Marital Bliss
Copyright© 2012 by niteowluk99
Chapter 3
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - a long married couple realise that to keep a marriage interesting takes a lot of work; they share some of their experiences with a sex therapist.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Consensual Coercion BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Slut Wife Incest Mother Son Father Group Sex First Anal Sex Voyeurism Double Penetration Doctor/Nurse
The Dr's appointment.
After work Jan and Pete eagerly prepared for the forthcoming appointment; deciding to shower separately they both took their time making sure every inch of their bodies was thoroughly washed and fresh. Jan even took the time and trouble to shave her cunt three times to make sure it was in perfect condition; they both assumed that the appointment would include some semblance of a physical examination.
Choosing what to wear was far from easy for them both; should Pete wear a suit or simply a tracksuit, he decided on the later for ease of divesting his clothes. Jan was far more concerned should she wear a sensible trouser suit or a dress; or even a skirt and top. She pondered whether it would be better to wear a suspender belt and stockings, tights or self supporting stockings. Eventually she decided on a mid length skirt; quarter cup bra and blouse, French knickers and self supporting stockings; then if she needed to expose her genitals she could leave the stockings in place and slide her panties off in a trice.
Somehow the pair of them felt extra horny as they walked from their front door down the drive to their waiting car; Pete quickly opened the passenger door for his beautifully sexy wife and was delighted to see a flash of naked thigh and panty as she slid into the seat. Slipping himself into the driving seat he patted his wife's knee before starting the car and smoothly moved off and joined the light traffic heading towards town.
The conversation in the car was strained as both tried to put out of their mind what may be waiting for them at Dr Janus's office. Even the music on the radio station seemed to inspire erotic feelings within Jan as she nervously glanced at her husband trying check whether he was aware of just how aroused she was becoming.
Pulling into the car park Pete suddenly felt a little embarrassed as he wondered what would be the best way to hide the semi hard cock he now sported. He decided to carry his overcoat instead of wearing it and he figured he could fold it over his arm in front of his bulge. Jan began to fear that he wet panties would have left a stain on the back of her grey skirt and decided to wear her overcoat to hide any such stain.
They approached the large white stoned building and pressed the buzzer marked 'Dr R Janus Therapist'; waiting for the response but avoiding looking at each other. A female voice answered the buzzer and asked for their name; having replied they were told to push the door and take the elevator to the fifth floor where they would be met.
The walk from the buildings front door to the elevator seemed a marathon to both Jan and Pete and a couple of times Pete nearly suggested that the call it all off and go home but not wanting to appear a sissy he kept quiet. Calling the lift seemed to take forever until the door slid open and soft music played inside the elevator car. Both Jan and Pete stared at their feet as the doors closed and the elevator smoothly moved off to the selected fifth floor.
Eventually the lift slowed and the doors opened and there waiting for them was a smartly dressed woman in a starched white nurses uniform, she introduced herself as Rosie a state registered nurse and assistant to Dr Robert Janus; and would they be so good as to follow me.
As she walked down the hallway Pete could not help but admire her shapely behind as it seemed to hypnotically sway from side to side as she walked; even Jan noticed and subconsciously began to sway her own hips as she walked just feet behind this smart young nurse.
At the end of the hallway the nurse indicated that Jan should enter the female changing room and once undressed place the white gown on, opening to the back; and enter the side door which led to the Dr's office and Dr Janus would be with them shortly. Then walking passed the next door she indicated that Pete should enter the male changing room and likewise once naked put on the white gown and similarly opening to the back; enter the Dr's office.
Jan quickly removed her clothes and once naked she could not resist just checking her appearance in the full length mirror on the wall; she inwardly thought her 42 year old body had aged pretty well, for there was little or no sag in her 38C breasts, no more than normal sag around her stomach after all she had borne two children. Turning slightly she smiled as she thought her arse had not spread like a lot of her friends and she could quite easily pass as seven years younger than she was. So she was standing there naked for nearly five minutes before she finally put on the hospital gown and nervously walked towards the door marked Dr's Office.
Pausing almost like a school child waiting to enter the headmaster's office she actually trembled before she gingerly knocked on the door. Expecting someone to tell her to enter she remained standing their until she recalled that the doctor would be with them shortly; so in all likely hood the room would be empty so she tried the door and then entered.
As she looked around she was impressed; the office was spacious and almost divided into two sections, the main section contained a large almost ornamental desk which would not look out of place in a financial office; a luxurious double leather settee facing the desk and a back of filing cabinets behind the desk. She walked over to the settee and as she did so she glanced at the other section of the office which was the exact thing you would expect to see in a gynaecologist's examination room including the tiled floor and examination table. She carefully sat on the settee noting the leather felt cold against her skin at the gap in her gown.
Just then she was startled as the door opposite where she had entered suddenly opened and in stepped Pete; he smiled in her direction and carefully walked over to join her trying to hide his semi hard cock. Once he seated himself beside his wife; he too made comment about the cold feel of the leather of the settee against his bare skin; then he too glanced around and gulped when he saw the examination side of the office.
A door on the side wall suddenly opened and in stepped a white male in a white lab coat; he paused and then introduced himself as Dr Robert Janus MD. He stepped up to Pete and shook his hand Hello Mr Mahoney; may I call you Peter? Pete simply said Pete please. Pete it is then the Dr responded. Then shaking hands with Jan he asked and what do you prefer to be called? Jan please, she replied.
Very Well let's get started; I assume you have no secrets from each other and therefore will be happy to discuss things all together, he said. Pete and Jan both gulped but said of course Dr. "oh please call me Rob if I am to call you by your first names." Dr Janus insisted.
I propose that we talk about your early lives first and I assume there will be things which will be news to your respective partners but remember these things have happened before you both met each other and have in fact made the person you met the person you fell in love with; therefore you should not criticise each other for what you may hear here today! Dr Janus stated.
Both Jan and Pete looked at each other and smiled as Pete said, it sounds right to me!
Rob began by asking Pete when he first lost his virginity; and was a little surprised when he received the question instead of a straight forward reply; Depends what you mean by losing your virginity? Pete responded. Rob asked him to explain; well if you mean when did, I first have sex of any kind then that would be a different age to when I had my first sex with a lady; Pete offered.
Ok then tell us all about the first time you had sex of any kind? Dr Robert Janus prompted. Well, I was fourteen and a male school friend invited me over for what is commonly called a sleep over now; but in them days it was more like we are making an early start tomorrow so it would be useful if you were already here when we woke up. He continued; well in the middle of the night the school mate held me down and forced his thingy in my mouth telling me he would get his older brother to fuck my arse if I did not suck his cock for him! I knew he was well capable of doing exactly that so I sucked his cock and after he had filled my mouth with his load; he sucked me off saying that now I could not tell anyone as they would think me a queer.
Dr Robert Janus then asked, did you hate that experience or did you rather enjoy it? Pete bushed as he admitted he kind of liked it because he agreed to stay over at that house a few more times knowing and hoping that it would happen again. Jan turned to him and tenderly placed her hand on his as she asked, why did you never mention this to me, darling; I thought you had a particular fetish about me wearing a strap on and you sucking it when we played role games; it now explains so much.
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