Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess - Cover

Some People Are Just Lucky, I Guess

Copyright© 2010 by aubie56

Chapter 11

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 11 - An accident at school leaves Billy Norton mute and full of every kind of psychic ability. He accidentally enslaves 3 women and deliberately enslaves 3 more at their request. This is the story of how he cleans up the school bully situation and stops, at least temporarily, Muslim terrorism. Billy comes up with a way to get the attention of every Muslim on Earth!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Fiction   Science Fiction   Humor   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Harem   Interracial   Oriental Female   Safe Sex   Violence   Nudism  

Alice answered, "Yes, Master." She stood up and stripped, making no effort to tease, but just to get her clothes removed in the most efficient manner possible. Alice then walked to the head of the table and dropped to her knees. She asked, "Master, would you prefer that I suck you under the table or out here where everybody can see me."

I said, Alice, I was just testing to see if the compulsion still worked. Please return to your place at the table and resume eating. The rest of us will now strip to match your state of dress. I don't know if Mary told you, but this is the way we are normally dressed around the house. The only time we wear clothes is when we have guests. Oh, one other thing: please call me Billy, not Master.

Alice, do you know about Tami's deafness? She can hear by relaying through me, but you cannot otherwise depend on her hearing anything you say. She can read lips very well, but only if she can see your lips. Please try to keep that in mind.

Yes, Billy, I'll remember.

Good! Please look through the house tomorrow and pick out a room that will be suitable for training us all in your skills. I know that we will never reach your standards, but please teach us all you can. One advantage that we will have is that we cannot be hurt during the training. I will harden all of our skins, yours included, so that it will never be necessary to pull punches. Don't bother with training weapons. We will learn with the weapons that we will actually use in combat. I hope that does not foul up your plans.

No, that will certainly speed up the learning cycle. I can hardly wait to give it a try. Obviously, I've never been able to train that way, before, so it should be a treat for me as well as improved learning for my students.

OK, last question. Alice, are you a virgin? I am sure that someone as beautiful as you is not, but I do need to know.

No, I gave up my virginity in late middle school, so I know what sex is all about. I am ready, willing, and able to fit into your sex routine, however it affects me.

Mary spoke up at this point. Alice, we are starting a new cycle tonight, so this would be the ideal time for your initiation into our group. How does that strike you?

That sounds good. Billy, will I be spending all night with you, or just the time it takes to fuck?

That is entirely up to you, Alice. I would like it if you stayed all night, but I always bow to the lady's wishes on that point. Please understand that our use of the phrase "sex slave" is really a joke among us. In no way are you a slave. You have as much to say in the matter of sex as I do. If you doubt me, just ask the rest of the women, but make sure that they are not trying to tease me when they answer. I almost laughed at that point, as I could see Susan deflate from some remark she was about to make.

Now, if everyone is through with the main meal, let's have desert. I want time to show Alice some of the things that I can do to increase our protection. Come on, no smart remarks from you, Susan!

After supper, we went to the back yard where we had some room to move around without breaking the furniture. The first thing I did was demonstrate my TK ability by flying about the yard, then, one at a time, lifting all of the women including Alice until they were all flying at the same time. We only flew for a couple of minutes, but I wanted all of the women to enjoy the moment and to have the confidence that I would not drop one of them.

The next thing I demonstrated was my ability to make an impervious shell around a body without restricting movement. I had brought a knife from the kitchen, and I asked Nancy to stab me in the hand. Using all of her force, she tried to drive the knife point through the palm of my hand. She did force my hand down a little, but there was no penetration. I then had her do the same thing at my gut. She had the same result there. To prevent an accident, I had put the shell over my whole body, so I was not worried.

I now invited Alice to try the same thing. She had seen the demonstration with Nancy, but she was still amazed when she got the same results. I now told Alice to hit me in the belly, but to make sure that she did not hit me so hard that she broke a bone. Alice snorted at that, and drove her fist into my gut as hard as she could. God! That woman is strong! To my surprise, I actually felt the blow, but nothing like the way Alice did. Alice let out a scream of pain that I was sure would have a neighbor dialing 911. That didn't happen, but Alice sure had more respect for my abilities, now.

As a last point to this demonstration, I put the shell all over Nancy and asked her to hit me as hard as she could in the same place. Nancy hit me as hard as she could, and her fist only bounced off me, but, more importantly for the demonstration, Nancy was not hurt.

I asked Alice if she wanted to try again, but with the shield this time. She did, and she was absolutely amazed at the difference in the way the blow felt. She believed me this time when I said that I was just as impervious to bullets as I was to knives. I did say that I did not want to demonstrate that because I didn't want to upset the neighborhood with the sound of a gunshot.

I told Alice that I had now demonstrated all of my current abilities, but I may have others show up at any time. I explained that I didn't know what abilities I had until I tried to use them.

Alice asked, "Have you ever tried TP (teleportation)?"

No, I had not thought of it. Let's see what will happen when I try. If it works, I will next be standing by the pool. I closed my eyes and concentrated very hard in moving myself from my current position to one by the pool. Suddenly, I had the most God-awful headache. When I opened my eyes, I was standing by the pool! I still had the headache, so I had to sit down.

The women came running to me, and they were laughing and applauding in appreciation for my feat. I asked for silence because of my headache. Mary sympathized and went to fetch me some pain killer.

The headache did not last long, but it was a monster while it was with me. Susan suggested that I try to teleport some small object to see what would happen. I moved a small cushion from one chair to another without incident and was encouraged to try to move other things. I then tried moving myself around and about, and I could do it without the headaches.

Susan was all excited and wanted me to move her from one place to another. By this time, I was pretty cocky with my successes, so I gave no thought to the potential danger. I moved her about 20 feet and she was ecstatic. That was when Mary injected some sanity into the fun. "Billy, what would happen if you tried to put something into the space already occupied by something else? Would the two items merge, or would there be a big explosion? Here is a penny. Teleport it into the pool water and let's see what will happen."

Our lack of a physics education meant that I immediately tried out her idea. I sent the penny into the pool and there was a tiny bloop as a small jet of water came boiling to the surface of the pool. OK, we survived the first test, now what? Without thinking about it, I brought the penny back to Mary's hand. Susan suggested, "Billy, try to teleport the penny into a small rock that was on the other side of the pool. That should be far enough away to protect us from flying rock chips."

The penny jumped out of Mary's hand, and the penny came to rest beside the rock. I brought the penny back, and we tried to think of another test.

Susan said, "It looked to me like the rock moved a little bit from its reaction to the penny. What would happen if one of the items could not move? Try teleporting the penny to the inside of one of the concrete slabs around the pool." This time, the penny came to rest on top of the slab.

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