Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess - Cover

Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess

Copyright© 2010 by aubie56

Chapter 17

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 17 - An accident at school leaves Billy Norton mute and full of every kind of psychic ability. He accidentally enslaves 3 women and deliberately enslaves 3 more at their request. This is the story of how he cleans up the school bully situation and stops, at least temporarily, Muslim terrorism. Billy comes up with a way to get the attention of every Muslim on Earth!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Fiction   Science Fiction   Humor   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Harem   Interracial   Oriental Female   Safe Sex   Violence   Nudism  

The police were informed of the situations with the Black group and the skinhead group, and that was when I got my next surprise. The police had no intention of acting! They felt that they currently had so much to do that they would ignore those two groups until they did something so blatantly illegal that the police had to act. OK, I guess that I would live with that, since I was really more interested in the Muslim problem. However, just to be on the safe side, I TPed all of the firing pins from the guns and the fuses from the explosives out into the ocean where the skinheads could never find them. That should "defuse" their situation adequately.

I talked the Muslim situation over with my women, and we all agreed that the first thing that needed doing was to force each regional headquarters of Homeland Security to stop the politics thing and to do their real job. The trouble was that this took almost seven months of heavy work on our part before we had all of the regions operating the way I thought they should have been from the beginning. Oh, well, better late than never, I guess.

While this was going on, we realized that we were working at the wrong end of the terrorist chain. In effect, we were putting out fires while somebody else in another part of the world was making new fuses faster than we could disarm them in our part of the world. We could see no solution to the problem as long as nobody was doing anything effective to shut off the supply of terrorist leaders at the source.

The easiest place to start was with the information I could glean through my Homeland Security contacts. The word they had was that the military pilotless drones were doing a good job in Afghanistan, but there was not much success in Pakistan. There were approximate locations given for three of the training bases, so it seemed logical for the Avengers to go after them. We could look for others, and there were many, after we eliminated the three we currently knew of in Pakistan.

We decided to fly ourselves. It was just too much trouble to mess with passports and visas, plus, none of us wanted to go through the aggravation of airport check in. With airport delays and whatnot, we could probably get there in about the same time as by commercial plane, anyway. In any case, I wanted to establish some intermediate TP gates. My current thought was Bermuda, London, Paris, Berlin, Athens, and Jerusalem. That would only take a few moments for each one, so we figured that it was worth the slight delay. We got some face masks so that we could travel at maximum speed, and we set out.

Well, the gates did take a little longer than I had expected. The delay was in finding a suitably out-of-the-way location for each gate. Nevertheless, we still beat what would have been our commercial travel time, since I pushed us along at just below Mach 1, the speed of sound. By coating everybody with TK armor, we were not bothered by the air we had to plow through, and we stayed low to the ground so that we were not picked up on routine radar. We may have been detected on a military radar system, but we were not bothered.

All of the women were able to sleep as we flew, and I found that, lately, I have needed very little sleep, so we flew all the way to Jerusalem before we stopped for some R&R (Rest and Relaxation). We changed into "tourist" clothes and visited a few landmarks as well as a couple of good restaurants, so we were rested when we launched for Pakistan. We did all of our flying at night and reached our first destination just as the sun was rising.

Naturally, there was no training camp exactly where we were told that we could find one, but we were not surprised. We were in mountainous terrain, and I had no problem in using TK to dig out a cave large enough for a temporary camp. The ladies fixed a full breakfast while I did a little scouting to find the camp we were looking for. I rose about 5,000 feet and spotted the camp approximately six miles off to our west in a beautiful valley. I had recently discovered a new capability: I was able to expand my range of vision so that I could "see" radar if it was directed at me. In the USA and similarly developed countries, I didn't use the capability because the air was full of stray radar and similar beams, and it just got in the way of my regular vision. I was going to have to work on that, but it was not a problem at this location.

Anyway, the camp did not have any radar that I could see, so I didn't worry about it at this time. This camp was so damned extensive that I wondered about the best way to deal with it. Well, I had taken a good look at it, so I flew back to our camp for breakfast. We decided that we should wait until dark to examine the camp from the air and make our plans after everybody had a chance to see the place.

The problem was that no one else had the ability to see with the full spectrum that I did. When we returned home, I was going to see what I could do to give that ability to my wives.

Fortunately, there was enough light that the women could see well enough. We studied the camp before returning to our base. This camp was so damned big that we did not have enough people to hit it all at the same time. Alice suggested that I partition the camp with TK walls into segments small enough for us to deal with. That was such a great idea that we decided to go with it.

Amalie suggested that we carry the idea on to its next logical step. She wanted to seal off each segment air tight and just let all of the people suffocate the way we had done it to the meeting rooms. That way, none of us could possibly be hurt by any of the jihadists. That was such a good idea that I left immediately to implement those two ideas. Now, all we had to do was to wait around until everybody had suffocated. Once that was done, I could remove the TK walls and we could go on to the next terrorist camp.

It was 24 hours later before I was fully convinced that all of the terrorists were dead. Yeah, I know, that was longer than I really needed to wait, but the girls and I spent the time with a sex party in which I fucked every one of them with as short a delay time as we could manage. We were all a bit zonked out by that experience, and I was not sure just how much I wanted to do it again. The women were obviously made of sterner stuff than me, because they were ready to do it again as soon as I was able. Fucking six times to unconsciousness was quite an experience!

Anyway, we went back to the camp and I dropped the TK barriers. We found all of the arms and ammunition, and I TPed it to the middle of the camp before detonating it all at once. Man, that was a big bang! Included were the radios and other such devices—all but the computers. I TPed the computers to a safe place until we had time to search them, but we wanted to move on to the other training camps before our intelligence was out of date.

The other two camps in Pakistan were handled the same way as the first one. The exception was that I begged off on the sex orgy, claiming that I just didn't feel up to it. I took a lot of kidding over that, but I was stubborn enough to stick to my decision. Instead, I only fucked two of the women each night.

For no good reason, we jumped to Saudi Arabia for our next strike. We bullshitted about our plans as we flew, and it dawned on us that we were still going about this whole thing the wrong way. We figured that we should do something that would really shake up the Muslim world—something that would get their attention.

What we came up with was to kidnap that monster stone at Mecca. Our plan was to swipe the thing and hold it for ransom. The ransom would be an agreement to stop the terrorist attacks all over the world. Just making the whole thing disappear did not appeal to me; instead, I wanted to put it somewhere in plain sight, but totally unrecoverable. We talked about it for a while, and Tami suggested that I put it on the moon where it could be easily seen by anyone with a strong enough telescope.

That sort of joke really appealed to me. I could TP anything anywhere, if I had seen the place before hand. We had an immediate change of plans. We set out for the moon without further delay. The obvious place for the rock seemed to be in the Mare Vaporum, which is in the middle of the full moon, and that was the place we headed for.

We found an area relatively free of craters, so that was what we chose. Once we picked out the place and I marked it as a gate, we TKed back to Earth. We waited until there was a minimal guard stationed at the holy rock before acting. I stunned the guards and TPed them to the guardhouse before enclosing the entire structure housing the rock in a TK shield to protect it. Once that was done, I TPed the mass to the moon, leaving behind a glaring empty space. In this empty space, I left dozens of copies of our demands describing the ransom. The ransom demand also contained instructions on how to see the rock.

Needless to say, we created quite a stir in the Muslim community. I'm sure that we were denounced from every pulpit in every mosque. Furthermore, we were denounced from other religious pulpits, but we did not let any of that bother us. Once the word got out, and we were instrumental in spreading that word, pictures of the holy structure sitting on the moon were in every publication and on every TV channel worldwide.

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