Wizard Tremaine - Cover

Wizard Tremaine

Copyright© 2010 by Rotedrachen

Chapter 5


Amy's cryptic pronouncement during the meeting was not understood by anyone outside of our marriage, and no amount of coaxing could pry the meaning from her. I didn't think she had meant to let it slip out, and she confirmed this when we retired to our chambers.

"I couldn't help it", she giggled. "If Debra had any idea, she'd shit a brick. I darned near did when I saw it! If you think three drive you crazy, poor Bruce is going to need some rubber wallpaper!"

"How bad is it?", I chuckled.

"Well", she grinned, "it could be bad, and it could be worse."

"Oh, spit it out already!", Robin complained. "What are you talking about?"

"Sorry", Amy apologized. "I just think it's funny. Poor Bruce will definitely have his hands full with six wives."

"Six?", I gasped. "Whoa!"

"Yep", she confirmed. "If you don't count the other six"

"Now I'm really lost", I sighed. "Will you please get on with it?"

"Party pooper", she pouted. "Okay, it's like this. I saw six, for sure. The three he has, plus three more. They were pretty clear, so I know it will happen. I'm not sure what the six blurry ones mean. It could be that they are possible mates, or it may mean they will be close friends that sleep with them. I see Chloe and Tris like that with us sometimes. There is one thing that is interesting. I think Sally will be happy about that."

"What would that be, dear one?", Sally inquired.

"One of them was an Elf", Amy replied. "We have to travel to Ylindrill VERY soon, though. She is in danger somehow, and Bruce has to rescue her. As it is, there is some doubt that we will arrive there in time to save her."

"If she is in such dire straits", Sally asked, "may I ask why you have waited until now to tell us this?"

"Because", Amy shrugged, "I was supposed to. That's the way it works. Unless I do things exactly as I have seen them, everything changes. If I had told you sooner, the girl might have been killed. Oh, and by the way, the Swordmaster has to come with us. He needs to work with Bruce on the way. Mistress Yestil also needs to be there. That's even more important."

"I know better than to question you in this", I nodded. "It will be done. Too bad the Elves abhor the use of magic so much, or we could make a gate there. Perhaps even teleport."

"That would not be wise, especially for this", Amy replied. "We need to leave in three days, and you need to research what the elves do to one of their own who can do magic."

Sally's gasp caused us to all look her way. She seemed paler than usual, as she asked "Is this girl a Wizard?"

"I don't think so", Amy replied. "If she was, she would be joining us. I believe she's a witch, and that's why Bruce has to save her. Do you know what will happen to her if he doesn't?"

"Yes", Sally answered. "If one of the people is found to possess magic, there are but two alternatives. One is death by burning, and the other is what I hope we would strive to bring about. She will be locked in a cage, and bound with cold iron, for one cycle of the moons. If a human does not arrive to claim her in that time, she will be executed."

"Claimed?", I asked. "Claimed how?"

"She must be spirit bound to a human. This is not a normal bonding, and most have instead, chosen death. I have not seen this happen during my lifetime, but it is in the histories."

"I don't understand", Robin said. "Why would anyone choose to die, rather than marry?"

"It is simple", Sally shrugged, "at least for us. You see, the spirit bond links our life force with that of the mortal. When they die, we will die. Most humans live but a short time, compared to an Elf. What is a few more years, usually spent in bondage and despair, worth to them? They are outcast, and nothing but an amusing bit of chattel to their human. They are looked down upon by all who see them, and treated as a slave."

"Not this time", I vowed. "Can you explain the need for Swordmaster Kent's presence, Amy?"

"I'm not sure", she sighed. It has something to do with the contest, but it's kind of fuzzy. I never see the whole picture, just bits and pieces of what can or will happen."

"At least we know it will all work out", Robin said."

"How do we know that?", Amy asked. "I only see things that might happen. Kind of like if this goes right, then maybe this will happen next. It's never a given, Robin. Everything has to happen in order, as it is supposed to. I've probably already said too much as it is. We need to be sure not to tell any of the others about this vision. If we do, it could change the outcome completely. All we can do is prepare Bruce, and hope we have done enough."


I don't know what put the bug up Danny's butt. All the sudden, we had to get ready to go to some place called Ylindrill, where the elves lived. I knew that was supposed to happen sometime, but thought it was going to be a couple of months. I also had little time for spell practice, as sword work was consuming all of my energy. The library was another thing I wanted a shot at. I needed to know if the spells contained there could be used by us. They were written for wizards, not witches. I figured that this fact left a lot of doubt as to their usefulness to us. I hoped they could be adapted, but that remained to be seen. Some of the spells Danny had taught me, simply would not work when I tried them. Others, I had to "edit" a bit. Only a few worked without changes.

At least we had the oath swearing out of the way. All the witches had been briefed on all it would entail, and of the alternatives if they refused. There was surprisingly little dissent in this. As I had guessed, being not only accepted, but honored for their talent, made all the difference. They would do anything to hold onto what they had found in Gelan. For the first time, I was happy so many had refused to leave Earth. Those individuals probably would have been where any trouble would've come from.

I got worried when Swordmaster Kent had Danny and I spar with real blades. If not for the nifty shield Danny showed me how to construct, I think I might have balked. It had been a challenge, at first. If I did things exactly as he had, it wasn't as strong as the one he made. Oddly enough, after working with it, mine proved to be even better. I used the lines and the elemental power to weave the spell. Soon, he decided to construct his in the same fashion. Too bad I wouldn't be able to use it in this contest the Elves insisted on. One little slip could quickly turn first blood into lots of blood.

Thankfully, weapons weren't the problem I feared they might be. The swordmaster had a large selection to choose from, and I found a pair of blades that felt pretty good in my hands. They seemed more worried about the fit than I was, and lamented the lack of time as much as I did. They seemed convinced that a trip to Arnholm, where the Dwarves lived, would have been ideal. They were supposed to be the best in this world at working metal, and Dwarven blades were much sought after. They wouldn't even make them for just anybody, but the two of them thought I might qualify for some reason. We were supposed to drop by there on the way back.

My wives and I did some riding, too. It had been a while since we sat a horse, but it didn't take long to satisfy our worried friends that we would not fall out of our saddles. I wasn't sure how well we would handle riding all day, every day, but only doing it would let us know.

We left at dawn, and I was sore. Danny just about wore my ass out the night before. We had ridden a few miles, then he put up the most elaborate shield I had ever seen. It was a work of art, and I was jealous. Then he showed me how to do it, and I was happy. It kind of surprised me that I could do it, actually. No one would be able to scry what we were up to, using it. Evidently, the Pe'Noth were still spying on him.

We cast spells for hours, and both learned a few tricks from the other. His were a lot more destructive than mine, but all of them looked useful. We even combined powers on a couple, and those were downright scary. We didn't do that much, as the shield was just not up to it. Even adding the power of the lines wasn't sufficient.

That was just the beginning. When we got back to the keep, we had a quick meal. After that, it was sword practice until there was not enough light to see. I felt like kissing his mate, Robin, when she vetoed Danny's idea of using light globes to continue. Where in the seven layers of hell did this guy get his stamina?

After we left on our journey, Traveling didn't slow the work down much. Every break saw us sparring, and we had some spell practice as we rode. I was proud of my mates, when this occurred. Connie, Tabby, and Debra, were all several notches above the best I had ever seen them do. That's saying something, at least for two of them. I hadn't seen Debra cast before our arrival here, but she was at a level somewhere between the other ladies, and me. I still thought Danny had me outclassed, but he swore that wasn't the case.

Yestil was still somewhat of an enigma to me. She spent much more time with my mates and I than with Danny's group. I thought that was strange, as she had known them much longer. I didn't mention this, of course. The strikingly pretty wizard was more than welcome. I was as comfortable with her as my wives seemed to be. The only thing that troubled me, was her seeming sadness. She appeared melancholy at various times, and I couldn't help but wonder the cause.

Each day passed much the same, until the twelfth. Soon after we awakened that morning, we had visitors. There were five of them, and I'd never seen anything quite like them. Imagine a miniature bodybuilder, and you'd be close. I discovered that these were dwarves, and that these particular examples were unknown to any of the others in our party.

After the introductions, one stepped forward and said "There be a magic user among you with need of some proper tools. Ansgath has seen this, and guided our smiths in the making of them. He is a great seer, and all know not to dispute his word. We were sent by King Donque to deliver them to this mage, and invite you to Arnholm when your task be done."

As he was finishing his speech, two others were unrolling oiled leathers. Both contained a scabbard, one long, and one short. I saw Danny and Amy exchange a meaningful glance, before he replied. "The one you seek, is the mage Rausch. Bruce, step forward and accept this great gift."

I examined both weapons, and I was in awe. It was as if they had been designed with only myself in mind as the owner. A glove could not have fit my hands any better, and the balance had to be felt to be believed. The bow I gave the party of dwarves was heartfelt, as were my words. "This is a gift beyond imagining", I stated. "Please convey my gratitude to the master smith who has created such works of art. I have never seen their like before. If I can ever do anything to repay such a boon, do not hesitate to ask it of me."

I think they were grinning under those huge beards, as the one in front replied "Your thanks have been received, and your words speak of someone worthy to wield blades such as these. Ansgath was quite explicit in the design, and my apprentices and I were pleased with the results."

"You made these?"

"Aye, we did."

"All I can say, is that if I manage to do them justice, they will never fail to carry the day. You sir, are truly a master of your craft. We will gladly visit with you on our return journey. Please have your people think on what service I might perform for the great honor you have given me. Whatever it is, I doubt that it will suffice."

I was being pretty solemn, because it was the way I felt. Right up until the time the smith looked at Danny and winked. "Serious lad, isn't he?", he quipped. "I'll admit a certain pride in the way these turned out, but it is what we do. Still, I'll pass the offer on. Wizards have been a help to us in the past, so I'm sure a thing or two can be found to ease your feelings. We must be on our way now, but I'll be looking to find out what the hurry was for these blades to be forged. Ask for Nehana when you get to Arnholm, and visit with me. That is all I would ask."

After they departed, I showed Danny and Kent the blades. Both appreciated the workmanship as much as I had, but Kent was in awe. "You should feel honored", he flatly stated. "I know but two other weapons that could compare to either of these. Both are on Daniel's back, and both were gifted to great leaders by the dwarven king."

Now I was even more stunned. The whole seer thing was bad enough, but this? Nothing would do, except for postponing our departure for a bit. Everyone, including myself, was anxious to see how I would handle the new tools I had been blessed to receive.

It took but minutes to convince at least three of us that there could be no better weapons, at least for me. For the first time, I was able to face Danny and not feel like a novice. It was as if the blades knew where they should be, and moved me to get there. We sparred for an hour, and neither of us was able to get a single hit on the other. Swordmaster Kent simply looked on, only commenting once, and that when we finished. "You are ready", pretty much said it all. From him, that was high praise indeed.

Ready or not, the practice sessions continued. Every day, three times a day, I practiced. Other than our mates, the swordmaster, Yestil, and Chloe were the only ones in our group. I sparred with Danny, Kent, Chloe, and Sally. Each one had a different style, and each was an expert in it. I learned more from this, than anything I had been taught since I lifted my first practice blade.

As the days passed, I spent more time with Sally than the others. I asked why this was, and she told me "You will face one of my people in the contest, and the style of fighting will be similar to mine. It is this that you must learn to defend."

Danny chortled "And if you can best my beautiful elven princess, it will bode well. She was their best, before she fell in with the likes of me."

Sally shook her head, and said "You are mistaken, my husband. While it is true that none of my people defeated me with the bow, that is not true of the blade. My father, and one other, have bested me. I am using some of that one's tricks as we speak. He is very good, and extremely devious. Lo'Ta is much older than I am, and a teacher of the blade."

For some reason, this information seemed to be important among my wizard friends. Every day after that, I sparred with Sally almost exclusively. That is not to imply that things got easier. In fact, she got to me three out of four times for the first few sessions. However, I learned from my mistakes, and those lapses grew fewer as the days went on. We were a week from Ylindrill before I began to match her, and two days out, I began to win half of the time. She wasn't kidding about being sneaky. Her blade seemed to come from everywhere, including places I thought impossible.

I didn't get that nervous until we were close to Ylindrill. I was excited about meeting Sally's people, but much less enthusiastic about the contest. The "first blood" part of it, anyway. I didn't fear a nick, or a small cut. I'd picked up my share of those over the years. That wasn't the issue. The problem with that type of match is that it only takes one small miscalculation by either combatant to turn a minor wound into one that is fatal. I wasn't sure which would be worse, getting skewered, or killing one of the elves by mistake.

My mates weren't much help in this. All three were worried about the same thing I was. Not so much about the damage I might do, but that which I might receive. I expected Danny and his crew to assure me that there would not be a problem, but that didn't happen either. When I asked about it, Danny said "I wish I could tell you that it is just tradition, and that nothing untoward will occur. Unfortunately, we also have some misgivings about what may go on. All I can tell you is that you must be both wary, and prepared. Do not, under any circumstances, become overconfident. If you do, you will surely lose."

The reception when we arrived at Ylindrill, also did not serve to alleviate my fears. Only four of our party were even acknowledged. Danny, Yestil, Chloe, and Sally were greeted warmly. The rest of us were simply ignored. We had been told to expect this, but the reality still surprised us. Being talked about as if we didn't exist, was strange.


I could tell from the moment of our arrival that something was amiss. Elves were well known as being sticklers for ceremony, as well as never being hurried. Our greetings were exchanged in moments, before King Emerti ushered Sally and I into his chambers. Chloe and Yestil remained with the others, to act as intermediaries. They had undergone the contest, and could converse with our allies.

The king hugged his daughter but once, before bidding us to sit. Once settled, he looked at me even more solemnly than usual. "Wizard Tremaine", he said, "we have a matter of concern. Until the last few days, I feared there was no hope for a satisfactory conclusion to this problem. Then, a messenger arrived from Arnholm. It seems that their seer, Ansgath, had a vision. King Donque immediately sent word of this to me. In it, he told of your imminent arrival, and of one in your party who might be the answer to our situation. Since I knew of no way the Dwarves could have learned of the issue, I knew that this was a true vision. Do you know anything of what I speak?"

"Some", I replied, "though not much. I would know more, before I could say what that is."

The king nodded, and said "As you wish. I will speak as if you know of our traditions, and history. Knowing your mentor as I did, I am certain this is true. Recently, one of our people was found to possess magic. Among your kind, this is a boon. With us, it is considered a curse. There are but two choices left to us. We can put the girl to death, or see that she is spirit bonded to a human. When this has happened in the past, most chose death."

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