Copyright© 2014 by Anthony Concept
Chapter 12
Two weeks later, Jayne was setting up residence next door. Taffy, still sad at the loss of Ted, was glad for the company. Jayne had the twins and Taffy, plus getting re-established to take her mind off Ted's death. The union lawyers were mounting a case for a large compensation package.
Life was returning to some semblance of normalcy. The babies were thriving and Taff was fully into 'mother mode'. Between her and Jayne, they would have to be the most well cared for kids in the district.
Jayne started to gain a lot of weight, she put it down to the 'good living' at the lake. When it became more than normal, she went to see the doctor. An ashen faced Jayne sat us down to talk, fearing the worse.
"I am slightly pregnant."
"But how?" exclaimed Taffy.
"Birds and bees Taff, if I remember right, that's what you said when I asked the same question of you."
"But-- but, Dad's been dead for three months now."
"And I'm, according to the doctor, four months along."
"Congratulations Jayne, what a shame Ted never knew." Christ, what have we done.
"I thought it was just the menopause come a little early, guess I was wrong. Looks like the twins will have a playmate to grow up with."
When I got the chance to talk to Jayne alone, I tried to apologise.
"Don't Tony, perhaps I'm being a bit selfish here, but I'm happy. I would have liked another child after I had Taff, but as you know the donor had gone far away; now he's back and I've got my wish."
"But aren't you a bit old to be having a baby now?"
"Haw! Pot calling the kettle black?"
"Yeah, 'suppose you're right. I hope everything goes well for you."
"It will Tony, it will. I guess the union lawyer should know about this, expecting a child should help my compensation case even more now."
The compensation for Ted's death paid a big sum, the union proved negligence of behalf of the mill and called for a major review in work practices. Coroner pictures of Ted showed the caustic burst had melted the skin off of his face. He was probably out of it before he hit the deck. The fact the Jayne was 'with child' had a strong influence on the decision. They would both be well catered for in the future.
The twins were a joy to behold, Jayne and Taffy settled into motherhood, Jayne was nearing her birthing date and we were all on edge. The day finally arrived, I was at the office when the water broke. Taffy was with Jayne during the birth; as a mere son in law, I, had to pace up and down in the waiting room. I'm sure the other folk in the room thought it a bit odd that a son in law should be showing so much concern-- bugger 'em.
At last Taffy came out with a big grin on her face, "I've got a baby brother Tony, the twins will give him a hard time when they all grow up, 'we're older than our uncle'. He's a little beauty Tony, as soon as he's checked out and cleaned up you can see him."
"How's Jayne holding up?"
"Good, but very tired. She should be up for a short visit though."
When my brother in law was cleaned up, I can't think of him as my son, although I would dearly love to lay claim to that title, I was allowed to hold him; he was a healthy looking kid and had a smile on his face that melted my heart. I made a solemn promise I would care for him.
Jayne looked tired but happy when I went in to see her. Taff was still with the baby, so I had the chance to say a quick thank you to her.
"He's perfect Jayne, thank you for my son."
"Our son Tony, it's a shame that only we two know the truth; at least you will have the pleasure of watching this one growing up."
"That's something I really am looking forward to, now I'm sad I missed Taffy's childhood. Better shush, here she come now."
My son was named Edward after Ted, a name I fully approved of, perhaps a slight sense of guilt?
The kids grew like weeds, they played well together and apart from the usual kid's squabbles, were a pleasure to have. Jayne took on 'Mother' role which allowed Taffy a limited time back at work. Jack and I made it abundantly clear that Gail, Taff's replacement was now the top dog and Taff the assistant, she grudgingly accepted that. Having the babies and the stress of the last twelve months, had matured her outlook on life, she was still the rabid footy fan but now home life took a more important place in her life.
Life moved on, Wizard and Aussie Dongas tendered for several more projects and eventually amalgamated. Jack and Gail hit it off and after a lot of procrastinating, finally got married. As the kids became easier to handle, Jayne took the 'Mother' role a step further which was to allow Taffy more time at the office.
I was working on a proposal when I got an eerie sensation that wouldn't leave me. Not saying anything I went out and got into the car, instinctively I headed for home. The house was quiet when I entered, I called for Jayne and heard a faint reply from the kitchen. Rushing in to find her on the floor in a foetal position.
"Jayne, what's wrong?" I cried as I knelt down.
"Heart Tony-- too late-- lost the golden hour-- look after our babies Tony-- I love you-- going to Ted--" She slipped away.
With a heavy heart I called 000 for an ambulance. When the paramedics arrived I queried Jayne's comment 'the golden hour'.
"Usually, if we can get to them in the first hour, there is a good chance of survival; sadly this wasn't the case."
With tears in my eyes I watched the ambulance move off. The noise had disturbed the kids, so they became my first priority, I hesitated to call Taffy on the phone as I didn't want her to drive under the stress. It was nearing knock off time so I would wait until she arrived home to give her the bad news.
"Saw the ambulance on the way home Tony, some poor bugger needed it."
"Taffy, there's no easy way to put this; Jayne had a heart attack-- she didn't make it love, she was the 'poor bugger'."