Wyrm World - Cover

Wyrm World

Copyright© 2010 by Shakes Peer2B

Chapter 4

Arno stumbled and almost fell as Klyphon released him, but there was no help for it. Wyrms were not built for hovering, and even when they managed it, because of the length of their tails they had to stay too far above the ground for it to be a useful maneuver for discharging passengers held in their talons. Klyphon had slowed almost to stall speed and released Arno just above the ground, but the human was grateful for the fact that the chosen landing spot was carpeted with grass. The problem was, it was also half a mile from the village.

"Pretty poor planning on our part," he grumbled. "Putting the village so far from the nearest grass. Of course, who knew we'd be getting around by dragon?"

Not being Bonded with a dragon, he had no way of knowing how much of a strain it had been for Klyphon to keep him and Rosa aloft for the duration of Lily's Bonding. If he had, he might have had a little more appreciation for the Wyrm's consideration.

Rosa, though, knew how tired her Bond-mate was and dismounted quickly when he landed in the space near the hut.

I'm sorry to have tired you, Klyphon, she told him, and I thank you for bringing Arno along. Eat well, Bond-mate. You have done a splendid night's work.

Tell your man, Klyphon snorted, as he launched himself wearily skyward, that if he wants to ride again, not to eat so much.

That's hardly fair, Klyphon, Rosa replied, hurt on Arno's behalf. I, too, had recently eaten, and more than I am accustomed to.

I know, Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez, but you are hardly bigger than a pincktor, and a feast for you is one bite for me. Your man is bigger than a mantrega and eats like a Wyrm. Fear not, Bond-mate, I will be in a better mood after I have fed.

Rosa watched in the light, now, of three moons, as Klyphon gained altitude, then glided on outstretched wings to rest his tired flying muscles. Just as he folded his wings and dove upon some animal that he hoped to have for his dinner, Arno trudged into the clearing.

"You know," he said testily, "I used to fly First-class before the Conquerors came. Now I'm reduced to dangling from the claws of some beast if I fly at all. And then the arrivals terminal is half a mile from baggage claim."

"Oh, hush," Rosa said lightly, taking him by the arm and leading him into the hut. "If it weren't for Klyphon you'd have been left here trying to guess what those specks in the moonlight were doing. And I resent the implication that I'm baggage that you must claim."

"What were they doing, Rosa," Arno asked, kicking off his boots and ignoring her attempt at a good-natured jibe. "I mean, I realize that Lily was Bonding with that dragon, but what was up with all those other dragons and everybody making such a big fuss over her? They didn't do that when you or Wendy Bonded."

"No, they didn't, and yes, I owe you an explanation, but I don't suppose I could talk you into waiting a little while for it," She slipped out of her clothes as she spoke, then knelt before her lover, struggling with his belt. "I'm horny as hell, and we've got some other unfinished business to take care of..."

Arno drew in his breath sharply as she freed his erection and took it into her mouth, finally gasping his answer. "Okay, uh, maybe a few minutes, uhuh, but..."

"I promise," Rosa purred, before taking his entire length and burying her nose in his pubic hair, "Later, I will tell you all about Lily and Mages. More than you ever wanted to know."

Arno forgot about his question as they made love. Rosa was, indeed, horny, having picked up Klyphon's excitement from his proximity to the Bonding they had just witnessed. It didn't take long for Arno to be ready for her, and Rosa, hungry for his love, didn't hesitate to take him within her as he rose above her supine body.

As Arno's hardness filled her, Rosa eagerly wrapped her legs around him and drew him deep inside her. She had waited for her sex to lose its tenderness after her own bonding, but it had not been easy, and now, at last, she and her lover could be together. Granted, Arno was not as big as Klyphon, but he was her lover and they shared a bond that she could never have with the dragon, didn't they?

But something was different. Arno was not the kind, considerate lover to whom she had grown accustomed. Savagely, he slammed his pelvis into hers, as if he was trying to hurt her. He couldn't, of course, not that way, not after what she had endured with Klyphon, but the fact that he was trying was more than a little disconcerting.

"Arno?" she asked softly, but got no response. He just kept pounding away at her, like he was trying to prove something. "Arno!"

Still no response.

Now, having completely lost the moment, Rosa tried to push him off, but Arno was determined to finish what he had started. Like a savage beast, he plundered her sex with no thought for her or for their love.

Suddenly, Lily's presence was there, not physically, but as it had been after the Bonding, and the next thing Rosa knew, she and Arno were connected as if they had bonded.

Now, Lily told them gently, communicate.

The Mage was gone, but neither of them noticed as, suddenly, Rosa knew like she was feeling it herself, the pain, frustration, humiliation and anger that had been building in Arno since he first learned of her Bonding with Klyphon; a pain that had not been helped by her peremptory treatment of him earlier that evening.

For his part, Arno now felt the enormous burden that Rosa carried as leader of the refugees. He also felt the incredible joy of her bond with Klyphon and the warmth that the dragon instilled in her heart. Just as renewed jealousy began to feed his pain and anger, however, he realized the even greater warmth and love that Rosa felt for him, and the pain and confusion that his actions were causing her.

Arno froze above his lover as they gazed in shock into each other's eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" they told each other simultaneously.

"Oh, Arno," Rosa said softly, stroking his hair, "I never meant to hurt you. Yes, I treasure my Bond with Klyphon, but it can never replace what I feel for you!"

"I - I see that now, baby," Arno replied, "I've been selfish and haven't thought about the problems you're facing. I should have trusted you. I should have trusted our love."

Can you hear me like this, Arno? Rosa asked in the Speech.

Why, yes! Yes I can! Does this mean we're Bonded?

I don't know, Rosa answered. Lily did something to us, but I don't know what. Lilyann Victoria Geesh!

Yes, dear? Lily answered, her tone conveying innocent curiosity.

What did you do to us? Why does Arno now have the Speech?

I? What makes you think I did anything?

Mage you may be, Lilyann Victoria Geesh, but I am a Rider and I felt your presence when this happened. Now what did you do?

Okay, okay, Lily's laughter could be felt in her Speech. I just thought you two needed a better way to communicate what you were feeling for each other.

That doesn't answer my question, Mage.

I gave you empathy, dear. That's all. And I gave Arno the Speech. Your beautiful love was about to become a train wreck, so I thought I would see if I could facilitate better understanding between you.

And you didn't think that was a tad intrusive? What were you doing, mentally watching us have sex?

Actually, I was minding my own business, learning how to be a mage, until your Bond-mate asked for my help, Lily answered. You have to remember that he feels what you feel. He showed remarkable restraint in not tearing that little shack apart to get at the man who was hurting you. If he had followed his instincts, Arno would have been toast, literally.

Klyphon? Rosa asked, suddenly concerned about her dragon.

My instinct is to protect you, Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez, Klyphon answered, but I know how much you care for that ... man, so I sought the help of someone who might be able to come up with a better solution than killing him.

Are you jealous, Klyphon?

Jealous? That is a human emotion. Wyrms do not get jealous, Klyphon practically huffed. We simply protect our Riders.

You are! Rosa exclaimed. I don't care what you call it, Bond-mate. You're jealous! Okay, this has got to stop! You know I love you in a way that I could never love Arno, but my love for him must take precedence. He is, after all, of the same species, and together we can have children. I don't think that's possible with you, Bond-mate.

No, Klyphon sighed, of course it is not. It is just ... You are my first Bond-mate, Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez, and it is hard to understand these feelings.

Do you not have a female Wyrm as Bond-mate?

I have not Bonded with another Wyrm as yet. I do hope that will happen soon. It is frustrating being Bonded to someone who has another Bond-mate.

I will try not to be jealous when the right Wyrm comes along for you, Klyphon, and I understand what you're going through, but you and I must keep our Bond separate from the one I have with Arno. Can we do that, Bond-mate? I do not want to have to choose between the two of you.

I will try, Rosalinda Maria Gutierrez, if you will come riding again soon.

I will, but I'd really appreciate it if everyone would butt out for a while and let Arno and I finish what we started.

Wait a minute, Lily, Arno interjected, apparently having been busy with his own thoughts while Rosa was dealing with Klyphon. If you can do this for us, can you make it possible for men to Bond with dragons?

No, Lily replied sadly, at least not in that way. The Bond is as much physical as it is energetic. Empathy was just a matter of tuning your auras to interact better. With the Bond, a part of your dragon must become a part of you so that your body knows what his body feels. This is very difficult to accomplish with men.

You say a part of the dragon must become part of me, Arno said thoughtfully, but what if part of me became part of the dragon? Wouldn't that work?

No, Lily answered, humans do not have the necessary attributes to impart to another being that would create a Bond. I know you are wondering if having sex with a female dragon will do the job. It won't. As I said, it is very difficult.

Difficult... Arno mused, but not impossible.

Very difficult, Arno.

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