Getting Lucky - Cover

Getting Lucky

Copyright© 2012 by mattwatt

Part 1

Erotica Sex Story: Part 1 - The guys are out trolling for a babe, when they meet an older woman.Their verbal abuse turns to paradise for them with her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Spanking   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Water Sports  

There are rituals written into the fabric of our lives. That's not so much a philosophical statement as it is a simple declaration of the truth. Since I am a male writing this story, I can only address those rituals from a male point of view, so, please abide with me through this.

What I'm talking about is the inevitable first discovery of a picture book with naked women in it.

(In the author's case it was a book casually lying in the gutter, which was spied on the way home from school one day. When picked up and explored, trying to find out what that picture that included a shapely, naked thigh was about, the world burst into color and band music played in the background, for there was what we called in those long ago times a 'hot book.' It was an actual, truth to goodness book that had pictures of naked women in it.)

Of course there are others to be considered. E g learning to masturbate. (Always accompanied in my mind with a friend's statement: 'I never thought that I'd piss again!')

One of the arguably most important of those rituals to come along was with the advent of any kind of vehicle for roaming around. Up to that point it was always being on the corner with the guys and just, as we termed it, 'shooting the shit'.

But with the availability of a vehicle the world changed, yet again. Then it was possible 'to go out on the hunt!', to go out 'looking', 'cruising for girls'/women/pussy' etc. A veritable rite of spring in life.

What was usually, in my case but I suspect in most cases, missing from the scene was the ability to 'get lucky' and find someone who knew, who agreed, who 'would' and who 'did'.

Those scenes were heavy with sex, with the possibility of sex, with the longing for sex, with the search for sex but were rarely ever successful. Yet it was a task that, once it was begun, simply went on. Discouragement was never part of the picture.

And so we turn our attention to just such a search, and find ourselves placed in the middle of just such a ritual, as our friends go looking to 'get lucky'. It's their Saturday night; they have a vehicle; the friends are all there and what will happen? The usual disappointment? Or will tonight be the night when they meet that one person, who is also out looking, willing, eager, anticipating and female? That's the question that we're working on here. Join us.

It was a Saturday night and everyone knew what that meant. If it was Saturday then it was time to pile into Knobby's van, his 'baby', his project, the thing he spent most of his time on, and go looking for pussy.

"Maybe tonight we'll get lucky!" was the mantra. It's what they always said to themselves and to one another.

So, here it was Saturday night and Knobby picked up Shane and Jason and they were off to the Mall, after all, their thinking went, that's where the girls were. And if there were girls there, then they 'might get lucky'.

Of course they didn't. In this rite of passage, that has been participated in by so many teen aged men, that thought always spurred them on, and the results were almost equally always disappointing.

They spoke about it fairly enthusiastically among themselves:

"See who's out tonight!" Shane said.

"Yeah, cool," Jason agreed.

"Get some gas first," Knobby said, always with his mind on the Van.

So they pooled resources and had enough to get them around and them some for this lovely Saturday night.

(Please remember, friends, that this was a time period before available credit cards, cell phones, computers and such modern conveniences/necessities. It was necessary to look at the meager scrapings of change in everyone's pockets, for, also in those days, a pile of change would quickly add up to enough gasoline, since the price of gasoline was laughably cheap also.)

Our heroes were ready, horny and looking. They weren't equipped, in a manner of speaking. I.e they didn't have condoms but then, in a small part of their minds, they didn't really expect to be or get lucky this Saturday night, like most other Saturday nights.

But for our purposes let's take a look at what is always called the 'dramatis personae'.

Knobby was 17, about 6' tall and thin with dark hair. He hardly weighed more than 140lbs. He was dark complected and provided the wheels. (A real primo position at the time!)

He was a great mechanic and a good friend, especially to his buds Shane and Jason. He was always the driver, since his parents had allowed him to get the van and begin to work on it. He loved the way it hummed along.

'The Van': to Knobby, who was really just thin, and not particularly 'gawky' or anything like that, it was his 'pussy wagon', even if, after all of their searching and their trials, it never really served that kind of purpose yet.

(Yes, it was Knobby's 'yet' that fueled the whole enterprise here! It was a definitely hopeful and expectant 'yet'.)

Jason, also 17, was the jock of the group. His specialty was baseball, which he hoped to follow to a career but he also played football, though not as well as his baseball. He was 5'10", weighed 165 lbs and had a head of dark curly hair and was in the last stages, he hoped, of his problems with zits. It wasn't too bad these days but he was no lady killer for all that. Despite the 'zits' thing, Jason was really fairly good looking.

Shane was the young one of the three of them, at 16. He was also the smallest and tried to make up for it, at times with attitude. He was 5'4", 130 lbs. He was the student, and perhaps an anomaly in hanging with the other two, since he was studious but they'd been pals forever and being with them, especially for the the Saturday night rambles was a treat that always enjoyed.

So, it was out to the mall for the three of them, out to look for girls, and, of course, not just girls but willing girls, or at least a willing girl. They spent time wracking their brains about who they might contact to 'give them some' but never really came up with a name that suited, even though some names at times seemed to suggest themselves. This always came to naught.

(There was the call once, it had been Knobby's idea, to Claire N. She was ugly but she was a girl after all. But on the phone she knew exactly what they wanted. Said she knew. Told them what they wanted and refused absolutely to talk to them about it. That meant one thing: it was Saturday and back to the old method of driving around and going on the hunt.)

This was the topic of conversation most of the time, when the three of them were together, this idea of 'getting lucky' and our Saturday night warriors were never really put off by the fact that they never really did get lucky at all.

But then this was another Saturday night and maybe, just maybe tonight they'd do it, they find someone, someone willing, hot, eager, whatever, maybe tonight they'd get lucky.

(So, we have them here, in this rite of passage, the kind of event that played such a capital part of their time together. We have the three of them going out to search, never admitting failure at the beginning, always hopeful, always looking, always alert, never really successful.

The question, the main question here is: Will this Saturday night be different? Will they get to initiate Knobby's van tonight? Will the right girl? Girls? Be around and be found?

They left Shane's house, after picking him up and the dice were rolling!)

In another part of town that night altogether it was Saturday night also. Norma R had decided to 'go out' and maybe do some shopping. She told her husband that she was going to the mall and he had sufficiently grunted from his easy chair in front of the tv at the time.

(And we can suspend our suspicion that her 'going out' to the mall maybe represented the very same kind of movement and past time that our three young men were engaged in with their Saturday night driving around. We can suspend that suspicion but keep it in the back of our minds.)

"Dishes are done, honey," she called to him.

He grunted again, and it made her wonder why she bothered to call him by such a name, when he was, after all, a 'slug' that she took care of. Even when she asked herself if he'd always been that way, she had to admit that for most of their married life he had indeed been that way. And 'taking care of' him these days meant that once in a blue moon he'd get his little cock out and stuff it in her mouth.

The only upside to those periodic events was that our Norma liked the rough kind of way that his brutishness would normally adopt. For him it was never artfulness but his own selfish way of having his needs, periodic and basic, met by her kneeling with his little prick in her mouth. She never told him that, thinking that it wasn't a trait that she wanted to cultivate very much. But maybe--she thought with the same kind of thought pattern that went on in Jason, Shane and Knobby's heads--tonight would be her night. Maybe tonight she'd get lucky!

It always meant, to her that adventure might be just right outside the door.

(Her mental images were not as base as those of the three young men but to be honest with you and truthful about them, it wasn't far off of that at all.)

That was her mantra and the line that she followed in going out. She'd walk the mall; see if her being there sparked any interest in anyone, these days it normally didn't seem to but at least there was a sense of freedom and 'devil may care' about her outings and, now and then, when she got home 'he', 'the slug', wanted his dick sucked, and wanted it done 'properly'--that was with her on her knees and her hands behind her back, sometimes even tied, a mouth to be bounced in and out of, a mouth to be used. The only saving grace was that she liked being used that way.

(And, yes, remember that's secret information that he didn't have and wasn't going to be given.)

But Norma was, as she would say to herself, 'past it'. She had put on some weight during these years and as she approached 50 she felt she was too heavy and, she was afraid, too unattractive to incite the interest of anyone at all.

Even her name, she thought, when in this kind of mood, was against her. 'Norma' was great for opera but who wanted to pull an 'older' woman named 'Norma' into the bushes and shag her?

(An editorial denial of that surmise is perhaps in order just now, for this author believes that women only begin to enter their 'heat' and beauty phase at the age of 35 and it increased all the way to 70 or so. Sorry for the interruption but I needed to put out Norma into that perspective. She was hot, she was willing, she was out and she was on the prowl.)

Norma, the almost totally unappreciated Norma, if we look from the perspective of her sluggish husband, was 5'2". She weighed a not really fat 132 lbs, and worked at keeping it in trim, all the while suspecting that she was losing that battle. She had a very nice pair of 36c breasts that had nipples that were super sensitive, and that, giving away a little secret here, she loved to have pinched.

(It was a way of helping herself out, when she played with herself, which was the only way that she ever got played with at all--except for her mouth, that is, twice a month or so!)

Her butt was a bit large but not overly at all, and in a pair of panties she was, if anyone took the time to notice, a pretty hot number. Her 45 plus years had not done any damage to 'the package' at all, despite what she thought.

(But remember that she was living with a man who never noticed, didn't usually care, certainly didn't compliment and didn't really provide! It was almost, because of these things, a logical, if false conclusion.)

She made sure that she arranged her 'stuff' as best she could for the mall crawl. She wore a kind of baggy peasant blouse that exposed her cleavage to its best advantage. With this blouse, she didn't bother to lower the shoulder sleeves, to show the cleavage, until she was at her destination.

(She simply thought these days that trying to dress sexy at home, which she'd done for a couple decades already with 'him', was like 'pearl before swine.')

She also decided on a short, pleated skirt for the occasion and heels. The skirt was modestly short but it did show a decent bit of leg, very nice legs at that. She also opted for no stockings. If she happened to be successful, even if she came across a 'quickie', she reasoned, stockings might be in the way.

She waited, as indicated, for the full effect until she was in the parking lot at the Mall. She parked toward the back, her usual practice and, once there, she pulled the blouse at the shoulder down to show naked shoulders a bit and some cleavage, and took the waist band of the skirt and rolled it up, making the skirt somewhat shorter than it was designed. When she'd done that, she was ready.

But like our friends, she was always aware of the fact that these little adventures out didn't really ever usually produce any good or satisfying results for her. But that was okay. She was out and she'd left 'the creature' behind. That in and of itself was a kind of freedom.

"Who knows," she thought to herself, "Tonight I might get lucky!"

(Author's note: Familiar mantra, I realize and now the four of them, three hunters and one certified 'prey' have entered the arena of fate: Fata Morgana, if you will.)

They prowled the mall, the three of them, always on the alert and saw some 'gigglers' here and there but no real possibilities.

And, yes, they expected this but with them every time they were out and searching was an adventure that might prove successful! Their hope was therefore never ending.

But tonight, this Saturday didn't look like it was going to be their night. They saw no one that was interesting or looked interesting or was interested or looked interested! They just didn't.

They'd been there and had done their prowling for a period of about an hour and a quarter, when they thought that they might give it up and go to one of their houses to get something to eat. This was always their fall back point. They'd go and discuss the ones that they'd seen and what those possibilities were or seemed to have been.

It was at that point that Shane, the one who always noticed things, poked Knobby and also Jason and said, with a grin:

"How about her?"

He was pointing to Norma, of course, who was window shopping and casting her eyes about now and then to see if any older gents might be out and free and in the mood for anything at all.

The usual, that is the goal of her husband's small, randy cock in her mouth being the mark of success for a Saturday night for her was not what Norma was ready to face at this point. Unlike the boys, she hadn't given up but was on the verge of doing so.

"What the fuck would we do with her?" Knobby asked, looking askance at Shane.

"What the fuck do you think?" Shane said. "Maybe she's out looking for it."

"An old bag?" Knobby asked incredulously, and Jason snorted in agreement.

(In pure defense of our Norma here, let me interject that she was not in any form of the word 'an old bag'. She was older but the boys were not winning and they were turning surly in the process.

I might be totally wrong here but my theory is that when such projects as the one that our heroes were on go astray and don't pan out, being adolescently mouthy to others is the second choice for the evening. I apologize to all and sundry if such is not the case but for our three, Knobby, Jason and Shane, that's precisely what they settled for on this outing: being mouthy. They didn't realize that, of course, until the mouthiness actually began but that was their choice. Their chances of 'getting lucky' were given up for the evening, so being disrespectful to their elders was a chosen second line of attack.

Which means one thing, now that Fata Moragana is grinning her horrible grin at us: for the three seekers and for Norma it was 'game on'.

Pardon the interruption!)

"Look at the short skirt on her!" Shane said.

"So what?" Jason wanted to know, "She's old, she's not interested; what the fuck are you thinking about?"

Shane's last attempt was: "Okay, man, you find a better prospect!"

But Jason and Knobby just laughed at Shane.

Shane let it go at that point, and once they had made the rounds of the mall one more time, they went out the exit. They kind of lounged there and just looked around, watching people and just making general comments to one another.

For her part, Norma was also convinced that being a convenience for her husband's oral rutting was the only possible 'satisfaction' that she might expect from this evening. That was too bad, but with a sigh, after walking for a bit, she headed for the exit.

(And, yes, since fate has a hand here, they were all four of them going to use the same exit. But you suspected that!)

Norma left the mall by the entrance where the three teens were lounging. They were in a bad mood, having already admitted defeat. They were confining themselves to various comments about the folks that walked out of the mall this way. It wasn't their main object but it was satisfying in its own way.

Norma only noticed the three of them for the first time, as she passed them outside the exit to the mall. She glanced at them, allowed a fleeting array of thoughts about being pulled into the woods by three young, almost insatiable guys and shunted that thought off to the siding for consideration later, once her hubbie was sleeping and she could get her clever fingers embedded in her own pussy.

"Hey, Grandma!" Shane said, and the other two laughed.

Norma chose to ignore them, though her head had swiveled their way, when the comment was initially made.

That head movement was all the encouragement that they needed. They could at least needle a senior citizen tonight. That might be a consolation prize but it was worth doing. The three of them all agreed tacitly and silently by head nods, as they sauntered off in the direction that Norma was moving.

She didn't know that they were behind her, following her. She didn't know it until they decided to ratchet up the tone a little bit.

"Hey, you, Grandma!" Knobby yelled.

Norma was almost at her car by then and she turned, seeing the three of them who'd been following her. She didn't think that they looked particularly dangerous just kind of noisy in a teen aged way.

"Are you talking to me?" she said softly.

"Yeah, you, Grandma," Shane said, "Hearing bad?"

There was laughter.

Knobby jumped in at that point: "What is a woman your age wearing a skirt that short for?"

She just stared.

"Yeah," Shane said, "Want to show off your ass?"

Laughter again.

"And look at the way your tits are flopping in that blouse," Knobby went on, "Want to show them also?"

Norma's answer, nothing that they were even remotely ready for, caught them totally by surprise and it was only Jason, who was the calm thinker that night that saved the night for them.

She said, "Can't you take time to be polite? Is that possible for your generation?"

That did stop both Knobby and Shane but Jason stepped in at that point.

"Sorry, Ms," he said, "My friends are dickheads, as usual! They left their manners at home."

He seemed to be genuinely chagrined: "Cool it, Neanderthals!" He said, an this did have the effect, at least for the moment, of shutting the other two down.

Chastened a bit, the other two turned to walk away, their fun with the 'older lady' closed by Jason's conscience.

But Jason wasn't quite ready to call it quits with this woman yet:

"Tell me, Ms," he began, "What will you do if we're polite?"

She saw it as a challenge; the very first glimmer of any kind of light on her hunt for that night. It seemed, right then and there, to be positive and so Norma smiled and said: "Well, young man, maybe you should try me!"

That stopped them in their tracks. Shane and Knobby just let Jason, who actually seemed to know what he was doing right then, take the lead. They stood and watched as the interplay between Jason and the lady went on.

"Okay," Jason went on, but now with a grin and posing a kind of challenge of his own. "Would you please show us your panties?" he was grinning as he said it.

It seemed as though it was the beginning of another round of bating the older woman.

And it might well have been but Norma was in a mood and decided to respond to his being so polite. Norma flattened them by saying: "Since you asked me so nicely, young man, yes, I will."

Knobby and Shane only looked, agog. Jason was smiling at Norma and then to their total astonishment, Norma took the hem of her short skirt and lifted it up to her waist.

As she did, she turned to face them fully, so that they might get the full effect of what she did with her skirt, in pulling it up to do what Jason had so politely asked.

Her panties were pink bikinis, they were semi transparent, and immediately the three warriors were face to face, so to speak, with the impression, the shadow certainly, and almost the full view of Norma's pussy.

The three boys gaped at first, all the 'devil may care' stuff had disappeared here in the presence of what they were always searching for, here in the presence of this woman, now showing them the unmistakable view of her pussy hair.

"Thank you," Jason said, getting a smile from Norma.

"You're welcome, young man," she began.

"Jason, Ma'am," he said.

"Jason," she continued. "See what politeness will do for you. I hope your friends are realizing that now."

The air was crackling with the tension and Norma was alive with the possibilities, loving what had happened and what was potentially going to happen, and what she was certainly going to allow!

She lowered her skirt at that point.

Then he went on:

"Now would you, please, raise your blouse and show us your tits? Please?"

Norma smiled at them. "Of course, Jason," she said softly and raised her peasant blouse, showing them the flimsy, see through bra that she was wearing.

"See," she said softly, "Politeness!"

"What will you do, if we remain polite?" Knobby, who had finally found his voice, wanted to know then.

"Will you be polite?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," Knobby said, "Sorry for mouthing off like that."

"Accepted," she said and smiled at them, as Shane made a similar apology

"So, what do you want?" she returned.

"Maybe to see your ass, please?" Shane said, joining the polite method of the others.

"Well of course," Norma said, giving them her best smile and raising her skirt again, but now with her back turned to show them her ass cheeks.

All three of them made almost strangling noises, when they saw Norma's panty covered ass.

She turned and smiled again at them, letting her skirt fall back into place.

"What now?" she asked taking another step toward her car.

"Next," Jason said, deciding to see if it were possible to really move this situation ahead a bit. "We'd like you to please take off your skirt, give it to us and come with us to the van."

They all three held their breath at that point. They were at a 'make or break' juncture with this older woman. The mystery of what would happen lasted a full minute or two, as she looked them over and then to their everlasting joy, she smiled at them and her hand went to the button and zipper on the side of her skirt and she actually, actually took her skirt off and handed it to Jason, standing there in her panties.

"Of course," she said, handing over the skirt.

They were momentarily transfixed. She was no longer the 'older woman'; nor was she 'grandma'. She was suddenly, right then, the lovely woman standing in the parking lot with them and wearing that blouse, which showed her tits and otherwise had on that pair of pink panties. It was more exciting than anything that they remembered, corporately or individually.

"Where's the van?" she said.

"This way," Knobby said, walking forward and taking Norma by the arm. He leaned in and said: "And we apologize for being rude."

"Apology accepted," Norma said.

She stopped and said to them: "Let me walk ahead of you please!"

They stopped and ogled at the sight of her ass cheeks swishing back and forth under the thin nylon of her panties! It was mesmerizing! They were getting lucky!

"May we have your blouse now?" Shane asked nicely and Norma flashed him a grin, leaning to kiss his lips quickly and then she took off her blouse and gave it to Shane, and they had her then.

(On this of all Saturday nights at the mall, they'd met a real live one! They were walking the short distance to the van, and she, of her own choosing, was walking a little ahead of them, her ass cheeks, barely hidden by her bikini panties, wiggling, as they were ginning and poking each other. They were going to get lucky!)

(Norma felt precisely the same way. It had been touch and go but she had them now and they were young and anxious and randy and probably able to go over and over again. She too felt the elation of knowing that she was lucky that Saturday night.)

But Norma had her own ideas. She'd been looking for this kind of treat, out wandering and not encountering it, for such a time that she wanted it to be right this time. She turned to them and said:

"Okay, guys, here's what I want."

They were paying strict attention to her at that point.

"I've thought about doing this for a while and it's going to be amazing; I have no doubt. But I want first to go and sit with the three of you and get to know you a bit. I've already done what I've done so that you can see and be sure of the fact that you'll certainly get what you want. That's why I'm dressed right now the way that I am, the way that you said you want me. Okay?"

They looked at each other. They also realized that they had no real plan for how this was supposed to go, mainly because they never expected to be this successful. They shook their heads 'yes' and it was agreed.

She got her clothes back and put them on, and they went to a Friendlys. They got a booth, while there and sat. Norma said that it was her treat. They had ice cream.

They talked then. It was mostly, at first, the guys talking about themselves. They lost their inhibitions about talking pretty quickly. Norma was easy to talk to. It gave her some insight into them.

She was pleased that it was going this way. Then she spoke to them. She told them about 'the slug' and his ways.

They were agog that her husband had no real interest.

She laughed, letting them in now on intimate details, and said: "Only twice a month, when he wants his thing sucked and then I comply."

They were completely silent, as she told the story, on the edge of being wide eyed. She even went into some details with them that made them laugh.

"I never swallow!" she said.

They just regarded her and she said: "But with you three I will! I promise that!"

They were then grins from wall to wall.

"Excuse me for the ladies'," she said then.

"Hey," Knobby said, "Is she gonna walk out on us now?"

"No way!" Jason said, "After what she told us and the way she's been!"

He was proven right, when she came back then, and sat down.

"Would you mind holding these for me until later?" she asked politely.

Jason held out his hand, mystified, and almost croaked, when she put her panties into his hand.

"Fuck!" Knobby said, looking at the small pink garment. Then he went on: "Oops, sorry!"

"Lovely sentiment!" she said. "Well, guys, it's Saturday night and we have adventures. Ready?"

"Ready!" they said, one after another and went outside, thanking her for the treats.

They drove back to the mall parking lot, parking again in the back by her car. On the way they were, passing a park, when at a stop light another car pulled in next to them.

"Hey, Knobby," a voice said, laden with derision. "Taking your aged aunt for a ride?" The person laughed and sped away.

"What was that?" Norma asked.

"Joey Turner that ass hole!" Knobby said.

"Catch up to him!" Norma said, incensed.

Knobby sped up and by the time they got to the next light, had caught Joey' Turner's car. By then Norma had her clothes off and had Knobby's cock out and was sucking it.

"Hey, Knobby..." Joey began but then he saw Norma's naked ass and that she had Knobby's cock in her mouth.

"Oh fuck!" he said.

Norma lifted her head to gaze at Joey, who was just gaping, but didn't stop sucking.She did, however, hold up her middle finger to Joey, as, laughing, Knobby pulled away.

"You are the ultimate end," he said.

"And I'm not finished here," she said, continuing to suck him off.

"Hope you can control this van, man," Shane said with a laugh.

"Now where do you want to go?" she asked softly, when she was finished.

They went back to the mall, and Norma fetched her cell phone from her car.

"Where do we begin now?" she asked them.

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