Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess - Cover

Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess

Copyright© 2010 by aubie56

Chapter 9

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 9 - An accident at school leaves Billy Norton mute and full of every kind of psychic ability. He accidentally enslaves 3 women and deliberately enslaves 3 more at their request. This is the story of how he cleans up the school bully situation and stops, at least temporarily, Muslim terrorism. Billy comes up with a way to get the attention of every Muslim on Earth!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Fiction   Science Fiction   Humor   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Harem   Interracial   Oriental Female   Safe Sex   Violence   Nudism  

The EMTs and security finally showed up, and we were all questioned interminably. Nancy and I didn't say anything, and the situation was so confused that nobody could give a clear description of what had happened. Several people reported seeing someone else shoot the man with the hand grenade, but nobody could say who it had been. Since nobody would volunteer as the shooter from the crowd, the cops gave it up until later.

Something bothered me during this investigation, and it finally registered. There was a member of the terrorist gang on the security team, either Amtrak or Chicago Police. I started scanning the security people for the right one, and then I found him. He was a member of the police, a sergeant. Now what was I going to do? The obvious answer came to me in a flash: I'll convert him and hope to find out everything I need to know.

I moved into his mind and said, Efron Amalia, you now belong to me! Act normally. I will talk to you later.

Yes, Master. I hear and obey.

Once I have "captured" somebody, I always can get them back instantly. I don't have to know where they are, specifically. That's why I felt safe in letting Amalia out of my sight—I could always get him back.

Nancy was never fingered as the one who had done the shooting. I think that the cops were just as happy to let the whole thing slide. They probably knew that there was no way that they were going to find any more of the terrorists, so they would be flogging a dead horse if they tried to pursue the trail any farther. Besides, the two perpetrators were dead, so there was not much point in messing around with the case. Furthermore, there was a good chance that a politician somewhere would squelch the investigation before it got embarrassing. Just drop it—better safe than sorry!

Nancy and I had a reservation at the Palmer House, still one of the best places to stay in Chicago, if you could afford it, and we could. Our cover for our trip to Chicago was the software convention being held at the big convention center on the shore of Lake Michigan. I wanted to go just to see what the competition was pushing this season. It wouldn't be until tonight that I started chasing terrorists.

In keeping with my persona as a handicapped software designer, I claimed to be tired, so we headed for our hotel suite. We didn't need the extra bedroom, but it did "look better" if someone tried to check up on us. I wanted to maintain a squeaky-clean persona for now. Maybe later, I would let some of the pretenses slip. Once we were alone in the room, we stripped and made for the bed. Both of us wanted a good fuck after the excitement at the train station.

I mentally called the other women to get ready because Nancy and I were going after a big one. We had found that our orgasms would broadcast to all of the woman I had "captured," no matter how much separation there was between us. I was always careful to make sure that all of the women knew that an orgasm was coming up so that they could enjoy it with us, and that there would be no accidents because they were caught by surprise. If there was any danger, I would dampen the transmission to that particular woman; however, they always wanted to feel at least a little bit of the orgasm, no matter what they were doing.

Mary flashed back, I am stuck in a traffic jam. A cum right now would feel great and do wonders for my frustrations. Give me all you've got!

I had fucked these women so many times already that no foreplay was ever needed by any of us. The women knew what was coming and began to flood with lube as soon as the idea surfaced. Nancy grabbed a towel from the bathroom and plopped down on it in the Missionary Position. That was her favorite position whenever I mentioned a big one, so she wanted to be ready.

I climbed between her legs and rubbed my cock head along her slit. Man, was she gushing today! I wondered if shooting that man today had anything to do with it? Well, no matter, I had other, more pleasant, things to think about. I slid my cock in slowly to give her time to adjust to me. It's not that I was so big, I just liked to feel my cock slide into a tight cunt, and I liked to think that the women felt the same way. Lately, I have been getting feedback sensations from the bystanding women as well as the woman I was actually fucking. That added quite a bit to the overall feeling of the fuck, and it was a wonderful thing for us all.

I bottomed out and began to stroke out and in with a moderately slow and steady rhythm. Unless they were really hot, all of my women liked for me to start out this way. I didn't have to worry, they would tell me when they wanted me to speed up. Nancy must have really been primed today, because she began to rise to a small orgasm almost immediately. I adjusted my pumping rate to push her even higher, and she surged into her first orgasm of the several I expected her to have.

That was nice for me too, but I was not yet ready to shoot into her, so I kept stroking at this rate. She came off that peak smoothly and mouthed a "Thank you" to me. I smiled back at her and put a little more punch into my stroking. Nancy got a surprised look and quickly started to rise to another orgasm. I was able to keep her rocking along until she'd had a total of four moderate orgasms.

At this point, I was ready for my big one, so I pumped even harder. This caught Nancy just right, and she began to buck her hips and drive back a me with each and every deep penetration. We were not at this very long before she exploded into a really big cum, and I went along with her. The two of us rose higher and higher as we fed back sensations to each other, plus feeling the added sensations of the other three women on the sidelines. Oh, Man, that was some cum! I don't know how long it lasted, but it seemed to go on for hours. We both collapsed, and I said to every one of my women, "That's all girls, she has taken everything from me!" It must have had a spectacular effect on the women, because Mary was the only one who could answer.

Nancy and I napped for a while before showering. The shower stall was large enough for the two of us, so we enjoyed washing each other's interesting parts. We dressed and went down to dinner. In honor of Chicago, we both had steak. Nancy had on a very stylish and sexy cocktail dress which still managed to conceal her pistol. She never went anywhere in public without it.

I would not be surprised with all of the terrorist threats to see the open wearing of guns pretty soon. If that happened, I suppose that Nancy and I would start wearing shoulder holsters for convenience. I would not need a gun for protection, but I would not want to be conspicuous by not wearing one.

Anyway, we ate a sumptuous dinner and had a little bit of wine before we went back to our room. We had been very pointed about using the wheelchair, just in case there might be a need later. We returned to our suite and I changed into my ninja uniform.

The Palmer house had recently added balconies to a few of the rooms, and we had made a point of reserving one of them, so I had a convenient launch and recovery point. This night, I was after information. Al-Qaeda had continued to fragment into more and more small cells without the strong leadership of bin Laden, so I wanted to determine if Chicago had more than one such cell. The city was so large that it was quite likely.

My police officer/Al-Qaeda member would likely know the answer to my question, so I flew to the roof of the Palmer House and found a comfortable place to sit while I questioned Sgt. Amalia. I was surprised that there were four known cells in Chicago, and there could be more who had not exposed themselves yet. I got enough details from Amalia to start my search. Incidentally, Amalia knew of at least three more Al-Qaeda members on the police force, and there was at least one in Homeland Security. I got their names, but planned to deal with them later.

Amalia did not know which group the two terrorists today might have belonged to, but he assumed that he would have been warned had they been a part of his cell. I figured to treat today's event the same as the police—ignore it since the participants were dead and only go back to it if it became relevant to a later case.

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