Wyrm World - Cover

Wyrm World

Copyright© 2010 by Shakes Peer2B

Chapter 6

Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez! Klyphon's call in the Speech woke Rosa from the first sleep she'd had since the Conquerors came out of hyperspace. You must not attack! I am coming to pick you up. Be ready!

Klyphon? What's this about? Lilyann Victoria Geesh?

Klyphon's right, Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez. Lily's Voice, fraught with tension, reinforced that of her Bond-mate. There are Riders among the Conquerors!

What?! How can that be?

The Conquerors' world has hosted dragons for centuries, and many of them have become Riders, Lily answered, though, from what I gather, their larger size and the heavier gravity of their planet dictate that neither Wyrm nor rider can stay aloft for long. Still, it is long enough for Bonding.

But what does this mean for us? Rosa asked, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Will the Wyrms side with the Conquerors?

Rest easy, Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez, Klyphon told her, no bonded Wyrm would turn against his or her Bond-mate, but neither can we kill the Bonded of other Wyrms, no matter the species. At least, not without trying to reason with them first.

Reason? Rosa snorted. We tried to reason with them when they came to Earth. We found them to be less than reasonable.

We must try, nonetheless, Klyphon soothed. We dragons have, perhaps, a bit more of what you would call 'leverage'. Stand up. I am here.

Rosa pulled herself to her feet and stepped away from the bushes she had been using for cover. The talons closing about her, in contrast to the first time she had felt them, now felt reassuring. With some altitude under them, Klyphon performed a slow roll that allowed his rider to scramble from his talons to her accustomed seat between his shoulder plates.

The Conquerors had landed near the original crash site, and it didn't take Klyphon long to reach them, but he circled for a few minutes waiting for Lily and Nortrun. When they arrived, they were accompanied by a steel blue dragon with orange belly plates.

Who is this? Rosa asked of the new Wyrm.

I am Marstrac, the blue and orange dragon answered on his own behalf. I journeyed here from Nis, the planet from which the Nismalfen, whom you call Conquerors, originate. Nismalfen is their name for themselves. If you are not familiar with their language, you should take care to add the 'fen' suffix to their name, as it designates them as sentient.

I am aware of the importance of the suffixes used by these creatures in their naming of species, Rosa answered, her Voice dripping with venom. They call us 'Snemalwen'. In their language, that designates us as sub-sentient primates, and therefore worthy only as slaves. In my book, that alone makes them Nismalnen - unthinking creatures from Nis!

For these negotiations, Marstrac answered, it would be best if you did not use that appellation. The Nis did not bring their Wyrms, but some of them are Bonded back on their home world, including their leader. This gives us an opportunity for negotiation that would not otherwise have been possible. Please use it wisely.

Greetings, Guinmor Thustorul Qinderran! the new Wyrm Spoke to one of the Conquerors who stood apart from the others. It is long since I have Spoken with the Nismalfen. Once, Jufral Moerfindal Doismakal Frudajat was my rider on your heavy planet. How does time find you?

It finds me puzzled, the Conqueror, Thustorul, who was clearly a Rider, and therefore female, answered. How is it that a race as wise as the Jalmalfen comes to be in company with primitives such as these? Surely you will not stand between us and the retribution that is ours by right of conquest.

I, Marstrac, having a stronger bond with the Nismalfen than the humans, will not, but my brothers and cousins, having Bond-mates among the humans will most assuredly protect their Bonds, and since many of us are Bonded by blood and birth with one another, if you choose to wage war on these humans, you will be waging war on most of the Jalmalfen, or Wyrms, as we call ourselves, of this world.

Thustorul thought for a moment, unaware that Lily could track her thoughts. She did not want to wage war on the dragons, since she was Bonded to one back on Nis, but it went against every tenet of her warrior culture to allow members of a subjugated race to go unpunished. Finally, she came up with what she thought was an equitable solution.

Very well, she said in a Voice heavy with reluctance, Give us the leaders, the humans called Rosa Gutierrez and Arno Vogel, and we will go, leaving the others in your care.

Rosa's cheeks flamed at the unmitigated arrogance of the request, but she kept her Voice under control as she replied, cutting off whatever response Marstrac had intended.

I am Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez, she Said, and this is my Bond-Mate, Klyphon. I am also Bonded with Arno Lukas Vogel. I do not think that we shall turn ourselves over to you. You have already killed and enslaved too many of the people of our race. It stops here.

Rosa had become adept at reading the signs of Conquerors' emotion evinced by facial expressions and the shifting colors of their leathery skins, and was shocked to see surprise from Thustorul.

You Speak?! But you are Snemalwen (sub-sentient primates)! How is this possible?

We are and have always been Snemalfen (sentient primates). You arrogant Nismalnen, she spat as she delivered the insult, have simply assumed that since we did not have weapons as powerful as yours, that we could not be sentient. You never deigned to learn our language or listened when we tried to tell you the truth in your language!

Thustorul, her hide gone blue with anger, and her teeth beginning to show, replied, Come down from your mount and face me in combat then, Drumalwen (non-sentient worm), and prove that we have been wrong!

Rosa dismounted and marched toward the stocky alien, feeling the power building within her as she pointed her palm.

Do not kill her! Lily's command registered on Rosa's brain just as she felt the energy within her reach the point of exploding outward.

Shifting her aim infinitesimally in that last instant, Rosa managed to hit Thustorul's weapon as it was coming into firing position instead of its bearer. Even with the change of target, had the Conqueror not been wearing her armor, she would have been destroyed by the violence of the explosion that vaporized her weapon and blew her three meters back toward the others of her command.

Seeing their leader blasted backward, many of the others loosed charges from their blasters at Rosa, only to see them dissipated against the energy shield that Lily had thrown up.

"Cease firing!" Thustorul commanded in her language, as she sprang to her feet, "Can you not see that one of the Jalmalfen is Jalmalfus?" (dragon of power)

Bowing toward Nortrun, she Said, My apologies, Jalmalfus. I did not mean to offend.

Amusement filled Nortrun's Voice as he answered, I am not offended, Guinmor Thustorul Qinderran, but perhaps you should be apologizing to the mage. Her name is Lilyann Victoria Geesh. I believe, in your language, she would be called Snemalfus.

Surprise and consternation rippled across Thustorul's hide as Lily dismounted and sketched a brief bow toward the leader of the Conquerors.

Actually, if I am to believe my Bond-mate, in your language I would be called, more appropriately, Snemalfus-den (loosely translated as super-powered primate). I think, however, that it is time for many misunderstandings to be swept aside. You, Guinmor Thustorul Qinderran, are not so different from Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez. Each of you is a female of great intellect and power in your own right. You have better technology. Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez has different weapons, as you have seen, and she has me. I think it is time both put aside their weapons and Spoke as equals.

Thustorul looked at the blackened glove of her armor, and shook her three-fingered hand as if it still smarted from the explosion.

Such power, she Said, without weapons! Are all humans so endowed?

Rosa smiled and allowed her amusement to enter her Voice as she replied, These are. She swept her arm above her head, indicating the Riders and dragons that now circled overhead. Every Rider among us can do as I did, not only to your weapons, but to your armor and the bodies within them.

Thustorul looked up, surprised at the number of Riders she saw. Doubt and concern chased each other across the visible hide of her face within its helmet.

This will be difficult to explain, she Said, as if Speaking to herself, but reparations are owed. Procedures must be reviewed.

Suddenly, there was an electric hum. Her armor's helmet pivoted backward, exposing Thustorul's head. A seam appeared in one side of her armor and widened rapidly until the armor stood open like a clamshell and Thustorul stepped free. Turning to her troops, she addressed them in their language, while Lily translated for the humans and Wyrms.

"We, the Nismalfen, have made a terrible mistake! These beings whom we deemed Snemalwen, are, in truth, Snemalfen. Many of them are, in fact, Snemalfus. I will offer my life in the hope that they will accept this as payment for our error. I do not expect them to deem one life worth the many that we have taken from them, but I must do this in the hope that they will allow some of you to return to Nis and to Urth to carry the word. At this time, you must lay down your weapons and remove your armor, that the Snemalfus may take what retribution they deem necessary."

As one, the Conquerors laid their weapons on the ground, opened their armor and stepped out of it. When Thustorul prostrated herself at Rosa's feet, maintaining strict military precision, the entire contingent followed suit.

Rosa, taken aback, looked to Lily for guidance.

By their code, Lily told her, their lives are in your hands. You may choose to end them or not. This is the code by which they live and die.

I - I did not expect this! Rosa told her, shaken. I was ready for battle and perfectly willing to kill them all if necessary, to protect our people, but not this! What am I to do?

I cannot advise you further, Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez.


They expect you to take at least one life, Klyphon replied, almost uninterested. Would you like me to kill one for you? I am not hungry, but I could still eat.

I do not think that would sit well with Marstrac, but I thank you for the offer. Guinmor Thustorul Qinderran, rise and advise me. We must have blood if this is to be put behind us, but I would not waste the life of the greatest among you - she who, at last, recognized the error of the Nismalfen. Translate for me, please.

Puzzled Thustorul stood and came to stand beside Rosa as she addressed the prostrated troops.

Say this and tell them it is from me: There is one among you who is least. Let that one come forward.

As Thustorul translated, Rosa Spoke to Lily. Do I really have to do this? I have never killed anyone before.

I know, and I wish there was another way, but I think Klyphon is right. They will not respect you or us, even though their code says they must acknowledge our power. I will offer what comfort I can, but like your first Bonding, this is a burden that your conscience must bear, whether you go through with it or not.

To Rosa's surprise, the trooper in the leftmost position of the rear rank rose as soon as Thustorul finished speaking, and marched forward.

By the definition of our ranking system, this trooper, a male, as he with the fewest accomplishments in battle, is the least among us, the Conqueror leader Said. But surely his life is worth less than mine. Would not my life be a more suitable repayment for the wrong done your people?

Suddenly, the picture became much clearer for Rosa, as Thustorul practically begged to be taken instead of the trooper.

Lily, can you translate this for the rest of the Nismalfen?

Sure, if I project it using the Speech.

Do it.

It is precisely because your life is of greater value that I choose not to waste it, she told the commander, this is not to dishonor you or your people. Someone must return, as you told your troops, to Earth, and to Nis. That one must not only be important enough to be heard, but must know the situation well enough to tell it properly. Who else within your command can do this?

Comprehension dawned for Thustorul, but doubt still existed.

That is well for me, but logic would dictate then that my second in command be your choice.

Nismalfen logic, perhaps, Rosa replied, but among my people, we abhor waste. It is our hope that from this great tragedy can come something greater for both races, perhaps, though it is early to hope for so much, even alliance. Should we, then, weaken such a strong potential ally by destroying the greatest among them? If my understanding of the Nismalfen code is correct, you can no longer be our enemy, and you will make a better friend, if friend you are to be, if you are as strong as possible.

Surprise again swept colors across the Nismalfen's body, and was reflected in the bodies of the troops.

This Snemalfen logic will take some getting used to, Thustorul replied, but I must admit that it has merit. Tell me, Snemalfus, if we are to be friends, what sort of friends will your people be?

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