The True Seeker - Cover

The True Seeker

Copyright© 2014 by VeeKay

Chapter 1

Mystery Sex Story: Chapter 1 - An angry man seeks answers from the almighty in the Himalayan Jungles, he seeks Nirvana and achieves it. follow his journey.

Caution: This Mystery Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   High Fantasy   Incest   Interracial   Pregnancy   Cream Pie  

My name is Manu I live in New Delhi India and this is my story, I was never successful in my life in any area or field. My life was a bucket full of shit. Friends left me, my wife left me for another man, my family loathed me overall everybody despised me. I day I decided enough was enough and I left the city I grew in and decided to go to the hills in search of the almighty as the Himalayan region in India is considered to be sacred.

Since the sands of time many sages and sadhus (holy man) had gone in search of the divinity many returned with an aura around them and many were buried in the jungles or the snow clad mountains. I went to Haridwar the holy city by the Mighty and sacred Ganges. I wandered around and was confused as to from where I should start my sacred journey in search of the truth or light that would change my life.

I wandered around for a week and finally joined a group of wanderers who were all like me dejected, angry and in search of answers. Most of us shared similar kind of story and fate, we all wandered to, Rishikesh (meaning hair of the saints).

In Rishikesh we wandered around the banks of Ganges and went deeper in to the jungle, some of us got separated some went the other way now I was all alone once again. I wandered around for a while and finally took refuge on the banks of Ganges in the forest. I had few clothes and very little money with me.

For two days I was on the banks out in the open sleeping under the stars. The next day I went to Rishikesh and bought some utensils and an axe, I came back to the same place and started to build myself a bamboo hut just like the hermits and sages used to live in. I covered the hut with the roof made of dry leaves from the jungle.

I started living in the hut with few of my belongings; I made couple of spears out of bamboos for protection from wild animals and for food. Hindu religion forbids eating meat, for the ones who seek truth and live life of a Hermit or sage.

I defied all and started living of the land, I never tried to seek what I wanted to as I was busy in gathering food for myself. I collected berries from the jungle, fish from the river and lived on. I was living as if I was the only person alive on this planet and cared for no one.

One day while was in the jungle foraging for fruits and berries I came across a wild cow with a calf in tow, I somehow lured the cow along and brought her to my settlement. I tied the cow to a nearby tree, and let the calf lose I started feeding the cow greens and soon she responded to me the calf too became friendly and would follow me everywhere. I named the cow Sue and the calf I called him Beta.

One day when the calf had his fill of the milk I tried to milk the cow, at first she was hesitant than she allowed me to milk her so that I could add milk to my meager diet. Couple of years passed people would come to my settlement watched with curiosity and left I was soon labeled and was called "Hatela Baba"(The recluse sage). Sometimes those people left me with provisions or money as charity, that I accepted it without shame. The money helped me to buy some necessities.

My appearance was changed, I only wore a loin cloth my hair had grown and were waist length, my beard reached below my chest. Physically I was thin but well muscled I had lost all the fat around my body. The calf had grown in to a very big strong bull and one day I saw the bull mounted his own mother the cow and before I could react the deed was done. I was disturbed with this, it was incest but then thought if everything that happens, happens with will of the god so be it.

Sue the cow was soon pregnant. Sue started giving more milk than ever. One day when I returned from my daily foraging I saw a young girl sitting near my hut I ignored her as I did others and was in my own elements. Soon it was evening and then night came the girl was still sitting on the same spot unmoving I felt this rather strange but again ignored it as it had become my second nature.

I retired to my hut and went to sleep, during the night I got up to pee and I saw the girl still there I could not stop myself I went to her and God she was stinking to heaven. I came back and filled some milk in a bowl and went back to her and offered it to her she literally tore it from my hands and drank greedily from the bowl and licked it clean. I offered her more that too was gone and then she burped I smiled even with her stinking I went forward and patted her head.

I returned to my hut the girl followed me I stopped outside my hut and she too stopped. I told her she was dirty and no way was she to enter my abode. I went inside and came out with a sheet I gave the sheet to her and told her to sleep outside. I went inside and slept.

In the morning I woke up and went out the hut and saw the girl sleeping wrapped in the sheet I had given her, by the fire that I everyday built outside my hut just to keep the wild animals at bay. I nudged her feet by my foot she woke up and for the first time she smiled. I went inside my hut and came out I gave the girl a bar of soap and my old shirt. I told her to go and take bath in the river and wash her stinking cloth if she wants warm milk and something to eat. The girl took off like a rabbit, I smiled.

I was milking Sue the cow when the girl returned, she was wearing my shirt that came to her knees, and her hair were black and came to her waist she looked to be around 12 or 13 yr old. She was pretty and looked clean, she then spread her old clothes and the sheet which she had washed on the bushes nearby. The girl went in to the jungle and came back with dry wood in her arms that she put in to the fire and soon the fire was going on nicely. I got up with the pail full of milk and thanked her for her help, for the first time she smiled.

I think we both understood each other well without saying a word to each other, I did not know her name. All through the day she did chores that I had neglected for many days, she tended to the plants that I had planted around the hut. She took all the utensils to the river and washed them with the river sand until they shown like new. She went to the river shore and came back with a big black smooth oval stone which she placed it under a tree.

The girl again ran back to the river and came back with more round smooth stones but small in size these she encircled around the big one she had placed earlier then she gathered lots of wild flowers and placed them around the big stone and sat in front of it with her hands folded and her eyes closed. I knew that she was worshipping Lord Shiva's Lingam (The creator and the destroyer) she started a chant "OM NAMAH SHIVAY", "OM NAMAH SHIVAY", "OM NAMAH SHIVAY" (The most powerful chant in the whole universe). She did it for five minutes and then she got up took two flowers from the offering she had made and came to me.

The girl took one flower and placed it behind my ear and gave the second to me and indicated that I do the same with her, I did as she wanted. The girl than bowed on her knees and touched my feet with her hands and kissed my toes I was shocked on her gesture and picked her up by her shoulders and asked her the meaning of what she did.

The girl said her name was Diti and she was an orphan, she had run away from the orphanage when the caretaker tried to rape her. She had a vision when she slept in the jungle hiding her-self. In her vision Diti saw a bright light and then heard a voice telling her to find the true seeker and together with him she would find her destiny. Diti told me that she had been watching me from last 3 days, she had another vision, in which she saw me as the true seeker of the lord.

Diti said that I was kind to her I did not lusted for her body like other sages or the holy man did. Today she had accepted me as her lord and now as per the ritual of her tribe she was my consort for life.

I was bewildered and asked her what she meant by her being my consort, Diti said from today onwards she was mine and mine alone to do as I pleased. I still could not understand her. I asked her how old she was she said she was going to be 14 in couple of months.

Together we worked the whole day Diti helped me in most of the chores which resulted in achieving more than on a usual day. I was very satisfied by the day's work and in the evening we both went to the river for our bath, Diti bathed behind a rock and I in the open, after bath Diti wore her old clothes which were now clean and smelled good.

Diti during the had collected enough wood for two days I tended to the fire and Diti made preparations for the food to be cooked, we had boiled milk with honey and berries. After our humble dinner we retired for bed. In my hut I had made provisions for Diti to sleep on a new grass pallet that I had made for her.

We both lay on our beds and went to sleep after a tiring day. I knew my life was definitely going to change after the entry of Diti in my life but how? I wondered if there was significance of her entering my life I tried to figure out but got no answers, I left it to the lord and went to sleep.

Life definitely changed for the better, Diti planted a small garden at the back of the hut and in few months it turned out to be quite bountiful, now we had rich diet of veggies and fruits. Diti was filling in nicely her body had all the curves at the right places.

Winters were approaching, Diti suggested that we should cover the cow shed with palm leaves to make it more secure for Sue the Cow as Sue was due to deliver any time soon. I and Diti secured the cow shed and the very next day Sue delivered a healthy female calf.

I felt that my hut too needed some expansion so I asked Diti what she felt about the matter, Diti said yes the hut definitely needs expansion. Next few days we were busy in modifying the hut, I carved a door in the back wall and constructed new room which was larger than the hut, I thatched the roof with many palm leafs, and Diti mixed cow dung with mud and plastered the walls and the floor. We shifted our beds in the new room.

In the evening I noticed that our beds were side by side, I didn't said anything to Diti but wanted to see that what she had in her mind. It became evident to me when we both retired to bed, Diti rolled over to my bed and flung her arms over my chest, and her one leg was over my thighs. I stopped breathing for a moment her nubile body so close to mine was too much for me to bear.

During the night I woke up to find myself in spoon position with my arms around her and her ass fitted snugly in my crotch her frock was over her hips. I use to sleep in my loin cloth only and now I was having a hard on, my cock was wedged between Diti's ass cheeks. My cock felt like it was in a hot case.

I was difficult for me to sleep I eased myself out from the position and went out in the open, I took out my cock and the cold air hit me but I masturbated to my hearts content ropes and ropes of semen rushed out after a very long time I sighed and went back to the hut and slipped in bed. I woke up in the morning and found Diti had her hand in my loin cloth and was holding my cock, in her sleep she was caressing my cock. I was as hard as steel and embarrassed.

I tried to disengage myself and in doing so I woke up Diti. She looked in to my eyes and squeezed my cock. I asked her what she had in her mind. Diti said she had a vision last night and the time has come that I must take her as my consort. I was speechless, I was 32 yrs. of age, and here a nubile girl only 14 yrs was offering herself to me.

I was confused; I didn't know where my search for the almighty and answers to my questions was taking me. I nodded at Diti in affirmation to take her as my consort she squealed in pleasure and flung her arms around me. Diti gave me a toe curling kiss. I accepted it to be God's will.

We both were busy with our respective chores when a man about 65 yrs. of age came with a woman of about 20/21 yrs. they both knelt before me and bowed low. I was surprised by their action and asked them to stand up. They stood up and I asked them the reason of their visit.

The man said his name was Raju and the woman was his wife Rita and they both had a vision that they were to meet me as I could only solve their problem. I asked them about their problem and the man before could say anything Diti said that she knows their problem; we all were shocked on her statement.

I looked at her questioningly, Diti said the Man Raju is a very rich man he lost his family in an accident. He married again because his relatives are after his wealth but he is now old and impotent and he wants a child so that his vast property and wealth remains with his child and wife otherwise his wealth would be taken by his relatives.

I was still baffled by all the drama going around me, I had millions of questions raising their head in my mind. I asked Diti to stop and answer my questions first.

"Yes Swami" (means yes my Lord) said Diti.

Diti tell me honestly that how did you know the problem of this man I asked her.

"Swami, I too had a vision about this man that is why I knew. Diti replied.

Diti then turned to the man and told him to come tomorrow and leave your wife for month with us the lord would fulfill your desire. The man and his wife bowed and left.

Listening to this my jaw dropped. I asked Diti to explain what she meant by what she told to the man.

Diti said "Swami once you take me as your consort you would be fulfilling prophesies and writing her destiny and at this moment she could not tell more.

The whole day I was confused, wondering what was going on around me. Everything seemed mysterious.

As the night approached my cock was growing every second in anticipation of having Diti, I had not had sex from the last seven years.

We finally retired to bed, next I undid my loin cloth my cock sprang out, my God it still looked fine it was smooth eight inches long and good two inches in diameter. I heard Diti gasped, I slowly walked toward the bed Diti's eyes were fixed on my hard cock and she was licking her lips. I had lighted the candles in the room.

I pulled Diti to me she came to my arms trembling I asked her what's was troubling her, Diti whispered that is not a cock it is a monster it would rip her in two. I gave her a smoldering kiss my tongue entered her mouth she sighed and shivered in return her tongue started a ferocious duel with my tongue. My one hand moved to remove her frock and I removed it, I started caressing her butt and outer thigh she shuddered she took my cock and started caressing.

I started to cup her solid hard tits. I mauled them roughly she shivered I tweaked her nipples rolled them one by one between my finger and thumb, Diti was breathing hard I broke the kiss and looked in to her eyes I only saw love. I then kissed her nose and nibbled on her ears she shuddered and cried UUUMMmmmhhhh.

I turned and brought her on her back beneath me, I sucked her nipples twirled them between my lips with my tongue she lifted her body thrashed around then she screamed " O MMMMAAAMAAAA" as she came hard then. I was sucking and biting her one tit, my hand wandered between her thighs I cupped her cunt she was sopping wet her juices were copious trailing down her ass crack. I looked at her face her eyes were unfocussed and glassy her hands were roaming wildly in my hairs.

I started down her body and sucked her navel Diti went wild she thrashed her body as she giggled hysterically and said NNOOOOO DOOONNNN'TTT PPPLLLLLZZZZZ. I left her navel and dove between her legs, her otherwise flat cunt lips, were now swollen and looked puffy. I kissed her inner thighs and she moaned I then caught her thighs, pushed them to her chest, and lifted her ass a little from the bed and in one clean motion I licked her asshole to her clit Diti cried DDDOOOO IIIIIIITTT AGGGGAAAAIIIIINNNN.

I obliged her several times, Diti pulled me by my hair to her spasming cunt with a force and in return thrust her cunt to my lips lifting her ass from the bed, and I believed that by morning I would not have a single hair on my head.

Diti was thrashing her body she was in convulsions her thighs held my head in a vice like grip she shuddered as the tsunami of her orgasms hit her and then she passed out. I came up to get the much-needed air to my lungs. I saw a puddle forming under her ass as she was sprawled on bed with her thighs open, her cunt lips twitching. The sight was enough for my now throbbing cock and I decided it was time for me to devour that delicious virgin pussy.

I knew because of her thin frame she is going to be extremely tight but she was leaking by the gallon so I rubbed the length of my eight-inch cock between the swollen lips of her cunt to coat it for lubrication. I then placed my cock head at the gates of paradise and gave a mighty shove, my cock tore in to the virginal cunt and was half in, Diti's body bucked she lifted her chest and yelped NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMYYYYY GGGAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDD. I gave another mighty shove and our pubic bones crashed Diti screamed TTTAAAAAAKKKKKEEEE IIIIIITTTTT OOOOOUUUUTTT BBBBYYYYYY GGGGAAAAAADDDDDD IIIIIEEEEE YYYYUUUUUMMMM GGGGGOOOONNNNNNAAAAAA DDDDDIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZ.

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