Hidden Video - Cover

Hidden Video

Copyright© 2011 by De Von

Amanda's Revenge

Erotica Sex Story: Amanda's Revenge - Dad suspects something is going on while he is away at work, so he puts in some hidden cameras to find out. The resulting videos are pretty eye opening.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Size  

The prologue:

Suspecting something strange was happening around the house, he had installed some hidden video cameras in a few different locations. He had sprung for good ones, complete with sound.

At first there was nothing unusual, and he had almost decided it wasn't worth the effort, that the things moved and strange occurrences were just the cat playing while the family was out.

However, after discovering his voyeur side by 'catching' his son on the video, fucking a girl from school, Dad decided to keep the cameras going, and see what else they might pick up.

The adventures continued with Amanda, who didn't go willingly, but enjoyed her turn anyway.

This installment varies somewhat, as it doesn't take place in the same setting, so there is no voyeurism in this one, but is a takeoff from part two. Amanda gained some measure of revenge in part three, and is now ready to complete her plan of conquest!

Amanda's revenge

The evening of the play finally arrived, capping off a week of cat and mouse games as Amanda avoided Cris and kept herself out of any compromising positions. She was really proud of stiffing him on the blowjob. She hadn't particularly relished blowing Bill, but getting to Cris was worth it.

Now that it was finally nearing time to implement the final phase of her plan, Amanda was excited, especially after she learned that she was going to be able to kill two birds with one stone. Not only was she going to demonstrate her power to control Cris, she would have a golden opportunity to put that little bitch Missy in her place.

Missy was Cris's on-again, off-again girlfriend. She was the typical 'good girl'; the one who had signed a chastity vow and made a big deal of letting everyone know that she had barely been kissed. In short, she was the opposite of everything Amanda, who loved everything about sex, stood for. Amanda happened to know that Missy had no idea of the adventures Cris had lived in the last few days. (But even she would have been surprised to find out about Morgan. Somehow, that little adventure had stayed quiet!). She intended to make sure that Missy got a good education tonight.

The layout of the dressing room area fit right into Amanda's plan, a fact that she had noticed during rehearsals. She knew everyone's timeframes, and made sure she could get into the theater early to get everything set up. She found a good watching point and settled in to wait; knowing Cris would be there early to put in a little time working on his stage stress.

Sure enough, she wasn't disappointed, as Cris came in 45 minutes before the scheduled arrival time for the cast and crew. She watched quietly as Cris put his bag down and did a few stretches.

Amanda was about to move to the next part of her plan when Cris did something strange. He moved left, into an area she couldn't see, and was talking. Oh Crap! Was someone else here? That could ruin everything. Amanda's heart pounded as she waited, not daring to expose herself now. After a minute Cris danced back into her view, and she had to fight hard to stifle a laugh. He had Missy's character dress and was talking to it as if he were dancing with her. Amanda could hear the words easily in the empty dressing room:

"Oh Missy," Cris was crooning, "you know I love you! And you know we're going to be together! We should let go and just make love! You know you want it as bad as I do! Let's share our first time together!" Again Amanda had to stifle a laugh. (First time! Ha! I guess he doesn't count throwing me over the couch!) she thought. "But he WILL!" she said quietly to herself. "Oh, Baby! You know we can't!" Cris said in a falsely high voice, obviously mimicking Missy. Amanda now wished she had brought her video camera. What fodder this would make!

After several more minutes of this 'conversation', Cris finally hung the dress up on a nearby rack. As he was turning away, he looked back at and spoke, surprising Amanda with his words; "When are you going to let me fuck you? I know, it's just a matter of time until I get you in the right circumstances and then you'll have to give it up, cause you won't have any other choice!"

With this Cris went to the small restroom and removed his theater skin from his bag, then started slowly taking off his clothes. Amanda's excitement grew as more of Cris's clothing came off. She always had admired his dark complexion, and his tight athlete's body. Finally he slid his boxers down, and she could see that his large cock was already mostly erect. "Thinkin' about me, Baby?" she whispered. Then, to her surprise, he glanced around, as if to confirm he was alone, before beginning to stroke his cock with one hand. (Oh Crap!) She thought, (He actually intends to stroke one out! Well, not if I can help it!) With this thought she slipped quietly out of her hiding spot and moved quickly to the restroom door.

Cris saw the movement and spun to face her, playing right into her plan. "What are YOU doing here?" he stammered, clearly embarrassed at being caught. "Getting a little revenge," she replied, "cause now it's my turn to own YOU!"

"Whaa ... stop!" he muttered as Amanda wrapped both hands around his cock and pushed him up against the wall as she began to stroke him. "Don't do that. Quit!" he hissed at her.

"Whatsa matter? Don't want me to get you off?" Amanda teased. She leaned in close to him and spoke quietly but forcefully, "You didn't have any problems getting off inside me when you were holding me down on your couch! What's wrong now? You don't want me in control? Well too bad, stud, cause now it's my turn!" He tried to push her backward then, but she had anticipated this move and was ready for it. She slipped his grasp and dropped, folding her legs underneath her body and using the door edge behind her to pin him against the wall as she did so. The small restroom provided the perfect setting, as she realized he could have easily pushed her away and spoiled all of her plans if she had approached him in the larger dressing room, as she had originally planned.

As it stood, that wasn't going to be a problem. Not wanting to lose her surprise or momentum, she swiftly moved forward and took his cock in her mouth, sucking him in as deep as she could while moving one hand to his balls in preparation for his next escape attempt. It came just as her mom had told her it would. Cris put his hands on her head and pushed her away, holding her away from his twitching cock as he insisted again, "STOP! You are NOT going to suck me, bitch!" At this she tightened the grip she had on his balls and pulled down until she saw the effect on his face and he let go of her head.

"I told you I'm in charge, you prick! Push me off again and I'll jerk your balls down to your ankles, then you won't have anything to fuck that stuck up Missy with! IF she'll have you after I tell her about the couch!" Amanda finished, smugly satisfied at the look of horror on Cris's face as she mentioned telling Missy. "Oh yeah, that's right! I'll tell the bitch everything, and you'll never get so much as a titty grope from her ever again. I saw your little dress dance, so I know how much you want in her tight little twat! So now you get to just do what I say, and you'll enjoy it, so why fight? And then I might just help you nail little miss perfect! Or you can fight me, and I'll rip your balls off and then you can try to deliver your lines thru the haze of pain. You can just answer with your actions." With this Amanda leaned forward and began sucking his cock again.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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