Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess - Cover

Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess

Copyright© 2010 by aubie56

Chapter 3

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 3 - An accident at school leaves Billy Norton mute and full of every kind of psychic ability. He accidentally enslaves 3 women and deliberately enslaves 3 more at their request. This is the story of how he cleans up the school bully situation and stops, at least temporarily, Muslim terrorism. Billy comes up with a way to get the attention of every Muslim on Earth!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Fiction   Science Fiction   Humor   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Harem   Interracial   Oriental Female   Safe Sex   Violence   Nudism  

The women gradually woke up, and they all had excited, but bemused, expressions on their faces. The universal question was, "What was that?" I told them my interpretation of the situation, and we all agreed that it was well worth the surprise. Nancy was helped down from her perch on me, and she went into the bathroom to clean up some of the mess that was dripping down her legs. She came back with a damp cloth and towel to clean me off.

Susan commented that she wished that she could bottle the feeling and sell it at school. She was sure that she would become a millionaire overnight. That comment triggered a thought; namely, we had plenty of money at the moment, but we might need more in the future, and I was really unhappy just living on our capital. Well, I would worry more about that later. I had happier thoughts right now.

One thing that was bothering me was that my ability to speak was not coming back the way everyone had predicted. Oh, I had no problem communicating with my three women, but I could not do things like talk on the telephone or talk to strangers. The more I thought about it, the more it worried me. Was it a permanent affliction, or was it really temporary? Well, nothing could be done about it for now, but I wanted a competent specialist to look into my problem once I could get around adequately.

That time finally came a month after my devirginizing. I asked Nancy to look into the situation for me through some of her professional contacts. She found somebody with a solid reputation in the field and arranged an appointment. She was able to lean on professional courtesy and get me an appointment within the month.

I was still incapable of walking very far, so I was moved in a wheelchair. Susan claimed the right to push me, and she won the battle with the other women after a long discussion. Mary drove her SUV to take me to the appointment, and Susan had taken a day off from school to go with us to be the motive power for the wheelchair. Nancy was along as my therapist and resident medical authority.

We went in to see the doctor, Dr. Elizabeth Holmes. She asked Nancy and Mary a lot of questions and a few questions of me that could be answered yes or no by a nod of the head. By the time I was through with the examination, it had taken two months, what with the CAT scans and X-rays and I don't remember what else. Finally, we were back in Dr. Holmes' office for the grand revelation.

To make a long story short, we did not at all like the results. Dr. Holmes was able to point out on the CAT scan result a tiny bone chip that was buried in my brain right at my controls responsible for transferring the speech commands from my brain to my muscles. The upshot was that I would never talk unless that bone chip was removed. Unfortunately, that bone chip was unreachable. Any surgery would do so much damage to the rest of my brain, that I would be a virtual vegetable by the time the bone chip was removed. In fact, Dr. Holmes was of the opinion that a lot of my muscle weakness and slow recovery was caused by the bone chip moving to its current location. In short, I was better off the way I was as long as brain surgery was in its current stage of development. Damn! What a bummer! Well, among other things, no more regular school for me. Now we needed that money I was musing about earlier.

We went home in a blue funk! We got home without crashing the SUV, but Mary was in terrible shape. Susan and Nancy were nowhere behind, and I was in poor shape, myself. We went to my room and everybody stripped; somehow, we could think better without our clothes.

OK, I was a mute by conventional definition, but that did not inhibit my thoughts. I had always wanted to be a computer professional, and I could still do that with a little help. Susan had a head for business, so she had wanted to major in that so that she could get a job in the management hierarchy of a large company. There was no question that I was going to need to be home-schooled, but I figured that Susan would want to stay in school so that she could socialize the way she had been doing. Susan agreed with me. Mary and Nancy were already fully adults fixed into their life's ambitions. Therefore, I was the only one who needed the special treatment.

The first thing we needed to do was to find a teacher who could do for me what I needed. Everybody agreed that the teacher needed to be female, young, and reasonably pretty. We had to find someone who would not mind, or might even want, to become one of my "sex slaves" like my other three women. That would have to happen if I was going to do the mind-to-mind communicating that we all thought was necessary. So the search started.

Mary went by the school to find out if there were any likely candidates available. She also wrote a letter to all of the state colleges and universities to ask if they had any suitable candidates. She even ran an advertisement in the newspaper published by the teachers' union.

I sat with her while she did the interviews. We interviewed 23 potential candidates before we found the one we thought most qualified. Tami Houston had a hearing difficulty caused by an automobile accident three days after she graduated with her teaching degree. When she came out of the hospital, she found that there were just no jobs in middle or high school for a teacher with practically total deafness and forced to get by with lip reading. She was getting desperate because her school loans were coming due, and she could not get the deferment in payments she had expected by being a teacher.

Tami was a lovable person who certainly knew her stuff. Any school that failed to hire her had sure missed the boat. Anyway, Mary explained most of what we would expect from her, including her moving in with us. Everything we required, she accepted, especially when she was told that we would pay off her student loans. The only thing she was not told was the little detail of becoming a "sex slave." I didn't like springing this on Tami without her permission, but my three women assured me that Tami would not object in the least, once she had experienced the advantages of the position. Especially, those shared orgasms!!!

I wasn't fully convinced, but I did not know what we could do about it, so I went ahead. Tami, can you hear me? If so, raise both your hands above your head.

Tami had a look of total surprise when she raised both hands above her head and said, "Yes, Master, I can hear you. How is that possible? I am deaf!"

You are not deaf when I can talk to you. Welcome to our family. Wouldn't you be more comfortable without your clothes? Go ahead and remove them. By the way, don't call me Master, call me Billy instead.

"Yes, Master ... uh Billy. Please give me a moment while I remove my clothes." Tami stood up to take off her clothes, and Mary did the same. Susan and Nancy joined us, already naked, and they helped me out of my clothes. Soon, all five of us were naked and sitting in the living room on towels spread out to keep us from sticking to the fabric of the seats.

I said to Tami, but I made sure that all of the others could hear my "words." Tami, I have this strange ability to talk to people by using my mind. As you know, I cannot speak, but everyone in this room can hear and understand my words. You can talk to any one of them at any time by using me as a relay station. They can hear your voice, and I will repeat what they say to you via my mind speech so that you can hear them.

We want to keep this ability of mine a secret to prevent a lot of complications that I am sure that you can imagine. Therefore, I am giving you what probably will be the only command I ever give you: you will not tell anyone about my ability! Do you understand? Tami nodded, so I went on with my speech.

The other thing is that we all know that you are sexually attracted to me now that I have spoken to your mind. Do you have any qualms about this?

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