Naked in School - the Cumming of a Legend - Cover

Naked in School - the Cumming of a Legend

Copyright© 2014 by double_entendre

Chapter 8

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 8 - This story depicts a young man who just wants to make it through high school with as little notoriety as possible. His plans get completely derailed when he is placed in the Naked In School Program against his wishes. Find out what happens when the secrets he's so desperate to keep hidden are revealed to the masses. Will he remain a meek geek, or is he destine for legendary status?

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Fiction   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Swinging   First   Safe Sex   Anal Sex  


Monday morning I drove over to pick up Tiffany before going on to school. By the time we arrived Derek had already come and gone, pissing off half the school in the process, including every one of his former teammates. I'm told it was really quite the spectacle.

It was not exactly a surprise that Tiffany and I were called into the principal's office that morning.

"Alright the two of you, out with it, how in the hell did you manage to get Derek Brown to drop out of school?" Principal Morris asked.

"Are you sure you want the responsibility of knowing the details?" I questioned her.

"Yes damn it, I know you didn't blackmail him, because that punk was acting like he won the lottery or something." She said.

Not wanting to implicate Carl in anything, I slightly modified my story to say that I hired a look alike to pose as Coach Cox. The rest of what I told her was essentially the truth. She absolutely loved the story, and was practically giddy when I finished telling it. I reminded her that she needed to file his drop out papers with the state as soon as possible, so that he would have no chance of getting back in class once he learned that the offer to join UCLA's football team was a setup. Mrs. Morris assured me that this had already been done the second Derek walked out of her office.

"The other reason I called you both in here is to see how you liked being in the program." Principal Morris inquired.

"I think we survived it well enough." I said smiling over at Tiffany while extending out my hand to squeeze hers.

"Did you enjoy Miss. Harrison's advanced sexual education class?" She questioned.

"Well like the program it was touch and go at first, at least for me it was anyway, but in the end I think everything turned out ok. What do you think Tiffany?" I asked.

"I would classify it pretty much the same way. At first it was a bit intimidating, but after you started helping out it really became kind of fun." She answered.

"Would either of you consider staying on as her student assistants?" Principal Morris wanted to know.

"Would that mean we'd still be in the program?" I questioned.

"Not exactly, though you may be required to be naked in just her classroom from time to time. For the most part you would remain dressed. The two of you this week have shown such an aptitude in her class, that we would like for you to remain on as unofficial student teachers." She assured us.

"Is this a mandatory thing?" I wanted to know.

"Certainly not, but it would sure look good on your transcripts." She mentioned.

"What about the red section of her class? Both Brian and I originally opted out of taking that, but if we were student instructors wouldn't it be required?" Tiffany asked before I got a chance to.

"Yes it's rather unfortunate that you both seem to be opposed to exploring that aspect of your sexuality, especially you Tiffany. To answer your question, learning about it is a required part of the curriculum, but no student is ever forced to participate, and if need be Miss Harrison has agreed to allow you to use a practice dummy to demonstrate on." She assured us.

"So what happens if a student consents to parts of the red section?" I wanted to know.

"Well for the time being Miss. Harrison would teach that part of the course." She replied a little too hastily.

"What do you mean for the time being?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, it was just a figure of speech." She replied, obviously not being completely honest with me.

"Principal Morris, what are you trying not to tell us?" I questioned.

"I don't know what you... ," She started to say before looking at my face. "Oh hell, what's the point; I could always tell when a man can see right through me. The state has been rather lapse with our funding lately. To put it bluntly Miss Harrison's job is slated for the chopping block next semester. I personally don't want to lose her, or the advanced sexual education program, but unfortunately it is a rather low priority where the board is concern. We were hoping that we could persuade the two of you to unofficially continue the class next semester. We obviously couldn't afford to pay you anything, but we are willing to extend to you most of the same benefits that our teachers get. You would not only have your own sets of keys to the school, but you could park in the administrative lot, and have full use of the teachers' lounge, as well as a certain amount of leeway in your other classes, so long as you don't abuse your privileges too severely." She said with a wink.

"How could you get away with having a pair of non-licensed students teach an accredited class?" I wanted to know.

"We couldn't. If the two of you were teaching it, the class would lose its accreditation, and move into the status of an extracurricular activity." She explained.

"Isn't there anything that can be done to save Miss Harrison's job," Tiffany asked?

"Not unless either the state suddenly decides to pay what it owes us, or we land a very large donation, neither of which I'd hold my breath on." She replied.

"Well if it's all the same to you Mrs. Morris, I would like a week to think about it. During that time I plan to talk with both my father, and Miss. Harrison, before making my decision." I told her.

"I'd expect nothing less from you Mr. Crothers, but would you be opposed to helping her out in the meantime?" She asked.

"That would depend greatly on what she plans to teach." I answered honestly.

"I'm not sure what Miss. Harrison's agenda is, but if at any time you are uncomfortable with something you could always just return to your study hall class." She offered.

"In that case I'd be more than happy to continue helping her this week." I declared.

"How about you Tiffany," Principal Morris asked?

"I think I am of the same mind as Brian on this matter. I need to talk with my parents as well before making a final decision, but I wouldn't be opposed to helping her out in the meantime." She replied.

Compared to last week today had been pretty much anticlimactic. We unfortunately missed all the excitement with Derek, and Principal Morris's offer, though somewhat enticing, still made me feel like we would somehow be betraying Miss Harrison if we took her up on it. Tiffany and I decided to have lunch with Ren today, and formally thank him for providing his protection. I realized I paid him handsomely for doing so, yet this still felt like the right thing to do. As we were sitting there eating, Derek's buddies Melvin and Scott approached our table.

"What the hell do you two want?" I barked.

"Take it easy man, we just came over to apologize." Melvin said.

"Yeah, we personally never had any problem with either you or Tiffany that was all Derek's shit. We were just following him because, well you know." Scott claimed.

"So you are the type of guys that would rape someone just because your friend told you to do it?" I accused.

"There is no way Scott or I would have raped Tiffany!" Melvin declared.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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