The True Seeker - Cover

The True Seeker

Copyright© 2014 by VeeKay

Chapter 3: Time to move on

Mystery Sex Story: Chapter 3: Time to move on - An angry man seeks answers from the almighty in the Himalayan Jungles, he seeks Nirvana and achieves it. follow his journey.

Caution: This Mystery Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   High Fantasy   Incest   Interracial   Pregnancy   Cream Pie  

Diti returned with Rita in tow from the village with the provisions and smiled when she saw Mina walking with legs wide open and her face told me that she knows the deed has been done.

Diti laid down the supplies by the fire and I was amazed to see so much of them, I raised my eyebrow and Diti laughed.

This is all because of Kiti said Diti

How come? I asked her

The villagers are in awe and fear of you for having a Tigress as pet, Diti told me.

"Oh" was only that come out from my lips.

The supplies had two new blankets and two roosters and three hens in a wooden cane cage other than regular rations and utility items. I was happy that now the girls and I can add eggs to our diet.

The winters are about to end and it's time for us to move on to the land that Raju gifted you my swami said Diti.

Why? I asked her.

Swami why do you keep forgetting that I am not only your mate but your chosen guide too? Diti said.

I wondered and thought about the course my life has taken in last two years and it all has been for the better so I decided to go with the flow hoping that this might the way the almighty wanted me to do his bidding.

We have a lot of preparations to make as its about 100 miles journey in to interiors of the forest and in to the foot hills of Himalayas and we would be needing lot many things for a safer journey and to start the commune in the secluded place, I told everybody.

That night we all were busy in going over in our minds that what all we would need for the journey and to start a new place in the wilderness, sleep came very late to all of us.

Some time in the night Kiti gave birth to our children and there were two very cute cubs suckling on to their mothers teats, Kiti purred when she saw me and I rubbed her coat she snuggled closer to me. I caressed the cubs and Kity, suddenly I felt a surge of power in me my whole being tingled and I felt younger.

We had two months to prepare for our journey; 100 miles in the hills would take us at least a month because of uncharted terrain. Diti and I started making itinerary for the trip. We needed food foremost and good shoes for the trip, we also needed mules to carry our supplies and they don't come cheap in this region also we did not have enough money to buy.

I raised my concern about the money with Diti and she smiled.

You worry too much my swami, money is not far and very soon we would have all that we want. Diti said sweetly.

I was again bowled out of my wits. I looked at her and instantly knew that she knew more than she was letting me know but I kept quiet for the good.

For one month we four of us went on gathering what we needed for the journey during the day and the nights followed by orgasmic delights with my three nubile consorts.

It was mid February that I got a surprise in the morning when I saw Rita with a baby minus her husband Raju walked in on asking her purpose of visit she started crying. I tried to console her but she kept on crying and during this she told me that her husband was murdered by his relatives for the money and somehow she managed to escape from their clutches with her baby but not before she had her hands on the documents of the land deeded to me by her late husband and some cash along with some jewelry.

Now I understood what Diti meant by money is not far but I wondered how come she knows things beforehand and I knew nothing though I was supposed to be the seeker than I shrugged may be the ways of almighty are indeed different.

Diti welcomed Rita and handed me the cutest baby in my arms.

Welcome your first daughter swamy Diti said, as I took the baby in my arms I again felt a surge of power inside me I looked at Diti in surprise.

All in good time my dearest Swamy Diti said sweetly.

I shook my head and looked at my first ever child in my arms Oh God she was beautiful and soooo delicate, she cooed and I gave her my heart as my love for her overwhelmed me, tears flooded my eyes, soon she was taken away from me as all my girls fussed around her.

While the girls were fussing over the baby Rita approached me "Swamy am I welcome to spend rest of my days in your love and care as I have nowhere to go" Rita said.

I took her hand and made her sit in my lap and enveloped her in my arms, Rita melted in my embrace and started crying again, I made her feel my heart to feel my love for her and my pride for being the mother of my first child, it calmed her and soon she was sleeping soundly in my arms. I kissed Rita lightly on her ruby lips and gently got up to place her in bed she looked stressed and tired.

That night I tenderly made love to Rita who responded equally and we together ended in blissful stupor. In my dreams I heard a voice in my head and saw a white glow so pure that it cleansed my whole being.

The voice said "Manu you the chosen one, so far you have done all you could with your given sensibilities but this is only the tip of an ice berg that will follow soon. You listen to me my child I am the creator who you seek but I am still too far for you to reach but I believe that one day you will".

I tried to say something but the voice stopped me.

"You shall not speak but listen" said the voice.

I sat like a dumb ass listening to the voice which further said:-

"Your all three mates are pregnant though they do not know yet and you impregnated the mother of your first child again today. The journey to my abode is very difficult but not impossible".

I wanted to yell and cry but was bound by the voice of the creator.

The voice continued "don't be surprised after all I am the creator so I know but I know the turmoil you are going through so speak what you have in mind or you will choke on your emotions and I have great expectations from you".

"Lord the lands were gifted to me by Raju, how can it be your abode?" I asked.

The voice laughed and said "And who do you think had asked Raju to buy that land in the remote place and gift it to you"?

"OH" I said.

"Go to the village and seek help because you need it for your journey to find me and help you shall get, now sleep my son there is lot more to be done and use your head when you seek help. Diti will guide you when required". The voice said before finally leaving me.

I woke up but it was all darkness around me, the dawn was still hours away, I finally tried to replay what the lord creator had said in my head over and over again so that I could identify as to what the lord meant about seeking help in the village.

I could not decipher the lord's word and slept when I became tired but one thing I decided was to make a trip to the village in the morning.

I was still fuddled in my sleep when I felt soft lips kissing me tenderly, I opened my eyes and saw Rita with soul stirring love in her eyes kissing me with all the love she had, I responded to match the passion and love that I never felt before.

"Good Morning my love". I said to Rita.

"I am yours with TAN MUN & DHAN (TAN = BODY, MUN = SOUL, DHAN = MONEY) for eternity my master, my lord Rita said. I was overwhelmed with her love as compared to my life earlier as I kissed her back and made love to her once again.

I suddenly noticed that I and Rita were alone in the hut so I asked Rita about the rest of the girls. Rita told me that they are busy in the daily chores and Diti had asked her to take special care of you because you will need once you woke up.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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