Mythical Island - Cover

Mythical Island

Copyright© 2014 by VeeKay

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - What happens when you are stranded along with a bevy of beautiful females, your sister and cousins on a beautiful yet cursed island which is full of surprises and also let you fulfill your most desired fantasy. the Mythical mysteries of the Island sets you on a journey you wish never to end.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Zoophilia   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Pregnancy   Cream Pie  

The morning rays lit the cabin through the portholes, slowly everybody started waking up and once everybody woke up, the realization of the situation dawned on every face. I got up and peered through the porthole I saw the lagoon, the coconut trees and lots of sunshine; I went to the door and opened it with rifle in the left hand and the pistol in right I stepped out followed by Sue and Nita. I heard birds chirping and baboons chattering some far away, the boat must be some 50 meters away from the lagoon I thought was enough to be out of reach of high tide. I told the girls to freshen up and make some something to eat while Sue, Nita and I stand guard and once they finish then we will go one by one. I lit one cig and puffed away boy I was getting addicted to the silly thing. It took about an hour and half for the girls to freshen up and make something to eat, then I signaled Nita to go, after Nita it was sue who went to freshen up. When Sue returned, I told Nita and Sue that in case of anybody, showing up or if they feel threaten then they do not shoot directly but a warning shot overhead. I freshened up and joined the girls for our morning breakfast of sandwiches and tea, after eating we sat down to discuss our next course of action. I was in favor of exploring the island, some of the girls supported the idea but rest rejected and said they should wait out few days. I countered that what good it would do to us stranded on the boat; I also told them that by looking at the situation where the only way out of this island closed yesterday when we came. I continued with my explanation that it is better to explore and find out if people habited this island and if there is a way out on the other side of this island. I further explained them girls, that if we do not explore then we are doomed, because as of now we have supplies for next 15 days at the max after that what? Some of the girls said that they feel safe on the boat getting down scares them I told them that I too am scared like the rest of you but I am no coward, we have to get down and explore. Nita said that what I said made sense and was logical, somehow they reluctantly gave in and we started our preparations for our excursion trip of the island. I went to the navigation cabin and switched off the power supply by the generator to the cabins, and switched on the solar power. I came down, went to my cabin and wore my sneakers, I then opened the cabinet, I took out two bullet belts meant for my Springfield rifle both belt held 60 rounds combined, which I wore across my chest. I then tied that giant of a knife (the blade was 14 inches), to my waist placing the knife by my right hip. The magazines of my 9mm were hanging on the left side of my hip; I placed the 9mm with safety on, in the waistband by the small of my back. I now picked the Samurai sword from its place on the cabin wall and slung it over my shoulder; I picked the binocular, which I wore on my neck and further picked two belts of 12 gauge cartridges and four boxes of shells for Nita and Sue. Boy I was leaving no quarters and in mood to give none, in case of any eventuality. I finally wore my sun cap and came out of the cabin. Outside all the girls were ready I gave Nita and Sue the belts and boxes of shells. Shal with sarcasm commented on my appearance she said it looks like we are going on a war, I looked at her and said in a tone that reflected my anger I said that we are not going on a picnic either and this for the protection of you all. If somebody seeks war then WAR, it shall be; I would rather die before any harm touches anyone of you. All the girls looked at Shal with daggers in their eyes, Shal turned beet red but said nothing. I asked the girls to form a line so I could inspect them, as I wanted to take no chances. There was nothing much to check as the girls did not have much to wear since they were on a pleasure cruise but they tried their best, they all had their utility pouches tied to their waist. I started inspecting what they were carrying in their utility pouches; Vini had a bottle of vodka and pack of cigs along with packets of food. Suru had a bottle of wine with packets of food, Ritu was carrying packets of food and a water bottle, Ruchi had fruits and water bottle, Vandy had medicines and water bottle, Shal had fruits and food packet, Anna had a small rucksack which had water bottles and plates, Mona had another rucksack containing sheets and towels. All the girls were wearing sun hats, sneakers and socks. I was satisfied and gave those final instructions; I said girls listen very carefully, we do not know what we were to encounter out there or what fate has in store for us. You have to keep your eyes and ears open and move silently, we were to move in a single file. Nobody means nobody was to break the file, if anybody sees anything that need attention then you have tell it in whisper, nobody is allowed to talk loudly because I do not want us to land in danger by one wrong move, they all nodded. I asked Nita and Sue to ensure every door and window if any, locked and secured; they both left and came back a few minutes later. I took all of them on the side where the boat leaned on the rock, the rock was about a foot down from the railing, I crossed my legs over the railing and was on the rock. The rock was almost 20 ft in height from the ground but the decent was easy, I reached the ground and signaled the girls to follow me; while the girls were coming down. I was on full alert, all came down I asked them to form a single file and told Sue to hold the rear and Nita the middle, they nodded and we started our journey.

I started from the left side of the boat and walked along the beach, and then turned left towards what seemed like an opening between two coconut trees, we kept on walking and I was surprised what looked like a tropical island but was very scarce of the vegetation. Though there were many trees but very few of them were still green rest were barren, another thing that surprised me was that after walking for half an hour we did not came across any animal or bird but could hear birds and monkeys in distance. I realized that the trail we were walking on looked too well used and still there was no sign of inhabitants. I stopped and asked Vini to give Vodka bottle she handed it to me I took a large swig and asked for water bottle Ritu gave me one I emptied the bottle, all of the girls have question in their eyes I told them of my observation and they agreed yes there was something not right. I scanned the land through my binocular and saw that to my right side there on a hilltop about a mile away stood a structure of some sort. I increased the power and saw it to be a ruin of some kind with a dome on top, I told the girls about it as I pointed in that direction, all were eager to have a look at it, and binocular passed from one to another. After all had seen, I decided to explore it. Some girls were reluctant to them I reasoned that the ruin is on a hill top and it would give us good amount of land to scan by binocular also we have good chance to find out about the people who inhabited this island and why that structure is in ruins. Girls somehow agreed to move forward, we marched ahead and reached the top in about an hour. I was eager to explore but the girls said that they are tired and wish to rest and eat before going any further, I agreed, bed sheets were placed on the ground all food and wine was set up for us to have a feast in the wilderness, Sue, Nita and I were alert while we all ate our meal. After finishing I asked them to clear up and proceed with our venture, some said it was quite nice here in the shade for them rest of us can and go ahead. I was pissed, I yelled as to what they had in mind. I said our safety is in being together not in being separated, why you girls not understand. This got them get going and we started what looked like the entrance, the moment I stepped in I felt the power of the place it was magnetic it was drawing me to it. There were exquisite carvings on the surrounding walls depicting the culture of the people who lived on this island, I crossed the hall and entered a courtyard the girls followed me, I had no command over my footsteps they had the mind of their own. In the middle of the court yard was a huge hall with a dome over it, the doors were closed, the doors was adorned with the carving of human beings engaged in various position of sexual coupling. I climbed the stairs the doors to the chamber automatically opened I went in the girls hesitated a bit then followed me once we all entered the doors closed it was pitch dark inside the girls managed to find me and came close to me some held my hand. I could hear water falling somewhere in the chamber, then I noticed a faint glow started from all four walls of the chamber and was increasing by the second, in a minute the entire chamber was brightly lit. I was surprised to see that right in front on the wall was a huge stone female Vagina and a giant male erect phallus were carved, what was more surprising was that a steady stream of water was falling out of both the sculptures and falling in to the bowls on the floor. The girls gasped at the sight

Then a rumbling voice filled our ears, the voice said "At last you are here to fulfill your destiny", I asked who are you, the voice relied that "I am the lord of the spirits of the island in fact I am the Island". I asked the voice that why I am here. Moreover, what is this thing of fulfilling my destiny? The voice answered "take it easy Manu be patient, I would answer all your questions", I was taken aback and wondered how the voice knew my name I then shot back to the voice that how does he the voice knew my name. The voice laughed and said, "HAHahhahhahhhaah, my dear I know all about you and the girls, one of them is your real sister and others are your cousins and two are your nieces. The voice continued that it knows a lot more but as of now, the voice wanted me to know that I was born under rare mystical planetary position that takes place once in a millennium, I was the chosen one". I said I am confused, the voice replied "Alright it will make it simple for me to understand and request to be patient and not to interrupt until it is finished". I promised.

The Voice said – Once this was a land as corrupt as your world, there was greed, evil, and treacherous violence, the tribes was fighting each other killing over trivial issues. The love for war became more important than the welfare of the living. There was no honor among the living and they had no respect for wisdom and peace, people were suffering from the hands of few and the spirits of the land was very unhappy they could not do anything, as they were helpless they needed support but none was coming. Then arose a man, a man who was one of the oppressed, he was all alone in that world. He had turned his own feelings to stone. That man had only one aim in life and it was to slay the tribal lord and their cronies as they had wiped out his entire clan but captured his beloved only sister and his lovely seven cousins along with two of his dearest nieces and sold them in to slavery after raping and abusing them. That day he decided that enough was enough, he asked people to rise against the oppressors but nobody supported him out of fear he then started an undeclared war on the rulers and their cronies. His name was Manu, one day he killed the crony who had his sister as a slave and rescued her. Manu then started gathering information about his cousins and nieces, for that, he tortured and killed anyone who had any information of them. Manu started to hunt down the culprits and started rescuing his remaining family. Manu was ruthless and cold. He came to be known as "Manu the warrior" among common people. Manu did not rest until he rescued all his cousins and nieces and all this he did alone and brought them one by one to this part of the island to his hideout. Manu brought his sister, cousins and his nieces to this part and gave them sanctuary. He used to visit them often, the girls use to fawn on him but he was withdrawn from their attentions. Manu only use to come to give those supplies they needed to live.

The reputation of Manu increased every day. Manu was fearless as he was fair, he started helping the needy, in him the people saw the savior and started following him. Manu was proposed by innumerable beautiful girls, some wanted to be his wife and some were happy to just have his manhood once in there miserable life, his heart remained a stone. Manu had no feelings for anyone as if he was a dead man, he only cared for his remaining family, Manu started secretly assembling an army of his own and Manu trained them to fight. The name of Manu begun to instill fear among the tribal lords that they trembled on hearing his name, the spirits of the island saw salvation of people through him but were apprehensive to approach him because he was stone cold in his feelings, though he was fair but he had become a ruthless devil. Manu with his new army started annihilating the tribal lords and their cronies but before he raided the tribe he use to conduct a secret survey to decide as to whom he would appoint the head of the tribe and he was always fair. The Tribal lords gathered to arrive on a decision as how to counter the menace called "MANU", their greed and evil within them never let them got them united, Manu took advantage of it, and he annihilated every one of them and appointed real good people to rule. The spirits watched all this, and they were convinced that he is really the son of the land. The spirits started visiting in his dreams and advised him to be the ruler of all the tribes that this sacred land needs for this he should call all the tribal lords to the place of his choosing and then test them.

Manu decided that what the spirits told him was correct because the power can corrupt any man and what the spirits suggested was a good way to check that he has chosen well. Manu sent his men with a message to all the tribal lords to meet him at this very piece of land, all the lords came on his invitation and all were surprised to see Manu sitting on a rock. Manu had a small hut where his family of females lived, he and his warriors stayed in the open. When all the lords gathered, Manu asked the lords that would they accept him as their only lord to which every one of them pledged their fealty to him. They all bowed down to him and surrendered their weapons, Manu accepted them all and asked them to rise and leave but none moved. Manu was surprised and asked the reason, the lords told him that they would not bear that their king lives in penury while they all lived in comfort. All lords have decided to build a palace worthy of him and it goes with their pledge to him. Manu protested but in vain, all the lords sent for their finest artisans and builders, during this time Manu stayed in the hut with his family, the girls showered him with love. With peace, all around Manu started to feel happy once again, he laughed and he joked with fellow men and he glowed in the love given by his family. One day Manu told the girls that the time has come for him to select husbands for them, the girls paled, they started crying, Manu was confused he asked them why they do not want to marry. The girls told him that they was badly abused by men and now they hate men, only one man can make them happy in life by taking all of us as his wives and that man was Manu himself. Manu was angry he said that it is not going to happen it was not right they are his family to which the girls replied that they would remain his family but the other way round by being his wives or all would die, they love him. The blatant confession of the girls disturbed Manu, he left the hut and did not returned for days, he kept wandering he was unhappy he loved the girls but thought of bedding them sexually disturbed him. It was then the spirits decided to pay him another visit.

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