Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess - Cover

Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess

Copyright© 2010 by aubie56

Chapter 8

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 8 - An accident at school leaves Billy Norton mute and full of every kind of psychic ability. He accidentally enslaves 3 women and deliberately enslaves 3 more at their request. This is the story of how he cleans up the school bully situation and stops, at least temporarily, Muslim terrorism. Billy comes up with a way to get the attention of every Muslim on Earth!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Fiction   Science Fiction   Humor   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Harem   Interracial   Oriental Female   Safe Sex   Violence   Nudism  

Dammit, I need a reliable contact within the police department. There is a temptation to follow Batman's lead and hook up with the Police Commissioner, but he is a political appointee and the mayor changes him almost as often as he changes his socks. At least, I hope he changes his socks that often.

Well, we couldn't wait. Somebody needed to call 911 right away! No, wait, I had a better idea. I cast my telepathic ability toward the main police headquarters building. My idea was to find a responsible individual and contact him. I planned to give my contact the commands which would keep him away from the rest of us, but he would be recompensed by the tips and leads that I would supply him. He could pretend that they were telephone tips and take it from there.

I scanned around until I found Detective Sergeant Harold, Hal, Jefferson. He had a few tipsters, so a tip telephoned to Hal would not be all that unusual. He was a bright guy who was on his way up in the department, so he was the kind of contact we wanted. And he was honest! He was as good a choice as I could find.

Sgt. Jefferson. Please pay attention. I have an important tip for you. I have just discovered a truck bomb being constructed in the building at 1737 Higgins St. It is almost finished, so I suspect that it will be used sometime tomorrow. The place must be raided tonight or many people could die. I leave it to you to contact the proper people, but do it as soon as we fabricate your cover story.

I cannot talk, so I do not have a cell phone. Instead, my friend will call you in a few moments so that you can honestly say that you received a call. The voice will be that of a woman. Do not try to identify her. At this stage, it is not important. Keep her on the line long enough to make it seem that she gave you this message.

Yes, Master, I will do as you command.

Mary! Mary! Dial 555-1734 and stay on the line for about 30 seconds. I'll tell you all about it when I see you in a few minutes.

OK, who will I be calling?

You will be talking to Det. Sgt. Hal Jefferson. Of necessity, he is now our contact in the police department. I'll give you the whole story in a few minutes.

I broke the connection with Mary and went back to Jefferson. His phone was ringing, and he answered it in the way he normally would. Mary said, "I was told to call this number."

There was a fairly long pause, then Jefferson said, "My God! OK, thanks. We'll get right on it." He hung up and started making calls to other people within the department. Within a minute or two, the whole building seemed to resemble a hive of disturbed hornets. Out of curiosity, I flew back to the building to wait for the cops to arrive. I wanted to know just how they would handle the situation. Clumsily, I assumed.

While I was waiting, I told the women what I had found and what I had done about it. They were thrilled and could hardly wait for the report to be on TV.

It was about 20 minutes later when the cops finally showed up, closely followed by the TV news trucks. That's when I left, since I did not want to get caught hanging around. I headed home; I figured that was enough for tonight.

When I got home, the women were all excited and wanted to fuck before trying to sleep. Well, I did my best to accommodate them. As it turned out, we all slept to about 10:00 AM, then we had to rush to get Susan from the hospital. We took the SUV and Mary, as mother, handled all of the paperwork. I waited in the SUV as Susan was brought down. I didn't want to fly in public, and there was no other way that I could move around enough to function in that monster of a hospital.

Susan sat beside me on the way home, and I gently hugged her the whole way. I filled her in on my nightly jaunts, and she was as thrilled as the other women. When we got home, Susan was not yet in condition for fucking, but she did want to be cuddled, and that I was happy to do.

We had missed the earlier reports, but we did see the capture of the truck bomb on CNN. It was their feature segment. It seemed to be a slow news day, so the story of the terrorist bomb was given more air time that it normally would have received. The official word was that it had been found by clever police work and Sgt. Jefferson did not receive any public credit, but I was sure that his part in the story was well known by his peers.

I waited a few days to see what would happen, but nothing did. I wondered what if anything was going on with the investigation. I mentally visited police, FBI, and Homeland Security headquarters and threw up my hands at what I learned. The investigation was quashed by somebody very high up because they did not want to offend the local Muslim community by inferring that they had anything to do with either the car bomb or the truck bomb. There was an election coming up, and the Muslims voted, too. Something might be done after the election in four months.

I simply could not accept that stupid attitude, so I decided to do some investigating on my own. I looked at my list of owners to find out who owned that last empty building. It was a Mr. Muhammad Muhammad. I looked him up in the local city directory and found that he was a big figure behind the local mosque and a staunch supporter of Imam AlFalhi.

I cheated on the fifth amendment and did a brain search on those two men. I found that both were very active supporters of Al-Qaeda, and active recruiters for the cause. Both men were also closely involved in the car bomb and the intended truck bomb which was aimed at the local hospital in two days. That was enough to get my attention!

Neither one of these bastards were the true ringleader of the local Al-Qaeda, but they were very important cogs in the gears. I planned to punish them, but I also planned to use them as pointers to the real local leader.

But my first step was to check for more bombs in the last two of the empty buildings. I set out that night to check out these buildings, and it was a good thing that I did. One of the buildings was the usual trash dump that I had seen in my previous inspections, but the second building was a marvel of interior reconstruction.

The second building, which was the last one on my list, was rather large and had been completely refitted on the inside. From the outside, it looked just as one would expect an abandoned building to look, but it had been completely rebuilt on the inside. The building was three storeys tall, and the top floor had been rebuilt into a complete shooting range. The building was over 200 feet long, and the entire length was devoted to the range. Since urban warfare does not involve shooting at much distance, this was the ideal size facility for teaching that kind of shooting and for maintaining one's skill level.

The next level down was the armory. There were several racks of what I guessed to be AK-47s. Since I was not an arms expert, I just depended on what I had seen on TV and called them that. That detail wasn't important. Down below were what looked like classrooms and offices. There was a lot of paperwork in Arabic, but that meant nothing to me, since I could not read the language. I did manage to find some stuff written in English, but it turned out to be propaganda leaflets designed to justify an armed conflict between the fanatical Moslems and the general public.

I couldn't do anything with the paperwork I found, but I resolved to write a translation program for my computer that could take a scanned Arabic document and present an English translation. Difficult, but not impossible with the terabytes of memory that were now available to home computers. I picked several sheets at random to use as samples to work with.

Well, there was nothing more for me to do here, so I contacted Sgt. Jefferson to have this place raided. I did make a point of getting out before the police showed up.

I did some searching and found that Muhammad was the actual owner of this building through a dummy front. I passed that word to Sgt. Jefferson and suggested that he look into the true ownership of the other empty buildings.

I got home early that night because my late night running around was beginning to catch up with me. I needed sleep as much as the next person did, so I had to limit my other activities so that I could catch up.

Susan was healing rapidly, and a lot of that was due to the close attention she was getting from Nancy. Nancy reported that she expected a full recovery for Susan if the girl applied herself. As soon as Susan could tolerate the chlorinated water on her damaged skin, Nancy planned to have her in the pool doing as much swimming as possible. Nancy also pointed out that Susan would be ready to fuck much sooner if we did it in the water. Susan and I both were happy with that opinion. We planned to test it as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Susan was forced to be satisfied with the vicarious orgasms she felt from the other women and me.

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