Filtara - Cover


Copyright© 2012 by Prac T Cal

Chapter 1: Unbelievable

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1: Unbelievable - Crazy, insane, impossible, … How did I get here? This doesn’t seem real … what happens when nobody will see you cry? Filtara intends to reclaim wastewater for the Arab community. It has a strategy that has satisfied its investors two primary goals. 1-clean water in the desert 2-allowing American females to voluntarily demean themselves. They had no idea they would get this many volunteers.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Celebrity   BDSM   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Scatology   Size   Body Modification  

I can feel it move through me, slowly, forcing its way, inexorably finding the path of least resistance. A principle of physical order similar to a small leak in a dam that gets larger and larger as the forces of nature overcome the order imposed on man. Only this is mostly the reverse - the force of man overriding years of human function in the search for ... what? It feels strange but inevitable. It definitely is not pain free! At first it was good but as it continued it came to the normal processes of doing things in the wrong direction. Not like driving the wrong direction on a one way street, that was just a false rule. Driving the wrong way on an interstate highway was highly dangerous. Driving the wrong way on the 405 in LA was death. This came in the middle of those last two. But it also fit in with altering the way things had been done since life began. Reversing a process that evolved over eons. And it hurt horribly at times. It is so slow and it builds and builds and then the wall breaks down and it flows and flows and fills and fills and then it hurts hurts hurts and bursts through over and over and over. It builds as I fill then ceases (almost) when the power overwhelms nature and then the cycle repeats but the pain is in a new exciting place. I lied about the exciting part. I have no idea how long this has been going on. Well, that might not be true since I have done part of this experiment without being the subject, but I don't know how long this has been going on because it all depends. It all depends on the flow and viscosity and the surface tension of the fluid and ... A bunch of other things I wish I didn't know! Each cycle is worse, the pain is more, the release happens as a series of bursts. A little sequence of pain release all over from the start of the process. Breaking this rule is possibly a crime against ... humanity? Or at least me! Oh oh oh oh my my oh my GOD! Oh ... my...

And then I wake to pain! My God! Did I just orgasm? Did I just pass out from an orgasm? Oh, maybe this isn't so bad ... Ahhh Ahhh ... shit that hurts too much ... I can not take much more ... and and ... Oh yes yes yes ... uh uh ... Oh oh OHHHH...

And once more ... it hurts! I am delusional (maybe) I keep seeing that horrible thing from Lord of the Rings ... the little fucker that is distorted by the ring ... and I laugh but not really because of the LG in my mouth but I hear myself and wonder about my sanity. The LG design was awesome! It got me hooked! The possibility of great engineering for humanity. Something to help diet easily - I still don't understand that! But the design was pure genius! Oh shit! It just hurts and hurts! Somehow it is worse that it pulses through you! Extreme pain the cessation of pain then pain release but now pain pain pain followed by sexual release. And that last time I am sure was a multiple orgasm. So long ago so much ... fuck fuck oh my god oh my god it it uunnhhh...

And then the pain again! Please stop stop please stop

Its getting worse - my body is fighting too much! I feel like I'm going to explode! My body is full full ... then oh my it flows ... it feels like its got to my stomach it flows, plugs, flows, a valve or something opens closes opens flows closes fills fills...

Now it just flows but slowly slowly I can see it flow into the LG! Its dirty but its flowing but really really slowly. This didn't happen when I ran the experiment! What is different? It's me! Or is it? Why would that matter. And then a voice in my ear says - see you just need to be patient! I know the voice, it's my competition ... Fucking Jace! The bastard! But why is he here? I cannot ask him because one cannot speak with an LG inserted. But he probably knows! And the voice begins "Yeah, cunt! You know why! SWC might be Southern Women's Conference officially but it's Sleazy White Cunt in the places it matters. Or in your case Stupid White Cunt! you know why this worked? Because I never ever considered it wouldn't! I didn't stop the experiment when the subject cried in pain! And I didn't blow out the subject by using too fast a flow. That's why you failed! And why I have prevailed - we aren't close to done, but we have positive results. Because I DO NOT FUCKING CARE HOW MUCH YOU HURT! And maybe I just like making you hurt! And now we have a test subject that is at phase 1!" and the voice went away but in the distance I could hear applause! And maybe a party. In the meantime I just had - the flow. Once in a while it slows in various places then breaks and flows. And the voice says "and it will flow and flow, faster and faster until we know the limits of a SWC! Your idea and now your experiment and my rewards!" and then he was gone. But the flow continued. And I knew it would never stop! Because I knew what came after Phase 1 - but I didn't really know because Jace had a completely different agenda. For Jace I think he just wanted to overcome nature and to do it painfully to me! Once again it was about me, narcissistic little me, maybe I was a stupid white cunt! After all I was the one with the Phd and I was the one who believed Jace Tanner...

"Well, Mr. Tanner our confidence in your abilities have brought us all rewards! Ms. Hunt appears a successful subject. We will need to know if the process will work on others but this is proof of concept. Congratulations are in order!"

Jace Tanner spent a few seconds basking in those words then "Yes, Mr Basil, we have a beginning but we must move forward. Ms Hunt, Kristina, shows much promise. However, we need to continue to measure quality of cleansing and as with the other process we need to determine maximum flow rates. Then..."

"Yes Jace! I understand completely!" and he did, Ms. K.Hunt - he smiled at that - the cunt needed to be fully tested. Maximum flow through, and purification amounts at different rates. "But the important thing is to make sure to not stop the flow until other subjects have proven the creation process!"

"Ah, I believe we understand each other! Who is the next subject?" hoping it was Becca.

"After this breakthrough we need to move quickly, so I believe all the researchers will start the process today!" and he smiled when Jace looked shocked and happy!

Jace was elated and didn't even try to hide it. "We have facilities ready to begin..." and was further shocked when the rest of the researchers were being led into the room."

As he watched they were settled into the ... Oh who the hell am I kidding! The basic concept is a three inch pipe which is inserted anally. The subject was lowered into a seating position over the pipe. (Jace had personally assisted in the expansion of the researchers number two orifice) Jace was a BBC owner and the BBC he owned was very big. What is a BBC? Well, it certainly isn't british! It is simply a Big Black Cock! And most of the researchers were very happy to get qualified by Jace. Fully qualified in each of their three orifices. But I digress, then the bindings were put in place and finally the LG (Life Giver) was inserted in the number one orifice. Jace liked thinking that way sometimes! One is mouth or oral, two is asshole or anal, and three is the cunt or fucking home sweet home!

"Mr Basil? I would recommend one repeats the flow of subject one, but I believe we should try different rates of flow on the others. The faster we can have a subject the more efficient our testing will proceed."

Mr. Basil just waved to go ahead. Basically saying you are the expert. Ideally Jace would have preferred sequential processing but this is what they want.

"Jace, keep in mind we have some other candidates for subjects - how long was the process for subject one?"

"Twenty seven hours, 37 minutes." Becca would be the one to repeat that process, he wanted it to last forever but that was the maximum. "I think we can bring that down a lot, maybe eight hours..."

"We have the new demo plant ready - and this one we designed to alter from standard to reverse flow by just flipping a few switches. Start the new ones but get cunt one setup for measuring results. Use RS5 for the first tests. I will want test results ASAP!"

Jace nodded - and thought cool that was the best - Raw Sewage Grade 5.

"When do we need to decide on the reverse flow? You know I had doubts this would provide higher purification results" but Mr Basil stopped him

"Don't care! This will impress our customers! Purification results are only part of the equation. Why do you think all the research subjects and purification units use SWC as a primary component." then he smiled as Jace caught up.

"I was very happy when K. Hunt suggested this experiment - now that I know the conversion process is painful and traumatic it is our number one priority. I look forward to the process of returning the subject to normal and only hope it is just as entertaining!" and he turned to leave. "Oh, one more thing - we have a few things to discuss. Once you get the other five started and on video come to my office."

Jace watched as the filtration units were put in place and supervised the flow rates for the four that would be accelerated. He chose based upon several parameters, some were physical characteristics but all the subjects were very healthy, Jace finally chose based upon how much shit the bitches had given him over the last month, that seemed fitting. He set one at a rate he thought would come in at eight hours. That was a random target and he chose the smallest subject but only in height, the proportions of all the subjects varied by less than ten percent.

As Jace walked to Basil's office he thought fondly of the beginning of this odyssey - it began with a News5 report by Allison Filar reporting on a revolutionary filter process for waste. A company called Filtara was building revolutionary technology to build waste processing plants in the Middle East that saved water, that was the most valuable resource in the desert. They inserted an LG into her throat and ran the standard flow process as a demo. He watched it because Allison was HOT! And there were these two black chicks call Ms Black n Ms Blue which cracked him up. He sent a resume to Filtara immediately because he wanted to see this process AND it was right here, local to Nashville. And when he looked into the LG (Life Giver) design he found it was used for a diet process at a club in LA and allowed the subject to breathe while it was inserted into their throat.

Which he thought would be something he could use for other purposes - like creating a sheath for his cock that would allow him to insert it into a throat and fuck until he came without worrying about them suffocating. Which was something Jace really liked to do! Stuff his BBC into a really tight white throat!

He wondered about Basil's background and motives - less so lately because they seem headed to the same place. Jace guessed Basil was muslim and was probably of Arab descent but he could be from anywhere in Asia or India. When he made Jace the lead on subject one and let him choose Kristina as the subject he was sure they shared a disdain for white females and would enjoy degrading them. After all, Subject One was the most highly educated female in research. By most standards she would be the last person to use as a subject. But Basil chose her because she had failed as the project lead on the first experiment. So was the logical choice to the the next subject. The comments he made tonight added fuel to that fire.

He knocked on the door even though it was open. "C'mon in Jace! Would you like something to drink?"

Jace asked for some soda and sat down.

After handing the coke to Jace, Mr Basil sat across from him.

"We need to clear up some concepts right away - I want you to know our goals so we don't work across purposes. Do you know of a club named 2NF?" Jace nodded affirmatively and his mind started racing. Not knowing whether this was good or bad.

"Are you familiar with the environment?" Again Jace nodded.

"You know what 2NF describes?" Jace began to nod again but Basil continued "Tell me!"

"Well, 2NF is an old organization although the 2NF is new. Never Forget, Never Forgive was the brainchild of Reverend Hard back in 1870 something. It was a black organization that was militant towards getting fair treatment of freed slaves. It was forced underground after repeated violence was brought upon its membership. While underground it survived until 1996 or so when it resurfaced and was locally active but small.

In the current state it is all about (Jace had been watching and decided being PC was unnecessary) a bunch of us black americans fucking the shit out of the white cunts. SWC is some organization that signs up the white women that really want fucked. The minimum ratio of BBC to SWC is five and in most cases much more. Nickel, Dime, Benjamin, GB, etc are all indicators of that ratio: Five, Ten, One Hundred, more

Club 2NF has cabinets that those white girls come in and occupy for hours of having their holes filled anonymously."

Basil was smiling "Then I believe we are on the same wavelength!"

"Filtara was created to provide services for foreign entities. Entities that rely on good relations with the US, but are not built on mutual respect. In fact, the design of our filtration system is primarily to determine how low the SWC's in the US will stoop for a few dollars or prestige or just a BBC inside them. We consider the SWC name to apply to all american caucasian females!" he paused to ponder what next to say "We chose to use SWCs to filter sewage because we could, there are much better filters. And it is amazing to see the buy in from politicians when we go green!"

"Subject one..." Jace began

"Is yours for the duration! She signed the usual documents which include a standard porn star contract so we can use her in any way we want. In addition she signed a long term contract that is at our discretion to renew for five years. Document it all and make sure you push the envelope on her testing."

They talked a while longer but the interesting parts were done. Jace went to visit his lab before leaving. He stroked his BBC hard and then fucked Kristina. Leaving her cunt dripping cum.

Meanwhile out in LA

"Good Morning LA! We at Filtara welcome you to the dedication of BioClear LA, our latest project to clean up the World! Our first installation in the United States of America! We are proud to join with the City of Los Angeles, 2NF, and SRF to bring the latest 'green' technology to the inner city. Shown behind me are several of our installations that have helped to conserve water in the Middle Eastern nations that need water. We have partnered with enlightened companies and individuals to pioneer a clean, natural solution to purify wastewater. Without their investment in our technology we could not debut this project today!

I want to thank all of those who contributed to funding this project. Because of you no tax dollars were used to fund this project!

Ladies and Gentlemen - I give you the ultimate in reclamation and reuse - BioClear - LA!"

and a curtain was removed showing an apparatus that had pipes and cables but was high tech and gloss.

And let me present a recent convert to our technology and our spokeswoman - Allison Filar!

There was enormous applause as Allison stepped to the front of BioClear. It was quite shocking if you didn't know most of those in attendance were being paid for their participation.

"Welcome to our unveiling!" and she removed the lab coat she was wearing. Underneath was all Allison - and most had seen her before! There were no enhancements needed. Allison took a moment to let them look, then she took a little stroll to let them get a better look. Amazing as it seemed she would have looked more nude if she hadn't been wearing anything. She was all in white - white skirt, white knee high boots with six inch heels, white sleeves that went from wrist to shoulder, and a white (clear?) skin tight top. Her nipples were at attention in more ways than one because they were tightly bound with fishing line at the base and around the areola and attached to her collar, giving an effect that they might be tied to the sky. The skirt was so short that one could see a u-shaped pipe below it. Leaving everyone to wonder what the rest of it was doing. The pipe was black to be highly visible and was three inches in diameter! The part you couldn't see was of the most interest to those watching and speculating.

Allison went on to describe each item visible on the BioClear in detail. Then she brought out their contest 'winner', Nita Couch.

After her introduction Nita had a short speech.

"Hello! I cannot adequately describe what an honor it is to be here today! My life dream has been to be an integral part of environmental activism and purifying the earth of the damage we have done. By using natural purification methods BioClear sets a precedence in environmental projects that I hope will continue in the future. Our world needs more projects like BioClear for it to heal. Thank you Filtara for being a leader in healing our world!"

She waited for them to quiet and continued "I want to thank all those involved for bestowing the great honor of becoming BioClear Filter Unit - One, or officially BioFil-00000001. Thank You!" and she stepped to the front of BioClear where she was joined by two men, she removed her lab coat revealing her heavenly body in all its unclothed glory. The two men - african american like most of those in attendance - began the process of securing BF-1 to BioClear Unit A. This entailed sleeves for her legs to prevent knee flexing which might damage the joints. There was a lot of vibration when the BioClear was at full capacity. Then her upper body was placed in restraints to hold it in the correct position for installation in BioClear. This included a collar of stainless steel around her throat, bands that secured her shoulders pulled back, and her elbows bent tight to allow her wrists to be banded and the bands attached to her collar on opposite sides from the throat. This caused her head to tip back creating a straight path for inserting the LifeGiver(LG). Bands were placed upon her ankles which would be secured by cables to BioClear. The process had been well rehearsed and went quickly. A video camera captured BF-1 from above.

Allison queried "BioFil-00000001 are your ready for deployment?"

Nita replied "BF-1 ready"

And the two men picked her up, positioned her deuce over the effluent discharge mechanism and began placing the first of four biological filter units into the BioClear LA project.

Allison described the process "Prior to use the BioFil units must be configured tto he specific project requirements. For BioClear LA the EDM is a 7.5 cm OD to meet required flow. The LG is custom for BioClear LA with a 5 cm diameter. The BioClear LA is unique in that the inlet and outlet piping is clear to allow visual inspection of the purification process. In addition there are instruments that analyze the wastewater and log the results into our online database. Anyone can watch the process for each of the four units - A, B, C, and D at all times."

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