The Piano Teacher - Cover

The Piano Teacher

Copyright© 2013 by Bunty Scott

Chapter 20

Lesbian Sex Story: Chapter 20 - A piano teacher indulges her lust for other women.

Caution: This Lesbian Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian  

I wasn't going to be brushed off that easily.

"So, do I get a favourable report from you?"

Linda Upshaw fiddled with her hair again. "I'm not sure I know what you mean."

I sat back down on the chair, rucksack on the floor and keeping my legs closed this time. "I know about the circle, the pink and white bands." I almost blurted out Katie's name but stopped myself just in time. "I've heard about it. You pass girls around amongst yourselves and you rate them. If they make the grade, they get accepted in to the circle and get a wristband." Linda fiddled with her wristband again, and managed a half smile.

"Oh so you know about the circle, who told you?" I was keen to keep Katie's name out of it. "Oh, just someone, I can't remember who."

"So what are the criteria for getting acceptance; a nice arse, big tits?"

Linda laughed. "Of course not. I'm not particularly well endowed in that department as you can see. No, it's several things and more of a confidentiality kind of thing. If you can keep your mouth shut, if you can be relied upon to keep it within the circle, then you are more likely to be accepted. Of course, having big tits doesn't hurt."

I persisted. "So am I in or out?'

Linda smiled again and rose from her chair. She walked around the desk and stood behind me. She rested her hands on my shoulders and then slid them down to my boobs. She had a good grope and whispered in my ear. "As far as I'm concerned Ms Pierce, you are well and truly in. But I haven't got the final say in the matter, that's down to Ruth. But to answer your question, yes, you will definitely get a good report from me. The fact that you were not prepared to name the source of your information shows that you can be trusted."

I was pleased with her response. "So when do I get my wristband?"

Linda sat on the edge of her desk, facing me. "When Ruth says so."

She nudged her leg between mine and parted my thighs. "That really is a nice view you know, those are very sexy panties you've got on. I nearly wet myself when you sat down."

I felt that she was evading the question and trying to divert me.

"Thank you Linda, that was my intention. So the wristband, what more do I have to do to earn it?"

Linda looked at her watch. "It depends on Ruth. If she gets another good report, maybe soon."

"Another good report from whom?"

Another glance at her watch. "Look we'd better get out of here before the caretaker arrives to lock up."

I sat tight, Linda sighed. "OK, so who have you done so far?"

I was about to reel off the names, but I decided to leave Katie's name off the list. "Well, Maggie Wilmott, and Ruth herself, and Agnes. Maybe one or two others."

Linda smiled again. "You've shagged Agnes? Lord, she does get herself some cuties. I don't know how she does it."

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