”

I reached for my wife and put a hand on her arm, “Emily what the hell did you just do?”

Both women ignored me, Nia grinned at her and put her hands up in front of her and showed a gap between them of more than a foot. “Kgosi.” Emily shook her head, still confused.

I tried again and lightly squeezed Emily arm, “Love, what the fuck?” Her head turned to me and she smiled. She fucking smiled at me, before quickly turning back to Nia.

Nia then continued with charades, showed with her hands a round belly and what was clearly a long tall cock. I knew who she meant, as I’d just seen him a few minutes ago. It appears that Emily knew him also somehow as she gasped, “Oh.”

Nia smiled, pleased that she understood. “You go Kgosi now,” and again she pushed my wife away from us.

“But my top,” Emily stumbled and wouldn’t move forward, her arms still crossed over her boobs.

Nia looked frustrated. “You go now,” and pushed her again.

Emily sighed and defeatedly started to walk off. How she knew where he was was a mystery to me, but she was going off to see him. What for – again I didn’t know. I watched as she walked away, one hand occasionally reaching for her skirt, the other firmly covering her breasts.

I turned to Nia, I had so many questions. “Where is she going?”

Now it was her turn to look confused. “Kgosi.”

“But why?”

She grinned, “He love her too.”

God darn, what. “What?” She just grinned at me. I pictured his long cock from the other day and shook my head. “No she can’t do that. This has to stop.”

“Already,” was her reply.

“Already what?” I didn’t understand.

“Many love Emily.” She paused and smirked at me, “Already.”

No she didn’t mean that. “When?”

She looked confused again, “4 days.”

I wasn’t getting anywhere with this. I was getting frustrated, so this time slowly and loudly, “So Emily. My wife. Has had sex with Kgosi already?” She nodded a fast happy nod. “What, when?”

“1 day, 2 day”

Did that mean yesterday and the day before? “Where?”

Part 3 – Kgosi Time

Using her hand she indicated the hut behind us. Not that day. Two days ago. The three men. No away. She could see it sinking. “Yes, here,” she giggled, “Many love Emily.”

God darn it. I shook my head, the world was starting to spin, “Why?” Pointless question that I’d already asked.

She grinned, “In love with Emily,” and she did the curve dance again. I shook my head more. She nodded off into the distance. I turned to see what she was indicating and there she was. My wife was walking hand in hand with the old fat man towards us. Damn it was a sight to see.

This old black man, with a big belly, in his loincloth thing walking hand in hand with my beautiful white bride. Her free hand was shooting between trying to sort her skirt and cover her boobs. It was a losing battle as one was on display one time or the other. God her boobs were alive, bouncing and jiggling everywhere and the odd glimpse of her pussy was mesmerising. Her discretion from just now, already a distant memory, is being taken over with this new one.

Though they walked slowly, they soon arrived. Nia quickly taking Emilys free hand and pulling her away from the old man dragged her into the hut. He just stood there waiting, not really paying me any attention. I wanted to walk away to clear my head. I wanted to go and get my wife. I wanted to speak to her. I did none of it, instead I just remained standing there like a lemon.

A few minutes later Nia called my name and I with great trepidation turned towards the hut.

Pushing the curtain to one side I stepped inside. There she was, my wife, laying on the ground again, in the same place, on her back, but this time her legs were open and wide straight away. Emily had her eyes closed and her head looking straight up.

“Emily what is going on?” I asked but neither of them replied.

“Why are you doing this to me? Don’t you love me any more?” No answers came.

Nia indicated that I should step around a little to see her pussy more. I did so and was not really surprised to see a pussy that I didn’t recognise. Her pubic hair was the same but this pussy looked bigger. I don’t know how else to describe it. It just looked physically bigger, it was more puffy, more open, more slick. In fact it looked messy and obviously well used. What have they done to her?

Nia then did the same as before, leaning forward I watched her lightly run her fingers around my wife’s lips. This time she even pushed her two fingers slightly inside her. This caused a little groan from Emily. Again my cock pulsed and throbbed at this crazy sexual move. Nia stood and pushed me forward out of the tent. I had a feeling I knew what was incoming.

There was the old man, his cloth thing was already off and his cock was at half mast. Nia and he exchanged some words and she again put her two fingers covered in my wife’s pussy juices under his nose. Just like Hibo did, he inhaled deeply and smiled. It had the same effect on him, his cock started to pulse and grow. However he didn’t wait and quickly pushed past us both into the tent for what could only be a fucking session with my wife.

Nia smiled at me and licked her fingers clean. God that made my cock throb. The groaning from the hut started instantly, I tried to picture that long cock going inside my wife. Again? I returned to my questioning from before, “So she’s fucked a few of you?” No point in beating around the bush anymore.

Nia smiled, “Yes, they make love.”

“How many?”

She shrugged, “Many.”

That didn’t help. “3?”

“Man or times?”

Fuck that was a good point, “3 men?”

She shrugged again, “6.”

Shit what, “6 men have fucked my wife?”

She shrugged again, “More?”

God, the fact that they didn’t know was worse. “How many times?” She scrunched her face not understanding. “How many times has she fucked someone since being here?” I was cross and confused as hell. The moaning in the hut increased and I turned to look at it.

I heard her reply, “Lots, men love her.” As I turned back I saw her riggle again.

“God darn what about disease, AIDS?” It was a real risk.

“No problem here,” was her stupid answer.

“But how do you know? It’s silly.” It was actually very silly of my wife. Very silly indeed. “Condoms?” She looked at me confused. My turn for charades, as I tried to show her a condom going on a cock.

She understood and laughed, “No need, no problem here.”

Shit this was silly. Hearing my wife groaning and howling from her fucking. “What about pregnancy?” Again she screwed her face. My turn for charades showing her a big belly and cradling a baby.

“Yes, good,” was her reply.

No, fucking no, it wasn’t good. Shit. Emily is 45 so no chance. However she still has her periods. Narr no chance. I started to try to work out the date of her last one. I didn’t pretend to fully understand it all. Fuck me they were jizzing directly into her. Damn I felt my cock pulse and my balls churn. I shook my head. It went quiet in there, but I hadn’t heard him cum, I don’t think.

“But why?” asking Nia again, while looking at the quiet hut.

“Because good,” was her reply and she rolled her eyes into the back of her head. I guess showing a fake cum face. I understood her 100 %, and I didn’t like it.

I don’t know why I was asking all these questions, Emily was clearly enjoying this. I got that, however the sound from in there now was different. It was more a painful moan and little female yelps. He was silent. The noises were now grunts and huffs. Something different was going on in there. I could hear him quietly talking to her in his language. No idea what was being said. Nia giggled, clearly understanding something.

I turned back to her, “What?”

She held her hand up as if to say, wait and listen. So we did. More steady grunting and moaning. It went on for a while. I couldn’t deny it, my wife was very clearly enjoying these men fucking her with their huge black cocks.

Then a joyous cry from him and he called Nia. She clapped her hands and said to me, “Surprise, see,” and indicated that we should go in. I didn’t move.

She leaned forward pulling the curtain to one side and with her other hand on my back guided me in. They’d changed position.

He was now lying on his back, the biggest grin you can imagine on his face. He had achieved something. My wife was straddling his hips, leaning forward, panting for breath. His hands were on her hips, his fingers digging in hard and deep. It was as if he was pinning her on him, pulling her down. Emily was leaning forward, her hands on his chest, her head fallen forward, she was moaning and whimpering.

Nia gasped and moved to the side, pulling me with her. We were now more towards the top of their bodies. I could see my wifes legs spread wide over his hips. Their bodies were tight together but there was a gap between them where I could see his cock going into her. Maybe another inch or so left, even that looked like a lot left. He said something to Nia as he tried to push his hips up whilst holding onto my wife’s hips. Emily yelped and moved up with him. He laughed and said something to Nia.

Nia stood forward and moved behind my wife. Putting her hands on my wife’s shoulders. “Kgosi want all inside.” I bet he did, no way. My wife was struggling now.

I shook my head, “Stop this.”

Without lifting her head Emily moaned, “Yes.”

Good, she agreed with me. God this was crazy.

Nia moved her hands around my wife’s shoulders and back. “You come up now,” and I watched as Emily started to slowly move up the pole that was in her. Her body still leaning forward, her hands still on his chest. She whimpered as she moved upwards. Nia taunted her, “No one ever take all Kgosi.”

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