The Power of the Church
Copyright© 2010 by niteowluk99
Chapter 4
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Reverand Deacons was taking confessional when he was given a heaven sent opportunity to create a youthful harem for his own devious ends.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Mult Consensual NonConsensual Coercion Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Slut Wife Cuckold Incest Mother Son BDSM DomSub Spanking Group Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Fisting Sex Toys Water Sports Exhibitionism Voyeurism Big Breasts
At the next meeting; they were all there, all except Samantha Deacons; who for one reason or another was still excluded from the activities of the RJDH, (Reverend James Deacons Harem). As they arrived Peggy brought with her George Smythes the forward boy who had shown the initiative to put his fingers into Peggy's over heated cunt; John Jenkins brought a rather pretty girl of eighteen; she was five three very slim and with 38C breasts; oh yes and her name was Barbara Cowelly but preferred to be called Babs; Whilst Garth Lukes brought a seventeen year old plumpish girl called Lucy Baines; along with her large frame she had large tits which the reverend estimated to be 44DD.
Reverend Deacons stood in the centre of the circle and slowly turned looking at each person present; as he did so his mind began formulate a plan of action. He was already looking forward to seeing Lucy's large tits and comparing them with Bab's smaller oval melons. Just then the reverend spoke, "you all know why you're here, to be punished for your satanic actions of lust and inner desires! The newer ones here will not be aware but as the ones been here before will explain, everything here is done naked, in the nude so there is no hiding behind false modesty! So everyone undress now and I mean undress fully or face harsher punishments!"
Peggy, Garth and John instantly began to undress and as they did so they tried to hurry along the other three; fearing they may be punished alongside the new comers if the reverend saw fit. Soon all six youths were fully undressed the three newcomers trying their very best to hide charms from all the prying eyes. The air was pierced once more by the authoritive voice of Reverend Deacons as he ordered the three newcomers hands tied behind their backs. The three usual victims instantly seized their nearest newcomer and began to tie them up and once they were secured, the reverend stepped forward, he too was naked and sporting a semi hard nine inch cock which seemed to Babs and Lucy to be pointing in their direction.
Instantly the reverend ordered Garth to suck on George's cock at which George began to try to pull away until Peggy and John held him tight; soon the passion of his now hard six inch boner over took his desire to back away and he actually began to thrust into Garth's mouth; meanwhile reverend was busy feeling both the new girls tits; he made sure that each one saw what he was doing to the other one and made them answer his demands of how they liked having their nipples pinched or twisted or pulled. Pretty soon the atmosphere was one of rampant lust as the reverend suggested it was ok now to untie the three newcomers and for the group to pair up in to one male; one female; couples. Then he had the males get on the floor and had the girls climb on and sink the males cocks into their cunts; now he announced a human form of a donkey derby where at the command go the Females were to ride hard and fast on the men's cocks and the first one to make their partner cum had won; however the males were warned that the first one to cum would receive four spanks from everyone else present and the placing of those spanks would be at the discretion of the person administering them.
When all were ready he shouted go and there was a flurry of activity as the three pairing rode as if their lives depended on it. For Lucy with the 44DD tits things took an unexpected twist when the reverend came up behind her and suddenly grabbed a firm hold on her right nipple whilst forcing his cock up against her anal ring. Persistent pushing soon had his cock buried up her arse and he felt every single thrust of John; through the then membrane separating her cunt from her arse; ignoring her cries of pain he reached around and began to really work her nipples between his fingers while looking directly at the arse of Bab's as it bounced on Garth cock. When he saw her looking back towards him he mouthed the words your arse is next my fuck slut of a bitch.
Poor John never really stood a chance as the feel of the reverend's thick cock pressing against his own as he fucked Lucy's cunt proved too much as he suddenly spurted his load deep inside her; Lucy screamed, "I won, I've won!"
The reverend interrupted her by saying not really bitch because it was as much my cock up your arse as your cunt muscles which caused John to spurt; but to show no favouritism; George get here now and suck Lucy's cunt and make sure you get all the spunk from her cunt, you little cuckold!
Realising now was not the time to try to resist; Peggy got off George's cock and allowed him to crawl over to Lucy where as soon as John's cock slipped from her cunt it was replaced by George's sucking mouth. The reverend then slowly licked the entire length of John's sticky cock before pulling his own cock out of Lucy's arse and making John clean his cock up.
Now the reverend informed everyone they were going to form a daisy chain, male to female with each person sucking the genitals of the person in front, he would then decide who he was going to fuck next and would join in at that point without breaking the chain. What the reverend did not know was that this time someone had been a little lax and had not locked the basement door; because in the shadows of the basement Samantha Deacons now watched the action unfolding.
Her initial reaction was one of sheer outrage that her husband more than three times the age of these youths was taking sexual advantage of them whilst neglecting his own wife's needs; but somehow along the way as she watched she began to concentrate more and more on the young willing cocks and the fact that they never seemed to go soft and it began to turn her on; so much so that she soon had her hand up her skirt rubbing her shaved knickerless cunt. Not only that but such were her passions that she rapidly had three fingers buried in her steaming hot cunt and was licking her lips at the desire to suck not one of those young cocks but two into her mouth at once. She mentally shocked herself for she had only seen a woman sucking two cocks at once; once before in a porno film she had seen with a bi sexual female with whom she had once had a three month affair.
Such were her passions that Samantha could not help herself as her first orgasm in months broke, she screamed out which led to her discovery, but her discovery was not so one sided as when she was discovered her tits were out, her nipples were stretched and angry looking from where she had twisted and pulled on them as her fingers worked their magic inside her cunt.
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