Marital Bliss
Copyright© 2012 by niteowluk99
Chapter 2
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - a long married couple realise that to keep a marriage interesting takes a lot of work; they share some of their experiences with a sex therapist.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Consensual Coercion BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Slut Wife Incest Mother Son Father Group Sex First Anal Sex Voyeurism Double Penetration Doctor/Nurse
The thought of the first visit to the therapist.
Pete and Jan had both been looking forward to the meeting with the Sex therapist Dr Robert Janus; but for entirely different reasons. Pete expected this man to be a typical doctor and investigate the physical reasons for the breakdown in their marital bliss whilst Jan just wondered what made a man; even a doctor; turn his talents to becoming a sex therapist?
As the day neared; both of Jan and Pete had weird dreams about the appointment. Jan dreamt that she was naked on an examination table and something was holding her cunt wide open whilst the good Dr was probing her anal opening with his index finger while asking her crude sexual questions; like what feels better a cock sliding into your overly wet cunt or into your tight clinging opening of your arse? Whilst Pete dreamt of being held in a chair with apparatus attached to his cock whilst the doctor asked him personal questions gauging his reaction by how hard his cock got! The outcome of these separate dreams was very similar in both Jan and Pete had wet dreams without the other knowing.
For Pete this wet dream was his first since being a spotty teenager of fourteen and dreaming of his tutor at school who was in her mid thirties and a real sexy looking woman; the last time Jan had such a wet dream was the day before she married Pete; imaging how her honeymoon would be. Not that she was a virgin when she married and by the way she and Pete had often had sex before they were married.
Both felt embarrassed to admit to the other that they had these wet dreams and it was almost comical as they both tried waiting for the other to get up so they could change the bedding. In the finish it was Sarah who helped her father out by asking Jan where she had put her Games kit; so Jan suggested that Pete hurry up and take a shower whilst she sorted Sarah out.
As soon as Jan was out the room; Pete threw back the covers and was a little puzzled that his wet dream had left two stains on the white sheet. Not really thinking he screwed up the sheet and tossed it into the wash basket; before diving into the shower. No sooner had Jan heard the shower start then she was there throwing back the top covers only to find the bottom sheet was missing. Red faced and extremely embarrassed she wrapped her dressing gown even tighter around her body and went down to start breakfast for Pete; she now feared awkward questions from Pete over breakfast and was confused when it was never mentioned.
All day she thought that Pete would phone her and ask her about what had caused that wet patch on her side of the bed; but no call came; even stranger all day Pete puzzled how he could have made two wet patches on opposite sides of the bed and not have disturbed Jan. Again that evening at home there seemed an air or nervous tension as Jan and Pete both walked around as if treading on eggshells.
There was even more embarrassed silence as Jan and Pete sat facing each other watching TV; unable to broach the subject because of the presence of the two teenagers. Neither of the parents could actually work out the real reasons for the furtive looks between them as they both assumed that the other were wanting an explanation of the telltale wet patches whilst in reality both were struggling to excuse themselves from having made the wet patch in question.
Eventually when they retired to bed; other things had begun to play on their mind as tomorrow night was the appointment with Dr Janus and their imaginations had begun to work overtime again. As they lay in bed it was Pete who tentatively broached the subject of the forthcoming appointment when he asked what Jan thought would be the process of that appointment.
Jan had been having wild thoughts about that very subject but could not exactly tell her husband of her dirtiest thoughts; so she suggested that it would probably follow the guidelines of a normal doctor's appointment where they would be asked what they thought were wrong and what symptoms they were displaying to lead them to think this was the problem.
What Jan was actually thinking was that it would probably verge on a gynaecological examination for her to start with and then some awkward personal questions about her likes and dislikes and she even assumed he (the Doctor) would probe her about her experiences. This aspect raised a few problems in her mind; should she tell him truthfully of the things she had done before meeting Pete or should she merely tell him of the things they had done together to keep their marriage fresh.
Pete too had a few gremlins in his past which he had managed to keep the lid on during his marriage to Jan and he too felt it may not be in the best interest to open that long closed box. He had never told Jan of his very early sexual activities and how he had been abused by a friend of the family. It had left him reaching his sixteenth birthday wondering whether he was gay or heterosexual or at the very least bi sexual. Then he had met Jan and shut those doubts out of his mind and embraced the Heterosexual lifestyle whole heartedly; only once had his old feelings about another man's cock risen and that was as he sat watching his wife satisfy the two large cocks of Ray and David and he had felt a touch of jealousy.
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