Hole Hunting - Cover

Hole Hunting

Copyright© 2012 by LyricalRemix

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Join Shannon and her horny female friends in their hunt for holes to fill over and over.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including NonConsensual   Rape   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Science Fiction   Paranormal   FemaleDom   Rough   Snuff   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

Just up ahead I could see my next victim running for his "life." I could have caught him before he took his first step, but I was feeling a little more playful than usual tonight. I wanted to enjoy this one to the fullest. I might even throw in a little twist. He sure had earned it after our earlier encounter back at the club.

Thump, thump, thump was the sound spilling out of the new night club that opened up on 55th street of North Boulevard. The sign above the club was sensual and alluring. It glowed vividly but somehow softly, it was the "Banana-nut." I know right? The first time I heard it I thought that it was hogwash too. But this club is far different than your average bump and grind; get wasted and drugged up club. The thing is, the owner of the club happens to be a hot ass bitch. Her strong reputation matched her snatch, but that's another story.

I didn't have to tow the line like the rest of the shmucks waiting in line. I got VIP status my first night visiting, which is another story as well. In front of the tinted bullet-proof glass doors stood Marty, short for Martina. She was the bouncer of the club standing at 6"4, ripped as a linebacker and nearly fast enough to rape the speed of light. Somehow she managed to still be beautiful and have a feminine touch to her. She was also a gentle lover, but that too is another story. Marty had sharp crystal ice blue eyes that threatened to pierce ones soul, and I easily got lost in them. She had a set of plump lips that I loved very much, both desirably kissable with a perfectly proportioned sharp nose. I don't mean to get distracted but it's nearly impossible when you're facing down one of God's gift to women. (Marty seemed to have never had a taste for men.) Arriving to the entrance I greeted Marty with a slow kiss, nothing that would get her too worked up but enough to tease her.

"Haven't seen you in a while Shannon, where ya been?"

Marty spoke to me in a whispering voice. She knew that I would hear her and that even asking something as simple as my whereabouts would still arouse me. The tone of her voice seemed to have that affect on everyone as well as being hypnotic. She really was the ideal bouncer to have. She never did have to get physical.

"Oh, I've been around here and there. Did you miss me?"

I licked my lips to ensure that the answer was yes even though I knew it would be. It doesn't hurt to do a little extra teasing.

"Wouldn't you rather me show you?"

She replied with a sly, teasing smile slowly climbing on her lips with sparkling laughing eyes. I spoke no more to her, instead I walked pass her while giving her ass a quick squeeze. That answered her question just fine.

Upon walking into the club I was enshrouded in complete darkness that felt as if it would swallow you forever but I knew my way around. It wasn't exactly a clear path to the crowd as people used the darkness to take care of their business. The smell of sex and alcohol in the air was so thick I could taste it. The sweat, alcohol, cum, perfume/cologne, deodorant, all of it! I loved every millisecond of it. Making 2 lefts and 1 right turn, I walked to the VIP entrance door. The door had no handle or slot but off to the side was a keypad for entering a code which then opened up a circular slot a little ways beneath it. I quickly typed in the code that I knew by heart to be granted access to the slot. The security system to this VIP area was a little crazy to me but still cool. I unzipped my pants and took out my cock which I then poked through the open slot. Marty had explained to me once saying that when I inserted my dick it was scanned first and then the wetness I felt was the computer system "tasting" my cock! The whole process is pretty brief but it still feels good. The door slid open with a, whoosh! I quickly stuffed my cock back into my pants and walked in.

On the couches to the back, I saw a few of the girls I was introduced to and had become friends with chatting. They seemed to be in the middle of planning something. Someone was going to die a gory death judging from the pure evil gleam in Xavier's eyes. They greeted me with a series of nods and smiles. But I didn't go over to them to join in the planned hunt. I wasn't here for that tonight. I went over to mirror glass looking out over the club. Up here you had a full unobstructed view of the entire club floor. It wasn't long before I found my new target sitting at the bar in the far right corner almost hiding. Waving to the girls I headed to the teleport and willed myself to appear near the guy.

His back was facing the crowd, perfect. I looked around to see if anyone else was eyeing him and then I approached him. I pressed my body flushed to his back. PFFFT! He sprayed his fresh mouth full of what seemed to be rum and coke. After he caught his breath, I grabbed his head gently and pulled it back to rest on my shoulder, where I then whispered in his ear. He felt my words more than he heard them.

"Dance with me."

It was a command that would be followed without pause. I dragged him out of his chair onto the dance floor where we made brief eye contact. I turned my back to him while holding his hands and ensured that his arms wrapped around me. My butt was parked neatly on his rapidly hardening prick where I began to grind into him. My cock twitches in my pants. While dancing he got so worked up that he started dry humping my butt. I licked my lips in anticipation; he was ready for the taking. Breaking free from his hold I spun around and gave him a heated look which he responded to with a dirty grin. He thinks that he's about to score big, ha! Grabbing his hand, once again I start dragging him, this time to the back exit. Bursting out the backdoor, I immediately start looking around for possible witnesses. Seeing none insight I throw him to the wall which he collides with and slides down. Less than a minute ago, he was looking at me with eyes over flowing with lust. Now his eyes were showing signs of fear and confusion. I flash him a toothy grin which sets him at ease. The arousal in him is on the rise again.

"You like it rough huh? I can give you what you need baby. Daddy's got it right, here!"

Leering at me while speaking, the man grabbed his junk and shook it at me for emphasis. I couldn't resist teasing him, he made it too easy. Walking up to the man slowly but sensually, each sway of my hips further induced his hypnotized state. Upon reaching him I stood as close as possible without touching him. Staring into his eyes I allowed a few seconds to pass before I grabbed his prick and squeezed it. His mouth fell open in a soundless moan of pure ecstasy. My cock by now was tenting in my pants as I fondled him. I reached for his hand and placed it on my crotch. When he felt the bulge, he ripped his hand away as if he had been burnt by acid. I watched the emotions run across his face. Confusion, fear, disgust and finally anger. He pushed me away and I allowed him to.

"You fucking filthy half-assed tranny!"

Looking around quickly he seemed to be scanning the area. For what, I don't know, a possible weapon maybe? Bending down he pulled out a knife that was strapped to his ankle. It looks like he came equipped for battle.

"I'll fix you up real nice, faggot! I'll cut your dick off!"

Rushing forward with his knife raised high to strike, I stood there patiently waiting, smiling even. The man obviously wasn't too bright. The mere fact that I never showed any emotion other than amusement should have sent off some warning bells in his mind. Before he could stab me in the chest, I lashed out grabbing his wrist which I snapped in one fluid motion. His scream of agony made my dick lurch, pre-cum was causing a wet patch to appear on my pants. When I released the man he scuttled backwards towards the wall swearing to the high heavens. With each step I took towards him my cock hardened more and more.

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