The Cheerleader Trap - Cover

The Cheerleader Trap

by Flying-Circus

Copyright© 2010 by Flying-Circus

Erotica Sex Story: My friends and I were sick of being looked down on by cheerleaders. We created a simple lure so we would have our way with one particular cheerleader.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Anal Sex   .

"What are you looking at?" Jen accused.

"Nothing," I said not willing to admit I was staring at the beautiful cheerleader.

"Hmmph!" She knew she was a big shot on campus and she acted that way. The thing was Jen was a sophomore, a grade below me, yet since she was a cheerleader, it put her in the upper status at school.

As Jen walked by to meet her friends during the lunch break, I stood waiting for my friends, Evan and Greg. We had similar interests in all things science fiction. We were good students. We were physically awkward and inept. We were what many would consider nerds or geeks. And yes, we definitely were virgins.

My friends approached. Evan talked avidly about something.

"Guess what happened in history, Cody?" Evan said when they reached me.

"What?" I inquired.

"I dropped my pencil and Jessica claimed I did it on purpose so I could look down her blouse."

"Did you?" I asked. It sounded like a decent plan.

"No way! I'd be more subtle than that. Now everyone in my class thinks I'm a pervert."

"You are," said Greg.

"Yes but I don't want everyone to know. I hate her."

We headed to a lunch table and I told about my incident with Jen.

"Damn cheerleaders think they rule the school!" said Evan.

"They do," Greg said, "but what can we do about it?"

"There should be something," I said.

"Like what?" Greg asked.

"We're the smart kids. We should be able to figure something out."

My eyes caught Jessica walking by several feet away but wouldn't you know it that she looked over just as I was staring at the athletic brunette beauty. I loved to see her tits bounce when she did cheers in her uniform. I put my head down but I sensed she was coming over.

"Would you guys leave me the fuck alone!" Jessica chastised.

"What did we do?" asked Evan.

"I don't want you to look at me or think about me or even have dreams about me."

"It's a free country!" Evan said. I didn't think that was a useful thing to say.

"I'm just sick of you perverts trying to get a peek at me."

"We're not perverts!" I defended.

"Forget about me and go jack off to your granny porn." Jessica turned on her heel and stormed away.

I was so pissed at her and I could tell my friends felt the same way.

"We're going to get Jessica back," I said.

"How?" Greg asked

That was the question. I already knew "what" I wanted to do to her but "how" could it happen?

I turned my head and looked back at the table the cheerleaders always sat at. Jessica and Anna Maria touched Torrie's designer jacket. Torrie was always dressed in the nicest fashions.

"Let's meet after school and brainstorm what we can do to Jessica," I said.

"Do to her?" said Greg.

"Like fuck her?" Evan joked.

My face remained expressionless. I knew Evan was only partially joking.

"We shouldn't talk here," I said.

We went to Evan's house after school since both his parents worked and we talked so long that I was almost late for dinner. Greg ended up getting in trouble for not being home within an hour after school let out. His mom worried too much.

It was all worth it because by the time I left, we had a plan. I walked home with an erection and beat off as soon as I could. I'm sure Greg and Evan did the same. Lucky Evan could get off right away since he was at home.

The plan was very simple though as with any scheme there were risks that could backfire.

So working off of Jessica's love of fashion, we got together again over the weekend and created a flier. The flier said:

Shhh! Secret Sale! Only a select few have received this offer. Tell no one about this secret sale. Since you're special, you can purchase top quality clothing at a discount price. We have all the best brands. You must be at 142 Raines St this Saturday at 10 AM. Remember! Tell no one! Don't bring anyone! If you do, you will be refused entry. We want only the best like you.

It pandered so much to Jessica's vanity. She'd so fall for it. The challenge was to make sure she got the flier before this Saturday because that's when Evan's parents would be out until the night. There was no chance they would be home early. Evan came up with the plan for getting her the flier.

I followed Evan into his history class even though I had algebra that period. In the classroom, we split up. Evan went to take his assigned seat across from Jessica and I walked to the other side of the cheerleader which was the classroom wall.

"Jessica," Evan said pausing until she looked at him. "I just want to say that you have great tits."

"What?" she said loudly.

"I can't wait to see them Saturday."

"Shut the fuck up!"

She was thoroughly riled and distracted, I easily slipped the flier under her textbook undetected.

Evan relayed what happened during lunch. "She read it three or four times."

"She's not a very good reader," Greg quipped.

I laughed and so did Evan. That was a good one!

Evan continued, "She got all excited and looked around then folded the flier and put it in her purse."

"So do you think she believes it?" asked Greg.

"Yes, I sure do."

"How stupid!"

Exactly. That was what we were counting on, a stupid cheerleader, and Jessica was as typically stupid as any cheerleader. Now all we had to do was be ready for Saturday. My cock got hard thinking about it.

We just had to finalize exactly what we planned for Jessica and how we were going to do it.

"I can bring my parents' air mattress," Greg said.

"Great!" I said.

The plan so far was for me and Greg to sleepover at Evan's house Friday night. Once Evan's parents left by 8 AM, we had two hours to set up the garage. The queen-sized air mattress would be our bed. Evan would use his parents' video camera. Greg was going to go to a thrift store and buy some cheap clothes to hang up in the garage to fool Jessica as she entered.

There was one more thing to work out. We needed to restrain her. What was the best way to do that and still get everything from her that we wanted?

Thursday night the idea came to me from the most unexpected place. I was watching a cartoon.

Friday night we were in Evan's garage and we knew his parents wouldn't check on us and since they didn't park their car in the garage we went ahead and set up the clothes. We could just give some lame excuse if his parents did come in. We used a ladder and strung rope from rafter to rafter then hung the clothes on the ropes which created a square with the air mattress in the middle.

"We need to practice on each other," I said to my friends. I wanted to make sure my restraining idea I saw in the cartoon worked. I created a lasso in a rope and set it on the floor. "Put your foot in it."

Evan did and I pulled the rope. It didn't snag his foot like I expected.

"Let's try again," I said.

It still didn't work. It worked in cartoons. It always got around the animals ankle except if it was Roadrunner but that was a special case. I explained my dilemma.

"What if you raised the rope so she has to step into it?" Greg suggested.

That was a great idea. We were like the Three Musketeers, the movie not the candy bar. We helped each other be greater.

"Of course, Jessica is going to see the rope and not step in it," Greg added, raining on my excitement.

"I don't like this," said Evan pulling the clothes and hanger down on the side that faced the garage door which was where my rope lasso lay on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Greg asked.

I agreed. This was not the time to make big changes.

"Be right back," Evan said. "Use these clothes to raise and cover the rope."

That was a great idea!

Greg and I put several layers of clothes on the floor, put the rope on it, and covered the rope with more clothes. The other end of the rope was gripped in a vice in the garage.

"Okay, be Jessica," I said.

Greg walked with one hand on his hip and another behind his head just like a stuck up cheerleader. I laughed. He stepped onto the clothes pile and I gave the rope a yank from my hiding spot where Jessica wouldn't spot me. I snagged his ankle! It worked! Alright!

We were setting up to practice again when Evan returned with sheets and clothespins.

"Does it work?" Evan asked.

"Uh-huh," I said. "Go ahead, Greg." I was already laughing in anticipation of his act.

Greg walked the same way but this time he said in a falsetto, "Ooh, I'm Jessica here to buy some designer clothes for cheap. I'm too stupid to think that it's a trick."

Evan and I laughed so hard that I forget to pull the rope. Greg just stood there waiting until I finally gave the rope a yank. Success!

"Awesome!" said Evan. "Help me put this up."

"What's it for?" I asked.

"A doorway to our store. We want her to come in and see the clothes. She won't know any better at first and once she figures it out by then we'll have her."

Greg said, "And the last thing she'll think about is that they're really thrift store clothes."

That was for sure!

"The rope snare needs to be inside the square then," I said.

"I'll move it, Cody," said Greg.

"Help me with this first," said Evan.

We put the sheets up which now entirely hid the clothes if viewed from the garage door. Where the sheets overlapped would be the entrance.

I wouldn't be able to see when Jessica's foot was ready to be snared so we discussed that and came up with a plan.

All of us could barely sleep that night. Tomorrow was too exciting. There was some danger but I felt it was minimal. We had it well planned out.

When Evan's parents left everything went into motion but beyond putting extra sheets on the air mattress and getting a few pillows plus an extra item or two which I discussed with my friends, we were pretty much ready. We tested the rope one more time, this time with Evan's foot, and it worked perfectly.

At 9:30 we opened the garage door and took our positions just in case Jessica was early. I hid behind boxes ready for Evan to tell me to pull the rope. Greg waited at the button to close the garage door. Evan waited behind the backside of the clothes. Each of us was already naked and our erections declared what we were thinking. Today each of us would lose our virginities to a hot cheerleader who hated us. She deserved it but most of all we deserved to pay her back for being such a bitch. My cock felt harder just thinking about that.

We should have known. Jessica didn't show up at ten. She was too good to be on time.

"Where is she?" whispered Greg. It was almost 10:30.

"She'll be here," said Evan.

"Shhh!" I said. "I think I hear a car."

The handwritten sign outside the garage said "Secret Sale". It looked cheesy but it wasn't important. It was only to help Jessica know where to go.

I heard shoes.

"She's here," I hissed and every muscle in my body became tense.

"Hello?" It was Jessica!

"In here," said Evan in a low voice.

I heard the sheets rustle.

"Oooh!" she said.

I imagined her spotting the clothes. What a stupid idiot!

"What are you doing here?" she said.

I envisioned Evan stepping through the clothes and she seeing him naked with his full erection.

"What are you doing here?" Evan countered.

"I'm here to buy clothes."

"And I'm here to pay you back for treating me and my friends like shit."

"What?" There was nervousness in her voice.

"Now!" yelled Evan.

I pulled the rope and at the same time the motor came on closing the garage door.

"No!" screamed out Jessica.

I raced out of my spot and pushed through the clothes to look at our prey. Greg did the same thing.

"What are you going to do?" Jessica asked, looking at each of us.

"What do you think?" I replied. I stroked my cock.

"No, please. I'm sorry. If you let me go, I'll be nice to you from now on and I'll forget this ever happened."

Greg said, "If we let you go, you'll just go back to being yourself."

"And we don't want you to forget what's about to happen," I said.

"You brought this upon yourself," Evan said.

"Please Evan. I'm sorry."


"You can't do this!"

I laughed then my friends joined me in laughter.

"Please," she begged.

"Why don't you take your clothes off or else we'll have to tear them off?"

"Oh god." Tears formed in her eyes.

Jessica was in a v-neck top and jeans. As she pulled up her shirt, I stepped up behind her and undid her bra. I reached around, grabbed her big tits, and fondled them. She tensed up. Evan slid her bra off. I moved my hands away and he sucked on her boobs. Greg kissed her and forced his tongue into her mouth. She was ours!

I dropped to my knees, reached back around, and opened her jeans. I pulled them down off her waist to just below her ass. She wore a black thong! I kissed all over those firm cheeks and I think I could smell her pussy. I doubt she was aroused but I knew girls just have a natural scent that was distinctly girl. What a sweet ass! My cock throbbed harder.

Evan went to his knees in front of Jessica and Greg took a turn sucking her wonderful tits. Together Evan and I worked her jeans down to her ankles until we encountered the rope. We looked at each other. Neither one of us thought of that.

I voiced my quick evaluation. "She's not going anywhere."

I took off her rope restraint then we finished removing her jeans. All that was left was her panties and she'd be completely naked. My hands trembled as my fingers went into the elastic and Evan's did the same. We slowly peeled her thong away and once it was free of her pussy quickly took it off her legs.

Evan reached up and touched her pussy. "Look at it!"

I moved around. Her pussy was so beautiful.

"Are you a virgin?" Evan asked.

"No!" Jessica said with a derisive laugh. That attitude was exactly why we hated her but she was oblivious to it.

"We are," I said, "but we won't be real soon."

Evan stood and commanded Jessica, "Get down on your knees!"

"Wait a second!" I said. I had this sudden vision of Jessica trying to bolt. I put the rope back around her ankle. Evan nodded in agreement.

"Suck our cocks!" Evan demanded.

She took Greg's cock on her left in her mouth first. From his sounds and happy face he sure liked it.

"Hands behind your back," I instructed, going behind her. She was going to have to suck cock hands free. She was going to have to do everything hands-free.

I folded Jessica's arms behind her back and wrapped them with my dog's nylon leash. I then wrapped duct tape around them to hold her arms in place.

"Oh, fuck!" Evan groaned when it was his turn.

I returned to my spot in the circle. When Jessica took my cock in, it felt so amazingly good to be in her warm mouth with her wet tongue and her bobbing motion. It was so excellent. It was obvious Jessica was an experienced cocksucker.

I pushed her away so she would return to Greg.

When it was Evan's turn again, he grabbed her brown hair and thrust into her mouth like the cunt it was and she was. When he stopped, she gasped loudly and saliva drooled out of her mouth and down her chin.

I grabbed her and pushed my cock deep into her mouth. I pressed at her throat. "Take it!" If her arms weren't tied, she'd be pushing against me but she couldn't do anything. I pinched her nose shut forcing her to open her mouth wider to breathe. I pulled her lips to my balls. My cock was in her throat! What an incredible sensation!

Greg's eyes looked bright and delighted. Evan smiled broadly.

I pushed Jessica away. Greg grabbed her.

"Please," she got out right before Greg began forcing his cock into her throat.

"You never let up on us," I said. "Not once."

"That's right," said Evan. "You treated us like shit."

"So we're treating you like a whore," I said.

"Oh, fuck," Greg cried out. His hands were on the back of her head and his cock was in her throat.

He pushed her off and she fell back on her ass.

"Get up!" I ordered.

"That's okay," Evan said. "I want her cunt now."

Jessica's face was all wet.

"Stop crying," I insisted.

"I can't help it," she said.

Greg said, "She made us cry. We should make her cry."

"When did I make you cry?" she asked.

"Every time you insulted us or treated us like shit," Evan said.

Greg and I pulled Jessica to her feet then pushed her down to the center of the air mattress on her back. I got on my knees and finally tasted and felt her firm tits. They were amazing. I loved them.

Evan pushed open Jessica's legs. I grabbed one leg, Greg the other, and we opened her even wider. She was a cheerleader. She could do the splits.

"Look at that," said Evan. "It's so perfect, so beautiful."

He climbed on top of her. She turned her head trying to avoid his kisses. He grabbed her head in both hands. "Stop!"

She obeyed and he kissed her with full open-mouthed kisses that included lots of tongue. He pushed up on his arms. He gyrated his hips then stopped and I think he was pushing into her.

"Thank you, Jessica," Evan said.

"For what?" she squeaked out.

"Because of you, I'm no longer a virgin."

He began to thrust and he was the first of us to live out the fantasy of fucking Jessica. We all hated her but we still all thought she was amazingly sexy and we had all fantasized about fucking her.

She moaned but it wasn't sexy erotic sounds. Evan fucked into her harder and harder. I smiled proudly and couldn't wait for my turn.

"Oh, fuck! Fucking yes!" Evan said.

Jessica's tits jiggled hard as he slammed her cheerleader cunt. Each of us dreamed about doing this and today was the day! For all of us!

"Yeah, baby!" he grunted. He stopped thrusting. "Yeah!" He lay motionless on top of her then gave her a big wet kiss. "That was great!"

Evan got off her. Greg and I looked at each other.

"Go ahead," Greg said.

"Thanks," I said.

I let go of Jessica's leg and Evan took over holding it.

I got on my knees between her legs and I could see a little bit of cum dripping out of her pussy but I didn't care. I was going to so enjoy fucking her cunt. I was about to lose my virginity to this cunt's cunt. My cock throbbed the same eagerness I felt.

I touched her clit. I pushed it back and forth with my finger and much to my delight, it grew. I knew it was an automatic body response but I still loved seeing it grow and harden. I scooted closer and rubbed my hand over her tummy. Her skin felt so soft yet so firm and touching it made the tip of my cock tingle. I reached up and took two big handfuls of her tits giving them a firm squeeze. I then grabbed her nipples, pulled on them, and kept pulling on them making them longer and stretching them out.

"Ow!" she reacted.

"Bitch!" I scowled but let her nipples go.

I lay down on top of her with my cock on her pussy and I started to poke around to get my cock in the correct position.

"We're finally getting our share of you," I said. "You've given yourself to everybody but wouldn't even look at us but now we see all of you and have you completely."

"Shut up!" she sobbed out a protest.

"Slut! You're the school slut so you shouldn't be holding yourself from us."

Jessica's crying became harder.

I concentrated on getting inside her. My cock head finally slipped into her opening and I thrust forward. My sensations went into overload as my cock was enveloped in warm velvet. I heard sex was good but I hadn't expected it to feel this incredibly good. I groaned in response. I stayed fully in her just taking in my feelings. My brain felt like it was going to explode. This felt so tremendous.

"Your pussy is awesome," I praised. She deserved a kind word.

Jessica, through lessened tears, wrinkled her face in displeasure.

Angered I said, "I gave you a compliment!"


"I fucking gave you a compliment! I said your pussy is awesome. That deserves a response from you, you stupid stuck-up cunt!"

"Thank you," she said weakly.


"Thank you," she said stronger.


"Thank you," she now said very clearly.

"That's better." I then changed to a mocking voice. "And you don't know why we hate you. Now you know, bitch!"

I started to stroke inside her. What a fucking incredible feel! My cock sliding back and forth rubbing inside her pussy. Fantastic!

My breathing hardened as my sensations kept getting better and better. I thrust faster and harder. Before I knew it I was about to cum in her. I rammed in causing her to groan out. The thought of shooting my jizz in her excited me.

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