Marital Bliss
Copyright© 2012 by niteowluk99
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - a long married couple realise that to keep a marriage interesting takes a lot of work; they share some of their experiences with a sex therapist.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Consensual Coercion BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Slut Wife Incest Mother Son Father Group Sex First Anal Sex Voyeurism Double Penetration Doctor/Nurse
Jan and Pete Mahoney had been married for twenty years and for the first seventeen of those years they had considered their marriage to be good; but of late they had both began to feel the other was taking them for granted and to be honest began to fear that they were drifting apart. Two healthy children did not help matters as they never seemed to get time alone together anymore; what with Ronnie being seventeen and Sarah being sixteen; it just seemed that the parents were always at the children's beck and call. If it wasn't Ronnie needing a lift to soccer practise or Sarah needing taking to her amateur dramatics group it was something else which robbed the hapless parents of what little time working allowed them to spend together; for Pete was a supervisor in fire detection and as such had to constantly try to find new clients for his company and Jan was a nurse which involved awkward shift patterns. All this being said the couple still felt life had been good to them; they owned their own home; had a decent car no money worries although they could always use that extra dollar no matter where it came from.
Even their bedroom seemed to have become grand central station as the kids never seemed to knock before barging in to borrow this or that; Jan just assumed this was the way of close knit families and so she never tried to change things. Sure over the years they had both tried to keep their marriage fresh by spicing up their love life; whether it was dressing up and pretending to be someone different and trying to seduce the other one or even agreeing to carry out each other's fantasies on those rare occasions when the kids would be away on school trips etc.
One such episode involved Jan playing the part of an easy woman and being picked up in a bar; now the plan was for Jan to dress like a slut and go sit at a bar in the local drinking hall and Pete would come along and try to seduce her into going to bed with him. The plan was fine except that it did not take into account anyone else getting involved; but in reality two other men took a fancy to this sexily dressed woman sitting alone.
Here is how it played out; Jan wore a wrap around skirt which stopped half way down her thigh with a white semi transparent blouse and quarter cup black bra; she chose to wear no panties and her crowning glory was her six inch high heel shoes. So she almost toppled into the bar as she carefully walked towards the bar, immediately she was aware of all the men's eyes scanning her body and it sent a strange tingle down her spine. Carefully selecting a stool she was extra careful as she sat on it as she did not want to openly display the fact she was not wearing panties.
No sooner had she sat down then two men rose from separate tables and walked over towards her sliding onto the stools either side of her; the man to her right offered to buy her a drink and Jan found herself accepting only to find that two drinks arrived one from the guy to her right and the other from the guy to her left. Thanking them she made the excuse she was waiting for a girl friend to arrive; she thought this would put them off and leave her free to continue her plan with her husband.
Suddenly she saw Pete enter the room and instead of coming over to her he walked straight past and sat at an empty table. He was clearly watching with interest as his wife was obviously being chatted up by these two men who seemed intent on feeling her as they talked to her. The man to her left had his hand caressing her arse as the man to her right was trying to stroke her leg. Jan was trying her best to put off these two men when it suddenly dawned on her that her husband seemed to be relishing her predicament.
Something inside her said that if he wanted a show then she would give him a show to remember so she turned to the man to her left and whilst keeping her eyes firmly on Pete, she openly kissed the man in front of her. Seeing this Pete was surprised as he never knew his wife to be so wild with strangers; he was even shocked all the more when the man behind his wife slipped his hands under her arms and began to feel her tits so openly. Jan did not seem to react and Pete thought she was simply allowing the men free reign to feel her all over.
Walking over to his wife he offered her a drink and the two men told him to fuck off as they were taking care of the lady; Jan suddenly spoke out telling them that if Pete went away then so did the pair of them. So now Pete slid his hand beneath her bottom and began to gently rub her clit. Jan stifled a low moan as she seemed to wiggle her ass on his fingers; with Glassy eyes she leaned over to whisper to Pete that maybe he should book a room for them.
Interested to see where all this would lead; Pete walked out of the bar and over to the reception desk where he booked a room for him and his wife. Returning to Jan he could clearly see as he walked towards her that one of the men had his hand up between her legs and he could only imagine what those fingers were currently doing. Showing Jan the room key he smiled as she winked in his direction and she quietly said that maybe the party should continue in the privacy of the hotel room that this third man had booked; (the third man being Pete her husband.)
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