The Dumonts - Cover

The Dumonts

Copyright© 2010 by happyhugo

Chapter 2

I took flight on a Tuesday morning before daylight bound for Uruguay. I was to be in Mercedes three days and then I was to fly over the Andes Mountains to Chile, where I had meetings for four days. Then I had five days in Colombia. These were all places where the corporation either had interests in place, or were planning on setting up new ones.

Everything was right on schedule up until my last day in the Southern Hemisphere. The last meeting was half-way between Medellin and Bogotá. Leaving the meeting and seventeen miles out of the western city, we were stopped by what I first thought was a soldier. Then I realized it must be a guerrilla. Suddenly there were several all around us. There were only three vehicles in our convoy and none of us armed. It wouldn't have done us any good to resist if we had been.

I was taken from the vehicle and my hands bound. I was then pushed up a trail. Before I was out of sound, I could hear the vehicles leaving. There were three rag-tag men in front of me and many more behind me. I was hurried right along for what I figured was nearly five miles. I knew we were generally headed north. Finally we paused to rest and I was given water, some hard bread, and told to sit.

We rested for almost an hour and then I was raised to my feet and urged forward again. We went north for two more hours and then we settled into a camp where there were some permanent looking huts. This had to be a central location for the group to come together. We were to spend the night there. Would I ever get home to my family again?

A woman came over from a cook fire and checked my tied hands. "You American, you hostage. Hold for ransom. Your company pay much money to get you back. Soon you write letter." I stared back at her and said nothing. I knew it wouldn't do any good to whine or beg. I turned over and went to sleep right where I was.

I was in fairly good shape and young enough to survive anything if it wasn't too strenuous. There was nothing I could do, so I determined I would go along with everything I was ordered to do. The quicker the company knew what had happened to me, the quicker I might be freed. It still wasn't a good situation to be in.

The United States didn't pay ransom and frowned on American owned corporations doing it either. But a man had to have faith. The corporation I worked for might not spring for much, but Robin's father wouldn't want to have his grandkids without a parent. He was part of a far-flung corporation that just might wield enough power to find a way to get me free.

In the morning I was put on another trail, still heading north. I heard the word Cartagena mentioned several times. Apparently that is where we were headed. The group of guerrillas was much diminished as we traveled. Finally there were only six around me. The woman that had first spoken to me was one of them. She seemed to be the one in charge.

This was the dry season in South America and thankfully the weather wasn't too severe. What would it have been like if it had been the rainy season. After crossing the river, we started climbing and I surmised this was the northern tip of the Andes mountain range. Oxygen was in short supply as we got higher and our stops were more frequent. This trail was well worn and I wondered if the Spanish Conquerors had traveled it centuries ago with captives the same as was being done to me in the present.

Morning of the third day we reached a highway where there was a truck waiting for us. I was trussed and thrown into the back. I will say that I was being treated gently as there was a mattress for me to lay on. Day and night ran together as we traveled north. I had no idea where I was. I did catch a glimpse of a highway sign marked {25}. Not knowing the country, it meant nothing to me.

I was fed little except water, and we only stopped at some roadside pull-offs so I could relieve myself. We pulled into a sizable village and I was blindfolded before I was trundled into a building. I was led down two flights of stairs to a basement. It wasn't hidden behind any partition or anything. The far end of the cellar was blocked by bars across the front. Inside the cell there was a cot to lay on. There was a pail with cover for excrement.

Not long after we arrived, a large bowl of a vegetable chowder was passed through an opening near the bottom of the door that was made of bars. I thought this was to be my only food, but soon a half chicken was passed through wrapped in a newspaper. The only utensil was a plastic spoon. In the larger portion of the cellar outside my prison, there were two chairs and a table. The woman who seemed to be still in charge, paid no attention to me and proceeded to eat the same food that was fed me.

Finishing my meal I lay down on the bed. Suddenly I smelled coffee and sat up. The woman stood outside with a bowl the same size as what my stew came in. She motioned for me to push the first bowl out and then she slid the bowl with coffee in. I looked up as I picked it up saying, "Thank you" and smiled. She started to smile and then turned quickly away.

I slept that night. I was comfortable and warm and dry and wasn't being bounced around in a truck. I wasn't the cleanest, but I had been handed a basin with warm soapy water to clean up a little. No razor, though. I assumed that was to aid my captors in disguising me, if and when I was let out or moved.

They even handed me a roll of toilet paper. This was embarrassing when I had to use the pail. I put it off as long as I could and then went about it the best I could. They could look at my butt if they were so inclined. I noticed when I finished that the woman wasn't present, so she must have had some sensibilities.

When I awoke there was a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast waiting for me--and more of that delicious coffee. Shortly after that I was handed a newspaper with my picture in it. "Do you want me to read it to you?" asked the woman.

"Yes." The story, read in broken English, just related that I had been abducted near Medellin and hadn't been heard from since. It was supposed that eventually there would be a ransom demand made for my return. The US State Department was doing all they could to locate me. When she finished I reached for the paper.

"No, what good would it do you?"

"Funnies." The paper was handed over.

The paper was printed in Turbaco and there was much news about Cartagena, so I must be in that area. I looked at the funnies and laid the paper on my bunk with the wrapping that had held the chicken last evening. These both I would read when my guards' attention was elsewhere. I knew that eventually they would get onto the fact that I could read and understand Spanish. Hopefully, before that, I would know more about where I was and what my situation was.

It was nine a.m., by my watch, when a man of forty-or-so came in and pulled a chair up beside my cell. He looked as if he might be a school teacher. "Mr. Dumont, you must realize you have been kidnapped. I am here to write a note making demands so we can ensure your safe return to your country and your loved ones. Your country already knows you are missing and your loved ones have been notified I would assume.

"These kidnappings have been done several times and so far, those performed by this group have all been successful. No one has been killed and none of the kidnappers captured. This is the first time that Maria has attempted this, although she has played a minor role in her uncle's endeavors before. Why don't you write your company and inform them you can come home when we receive three and a half million dollars. We could demand more, but we want to be sure you get home safely so we aren't making the terms too onerous."

"No way will my company come up with that kind of money. I just took over as CEO last month because the company was on its last legs. I was there to turn its slide into oblivion. If I'm not there--well you figure it out."

"I'm sure someone loves you that much. You are a rich country and so far someone always comes through before we have to terminate the subject."

"Is Maria the woman who has led my abductors? Will she be the one that has to kill me if my people can't gather the ransom?"

"That isn't for me to determine. I'm sure she would find it troubling, but she has sworn to carry through if need be. Now, I will write your demands and then you can add some personal words to your family so that they will know it is really you."

When the ransom note was finished, I dictated some personal information to my daughter, Wendy. I knew if she saw my remarks she would know that I was near the city of Cartagena.

My bounds were pretty loose as far as my captivity was concerned. I couldn't see any chance for escaping, though. There was activity in the floors above me and as far as I could determine the stairs were the only exit. All of my captors were friendly, especially Maria.

When it was time to change my slop pail, the door had to be opened. I was always directed to stand against the back wall. Two men would be present and Maria opened the door for the exchange. It was she who retrieved the pail. It was a week into my being here when they came to pick it out before I said anything. I directed my gaze toward her. "The fun part of being a captor."

Her face flushed. "Maybe no, and I have to look at your ugly butt. But then I'm out here and you are in there." She then flashed me a brilliant smile. It came to me, I couldn't dislike this woman. I asked for a deck of cards and then asked if she would play double solitaire through the bars with me. The guards were interested in the game and joined me when they were bored. We played for three days and then Maria came down in the morning looking displeased with me.

I read her expression. "You got word back, the company has rejected your demands haven't they? I could have told you they would. What are you going to do now? I hope you aren't going to kill me." I smiled when I said this.

"Don't joke Daveed. I like you but I may have to kill you even if I don't want to." Maria went across the room from my cell as I sat staring at the floor.

I didn't push it. The next morning I learned a little more. "Your people flatly rejected us. They said they had turned everything over to the FBI. Why would they do that?"

"It is a save-face thing. I would think it wouldn't be too long before they find me and then all they have to do is free me."

"How can they find you?"

"Not telling. Maria, I like you. Look, I made the policy in my corporation not to pay off hostage takers so this doesn't surprise me at all. I would like to go home. Are you going to stop requesting ransom or are you just going to kill me? You might die yourself when the FBI and your government try to free me."

"No we haven't given up. You are going to write a letter telling your people you are about to be killed and beg them to pay."



The next morning I was ordered to back up to the bars and my hands were tied. The door was opened and I was pushed to the back of the cell. Two of Maria's followers came in with a step ladder and threw a rope over a ceiling pipe. They formed a loop and put it around my neck. Then they made me go up the ladder. The man that had written the first letter came down the stairs with a camera and took several pictures.

I suppose the snaps looked realistic, for I was having a hard time keeping my balance. I wasn't worried at present, as the other end of the rope was in one of the men's hands and no way could he hang me. I was heavier than he was. I hoped that this picture wasn't shown to Wendy as it would crush her.

I guess fax machines were being used for correspondence this time, as a day later Maria said the demands had been rejected again. "I think you better let me go. I won't tell anyone who you are. You have been treating me very good."

She hesitated before answering. "I can't. I can't admit I failed. My uncle is laughing at me already."

"Maria, if I promise not to tell anyone who you are, will you let me go? I'd even swear on a Bible."

"I can't. I have others I'm responsible for. They need money more than I do."

"I'm not promising anything, but what would it take to buy my way out of here? I'm not talking millions either."

"Maybe a quarter million."

I went across my prison cell and laid down on the bunk, turning my back to the woman standing outside my cell. Three days later when I awoke, blankets had been strung across in front of my cell so I couldn't see into the other end or the stairs. I heard someone come down and Maria greet a man as uncle. He apparently didn't want me to see him, but didn't care if I heard the conversation.

There had been trouble. The man that had written the ransom notes was dead and one of the guards that I had played cards with as well. The fax machine had immediately been identified during the first transmission. The stupid fool had thought the same site would be safe to use again and had sent more than one message from it.

I could hear the uncle declare that Maria was still safe because both of the men had been killed before they could give up the operation. He then started berating her for not being more careful. He was telling her that she was going to have to kill her subject to save herself. "No, not yet. I will get some money out of this yet."

"Money is no good to you if you are dead, cara mia. I will not come to you again until this is all resolved, foolish one. I trust you are no danger to me, but I can't take chances. Adios, Maria."

Maria came and took the blankets down after I heard someone ascend the stairs. She was very subdued. From this I could tell she was dreading having to kill me. I wasn't much looking forward to dying either. "So, cara mia, it looks as if we both have a problem."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't think you want to kill me. Look Maria, I read, write and speak Spanish. I have understood everything I have heard since I was abducted. I have read the newspapers you left for me. I am beginning to be a little concerned, which I haven't been up until now. You have lost two of your helpers. The others must be pretty scared about now. I don't think you could kill me, but they might.

"The way I see it is you have to save face with your people and you have to make sure no one else gets killed. That would include me. I will make a one-time offer. Trust me, I'm serious about this. If you won't accept it, I will take my chances on being freed before you kill me. You will have to take your own chances until then"

"I'll listen."

I made my proposal. There was going to have to be an unbelievable amount of trust on Maria's side. From her perspective, she was going to have to trust me not to identify her as my abductor after I gained my freedom. I also promised to send a certain amount of money from my personal accounts as soon as I reached home. Her only alternative was to kill me--or have me killed.

She actually discussed this with me and came to the conclusion if she ordered it done, because she was not up to the doing the deed herself, she never would have any credibility the rest of her life. If she freed me because I made a promise to pay a ransom and actually came through for her, well her credibility would be raised to unbelievable heights.

The noon meal came to me as usual. Shortly afterward Maria and my three guards went up the stairs leaving no one in the basement room and me in my cell alone ... This was the first time this had happened. There was no evening meal today. I was getting worried. Was I going to be disposed of? Why feed me if they were going to kill me. By my watch it was nine when I heard Maria coming down the stairs.

She came to the cell and unlocked the door. "Daveed, follow me." She turned and walked to the stairs. I was still standing in the cell doorway with my mouth open. She paused and then beckoned. "Come Daveed, you are a free man. Would you like to take a shower? I will give you a soft bed to sleep in tonight and we then will give you transport into Cartagena. We have your bags with your clothes. By tonight you will be home with your family."

I hurried after my captor and up three flights of stairs behind her. I began to think I was a free man. I mean, I was following this lovely young woman and could reach ahead of me and touch her if I so desired. I had watched and looked at this woman for a little more than five weeks. I suspect I knew as much about her as she did her own self.

She led me into a room fronting onto a street where I could have stepped out through the window. She turned and faced me. "The bath is through that door. When you get clean and shaved, I will join you for your late evening meal. The other three men that you have known so well recently don't trust you as much as I do. They have left the premises."

I could smell food cooking when Maria opened a door which I assumed led to a kitchen. I took my shower and shaved. I gloried in the hot water running down over my body and the scented soap that was at hand to use. When I returned to the room, I opened my bags and pulled out a robe that was much wrinkled. There was one pair of pajamas that were slightly ripe, but I found a pair that were clean. I put my robe on over these and went to the door that Maria had passed through.

Maria was seated with a young girl in her teens. She indicated for me to sit at a place that had been set. Just then an older woman came in and started serving us. Introductions were made. "This is my sister Pia and this is my mother, Inez, who is graciously serving us." She smiled, but I don't think the mother was feeling that gracious. She didn't look it anyway.

There was wine--a red and I would guess it was local for there was no label on it. The meat was veal. There was a vegetable stew--I had had that before, and there was fresh baked bead. Pia, not realizing I spoke Spanish asked, "He is handsome for an old man. Are you going to sleep with him tonight?"

"Do you think I should?"

"If he was younger I certainly would think about it."

I spoke in Spanish, not wanting to embarrass the young lady. "Don't you think experience should count for something, cara mia?"

Pia's face turned red and she glared at Maria and then both girls laughed. I eased her embarrassment by telling her I had a daughter a little younger than she. I directed her to my bags to get a wallet that I used to carry pictures. There was a picture of Roger and my deceased wife which brought on more explanations about my family. I explained that I also had another son, which I had just discovered recently. So recently, I didn't have an image of him.

Did I have anyone I was interested in? "Yes. It is the mother of this other son. We were estranged before the boy was born, but now my son is back in my life, I have thought about her a lot. Especially in the last few weeks when I have had time to do some thinking."

This was a leisurely dinner and it was eleven before I was able to go to bed. I complimented Maria's mother and told her she was a wonderful cook and had two beautiful daughters. I don't know which compliment brought forth a smile--maybe both. My being a hostage down in the basement was not touched on at all during the evening.

I slid into a queen-sized bed finally. I was almost asleep when I felt someone slide in beside me. I turned and kissed the woman using my hands to explore this person. She did the same and soon we came together. She was willing to give herself to me totally, but just before I erupted, I withdrew. I wanted no future complication in my life. I made the correct choice as we clung together, I received a whispered, thank you. And then I slept.

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