Marital Bliss - Cover

Marital Bliss

Copyright© 2012 by niteowluk99

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - a long married couple realise that to keep a marriage interesting takes a lot of work; they share some of their experiences with a sex therapist.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Coercion   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Double Penetration   Doctor/Nurse  

Things are rationalised.

Later in bed Pete decided to approach Jan about the things that had occurred; both at the doctor's surgery and later at home. "Darling, how did it feel for you at the Surgery?" he politely enquired.

"Ooh! It was OK;" she shakily responded, "Although it was strange to perform such an intimate act in front of a complete stranger!" she added. Pete could not believe that she had not been aware of what the Dr had done to him as he pleasured his wife's arse; but he decided to be honest w2ith her.

"I thought the sexiest moment was when the Dr slid his cock into my Arse whilst I was buried in your sweet anal rose!" he whispered. Jan suddenly looked aghast as if she had been startled in some car's headlights. Before she recovered enough to offer; I thought you suddenly found a second wind as you Fucked me so beautifully, now I see it was because he was fucking your arse and guiding your pace into me!

"No; no, my love!" Pete quickly interrupted; "When he slid his cock into my arse he did so on my with drawl stroke from you and then held himself so still that I was fucking you as I fucked myself on his cock; so the passion was all my own!" he declared.

"Tell me Peter; did you actually like having a cock up your ass whilst fucking me?" Jan asked.

"I can honestly say it was the most exhilarating experience I had ever felt! Sort of like experiencing exactly what you were experiencing at the exact same time!" he confessed. "Dearest, Knowing what I have just told you; does it make you think less of me?" he nervously asked.

"No dear, in fact as we are being so truthful it was the best experience of my life to feel your hard cock stretching my anal ring with such force and vigour!" she reassured him. With that Pete felt his cock twitch in eager anticipation of another session of passion with the love of his life.

Snuggling up to Jan's back he whispered in her ear; by the way do you know you have a secret admirer! Jan giggled and then asked who could fancy an old granny like me? As Pete's now hardening cock pushed against the back of her thighs; he whispered once more, I caught Ronnie our own son; filling your dirty panties with his semen!

Jan was genuinely shocked but recovered quickly as she said I knew someone was doing it; but I thought it was you my dear lover. Pete laughed and said, no my dearest; it was your teenage son and it just goes to show what bringing them up to be forthright and honest can do; for he told me that I was the lucky so and so that got the real thing.

Suddenly Jan turned to face Pete and said; what are we to do about that; after all it's almost full incest even though he is only cumming in my dirty panties. Well you chose to raise them so liberated and you cannot tell me that you are not secretly turned on that you can cause such actions in such young men? He teased.

That's beside the point; what are we going to do about it? She asked again. Well that's up to you! He retorts. After all it is you he is after not me? Pete finally adds. We better get him in here and talk to him; you tell him it's against the law and morally wrong! Jan decides.

I suggest we better put some clothes on before we get him in here or he could well have the wrong idea to start with! Pete chided. Ten minutes later both in their nightwear; they call Ronnie into their bedroom. Sit on the edge of the bed; Ronnie! Pete tells him. Your mother and I want to have a word with you about your unhealthy interest in her! He continues.

But Dad it is not unhealthy; after all you have taught us that sex is good and we should not be afraid of disclosing our feelings, so how can it be unhealthy to desire such a perfect specimen of womanhood. Ronnie declared.

Thank you for the compliment Ronnie, Jan responded but for a son to want to fuck his mother is incest and that is unhealthy! Jan stated. No it's not; mother; after all I don't think it is just dad that has made your nipples stand out so stiff against your nightgown! Ronnie observed. For the first real time Pe3te noticed that Jan's nipples were harder than he had seen in years and he also noticed that she was breathing funny. Well not so much in a funny way but more as a woman excited to the point of sexual arousal may breathe.

Jan looked at Pete for help but all she saw was him grinning at her; he is correct in that your nipples are aroused more than I have seen in a while. He teased. Pete that is not helping matters; Jan responded and besides look who is talking about being aroused, if your cock gets any harder you will be poking holes in the ceiling with it. She retorted. Both Ronnie and Pete followed her gaze and sure enough Pete's cock was tenting the front of his pyjamas. Pete looked at Ronnie's own tent and smiled before adding like a chip off the old block.

Suddenly there was a deafening silence as all three of them looked at each other. It was the brash of youth which moved first as Ronnie stood up and walked slowly to the open door of the bedroom. Jan and Pete smiled at each other thinking that he had accepted their talk in a real grown up way.

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