Student Assistance
Copyright© 2014 by radio_guy
Chapter 21
As usual, we woke at the same time and just beat the alarm clock. Karen said that she would print our two chapters out. I left for the other dorm and received my towel and kit from Melissa’s hand. “Thank you and good morning.” She laughed at that. A happy Paul joined me within a minute.
He said, “We both fainted! I was trying your idea of just concentrating on her pleasure. We came together and both of us passed out! That was quite a rush!”
Now, I was surprised. We finished in the bathroom and headed to our room to get dressed. We met them at the entrance of the cafeteria. We grabbed our food and sat down. Karen took my hand and prayed. She asked to be a good enough lover to me that she could get me to pass out!
“Love, this passing out thing isn’t a competition and no one gets points for making their partner pass out.”
Karen looked sheepish. “I guess I started it bragging that you were so good that you made me pass out. I think I started something with Paul.” She cupped her mouth gasping. “I hope I didn’t start that with your mother and Suzie-Q!”
“I hope not. Suzie-Q’s not ready for sex.”
“Lover, she may or may not have tried it, but she is totally ready, physically and emotionally.”
“Well, it’s just that she’s my sister.”
“How old was her brother when he had his first time?
I blushed but didn’t answer for a moment. “It wasn’t real until two weeks ago.”
Paul laughed, “Nice save, Brad.”
Karen smiled. “I think your sister has a better attachment to Matt than you ever had to Lisa. We talked after you went to sleep Saturday night. I know things about her that no one else knows. If she wants you to know, Lover, she will tell you I can ask her to let me tell all but your sister should be allowed to have some secrets from her brother. Her brother has a few from her.”
I decided the only intelligent thing to do was nod, so I did. We finished our breakfasts talking of inconsequential matters. Karen and I went to our English class. She handed in our first two chapters. I noticed that it went to one side. Everyone had filed in and taken their seats. Professor Daniels looked around settling on Karen and me. She held up our chapters. “‘Aging Well’ is an interesting title. Would the partners writing this story come forward.” I took Karen’s hand as we came forward. She was standing to one side of her desk when we came up. She noted that Karen was wearing a ring on her left ring finger. “It appears that you have an announcement, then I want you to tell the class how you go about writing this story. Then please read what I have here.”
I said, “I am proud to announce that Karen Mason has agreed to marry me early this summer and wears my engagement ring.”
Karen held up the ring where it could be seen. She said, “We had worked together on the description and thesis statement for our last class. From that point, we had to determine a system for writing that would work for us. We decided that we would take turns with each of us writing a chapter at a time. Brad writes from the man’s perspective and I write from the woman’s perspective. We then edit each other’s chapters. I made Brad re-write chapter one. He was more gentle to me or I’m a better writer. We turned in two chapters to, we hope, clearly show that the two of us are writing this story.”
I was holding our pages. “Chapter One.
“I moved into the condo complex over the weekend. This new place was a two bedroom townhouse. My divorce was final and our possessions from over thirty years of marriage had been split with much of my share being sold or given away. Neither my former wife nor I had monetary issues. I had worked hard and made some good guesses about investing so working wasn’t a necessity for either of us unless there was a desire to live a grand lifestyle. I bought this condo for cash using my share of the equity of our home. It had all new furniture and, in particular, a new bed.
“The final straw that had broken my marriage was finding my former wife in our marital bed with a neighbor after she had promised to stop cheating. I took pictures with my phone but never needed them. Apparently, she wouldn’t stop having sex with others even though I would have sex with her two or three times every night. She had quit work a year before and sex with others had become her hobby.”
Professor Daniels interrupted and said, “Miss Mason, please read from your part.”
I handed our papers to Karen. She flipped a few pages and said, “This is from chapter two.
“I wondered if Jack had any siblings or parents alive. My parents were gone. My decision to divorce Mike had been put off due to their illnesses. When they died, divorce was my thought until Mike was killed. I wondered how innocent of cheating Jack had really been. He had the look that suggested he had a way with women.
“I was worried about that issue. I would use that concern to slow down my feelings if I started to hurry. This evening would just be dinner and conversation. If I still liked him, I might give him a kiss when he left for his condo.”
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