Samantha at Studland Farm - Cover

Samantha at Studland Farm

Copyright© 2010 by Shani 34

Chapter 1

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young girl is sent to a training farm so her mother can spend time with her new lover. Samantha soon discovers that the farm is much more than just a place where girls ride horses and walk in the woods.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Reluctant   Fiction   BDSM   Spanking   Humiliation   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Bestiality  

Samantha crept along the passage to her mother's bedroom. She had to know what was happening. She hadn't heard a sound since her mother's new boyfriend had left the house ten minutes ago, and she had to see if her mom was okay.

Her real dad had left a couple of years ago and since then her mom had brought several men home, some nice, some horrid. A couple of months ago one of those men had seen Samantha at the open bedroom door watching them. She hadn't really seen anything, he and mommy were under the sheets and she couldn't see what they were doing, but they were making noises that scared her, so she had just stood there trying to pluck up the courage to ask if mommy was okay. But the man saw her and told her mom and mom had been very angry and told her to go to her room.

Some time later the man had come in to her bedroom and made her get out of her bed. He sat on the bed and lectured her about spying on adults, then he took her wrist and pulled her down over his knee and pulled her nightie up and her panties down, and he spanked her until she cried. Thinking about it later, she realized she didn't know if her mom had approved of that spanking, or even if she knew about it. But after that she kept away from mom's bedroom when she had men in there.

But tonight she had heard her mom making different sounds, this time she was crying out as though in pain, it sounded as though the new man, Uncle Stephen, was hurting mommy. And then there had been a long silence, and she had heard him go downstairs. At first she thought he was just getting a drink or something, but she heard the front door close and a car start up. The house had been totally silent since then! It scared her that mom was so quiet! Surely, if Uncle Stephen had left the house, it was okay for her to go in and see if mom was okay?

She pushed open the door and gasped at what she saw. Her mother was on the bed, on top of the bedsheets, naked, lying face down, with her elbows cinched tightly together behind her back, her legs bent backwards and up behind her, and her wrists tied to her ankles with rope! She was blindfolded and a leather strap held a gag over her mouth!

She ran to her mother, sensing she might only have a few minutes to rescue her before Uncle Stephen returned. She looked at the mass of ropes and wondered if she had time to run downstairs and get a knife from the kitchen. Her mom was shaking her head in what seemed to be panic and that just made Samantha even more frightened. What would happen if Uncle Stephen came in before she had freed her mom? Would he tie her up too? Was he going to kill them both?

She decided to remove the gag and ask her mom what to do. She fumbled with the buckle behind her mom's head, unfastened the strap, and tugged the gag free. "Mommy, are you okay?" she asked anxiously.

Her mother twisted her head towards her and sighed, "Oh baby yes, it's okay, it's just Uncle Stephen's way of having fun." Samantha couldn't believe this was fun!

"But he's hurting you mommy."

"Darling please, trust me, it's adult stuff. When you are grown up you will understand."

Samantha didn't understand at all. How could you like a man who hurt you? How could you like being tied up in this awful position? "Has he gone mommy? Why did he leave you like this if he has gone?"

She hoped mom would say that he was never coming back. Until now she had liked Uncle Stephen, and she just couldn't believe he would do something like this to her mom.

"No baby he will be back soon. He's just popped out to have a drink down the pub. It's sort of a test, darling, he wants me to discover what it's like being left tied up like this."

The young girl was totally confused. It seemed impossible that her mother was enjoying this! "Mommy please let me untie you while he's away, we can lock the door and not let him back in," she pleaded.

"Sam please don't be childish. Now put that gag back in my mouth, do the strap up like it was, and go back to your room."

The one thing Samantha hated most of all was being called a child! She was twelve years old, for heaven's sake! Well, okay, if mommy thought what she was doing was okay, then Samantha would do as she said, and would leave her with Uncle Stephen.

She tried to do the strap up behind her mother's head, but her hands were shaking too much, and she gave up, and backed slowly towards the door. She was still hoping that her mother would change her mind and signal for her to return and untie her. But mom had her face down in the pillow and seemed to be ignoring her!

Samantha fell on her bed sobbing. Uncle Stephen had seemed so much nicer than mom's other recent boyfriends. But what was he doing, tying her mom up? And why was mommy too scared of him to let Samantha untie her? She didn't believe it was just for fun! Sometimes she wished she could go back to being a child. She heard Uncle Stephen return, and pulled the pillow over her head and tried to go to sleep. She was still awake much later when she heard Uncle Stephen leave. Her mother came in to her bedroom, and Sam was too embarrassed to speak so she pretended to be asleep, and her mom bent over and kissed her and whispered "Goodnight, darling," and went out. Sam finally cried herself to sleep.

Next day when Samantha was eating breakfast before going off to school, her mother, Elisha, sat down at the table opposite her.

"Samantha, we have to talk. About last night, and Uncle Stephen and everything. Darling, I realize I should have told you about sex and stuff ages ago, but it's been difficult, with daddy running off like that. You have to understand that a woman needs a man for, well, things, nice things that men and women do together. You remember when you walked in on me and saw Uncle Martin and me in bed, and Uncle Martin got upset and spanked you afterwards. Well, we had been doing those grown up man and woman things. And now I have met Uncle Stephen, and I like him, and we have been doing those things too."

Samantha was looking down at her cornflakes, desperately embarrassed and confused. She really didn't want to hear about those things!

Elisha went on relentlessly "But Uncle Stephen does other things as well, things I haven't done before. Like last night, tying me up and stuff."

"He was hurting you, mommy," Samantha insisted, not looking up, completely out of her depth.

"It's nice being tied up like that, darling. I can't explain it, but I was enjoying it. I've never done it before and I like it."

Samantha looked up at her mom, her mouth open in horror, thinking her mother must be some kind of freak! Her mother was also finding this conversation very stressful! Her patience was wearing out. "Listen to me, baby, Uncle Stephen and I may be getting married, so you had better get used to this."

Samantha looked up at her in dismay. "No, mommy, you can't marry him, he is horrible."

Her mother's face was flushed but she looked determined.

"Look, darling, Uncle Stephen is wealthy, and if I marry him we will move into his house. He has a swimming pool, you would like to have your own swimming pool, wouldn't you?"

Samantha couldn't believe her mom was trying to bribe her! She said nothing, refusing to admit that it would be nice to have a pool!

"Darling you are a big girl now, and it's obviously time that you learn about these adult things, especially if Uncle Stephen is going to become your step father."

Samantha shuddered at that thought. She had liked Uncle Stephen before last night, but she couldn't get over the memory of what he had done to her mother.

"I just don't think I can explain this stuff to you. Look, baby, Uncle Stephen knows of a holiday farm you can go to, where you can have lots of fun and ride horses and stuff."

"A holiday farm, mommy?" Samantha was trying to make sense of everything her mother was saying, and just not managing. How had the conversation jumped from mommy being tied up by Uncle Stephen, and Sam needing to learn about adult stuff, to Sam going off on a holiday?

"Yes baby, you could go there and have a break, and it would leave Uncle Stephen and me free to get to know each other better. What do you think?"

Samantha still couldn't quite see the connection. "What about me learning about all these grown up things, mommy?"

"Well, it's not just a holiday farm, baby, it's a bit more than that. It provides special training for girls like you. As I said, horse riding and stuff. But more than that. While you are there they will teach you about these adult things too. Not just the normal birds and the bees stuff that Uncle Martin and I were doing, but also about the special stuff that Uncle Stephen does."

Samantha gulped, not at all sure she wanted some stranger on a farm telling her about such things. She realized that she needed to know about them, but why couldn't her mom tell her? Then she flushed at the thought that maybe Uncle Stephen would try to tell her, and that would be too embarrassing to bear. No, this farm might be the better option.

"Please mom, tell me more about the farm?"

"Well, baby, it's a farm in the country with horses and cows and dogs and things, girls go there for a holiday and they get lessons and things while they are there." Elisha went round the table and knelt beside her daughter and gave her a hug. "Uncle Stephen is arranging it now, he is talking to the man that owns the farm and booking you in for a nice holiday there."

Samantha sat there in amazement, not sure what to think. A holiday would be nice, going to a farm would be fun, she had never ridden a horse. But this was all so sudden. She needed time to get used to the idea. "What about school? My friends?"

"They will be here when you get home. You will have so much to tell them about." Samantha put her arms around her mother and thought about riding horses. Then she finished her cereal, found her satchel, put her lunchbox inside it, and set off to catch the bus, her mind a whirl of conflicting and confused thoughts.

While Samantha was at school, Uncle Stephen was on the internet, on a chat site, talking to someone he knew only as "The Owner". When they had first talked, some months ago, Stephen's interest had been purely academic. The idea of what the Owner offered was intriguing, but Stephen didn't believe a word of what he claimed. The Owner had offered to prove he could do what he offered, in return for a fee. They were using web cams to chat, and Stephen's screen showed the other man sitting behind a desk in what looked to be a plush office. Still convinced it was just a con, Stephen had decided to risk being ripped off, and had made that payment over the internet.

The owner explained "I have security cameras all around the place, let me show you a few pictures of Studland." The Owner quickly flipped through half a dozen camera views of stables and fields and things, and of the insides of the main house, a farmhand's dormitory, and a dining hall. The images were too quick to make out details of the people that were visible in some of the scenes, and nothing about them convinced Stephen that the place could provide what the Owner promised.

"Those are just pictures of a farm. How do I know you aren't just some crank fantasizing?"

"Okay, how about this? Here is one of the females who is staying here for training."

The camera image flipped to a courtyard. This time the image stayed on the screen, and Stephen could see that a woman was sweeping leaves with a broom. She looked to be about thirty or forty years old. As the camera closed in on her, he could see that she wore a corset that lifted but didn't hide her breasts, and as the camera closed in even more Stephen could see very clearly that she wore no panties.

"Jesus," panted Stephen, hardly able to believe his eyes.

"This lady was unfaithful to her husband. Instead of divorcing her, he has sent her here for punishment and training. She has been here for three weeks, and is already very obedient but her husband is not yet satisfied that she is ready to go home. Watch."

Stephen heard him giving orders on a telephone, and a few minutes later a man walked into the field of view of the camera. He talked to the woman, who put down her broom and knelt on the ground, unzipped the man, and started to give him a blow job. After a few seconds, the screen flipped back to the Owner in his office.

"So do you believe me?"

"Yeah," Stephen moaned.

"Would you like to visit? That could be you out in that courtyard, with that woman."

"How much?"

The price the Owner charged for men to visit his farm was pretty horrendous, but Stephen was pretty wealthy, and was very tempted. He started to discuss dates and arrangements. But the Owner asked if Stephen had a woman he could send. He explained that a man could visit for free in return for sending a woman to stay at the farm.

Stephen had just met this sexy woman Elisha, and he had delicious thoughts of sending her, or even the woman's daughter Samantha, to the farm. He already knew that Elisha was submissive, and was toying with the idea of just ordering her to attend the farm! But how much more fun it would be if the daughter could attend. The Owner explained that, if you sent a female and then you visited the farm, you had a choice. Your woman could be made to submit to you, or she could, if you wanted, be blindfolded so she wouldn't even know when you fucked her.

Stephen asked about the age of females that were accepted. He told the Owner that the girl he was thinking, Samantha, was twelve years old. The Owner smiled and said that, yes, they would take a girl of Samantha's age. "Normally we charge for taking females in, but the price goes up as the women get older. We won't charge you anything for Samantha. She can stay here as long as you like. I showed you that I am not just jerking off. Would you like to prove to me that you really have a girl called Samantha? Send me any pictures you like of her, but send me naked pictures of her mother. To prove they are your pictures, and that she is submissive, write STUDLAND in felt tip pen on her before you take the photo."

So, to demonstrate his credentials, Stephen had tied Elisha up and blindfolded her, and written STUD on one breast and LAND on the other, and sent photographs of her to the Owner. He also sent photographs of Samantha, including some taken secretly with his cell phone camera while Sam was in bed asleep with the sheet pulled down to her waist. So the Owner knew that the mother and daughter existed, and was pressing Stephen to send one or the other or both.

Stephen had other concerns. "If I send her to you how do I know I will get her back? How can I know you aren't just a front for the white slave trade?"

"Good question. Okay, look, I will give you a telephone number of someone who has been here. A middle aged married woman. Call her now. Tell her that you know that she has spent time at Studland, and ask her anything you want. Obviously be discrete, if she can't talk freely arrange to phone later when she is able to talk. When it is safe for her to do so, she will answer any questions you have. She daren't refuse to talk, because we have lots of video footage of her time here, and her husband knows nothing about her visit to us. Call her now, see if she is at home."

While the Owner waited, Stephen dialed the phone number he had been given. The woman he talked to spoke in a hushed voice even though, when asked, she said she was alone in her house. She admitted to having spent two weeks at the farm, and had obviously hated it.

"Why were you sent there?"

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