Mythical Island - Cover

Mythical Island

Copyright© 2014 by VeeKay

Chapter 14

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14 - What happens when you are stranded along with a bevy of beautiful females, your sister and cousins on a beautiful yet cursed island which is full of surprises and also let you fulfill your most desired fantasy. the Mythical mysteries of the Island sets you on a journey you wish never to end.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Zoophilia   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Pregnancy   Cream Pie  

New Characters

Vivi – Daughter of old man at Kimili and consort of Manu

Ken – Devious advisor to Lord Tora

Ben- Previous advisor to Lord Tora

Toda – courageous soldier of Tora made Captain by Manu.

Dalia – adopted daughter of Lord Suta

Ted – weapon master of Tora

Joe – son and apprentice of Ted

Poe - son and apprentice of Ted

Sam – the builder of Tora

I woke up fresh after a good night sleep and went to the toilet to freshen up. I dressed and carefully put on my weapons and left for the royal hall, it was 7am. In the hall I found no one, I then went to the veranda outside the hall and found my pets lazing around and they came to me when they saw me I got down on my knee and tickled them behind the ears they purred as I played with them for a while.

I saw some soldiers posted as guards, I called one of them he came running and went down on one knee in front of me I ordered him to fetch Ben, he rushed off to do the bidding. I went back in the hall and sat on the throne that once belonged to Lord Tora, soon Ben arrived and bowed on one knee I told him to stand and asked him about the people working in the palace and where were they as I have not seen a single soul since morning.

Ben said My King they all were afraid of their fate since my King you may want to replace them with new ones, so they came to me for advice.

I asked Ben, what advice he gave them.

Ben said I told them to wait until morning when my King grants me the audience then I shall speak to my king about the matter.

I told Ben that I am not going to stay here so they all must resume their duties immediately and I want the palace functional in half an hour failing which they would all be punished. I ordered Ben to invite Lord Suta's daughter to join me for breakfast, I shall met her then.

As Ben was leaving I told him to send captain Toma, Ben nodded and left, few minutes later Toma came and bowed.

I asked Toma about the funerals and how many were dead, how many wounded and how many men he has under his command.

Toma told Sire the people worked all night to bury the dead there are still few left to be buried, I can give you the report after the funerals are over.

I ordered Toma to report before evening.

Toma left.

A beautiful female may be in her early twenties came, bowed and said My King please come to the dining room your breakfast is ready. I followed the beauty and enjoyed the sway of her undulating butt. I entered the dining room and sat at the head of the table.

Ben entered with a bomb that knocked me out of my senses yes I would call the adopted daughter of Lord Suta "A BOMB". A statue of Venus and Aphrodite combined casted in porcelain, she looked divine and regal, my gaze was transfixed on her gorgeous body, and she oozed sensuality as she walked towards me. I was unaware about my surroundings until Ben coughed and she curtsied. I regained my sensibilities and heard the most melodious and musical voice that said "My King I am Dalia adopted daughter of lord Suta and I thank you for saving me from distress and embarrassment". I almost came in my pants.

I stood up and pulled a chair on the right and said "My Lady" she sat on the chair and thanked me, female staff came and started serving the Breakfast. I invited Ben to join us he hesitated but looking at me changed his mind and he sat on the left of me. I drank her beauty more than I ate my breakfast. Ben seemed to have understood my condition.

I told Ben that I want a tour of the city, Ben said he would make the arrangements I told him there was no need for arrangements only he has to accompany me and get my mare saddled, after breakfast Ben left. My eyes started roving on the flawless beauty of Dalia, and she turned pink under my gaze.

Dalia said "my King what are you looking at".

I said I have never ever seen such beauty in my life, words are not enough.

Dalia said "my Lord is too kind" and this humble servant seeks your permission to accompany you on the city tour as the days in captivity have been stressful and depressing for me.

I said your wish is my command my lady and can my lady ride a mare.

Dalia said "my Lord have been very kind and caring I hope it will continue."

I knew the nymph was teasing and flirting, I was beginning to enjoy it. My lady your sweet voice makes my blood boil with desire.

I am yours to command my Lord, said Dalia.

Now this was too much I was already hard and my cock was aching, my lust reached over the top I wanted to fuck her badly but she was in my protection, I did not want to take advantage of her and lose the confidence of Lord Suta, somehow I controlled myself. I got up and eased her out her chair, she stood and I took her hand and we walked out to the veranda, her touch gave me goose bumps.

Windy was ready I told Dalia to mount the mare while Ben and I would walk.

My Lord I have never ridden a mare before so if the kind Lord rides with her to boost her confidence and the saddle is big enough for two, said Dalia.

I was in a bad situation but had no choice I mounted windy and pulled Dalia up in front of me, her ass was a tight fit between my thighs, I took the reins in my right hand and with left I held Dalia by her tummy, she trembled at my touch but I was in sheer agony.

We started the tour with Ben and my pets. People bowed and cleared the way. I asked Ben to take me to the weapon master.

I saw weapon master and his two apprentice working on spears and swords, he saw me and came running, he bowed, and so did his two apprentices. I asked him his name and his apprentices.

My name is Ted and the apprentices are his sons Joe and Poe my King said the weapon master.

I ordered Ted that he was to make no more weapons and he was to pack his tool and belongings be ready to travel to my city Samaru before the day ends. I instructed Ted to take all iron and steel that he had with him and meet me at the palace before sundown.

As you wish my king, said Ted.

I told Ben to fetch a builder and meet me by the river, Ben left, and I told Windy to take us to the river Windy took off the gallop made Dalia's ass crack rub on my rock hard cock it was delightful yet I groaned in agony of my aching cock.

We reached the river bank and I dismounted in a hurry to give some relief to my cock. I helped Dalia to dismount.

My king you have big one and it seems you are in pain and need relief, said Dalia.

Before I could understand what she meant, Dalia was on her knees and released my cock with expertise and took half of it in one go in her divinely hot mouth. I swooned with pleasure and was in position to protest, her tongue and mouth was playing with my cock in a manner I never thought was possible, the waves and waves of pleasure hit me making my knees shake. Twice Dalia took me to incredible heights but every time she did not let me come and made my balls blue.

I was crying in ecstasy and pain, my knees shaking my body turning in to jelly. Dalia again took me to the floating world and this time I roared with the passion unknown to me until then and let go my cannon in her sucking mouth, I felt as if my whole being is being sucked out of my cock along with my cum. I collapsed on the ground but Dalia still had her lips clamped around my cock, she swallowed all my cum draining me of my energy but then I felt a new wave of power surging through my cock, I was surprised by this new experience.

We got up and dusted ourselves clean of dust and soil, I kissed Dalia with passion and again a spark of energy flowed through me I was surprised again. Shortly Ben arrived with a man, both bowed.

Ben introduced the man as Sam the builder and once he was an apprentice of Zen. I asked them to take a walk with me by the river and we all walked and at one spot where the river was deepest once but now only a stream with steady flow I went down the slope and noticed that the stream was only about a foot deep with very tiny fishes swimming in.

I ordered Sam to build a dam right where we stood with one gate, I picked a stick and drew a rough design Sam understood my concept and said it would be done Sire. Ben asked me that why a dam at this place and what purpose it would serve.

I told Ben that it would solve many problems faced by the land and its people. The river is deepest and widest here but today it has become a stream few feet wide and about a foot deep, now if a dam is built here it would collect water and soon the river would be full and see those tiny fishes, they would have enough water around them to grow, soon you would have fishes for food and the water to irrigate your fields, when water gets above certain mark you could always open the gate to release some so that the river does not overflow. There was look of admiration on their faces. Sam said that he would start the work from tomorrow.

We went back to palace, there I saw Ted with his family, and their cart loaded. I saw Toda standing with some soldiers, I told Ben to call the people of the city, and Ben left. I ordered Toda to report, Toda said that he had 340 men under his command and they had buried 210 men, I was shocked that I and my beasts had killed more than 200 men in less than time it would take to count 200.

The people of the city had gathered, I stood in the veranda and addressed the people, I said that I had to make some decisions and I want them to be followed on pain of death.

I ordered Captain Toda "There is going to be no militia from today, captain Toda you will select 140 of the best men you have and they are going to be the peace keepers under your command, you are then to select 8 very best men and 8 second best men out of 140 and form 8 platoons of 15 men that takes 120 men, place each man out of 8 best to command assisted by a second best to the platoon of 15 men, it will take 136 men in all now you will be left with 4 men, you make a group of two each. Captain Toda you will divide the city in four zones East, West, South and North. Captain Toda each zone will be monitored by a platoon from sun up to sun down and from sun down to sun up. The gates of the city will be watched by 4 men in group of two day and night.

Captain Toda you are to maintain discipline in the city and you are to report to chief counsel Ben, you are also to establish a jail house for miscreants. Ben will decide their punishment and justice to be carried out.

I ordered the 200 men to march to the city of Samaru to be trained and join the elite militia of the realm, I propose to the city people who want to immigrate to the city of Samaru are welcome they will be given land to settle and start a new life and they have until sun down to decide and prepare to leave with the soldiers.

I ordered the people to surrender every coin of money that they have to chief consul Ben because from now on until the realm regains its glory there will be no exchange of money because money is the root of all evils. From now on it will be community living everyone will share according to their capabilities this will help in developing harmony. If ever I hear any misgiving then you people of Tora be prepared to face my wrath.

I ordered Ben to follow me and I went to the hall and sat on the throne Dalia stood beside me and placed her hand on my shoulder I found her gesture very pleasing and intimate.

I asked Ben to tell me on pain of death that why Lord Tora was after the lands of lord Suta?

Ben answered "My King I wanted to tell you yesterday but your anger did not let me tell you but today I was prepared to tell the truth yet the activities through the day kept it at bay."

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