Hidden Video - Cover

Hidden Video

Copyright© 2011 by De Von

Getting to Missy?

Erotica Sex Story: Getting to Missy? - Dad suspects something is going on while he is away at work, so he puts in some hidden cameras to find out. The resulting videos are pretty eye opening.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Size  

Somehow, all of them made it thru the play without a massive meltdown. There was even a scene at the end where Cris and Missy’s characters made out, and she approached it with gusto, which surprised Cris. What surprised him even more was when she groped his cock with the hand that was hidden from the audience by her flowing dress. His mind whirled in confusion as he tried to figure out what she was up to.

When the curtain fell at last, Cris hurried to change and try to find Missy. He spotted her running out the back door with her bag in her hand. As he started for the door, Amanda came toward him. He brushed her roughly aside, sending her tumbling into a pile of prop clothing with a yelp, and took off after Missy.

When he got outside, he could see Missy standing outside her Dad’s car, and she appeared to be pleading with him.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t” Cris heard her Dad say as he approached. “I’ll get Kris to take you home and stay there with you and Michelle until mom and I get back in the morning.”. Missy turned, and Cris saw what her dad didn’t, the look of anger and disappointment on her face.

“I’ll be happy to give Missy a ride home and stay on the couch so they will feel safe” Cris said as he walked up to where Missy and her Dad were talking.

“Great! You’re the only guy i would trust my daughters with” her Dad replied. “You guys be safe! Thanks again!” he went on before hopping in the car and driving away.

“Great!” Missy exclaimed, “Now I’m stuck with you AND my sister all night long. Gonna bring your little whore along, too? Maybe she’ll just rape me next time.”

“Missy, Baby” Cris pleaded, “It wasn’t like that! She attacked me!”

“Just shut up and drive.” Missy said as she reached Cris’s car. “I know what I saw.”. She started to cry softly, and Cris decided it was best to leave her alone.

When they got to her house, she unlocked the front door. “Be quiet, Michelle’s probably already asleep. Dont wake her up. There are blankets in the end table by the couch.”. With that she pushed the door open and went straight up the stairs to her room and closed the door.

It seemed Missy was right, and Michelle was already asleep. There was no light coming from under her door. Cris thought about how different Missy and Michelle were. Twins, they were identical in appearance, and different in almost every other way, except for their shared vow of chastity. Michelle was outgoing and flirty, in contrast to Missy’s quiet demeanor. He chuckled to himself as he thought how Michelle would have crashed thru the door yelling if she had been in Missy’s place. Maybe that would have been better. Michelle would probably understand, since she knew Amanda much better than Missy did.

Cris got a coke from the fridge and closed the door, then sat at the table and sipped it as he tried to figure out what to do next. Finally he got up and headed toward the couch, but before he got there he noticed Missy’s light was still on. Just then he saw the light go off, and he decided to take a chance. He walked quietly up the stairs and stood outside her door, summoning his nerve. He had been in her room the week before when he helped her mom rearrange the furniture, so he knew the layout.

He opened the door and slipped thru, quickly closing it behind him. In the brief light, he saw Missy lying on to of the bed in a soft blue gown. She was facing away from the door and quietly crying. “Go away, Mick. I don’t want to talk about it” she whispered. Before she realized he wasn’t Michelle, Cris moved quickly to the bed and lay down beside her. He spooned Missy from behind and out his arm over her, holding her still.

“Please forgive me, Baby! I would never hurt you! I should not have let her sneak up on me? Please forgive me, Baby! Please!” Cris begged.

“Can I at least just lay here with you? I just want to hold you.” he said.

Missy’s initial stiffness slowly softened, but her soft sobs still came.

“Stop talking” she said. “I don’t know how I can ever get over seeing that, and then what she DID to me. I might not. But somehow I still feel better with you holding me. I don’t want to be alone. So just be quiet and hold me. You can go back to the couch after I go to sleep so Chelle doesn’t know. But first, I gotta pee.” Missy finished, then climbed over him and headed for the bathroom between her room and Michelle’s. As she reached the door she turned back and whispered, “And roll over so I don’t have to climb over you again.”

Then she disappeared behind the door and a moment later Cris saw the light come on and almost immediately heard a muffled “Ow! That’s bright! What the hell?!”

“Sorry!” he heard Missy say, “I didn’t realize your door was open. Go back to sleep!”


Next he heard that familiar sound that always turned him on, a girl’s pee hitting water. He could just imagine the source, and started to grow hard thinking about it, and how close it was to her nirvana. He heard Missy shuffle, then heard Michelle’s voice again, “Don’t flush it yet, I have to go too!” And again, that magical sound. His mind threw out a tantalizing image of him in bed, naked, with a sister on each side. He noticed he was absently stroking his now hard cock, and made himself quit. “Can’t have her walk back in to that” he thought.

He could hear the muffled sound of the sisters talking, and realized it had been several minutes since Missy left for the restroom. Although he couldn’t make it out, the conversation seemed to be heated. He wondered if they were talking about the night’s events. The voices went back and forth, indistinguishable, for several more minutes before there was more shufflng, and the distinct sound of Michelle’s door closing. The light went off and he heard the door open and Missy begin to make her way across the room slowly. She got to the bed and lay down, putting her back to him and snuggling up next to him. Kris was careful to push his hips back so she didn’t press against him and feel his rock hard cock.

“Baby, I...” Cris started before she cut him off with a whisper. “Shhhh. I forgive you.” “But, how? What happened?” Kris replied.

“There was video. Morgan sent it. It was clear she ambushed you.” Missy whispered. “Now stop talking before I change my mind.”

With that she pressed against him, and pushed her ass right onto his rigid cock. She gasped when she felt it. “Baby, I” he started before she again cut him off. “Shhhh, it’s ok.”

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