Invasion - Cover


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Chapter 38

“Sire! Sire! They’re moving!” One of the runners came charging over towards Tom and the others.

“Calm down lad, tell me what’s happening.”

The lad stopped, caught his breath, then told them “Sire, the Northmen, they’ve packed up and are leaving as we speak.”

“Good, rouse the trackers. Although with that many men I don’t think they will be hard to find. Have the trackers follow them. We’ll soon catch up with them in the morning. For now, we have a town to liberate!”

They made their way down into Fastholm. The people of the town had seen the attack and been watching the proceedings with interest. Once it became clear that the Northmen were leaving a party atmosphere started building in the streets. Once Tom and the others approached the gatehouses and announced who they were, well, the party spirit burst forth. The liberators were welcomed as the heroes they were. Wine and beer flowed, musicians played, young men and women did what young men and women, and some not so young, did.

The column made it’s way to the town centre. There was a large market square here. Tom stood on the back of one of his wagons and held up his hands.

“Friends, we heard of your troubles and have come to help in any way we can. How could we not respond to the cries of our brothers and sisters the Medithi? When we were in need your brave men responded to the call. How could we do anything less? We have driven these men from the gates of this town. Maybe they think that that is the end of it for this year? Perhaps they think that we will leave, letting them return to their homes, gather their harvest and then return next year to start again? Well they are wrong! We will not allow them to return unscathed to their homes. We will chase them every step of the way. We are going to teach them a lesson they will never forget! They will rue the day they took up arms against us. They thought that we were a soft target because so many were away fighting for the freedoms of others. They have made a mistake. They have made a mistake of such monumental proportions that they, their children and their grandchildren will whisper our names in the dark, too frightened to speak them out loud in case we return. We will be the stuff of nightmares! They will get no rest. We will push them until they can go no further then we will crush them. Never again will the people of the north think it a good idea to raid south. Let them fight each other if they must, but let them tremble in fear if one of them even mentions trying to come south. This is our land. We will defend it against all who try to come against us, be it slavers from the mainland or raiders from the north! We are free men and women and we will stay free men and women! This is our land and no-one else’s!”

The cheers rang out all around. The people started to party. As he came down from the wagon he was met by a well groomed, lavishly attired man.

“Welcome Sire, welcome. I am Malith, leader of the town council. Please allow me to host yourself and your party at my humble abode. I’m sure your men and women will have no problems finding accommodation for themselves tonight.”

Tom looked around at the party which was by now getting into full swing. He smiled

“I’m sure they won’t. Very well Malith, we’ll be only too glad to accept. I’m sure the offer of a hot bath, a good meal and a warm bed will not go amiss.”

Malith smiled as the party made it’s way towards a rather large and sumptuous residence. Once inside introductions were made. After that they were all shown their rooms. Baths were made ready and hot water brought. Once they had changed they all met in the dining hall.

“Sire, let me welcome you to our town and thank you personally for saving us from those barbarians. We managed to send out several riders warning people of the attack. We are just grateful that one of them found you.”

“Well you have young Petik to thank for that. The rode both himself and his horse nearly to death to find us. Brave lad that.”

“Yes, yes he is. His father is one of my best men. I’m sure he’ll be glad to know his son did so well and is now safe with you.”

“I expect his father will be overjoyed to see him.”

“I’m sure he will. I just hope the others are all right. You are the first ones we’ve heard from.”

“Well I’m sure there will be others arriving. We sent several messengers out ourselves. You can expect quite a lot of traffic through here over the next few weeks.”

Malith looked at Tom in amazement. “How many men do you think will come here?”

“I have no idea of exact numbers but we sent messengers to Small Cove and Bridgetown. I expect several groups to arrive in the next few days.”

The following morning the lookouts warned of approaching riders. The column was moving at speed. Tom and the others made their way to the battlements. He pulled out a sliding tube, extended it then looked through it at the approaching riders.

“It’s Rolof and his mounted archers.” He called downstairs

“How can you tell?” asked Malith who was standing next to him, peering out at the oncoming men. “I cannot tell who they are.”

“Look through here.” Tom told him, handing him the tube. “It’s called a telescope. It allows you to see farther.”

Malith took the telescope and looked through it.

“That’s amazing! Everything seems so close! Where can I get one of these?” He exclaimed.

“There is a man in Bridgetown that makes them. I must warn you though, they are not cheap.”

“I would think not! They are fantastic.”

They made their way downstairs to welcome the newcomers.

“Welcome, we did not think we would meet again so soon!” Tom called as he walked across the yard.

“Sire, you call, we obey. Where are the invaders? Don’t tell me we are too late. Have you defeated them already?”

Tom and the others laughed. “Yes we have driven them from the walls. We now intend to harry them and drive them into the mountains. We will teach them a lesson they will never forget.”

That day they held a council of war. It was decided that three columns would chase the invaders back from whence they came, attacking them at every opportunity. It was a time for the friends to catch up, share news tell their tales.

“We will have even more stories to tell after this.” Rolof laughed with his friends.

“That we will, that we will.” Tony agreed.

Supplies were gathered, weapons prepared and sharpened. They left at first light.

The trackers had done their jobs well and soon the retreating army was in sight.

“We have you in three columns. What we’ll do is wait for them to make camp then attack. We’ll attack every two hours, giving us six hours rest at a time but denying them any rest. After a few days they will get sloppy and start making mistakes. We’ll soon have them surrendering to us.” Tom explained.

“What will we do with them once we have their surrender?” asked Valith

“We will take them prisoner and give them the same choice we gave the slavers we captured. Ten years indentured service or we take their heads. They came here to take slaves and goods, well that will be their punishment. Slavery for ten years. It only seems fair for all the hurt and heartache they have caused. You men should be home with your wives and families, not out here on this campaign. They will pay a heavy price for their folly let me assure you.”

They watched as King Sven and his men started to make camp. They were a slow moving mass of men. They could also see the prisoners being forced to carry the heavy loads. Tom went to see Talbath.

“Can you and your men get down there and free those prisoners? I’d like you to do it just after the last attack goes in, just before dawn. They will be exhausted then, having no sleep. What do you think?”

“I think that is a wonderful idea. I know just the men to do this. We will get as many as we can. We may not get them all as they seem to have them spread out all over the place. We will do our best though.”

“Thanks. I’ll order the first attacks to go in now then.”

King Sven looked around his camp. His men were tired, they had been marching all day. He could see the camp fires being lit and his men start to settle. It was then he heard it. Hoof-beats, lots of hoof-beats. The horsemen came charging into the camp, arrows flying in all directions. His men scattered in all directions. Some screamed as they were hit. What supplies were being prepared for the evening meal were scattered. To their credit his men soon rallied and formed a shield-wall, heads swinging from side to side looking for an enemy. There were none to be found, they had vanished into the night.

“What the hell happened? Who were they?” several men asked.

“You don’t think it was the same lot that attacked us at that town do you?” asked another.

No-one had any answers. They stayed at the ready for a further hour, all thoughts of food or sleep banished in the excitement. After an hour however they realised their attackers had gone. Men returned to their camp fires to salvage what remained of their meal. Many of them had just begun to eat when the sound of hoof-beats could be heard again. Once again horsemen charged through the camp, killing those they caught standing. Once again meals and sleep were abandoned as men grabbed their weapons in a vain attempt to defend themselves.

Sven was furious. He stormed around the camp, calling out to the darkness for his tormentors to come and face him like a man. He swore and ranted. He called down every known and even some previously unknown curses, plagues and abominations upon the heads of his tormentors. All this achieved of course was to keep his men awake even longer.

It was just before dawn when the final attack of the night went in. Fire arrows were used to try and burn all the tents. It was a success. Those that didn’t burn completely were damaged to such an extent as to render them useless. At the same time Talbath and his men stole away several of the captives, in many cases killing the captors in the process. When dawn broke, it broke upon a hungry, dispirited group, although not greatly reduced in number, certainly greatly reduced in morale. It was then they realised that several of the prisoners were missing. They found the bodies of Garth and Olaf. Both had their throats cut, but worse, they had been gelded. This was a grievous insult as it meant that they would be incomplete in the after-life.

It was a cold, hungry, tired miserable bunch that wearily trudged their way back towards their homesteads. The three columns followed them. Each time a man left the column to relieve himself there could be no guarantee he would return. Men would go off to search for firewood and vanish. The same to collect water.

“These are not men we face but ghosts!” men were heard to mutter.

“We have offended the gods!” Others cried.

Sven watched with barely contained rage as one after another his men were cut down with arrows or simply disappeared. There was no rest at night either. At least three times, sometimes four, or maybe just once, they would be attacked. No-one slept. After a week the men were totally exhausted, after two they were barely able to lift their swords. Men would simply lay down along the trail and fall asleep. Nothing would rouse them. They were left behind. They would eventually awaken bound hand and foot, stacked like cord wood on the back of a wagon. They had just left the low-lands and were heading into the mountains. Sven could see his homeland. He was sure he could see the cooking fires of his village. He was looking forward to seeing his wife and children again. They had just cleared the last valley when Sven saw his way was blocked. There on top of a ridge was the enemy army. Finally it was time to fight!

Tom looked down at the enemy. They had harried them for the last two weeks giving them no rest. Several of them were already captives. They all told the same story, of how Sven and that thrice dammed stranger has persuaded them to attack south. Now they were regretting ever leaving their lands. Tom had arranged his men so they blocked the route north. Sven had three options. Divert twenty miles, or two days march while being continuously harried. Surrender, which Tom thought highly unlikely or fight. Tom’s money was on the fight.

Tom had managed to get ahead of the opposing forces in the night. He had taken the high ground and now stood between them and home. They were now of even numbers. Sven’s 600 was first reduced to just below 500. These latest attacks had reduced them even further. He doubted he could field more than 350 men fit to fight.

Tom had placed his army on the top of a steep slope. His infantry to the front with his archers on each flank. The archers had placed their shields on the ground in front of them. He held his cavalry in reserve. Each man was, unlike the enemy, well rested, well fed and well armed. He himself had chosen to fight with the archers on foot. They watched as a small group of men moved forward under a flag of truce.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Their leader called out.

Tom stepped forward. “I am King Tom. King of the Isle of the hunters. You have attacked my people. We are here to punish you.”

“I am King Sven. I rule the northern lands here about. We are simply gathering a few supplies, and a few slaves as is our custom. If it’s a fight you want, then a fight you shall have!”

“I’ll tell you now Sven, you have raided your last village, taken your last slave. After today you will all be take into slavery yourselves. Your lives are now forfeit.”

“Enough of this talking. Get out of our way or we’ll cut you down like the dogs you are!”

“I’ll say this once and once only. Surrender and live or fight and die.”

Sven ignored him. He formed his men up and with a loud war cry they charged up the hill. Arrows rained down upon them. Many fell as they struggled up the slope. Finally the survivors made it to the shield wall. The archers dropped their bows and picked up their shields. They drew their swords and axes and battled with their foe.

Tom drew back as the men closed. He mounted his horse. The screams and roars of the men rang out across the hillside. The shield-wall held. Men fought, men died. On the right flank his men were falling back. It looked like they were about to give way. Tom called to Hugh.

“Hugh, the right flank! Send your cavalry in there now!”

Just then the right flank gave way. The enemy troops rushed forward. Hugh’s lancers charged into action. The shock of seeing these fresh troops charging them stalled the attackers, allowing the defenders to regroup. Hugh’s cavalry pulled back. Slowly the attackers tired, they weakened. Gradually they were pushed back down the hill. Their spirit broke. They started to run. Now the cavalry was unleashed to devastating effect. As the men ran downhill the horsemen ran them down. Of the 350 who started the attack less than 100 were still on their feet. They had suffered a total defeat.

The survivors were rounded up, Sven was among them. He was wounded but was still able to walk.

As Tom approached the prisoners Paul, Ilsa and the others began treating the wounded. Their moans and whimpers could be heard across the battlefield.

“Okay, you win. You’ve got back all the slaves we took, the ones that survived anyway. Let us go and we’ll not bother you again.” Sven said to him

“No, you have lost. Most of your men are dead. What now of your plan to attack my people? You and your men will be given two choices. One, you will have your head shaved and will work as an indentured servant for ten years. Two, I take your head here and now. I’ll give you ten minutes to think about it.” Tom informed them.

“What?! You can’t do that! I’m King of my people! I’m the leader of my clan! Who’ll take care of the women and children? Without us they’ll starve! Who’ll protect them if we’re not there?”

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