Overboard Too! - Cover

Overboard Too!

Copyright© 2013 by Friar Tuck

Chapter 38

I was mentally going over my to do list for the day as I pulled into the lot, so the presence of the little 4x4 in one of the guest spots didn't register until our apartment door opened, and I was greeted with a hug and a "Hi Rob! I decided to come down earlier than we'd planned, just in case that big sister of mine had forgotten something! Mom and Dad are still waiting until tomorrow, like we'd planned, but you're stuck with me for an extra day. Hope that's okay!" Krista!

"Okay? It's perfect, baby sister! Couldn't be better!"

Kay came out of the kitchen and launched herself towards me, and joined Krista in hugging me, delivering a searing kiss as she did. "I told her you wouldn't mind at all, sweetie, and there's never gonna be a time that she's not wanted in our house." She looked at Krista and asked, "Refried, or black beans?"

"Doesn't matter, Sis, either one works."

I must have looked perplexed, because both girls started laughing, and Kay said, "She's fixing breakfast tomorrow, and I'm making a list. Gonna go to the store after we eat, and pick up a couple of things we lack. Laurel's out in the kitchen finishing up lunch right now, so we can eat as soon as you get cleaned up."

She kissed me again, and I headed to the bathroom to wash my hands, waving at Laurel as I passed the kitchen door. If my life was going to be arranged from now on, I definitely could do a lot worse for arrangers!

Kay called after me, "Ask Laurel about her good news!" I skidded to a halt and back-pedaled and stuck my head around the door.

"What good news?"

"We stopped at the clinic this morning like you said, and they checked me out, said this does look like just a scar, they're sure it is, but they did a needle biopsy just to be sure. Should know in a few days, said not to worry about it, but was good to check it out anyway."

I felt Kay's head against my shoulder as she nestled up beside me, "Told ya! Great news!"

"Sure is, little one!" I hugged her again, and went on in to get cleaned up for lunch. Just got my hands dried when my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket and looked at the display, and answered it, "Hi, George! Are you close by? Laurel's got a big pot of something on the stove, and it smells good enough to eat!"

"Well, yeah, Rob, I could be there in less than five minutes, if it's okay."

I looked over at the girls, who had heard me, and saw them nodding in approval. "Sure it's okay! See you in a few!"

Krista got out another place setting, and Laurel opened the fridge for another beer, while Kay snuggled up to me for another kiss. That's what I call teamwork!

We got the table all set for lunch just in time to hear the doorbell ring again, and Laurel went to let George in. He walked in to the dining nook, and did a double take when he saw Kaitlyn and Krista standing there, waiting for hugs. He got 'em, and a kiss on the cheek and a "Hi, Papa George!" from Kris.

"Okay, that's it," he said, "you've totally wiped out the grumpy part of this grumpy old man. Kay had me partway back, Laurel, too, but now you, little Krissy, have lit the rest of the candles in my life."

Krista smiled at him, and kissed him again on the cheek, and said, "Kay told me what you did for them, and how you've watched out for them, and I added you to my special 'God Bless' list. I hope you don't mind if I call you 'Papa George', 'cause that's what I do."

It's no wonder George couldn't reply with any more than another hug! If the lump in his throat was anything like the one in mine, he couldn't.

Had to clear my throat, "Okay," I said, "I think Laurel's got lunch already dished up on the counter. Grab a bowl and fill it, and let's eat!"

George looked at me in relief, and mouthed a "Thank you" as the girls led him off to the kitchen sink so he could wash up.

"Ahhhh! Red beans and rice!" George filled his bowl and turned to find Laurel just placing my cast iron skillet full of hot corn bread in the middle of the table. "And that just does it up fine!"

"I did manage to learn how to cook," said Laurel, "but never really had anyone to cook for. Now I do!"

"And it looks as if you will for the rest of your life, too," said Kay, "have you set a date yet?"

"No, not yet, but we're looking at sometime in September, maybe the last weekend." Laurel shivered, "Can't wait!" She turned to George and hugged him, "And I want you to walk me down the aisle, Papa George, would you do that for me?" The poor guy looked dumb-struck! He tried to answer her, and couldn't, but the way he wrapped her up in his arms spoke volumes.

"Okay, let's eat," said Krista, wiping her eyes. "Then we have to go get the rest of the stuff we forgot this morning."

Red beans and rice! One of the unsung pleasures of Southern Living! And Laurel had it nailed. The jalapeno corn bread was perfect with it, and George told her so. The rest of us were busy filling our faces.

George asked if we got the boat squared away, and if Hector was pleased with the way it handled on the way to the marina. "And, are you planning to take it out for your honeymoon trip?"

"Yep!" Dunno why I blushed, but I did. "But not under sail just yet. I want to get some instruction in the bigger rig before I head for open water with it. No sense borrowing trouble with an unfamiliar sail rig, especially with the love of my life aboard!"

And sweet, innocent Krista floored us all, with, "Yeah, besides, you'll be too busy raising and lowering other stuff!" Then she apparently realized what she'd just said. I have never seen anyone turn quite that shade of red, and Kay just buried her nose in her bowl, and didn't dare say anything.

When she finally came up for air, Kay turned to me and said, "Not to change the subject or anything like that, but why did you ask me about my favorite color, this morning?"

"Oh, nothing special," I said, "just wondering. You'll see, later."

"Maybe he got curtains for the boat," offered Laurel, glancing mischievously at Krista, "you know, for something to raise and lower?"

That did it. Lunch was officially declared over, and we all got up and started clearing the table, laughing as we dodged each other around the sink.

Got the lunch remains cleaned up, and split up again for afternoon errands. Krista and Laurel went to round up Renee, and Kay was going with me. George headed off by himself, after another sweet hug from Laurel, saying he was going to stop and see if Hector was busy. He's been spending lots of time over there in the past couple of weeks. Kay hugged him too, and said, "When you see him, tell him our best guess is around 40, plus the wedding party." George nodded yes, that he would do that, and he left. Kay shut the door behind him, then turned and melted me with a look I hadn't seen before, "Do we have to be anyplace real soon, Rob?"

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