Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess - Cover

Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess

Copyright© 2010 by aubie56

Chapter 2

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 2 - An accident at school leaves Billy Norton mute and full of every kind of psychic ability. He accidentally enslaves 3 women and deliberately enslaves 3 more at their request. This is the story of how he cleans up the school bully situation and stops, at least temporarily, Muslim terrorism. Billy comes up with a way to get the attention of every Muslim on Earth!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Fiction   Science Fiction   Humor   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Harem   Interracial   Oriental Female   Safe Sex   Violence   Nudism  

I was afraid that Susan was going to explode with indignation when she saw the naked Nancy giving the near-naked me a blow job. Instead, she laughed and said, "That's a great idea. I'll join the party." The next thing I knew, Susan was as naked as Nancy. What could I do? I was just an innocent boy. Yeah!

Susan knew exactly what to do. The next thing I knew, Susan was leaning over the bed, dipping one of her nipples into my mouth while she was reaching down and diddling one of Nancy's nipples. This was enough to push Nancy to a new level of intensity in her sucking and licking. Suddenly, Nancy pushed her head down and engulfed my entire cock into her mouth and throat. My cock is approximately seven inches long, but I have hopes of improving that with concentrated exercise. Well, Nancy pushed her nose into my pubic hair. Once my cock was firmly lodged in her throat, she swallowed. My God! You can't imagine what that felt like to me. I exploded in her throat, and I have never had such an orgasm. I couldn't help wondering if I was going to live through the experience, but I really didn't care!

Both of the women were really wound up, now, so they climbed onto the bed with me and moved into a 69 with each other. It was kind of funny the way they pushed me to one side of the bed (it was a queen size) so that they would have adequate room. The pussy slurping was going on like they were in a porn movie and trying to meet some short, tight production schedule. Before long, each one of the women was sucking on the other's clit and that produced the desired orgasms. With all of the jumping around that caused, I feared that I would be bumped out of the bed.

I gave them a few minutes to recover, then I asked, Nancy, how many other patients do you have?

Right now, Master, you are the only one. I can only take on a maximum of three patients per day, and I just finished up with the two others I had. Why do you ask?"

It just occurred to me how nice it would be for you to move in with us. We have a couple of extra bedrooms, so there should be plenty of room. That way, you can devote your time exclusively to me. I am sure that I could persuade my mother to go along with the idea. What do you think of the idea, Susan?

"It's a wonderful idea. That way, we would have plenty of time for sex as well as therapy! What do you say, Nancy?"

"Oh, I would love to do that. I could live here and be with the Master all of the time. I can't think of anything that I would rather do. But what should I do with my current apartment? I still have three months to run on my current lease."

I don't see any problem. We could afford to buy out your lease and that would be the end of it. Let's see what Mom has to say. Hey, I just realized that I had been "talking" to two people at the same time. I didn't know until now that I could do that.

I heard Mom closing the garage door, so I sent a thought to her asking her to come up to my room. I really didn't know if I could reach that far with my mental abilities, but I thought to try, totally forgetting what would happen when I made mental contact with her.

Mom walked into my room a couple of minutes later and surveyed the situation. "Well, hell. It looks like we have a new uniform of the day in this house." She started stripping as she said that. My jaw dropped as my mother started removing her clothes, and I was enraptured by the beauty she showed, even at the age of 37. She was almost the spitting image of her daughter, except for a bit of sag in her breasts. As the saying goes, she was fucking good looking!

I was speechless as I gazed at my mother. She looked back at me and said, "Billy, I think that it is time that you stopped calling me 'Mom.' If I am going to have sex with you, I think that you should call me Mary. After all, that is my name."

Sex with you!?! But ... but ... but you are my mother! How can I have sex with you?

"You can rationalize it any way you want to, but I WILL have sex with you. It was certain a few days ago when you entered my mind with the instructions on how to feed you. I have held off because I know how limited your physical abilities are right now. But I can't help it—I am COMPELLED to have sex with you. However, there is no parallel compulsion to have your children, so I will be going back on the pill right away. Susan is already on the pill to help with the pains during her period. How about you, Nancy? Are you protected?"

"Yes, Mary, I am. I have been taking the pill for several years. So there is not a chance of me getting pregnant. On the other hand, I may want to change that later."

Mom ... No, make that Mary laughed and said, "I'll bet you will be off the pill as soon as Billy graduates from college, if not sooner. I'm glad to hear that everybody is with the program. I know that there will be a lot of fucking going on around here as soon as Billy regains his ability to use his arms and legs properly. I expect my pills to be effective by then. I can hardly wait!"

That reminds me of something. I want everybody to start calling me Billy, again. That "Master" thing sounds too much like chattel slavery. OK?

Three voices responded together, "Yes, Master!" This was followed by a lot of giggling.

Nancy moved in that same day and we settled in to a very heavy regime of therapy and sex. Well, I confess that the sex was somewhat limited, since it was confined to blow jobs from the three women in my life. Not less than three per day, one from each of my ladies. Of course, with Nancy, naked all the time in my room forcing my arms and legs to go through the necessary motions, she had the most access and often slipped in an extra blow job just to break up the monotony of therapy, therapy, therapy.

It was fascinating to watch Nancy's naked body as she moved my arms and legs about. The sight often had me drooling at both ends, my mouth and my cock. I was making considerable progress and hoped to be taking my first steps in the next few days. The carrot dangling in front of me was that Nancy was going to introduce me to "female superior" sex as soon as I was able to support myself on the walking framework. She admitted that the sex would be OK with me just lying there, but she wanted my first time to be more than just OK. To do that, I needed some strength in my legs so that I could move a little bit, too.

I already had visions of Nancy sitting with my cock penetrating her cunt and leaning down so that I could suck her nipples while she did all the fucking work. Wow, that vision was almost enough to get me off all by itself! Of course, I was also looking forward to the missionary position and doggie style as soon as I could support myself. The "girls" had moved a computer display so that I could see it, and it was almost always hooked to the internet running one or another pornographic "training film."

Susan spent most of her free time "helping" Nancy with my therapy, both physical and sexual. Usually, she would come in from school and spend an hour or so with me before doing her homework. Susan was a real "brain," so her homework was usually no more than going through the motions and writing up whatever was needed for the next day's classes. When Mary got home from work, she also spent about an hour "helping" my two therapists. After that, she fixed supper with Susan's help, serious help this time, and we ate. I did finally gain enough control so that I could sit at the dinner table with them and feed myself, though someone else did have to cut the meat and such for me.

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