The Piano Teacher - Cover

The Piano Teacher

Copyright© 2013 by Bunty Scott

Chapter 75

Lesbian Sex Story: Chapter 75 - A piano teacher indulges her lust for other women.

Caution: This Lesbian Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian  

I got home not too late, but mum was not amused.

She clearly thought that I was prolonging this whole break-up thing unnecessarily.

'Please mum, don't go on about it. It's hard enough as it is. I do care about her, a lot, that's why I'm having trouble doing the deed.'

Mum frowned, in that way she has of showing her displeasure. 'It's never going to be easy Jennifer.'

'Look, she may be at college tomorrow, but I can't do it while she's still recovering from flu, can I?'

Mum frowned again. 'You're just making excuses Jenny... '

'Mum, I can't do it, not yet. When she's better, then I'll do it, OK?'

'It's your life Jenny, you do as you see fit. But I think Milly deserves the truth, and sooner rather than later.'

Mum disappeared in to the living room, clearly annoyed with me.

I went up to my room feeling miserable, I tried to watch some TV, but the situation with Milly just went round and round in my head.

I dug out my secret stash of girlie mags, hidden under the bottom drawer of my wardrobe. Actually, there was no point in me hiding them anymore, not now that mum knew of my sexuality. But still, I couldn't leave them just lying around everywhere either, I didn't need to rub her nose in it.

I flicked through the glossy pages of huge-breasted women, legs spread, fannies on display; nothing seemed to arouse me. Not even the sight of a huge-titted mature woman being fucked by a pig-tailed schoolgirl, could dispel the dark cloud hanging over me. I sighed and tucked the pile of magazines in to the bottom drawer, under my jumpers.

Mum's voice sailed up from downstairs. 'Have you eaten Jenny?'

To be honest, I just wasn't hungry. 'I'm OK mum, I'll just have a shower and then an early night.'

I stripped off my clothes, my knickers were still rather damp, and then trotted to the bathroom in my bathrobe to have my shower. I lathered myself up under the warm jets of water and paid keen attention to my fanny. The feel of the wet soapy sponge, rasping over my clit, had no effect on me whatsoever. Normally, that would have had me wanking myself to a knee-trembling climax. Things must be bad.

I finished showering, robed and wrapped a towel around my head. As I exited the bathroom, mum was coming up the stairs with a tray of chicken soup and bread rolls.

'You've got to eat something Jenny, you'll be ill.' She had a genuine, warm smile on her face; it appeared that her mood had mellowed somewhat.

'Thanks mum.' I took the tray from her and continued on to my room.

'Make sure you eat it all Jenny. Night night, see you in the morning. Love you' Mum's voice faded as she went back downstairs.

I did my best to eat the food mum had lovingly prepared, she was after all, just looking out for me.

I got through most of it, enough to appease mum at least. Watched some more TV before turning in for the night. A quick visit to the bathroom again to pee and brush my teeth, and I was ready for bed. It was only ten thirty, but I was bushed.

Banging Milly had taken it out of me.

I had a restless night, tossing and turning as my mind churned, but sleep finally descended and I succumbed to a dream-filled slumber. The dream that troubled me most was one where I was passionately screwing Milly, when at the height of my orgasm, instead of calling out her name, a whole list of women I had shagged came spewing from my mouth. It was like reciting the phone book, just about every letter in the alphabet was covered. It didn't seem to trouble me, but Milly was absolutely horrified. She was out from under me in a flash and screaming blue murder.

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