Michael's Search - Cover

Michael's Search

Copyright© 2012 by SW MO Hermit

Chapter 4

One day Mike got the phone call he had been expecting. Jeffery said, "Well Mike it looks like you've done a superb job down there for us. Do you want to move on, stay or quit and come back to Steelville?"

"I've enjoyed the last several months but I don't think I want to stay here indefinitely. Why don't we search for another Plant Manager to replace me? I think I want to come home for a while and decompress then if I can't find a short Active Duty tour with the Navy I could do something else for the family for a while."

When he looked up after the phone call Mike saw Michelle standing in his doorway. She looked sad and flustered. She was carrying a stack of papers. When she saw him she gave him a half smile and walked to his desk. She placed the papers in his in box and said, "I probably shouldn't have listened to that call should I? I'm sorry. I was already headed this way with the mail and just stopped. When are you thinking about leaving us Mike?"

"We didn't set any definite date. We need to find a good replacement first. Why don't you pull up a chair and we'll talk for a while about the job."

Mike and Michelle discussed the few people in the plant that might be eligible for the job. They were neither one sure if any of them were ready for the added responsibility. Of course Mike did have one person in mind that they hadn't discussed. He decided not to mention that candidate. He ended the meeting by telling Michelle to write up an advertisement for them to send to the local paper and to the trade journals. He also told her to place the ad on the employee bulletin board.

Over the course of the next month thirteen people submitted resumes and applications for the job. Mike and Michelle read and discussed each of the applications as they came in. They ranked them in order of desirability. At the end of the application period after they had made an order of merit list they held a meeting with the Family Management Team. Each of their top seven picks was discussed. Mike and the family spent a lot of time asking Michelle questions about the plant, her ideas on what was needed to run it properly and her assessment of the different applicants. Finally the list was narrowed down to the top three individuals. Mike and Michelle returned to the plant to set up interviews with them.

One of the applicants removed his name from consideration. After the other two were interviewed Mike and the family Managers met to finalize the choice and make the successful applicant an offer. It was decided to offer the job to the Assistant Plant Manager. He had been an outside hire after the house cleaning so was not tainted with the scandal Mike had come in to clean up.

Mike called him into the office for the offer. When she announced his arrival Mike said, "Michelle I need you to sit in on this meeting too please."

After Michelle and the Assistant Plant Manager had taken their seats Mike said, "Sam we have decided to offer you the job as Plant Manager if you still want it."

Samuel Taylor broke out in a large smile as he said, "Yes Sir. I surely do still want the job. I think I can do it right and I know we can keep quality and profitability up now that you have us all straightened out."

"Well good. You've probably noticed I have been shifting more of my work onto your shoulders for the last two weeks. I'm sure you may have suspected why I did that. Call it a little test of you ability if you will but I've been pleased with how you handled the extra work and with the decisions you have made. Your performance just reinforced the decision that you were the right man for the job. Frankly it came down to almost a tossup between you and one other applicant. There WAS one person we considered for the job that did not complete the application process. We finally decided you just had a better grasp of the situation at this time and went with you.

"I'm afraid you'll have to find yourself another Administrative Assistant though unless you want to bring your assistant over with you now?"

Mike was watching Michelle and Sam when he said the last. Sam gave Michelle a sharp look then he turned to Mike and said, "Well, if she wants the job I would like to have Brenda come with me but why? I thought Michelle was doing a great job for you?"

"She was Sam but I don't think that would be her proper niche." Mike looked at Michelle and her face was mottled. He could see her holding in her hurt. He realized his little surprise was going awry and spoke hurriedly. "I can see I've blown it again. I'm sorry Michelle. I wanted to surprise you. I DO think your talents are wasted here as the Administrative Assistant. You remember all the questions we asked you during the selection process and interviews of the applicants for the job as Manager?"

Michelle nodded her head yes and Mike continued, "We were considering offering you the Plant Manager's job but in the end Sam just edged you out. I think you might have been a good choice if Sam hadn't been in the picture. Having said that though, we thought we would offer you the job as Assistant Plant Manager ... That is if you want it?"

"Damn you Mike. Why do you always do this to me? I should know by now that you're a total asshole whenever you get ready to offer me something better or when you get ready to lower the boom on someone. I just don't seem to be able to differentiate what you have in mind."

Sam looked shocked when Michelle called Mike an asshole. He even started to say something when Mike cut him off. Mike smiled and said, "Yeah I know Shelly and I'm sorry. I just can't seem to help myself sometimes. I, no WE have been impressed with your knowledge and ability here as well as your loyalty to the family and the business. We wanted to reward you and to take advantage of you capability. So, DO you want the job or do you want to stay on as Sam's Administrative Assistant?"

Michelle smiled and said, "Oh, I think I can take the promotion. Just as a favor to you though."

Everyone laughed and Mike stood. He walked around the desk and shook hands with Sam, then Michelle. He held onto Michelle's hand for a moment too long then, without thinking he pulled her into his arms. At first she stiffened then seemingly without a thought she relaxed into his grip and laid her head on his shoulder. The two almost guiltily separated as they realized what they had done. Mike smiled at his two subordinates then said, "Well Sam. There's the desk and the in box has papers in it so have at it. I'll stay around through the end of the week to ease the transition. Of course you and Shelly both have my cell number if you need to call after that. Why don't you call Brenda and have her come over so you two can settle in at your new desks?"

Mike turned to Michelle and said, "Now, as for you ... Why don't ... No, Sam I'm sure you want to let Brenda know the good news personally. Michelle why don't you and I take off for an early lunch while Sam begins to settle in? It may be a long lunch so unless there's something pressing why don't you just plan on getting back late or even tomorrow morning?"

The rest of the week went by rapidly for all management. Michelle settled into her new job well and found a great assistant for herself. About noon Friday Mike made the rounds and left for his home.

The next few days allowed Mike to decompress. He began to get restless and called his detailer to see if there were any jobs the Navy could bring him onto Active Duty for. He found a short month long job and applied. He was selected and off he went. Unfortunately there was something missing, he enjoyed the work and he definitely enjoyed his duty station but he was happy when he got back home.

Mike had been home three weeks when once again Jeffery came to visit. "Mike we have another problem we'd like you to look into. I don't think it's as bad as the last one we sent you out on but it is sort of an emergency. The manager and assistant manager of one of our warehouses were in a boating accident with their families last week. Third level management at the warehouse just isn't up to filling in until they recover and come back to work. In fact, the Manager may never be able to return to work. Would you like to fill in for us until we can see what happens?"

Once again Mike found himself on the road stepping into a new position. By the second day he began to worry about the warehouse. People who should have been working to support him were standoffish and not very forthcoming. Common workers seemed to avoid him and refuse to talk to him. He began to ask questions of his secretary and she looked uncomfortable. Documents he asked for eventually showed up but slowly. He found the inventories to be out of date. He could not find evidence of theft but he did find evidence of slovenly work practices. The warehouse and offices were not as clean as he felt they should have been, people worked slowly and ineffectively. He made comments and gave instructions that were followed grudgingly.

After two weeks of spinning his wheels and getting farther and farther behind Mike became angry. He held a staff meeting and unloaded on the senior staff. They in turn became angry and confrontational. All the changes he suggested were met by the comment that's not the way we do things here or a variation of that response. Many times he just got a harsh statement that his proposed change 'would not work here'.

Mike adjourned the meeting and called Jeffery. He explained the problems he was having and proposed a solution. Jeffery gave him permission to proceed if Sam Taylor had no objections. When he completed his call to Jeff Mike picked up the phone and called Sam Taylor at his old plant. After the pleasantries were out of the way Mike said, "Sam I have a favor to ask. I'm almost in over my head here at this damn warehouse. Our inventory control systems are outdated and I'm sure the inventories are off. The mid level management is surly and confrontational. Would you loan me Michelle on an open ended Temporary Transfer if she's willing to come down and help me? She was a hell of an Inventory Control Clerk there as well as a great Administrative Assistant. From all I've heard she is stellar as your assistant. I could really use her down here my friend."

Sam began laughing and said, "Ok you old horse thief. If she'll come I don't have a problem. She HAS done a great job for me but I think you should know she's been a different woman since you left. Something happened in her personal life I think. She won't talk about it but she's not the cheerful fun loving girl you worked with. Maybe the change will do her good."

Mike visited with Sam a while longer then they transferred his call to Michelle's office. Her assistant asked who was calling of course so when Michelle picked up the phone Mike heard her say, "Mike? Mike Fielding? Is that really you? I heard you went back into the Navy."

"Hi Shelly. Yes it's really me. I just took a short month long tour for the navy and went to Vicenza Italy to help them out. So how are you?"

"Oh, OK I guess. How about you?"

Mike and Michelle visited for a short time then he asked her about coming to help him out. "Oh, Mike I'm not sure. I mean I would have to ask Sam and I hate to leave him with all this to do..."

About that time Sam poked his head into the office and said loudly enough for Mike to hear him over the phone, "Michelle it's fine with me. Sounds like Mike needs the help and I can get one of the supervisors to fill in for you sort of as a training session for them. Hell, go on unless you'd rather not?"

Michelle smiled and turned back to the phone. She said, "Fine then. I'll do it. Now where and when do you want me?"

Michelle arrived in the city in which her new job was located mid afternoon Sunday as she and Mike had agreed. When she arrived at the hotel she was to stay at and checked in she was treated like royalty. The desk clerk smiled and bowed and scraped worse than she had ever seen before. Her room was on the top floor of the seven story building. When Michelle opened the door she found she was in a very large living room of a luxurious suite. There were bottles of liquor and wine on the wet bar and the kitchen area had a slightly lived in appearance. Michelle heard the door close behind her as she heard the nearly inaudible background music coming from the stereo in the entertainment center. There were papers spread out on the small dining table in front of the window. An open briefcase sat on a chair beside it and an open notebook computer was on the table.

Michelle was still standing taking in the suite when she heard a toilet flush. Shortly afterward the door to her left that had been closed opened and she saw an unmade bed within the room. Then she saw Mike come out the door and walk toward her with a large smile on his face. "Michelle. It's great to see you," he said. When he reached her he held his hand out to shake hers. She let her suitcase handle drop and stood watching him. Her heart was fluttering more than it should have been.

She started to reach her hand out to shake his partly raised one when, almost without volition she took another step toward him and wrapped him in her arms. She laid her head on his chest and said, "God it's so good to see you again Mike. I've really missed you."

Michelle felt Mike hesitate a moment and felt a surge of unease go through her body. What had she done? This wasn't any way to greet her boss. In fact it was highly unprofessional. She was about to step back and apologize when she felt Mike's arms wrap around her and felt his face against the top of her head. He buried his nose in her hair, took a deep breath and pulled her tightly against his body. They just stood holding each other tightly and enjoying how the other felt.

Finally Mike gently pushed her back and placed his hands on her shoulders. He stared into her eyes, took a deep breath and said, "Damn. I didn't expect that Shelly. There has been something bothering me for the last several weeks; I've been out of sync since I turned the plant over to you and Sam but I never realized ... Crap, all at once I feel so relaxed. All at once, oh, hell I don't know what to say."

Michelle smiled and stepped into Mike's space once more. She stood on tip toes and gave him a gentle kiss, the first kiss they had ever exchanged, and said, "You know I think I know what you mean Mike. I've felt empty since you left and I couldn't put my finger on it. Sam and some of the other managers have asked me several times what was wrong and I told them nothing. I knew I was out of step slightly but I just thought it was because of my new job. Oh, I would think of you from time to time and think how I missed seeing you but I ... Well we only knew each other for such a short time..."

"Shelly I had planned on you using that other bedroom so we could work here in the suite but..." Mike took a deep breath then continued, "I'm not sure that would be a good idea now. I'm afraid this may get out of control. Looking at you now the last thing I want to do is think about work. I'll try if you want but it might be better if you found another room."

Michelle felt her emotions surge when Mike spoke. She felt ... How did she feel? Not rejected exactly but frightened? Slightly hurt maybe? She looked at Mike and saw the worried expression on his face. "Mike I know this sounds uh, unprofessional maybe but I don't want to stay somewhere else. I would like to use that other room and work here with you. I want to get to know you better. I just feel so right here with you today I don't want it to end. Can we just try it for a while with us both sharing the suite?"

Strangely Mike felt himself relax when Michelle agreed to stay in the suite with him. He smiled and said, "I would like that Michelle but I still feel like I will have trouble staying professional. If I overstep my bounds please let me know."

Mike and Michelle spent the remainder of the day in the suite. After she had refreshed herself from her trip they dove into the paperwork he had with him in an effort to familiarize her with the operation. They did take a break for room service supper but even that was a working meal. Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, they spent a fair amount of time getting to know each other too. There were many moments of personal questions and statements mixed in with the business chatter. Finally shortly after ten p.m. Mike pushed himself upright and said, "I'm bushed Shelly. Let's call it a night and get an early start in the morning."

Michelle yawned, stood and smiled at Mike. She said, "Sounds good to me. I'm really tired also. What time do I need to be up?"

The next morning Michelle heard Mike banging around in the kitchen just before her alarm went off. When she came out of her bathroom she smelled coffee. She quickly dressed and wandered into the common room. She found Mike sitting in an easy chair drinking coffee. He smiled at her and said, "Good morning Shelly. There's coffee made. I have some frozen breakfast croissants and some sweet rolls we can heat if you're ready for breakfast or we can stop somewhere on the way to the warehouse."

"I think first thing I just want some coffee. I'm not much of a breakfast person so whatever you have here will be fine with me. In fact some mornings all I have is coffee."

"Great. I usually have coffee then just before I go to work I have a croissant and if I'm really hungry a pastry too. I have several types of croissants in the refrigerator freezer and the pastry is in the refrigerator. Whenever you're ready just get what you want and we'll nuke it."

"I guess I'll just fix a pastry. Can I do something for you too?"

"Yeah, a Ham, egg, cheese Croissant please."

Instead of discussing work while they had their breakfast the two friends sat staring out the window watching the day brighten while they ate. When they talked it was personal, getting to know each other better. Michelle sat her coffee cup on the table beside the chair she was in and asked, "Mike I know it's none of my business but why ... I mean, well, you're not married and I just don't, well, you seem to like women and I know a lot of the women at the Plant did everything but do the bump and grind with you ... I just wondered why you hadn't gotten married." Michelle blushed and looked Mike in the face a moment before she turned her head away.

Mike took a deep breath and said, "I guess I'm too picky for one thing. I've dated a lot and I even had one woman I was engaged to but that just didn't work out at all. I suppose I want a perfect match and I just will not settle for less. I know there are a lot of women out there that I could be compatible with. I have met several that I could have a good relationship, perhaps a good life with but I don't want that. I want the whole enchilada. I want a friend, constant companion, lover, and a confidant. I want that one woman who is just perfect in every way for ME. I don't want a woman who I just love, who gets along with me, who was a good choice.

"I want a woman who I am uncomfortable away from, who I can't wait to get back to, one who I am so in tune with that I KNOW what she is thinking and feeling. I want a woman who is smart, witty, educated, and likes almost everything I like, someone who is an integral part of me. I want to be the same thing to her. I don't want a woman who only comes home with me because that is where she lives or she doesn't have something else to do that evening. My fiancée just before we broke up was always going somewhere with her girlfriends. If she wasn't doing that she went to visit family or friends without me. She claimed I was trying to hold her back. One evening she was supposed to be at a baby shower. I didn't feel like cooking my own supper so I went to an out of the way bar and grill.

"When I got to the bar I heard her laughing and talking in the back of the room and found her on a date with a superior officer and one of his friends. A little later I followed them to the parking lot and watched her have sex with him in the back of his car. I broke the engagement of course and have tried to move on but so far I've not found anyone who even comes close to my ideal."

Mike looked over at Michelle and got a quizzical look on his face. He continued, "You know I might have just misspoke. I may know someone who was even a better fit for me than anyone else I've met. I'm not sure though. What about you Shelly? I don't understand how the men could have left you single for so long either."

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