Mother's Double - Cover

Mother's Double

Copyright© 2013 by niteowluk99

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A mother wants her daughter trained to be a submissive slut; but the death of her husband interrupted his work and the daughter became rebellious. Now turning to someone she has enjoyed reading about leads to new experiences.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys  

As soon as Nancy had finished feeding the mixture of spunk and cunt juice to her daughter; I ordered her to put on her coat and nothing else as I had an errand for her to run. I quickly described how I wanted her to go home and collect a blouse and skirt for Liz and also while she was there she should collect up her own sex toys and those of her daughter too but I warned her to keep the two sets of toys separate as one could tell an awful lot about a woman by her sex toys.

After Nancy departed I hurried upstairs and retrieved the item I had been thinking about; it was one of my own favourite training toys. I had often brought bitches to heel with this particular toy as I knew as old Betsy and I recalled violent use of it could cause wonderful long lasting reminders to the wearer and therefore they were more likely not to want to sample its harsh use too often. Used more gently it could evoke some really powerful orgasms and therefore could be used as both a carrot and a stick in the training process.

The item was a pear shaped butt plug with a difference; although the pear shape was standard starting off with gentle tapering sides leading down to the widest four inch part of the plug; the thing that made it different was the five inch tee bar handle which protruded from the centre of the base. The upright bar was five inches and one inch in diameter and the handle cross bar was four inches in length and three quarters of an inch in diameter.

Now back in the living room with Liz; I showed her the toy and began to explain how I used it to teach manners to wayward bitches but she just kept saying yeah yeah yeah. So I stepped closer and placing the broom handle across my shoulders I stood up and of course this tilted her further onto her back and left her supporting most of her weight on her elbows. Placing the small tapered end of the butt plug against her anal ring and slowly but firmly push until the end began to spread her anal ring. Centimetre by centimetre the object spread her anal ring wider and wider until it slipped inside; her anal ring looked so sexy as it seemed to gobble up and swallow the pear shaped metal orb.

Now Liz had just five inches of the upright bar between her inner colon and the cross bar of the object. She soon realised how painful this could be as I purposely lowered her ankles; hitting the cross bar of her invading object against the wooden chair base. She squealed with pain before begging me to lower her more gently. Now to show compassion I did just that and lowered her slowly with care but all the time watching her face as her eyes seemed to widen and her muscles seemed to jump as more of the five inch shaft forced its way inside her arse.

I had just about lowered her body fully and Nancy had been gone about twenty minutes when there was a ring on my door bell; I hurried to answer it thinking maybe Nancy had forgotten something or other. There stood an old trainee of mine Peter. I invited him inside and closed the door before telling him that he does not half pick the right times to call. He enquired as to why and I simply told him I was busy right now. He explained the reason for his visit was that he was about to make a major commitment in his life but felt unsure as to how his planned future wife would take to his particular problem and had hoped I may be willing to explain it to her. Then a wicked thought shot through my head and I ordered Peter to completely undress and then I blindfolded him and led him into the living room before whipping off the blindfold.

He blinked his eyes several times adjusting to the new brightness and then he realised he was as naked as the woman now facing him was. With my wicked sense of humour I introduce the pair as Peter Pan and my slut Wendy. Laughing at my own private joke I began to explain that like Peter Pan who never grew up Peter here had a penis which never really increased in size as one normally would and taking hold of it between two fingers; I laughed again as I said this thing never grows more than four inches when fully hard. I then told Liz that Peter had one amazing fact about his micro cock which did tend to set him aside from other men; when he came he seemed to cum in bucket loads, far more than one would expect from such a tiny cock and balls, but added shame that quantity would never out shine quality as women always go for the larger cocks rather than more spunk.

Then I said Peter meet slut Wendy who seems determined never ever to learn her true place in life and that place being subservient to my fellow men and in particular just now; at my feet; kissing them as I demand and later as some ones fully trained obedient sex slave in general. This slut here is at the very beginning of my training and has so far earned several punishments and not a single treat; in fact and here is her special note of interest; her father began to train her but sadly lost his battle for life before making a worthwhile job of it. So I see my role as a stand in for her father and my mainly to continue his intended work to completion; here is an odd thought, maybe you two should marry each other for she would be an ideal person to accept whatever I tell her but no two submissive natures would never really work out would it after all who would make the decisions let alone the rules.

See how she squirms, well that is because of old Betsy; you remember old Betsy don't you Peter; the number of times it was rammed up your arse so hard that the internal bruising caused you to become constipated for days adding to your pain when you finally managed to shit one out. Old Betsy is right in there now spreading her colon walls wide; see that tell tale look of awe in her eyes; you too had that look when we used Betsy on you. Remember how you had to suck off a cock before I would allow it to be removed and how you went from hating to suck another man's cock to loving it; well that is the remarkable power of old Betsy.

With that I slid my hand between Liz's thighs and adjusted Betsy once more; of course it meant me pulling it out a little way and turning the cross bar to run along her arse cheeks and pushing it back in again, gaining a further inch inside her as I did so. For Liz it felt like her stomach had just bloated from the wrong end and she groaned a little. Would you be prepared to suck Peter's cock until it spurted its load all over your face? I asked Liz.

In an attempt at defiance she shook her head adamantly. Another adjustment on old Betsy had her groaning a little longer and louder but still she refused my offer of relief. Oh well then we will just have to wait for your mother to return and see what we can fill your cunt with to add to the pressure! I commented. Turning back to Peter I said, Still let's not spoil this reunion with her silliness! I then took hold of his semi hard cock and began wanking him until he was fully erect; See how cute and tiny his cock is now it is fully hard! I teased.

Peter you know the procedure now; go fetch your glass and you know what you must do! I instructed him. Sure enough he turned and trotted off to the kitchen, returning after a short while with a large wine glass and standing in front of Liz he positioned the glass at the end of his cock and with his other hand he began to wank himself off. As he did so he would comment on where he wanted the flying spunk to land on Liz so his conversation went like this; I would stand this close to you my horny little slut and wank really hard until the tingling in my balls was unbearable and then I would feel the hot spunk rising like a volcano; erupting forth and hitting you square between the eyes. My second spurt would hit the tip of your nose and as the spurts got weaker I would tighten my hand around my cock and send my prized load all over your erect nipples of your succulent tits.

Liz's eyes once more widened as she suddenly saw a great wad of white thick liquid hit the bottom of the glass and his spurts of spunk seemed to lose no power as spurt after spurt soon filled the glass to halfway. She had never seen anyone shoot so much spunk in one go and secretly began to wish she had allowed him to shoot it over her face and body as she imagined the feeling of such a load slowly cooling and solidifying on her soft white skin.

Once Peter's cock had erupted the last few spurts; he smiled triumphantly as if to say I have still got it; and stood waiting for his expected next command. A command that would normally have been for he himself to now drink the spunk and take it back into his own body. I watched Liz's face and leaned forward as I whispered such a waste that could have been the best cold cream to rub into your tits to make them grow; you silly little slut imagine how it would had felt and tasted if I had ordered him to fill your mouth instead of the glass. Liz shot me a burning glare as if to say bastard you know my love of spunk but you will not beat me.

Still Peter waited to be told to drink his own load but instead I told him to put the glass on the table as I would use it later. Speaking now as if only Peter and I were in the room I told him that if he wanted me to speak to his future wife he would have to bring her here tomorrow night and be prepared to do whatever I instructed him to do without hesitation. Eagerly he agreed and asked if he should leave now so I could continue my work with this new slut. Suddenly and out of the blue he said Mother returns! I asked him what he was on about and he said you told her that when her mother returns! I said yes her mother was the one who contacted me to complete her father's work and her mother is an older version of Liz here; except her mother is fully submissive and is always eager to do as she is told. Suddenly Liz blurted out yeah she is a real fucking slut that one!.

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