04 Wanderer - Cover

04 Wanderer

Copyright© 2009 Banzai Ben and Amazing Anastasia

Chapter 18

Flashback – Jack – Late Day four, week one of spook school

She was dressed in a skin tight black dress and white pearls. She looked both familiar and awesome. I almost shit my pants when she said (with a heavy Russian accent), "Hello dollink Malodorous Moose, is Squirrel also ready for dinner."

Banzai walked over and I laughed, "Yes Ms. Fatale we are both ready for dinner."

Banzai gave me a baffled look as we headed out into the hallway and locked the door; I leaned over and whispered to him, "She's become Natasha Fatale."

It was like a light bulb went on over his head as he smiled and asked, "Excuse me Ms. Fatale, might I take your hand?"

Flashback – Mira (Natasha Fatale) – Late Day four, week one of spook school

Yes, tonight I was not the girl-next-door Mira, I was Ms. Natasha Fatale, the femme fatale from the famous old American cartoon, Rocky and Bullwinkle. I was overjoyed because my new appearance certainly had my L.Cpl. Blaine's interest, especially when he asked, "Excuse me Ms. Fatale, might I take your hand?" I terribly wanted to take his hand, but restrained myself, stayed in character and said, "No, is my hand dollink, you have your own."

I was still distraught knowing that my boyfriend had defiled himself with some trollop last night and possibly this morning. And while he may think he had successfully avoided the issue, there would still be a price which he must pay: But later, not now.

Flashback – Ben (Rocky) – Late Day four, week one of spook school

It was like I stepped into Mr. Peabody's WABAC1 machine and was transported to my very early youth. So Mira was Natasha Fatale (I had always had the hots for her and she was playing the part perfectly, even down to the heavy Russian accent), Jack was Bullwinkle J. Moose and I was Rocket J. Squirrel. This should prove to be a very entertaining and interesting evening. I wracked my brain trying to remember some of the better lines which Rocky used.

1 WABAC Machine - Pronounced "way-back", a special time machine Mr. Peabody used to examine historical events. WABAC was partially a play on names of early computers such as UNIVAC and ENIAC.

We walked to the mess hall. Mira was in front and was certainly putting on quite a show in her skin tight dress. I asked, "Excuse me Miss Fatale, where is Boris Badenov tonight?"

She replied, "Silly Squirrel, if I knew I not tell you. But you must be sure he is up to no-goodnik."

Jack chimed in, "Gee Rocky, perhaps you should go look for him?" The old fart wanted Natasha all to himself and I sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen. I was still pissed that he might have nailed her.

I replied, "Hokey Smoke Bullwinkle, isn't that your job?"

Natasha answered, "Malodorous Moose and Squirrel, if you talk more about Boris tonight I not eat with you."

Jack just smiled at me - shit the old fart was having even more fun than I was.

Flashback – Jack (Bullwinkle) – Late Day four, week one of spook school

Mira was a hell-of-a-woman! Shit most men would have been happy to just have the normal Mira. In fact I still wondered if I had hit her, but I knew better than to bring up that subject again as she was touchy as a pregnant pit bull about it. Then there was the hotter than a firecracker girl-next-door-Mira; now the sexy and sultry femme-fatale-Mira; daaaammmn could she ever play dress up! I was going to have visions to fill my wet dreams for the rest of my life.

Major M gave Banzai orders to behave himself around her, but he forgot about such an order for me. I figure I had a chance, even if it was slim, to hit her one more time!

Even with as much fun as it was walking behind her, I needed to make my move so I slipped up beside her, she looked over and me a said, "What Malodorous Moose doing walking beside me?"

I heard from her other side, "Excuse me Ms. Fatale did you forget me?" Shit Rocky, I mean Banzai had followed my lead.

She gave a throaty laugh and replied, "Do not be silly, I not forget either of you."

We fought over opening the door for her and Rocky won, she said, "Thank you dollink Squirrel for door. Malodorous Moose will get chair for me."

We walked into the mess hall and it went instantly silent.

Flashback – Mira (Natasha Fatale) – Late Day four, week one of spook school

So far my secret plan performed flawlessly, I had captured the total attention of my boyfriend and unfortunately the stinky Sgt. Reynolds. At least he stopped talking about training me - that was very bothersome. Tonight was such a brilliant success I could hardly wait for tomorrow night.

We walked into the mess hall and it went soundless: This time it was for me, not my Marine escorts. I reveled in having control of the situation once again. As we headed towards our table the students already occupying it grabbed their plates and scattered. Sgt. Reynolds held my chair for me as I sat and said, "Thank you dollink Malodorous Moose. Dollink Squirrel, be so kind as to get Natasha drink of water." I nearly expressed mirth when he practically fell getting up from the table.

Malodorous Moose said after Squirrel left, "Natasha, might I make your MRE for you?"

I bathed in the attention but responded, "Dollink Malodorous Moose try to poison Natasha with nasty Country Captain Chicken MRE? I upset and think I not eat with you!"

The expression on his face was as comical as the real Bullwinkle, especially when my boyfriend showed up and said, "Hokey Smoke Bullwinkle, give me that MRE. Natasha can have my Meat Loaf MRE."

I smiled and thanked him, "Thank you Squirrel, it good to see one of you know how to treat a lady."

I wanted some time alone with my boyfriend so I asked, "Malodorous Moose please be kind enough to fetch real utensils and napkins for table."

Malodorous Moose said, "Certainly Natasha." and scurried away from our table. I looked at L.Cpl. Blaine and asked, "So dollink, you enjoy little show Natasha give tonight?"

He grinned at me and fell out of character when he replied, "Yes Mira, I'm having great fun! Are you having fun too?"

I scolded, "Silly Squirrel, call Natasha by another woman's name. He not learn from earlier mistake?"

It was great fun to watch my boyfriend crimson at the gentle reminder of his earlier transgressions, but now I needed to address something else, "Tell me Squirrel why you smell so different earlier today?"

Flashback – Ben (Rocky) – Late Day four, week one of spook school

Shit! I thought Mira was going to let things slide about last night - I should have known better. She was much too smart and sharp to let me off the hook. I couldn't stop the blush when Mira asked me about last night and this morning. I'd been so distracted by her, I hadn't figured out a plausible lie and Jack was long gone so there was no hope of an interruption.

I looked down at the table and said, "Mira ... Natasha, I'm ashamed to admit it. But I don't remember what I did last night because I was so upset after you left me, I got drunk." I hoped that the mostly truth and little lie would work and waited to see her reaction.

Flashback – Mira (Natasha Fatale) – Late Day four, week one of spook school

I never comprehended why men tried to lie to women! Even a blonde with a vacuous cranium was astute enough to uncover their feeble attempts. My boyfriend had just told me a partial lie, and I should be upset about it. However, I recognized the little lie was an attempt to try to make me feel better but also to keep me from damaging him.

However I did comprehend that something happened to him last night and he really did not remember. I smiled and replied, "That okay Squirrel, perhaps you go little nutty from eat too many nuts?"

Stinky Sgt. Reynolds walked up and added, "Yes that's a problem with Rocky, he likes his nuts too much and goes batty. In fact he should be a bat not a Squirrel."

Squirrel replied, "Hey Bullwinkle, pull this out of your hat." And then showed Sgt. Reynolds the inappropriate digit, I fought back extreme mirth!

Malodorous Moose responded, "Hey Rocky why don't you learn what moose shit tastes like because you can kiss my ass!"

Yes I was once again in control and had men fighting over me! Unfortunately it was counterproductive so I reprimanded, "Malodorous Moose and Squirrel were warned about acting improperly. Now ruin Natasha's dinner and must be banished to different table. Leave Natasha's table!"

They both looked shocked, but did not move so I picked up my items, looked at them and announced, "Fine, Malodorous Moose and Squirrel not leave, then I leave." I walked to a different table and knew every eye in the dining hall was following my actions.

Flashback – Ben – Late Day four, week one of spook school

As we watched Mira leave the table, I looked at Jack and bellyached, "Thanks a lot for driving Mira away!"

He laughed and said, "Come on Banzai, can't you see that it's all part of her plan? She left the table as a way of exerting her control over us and frankly I'm glad she's gone. While she's a hell of a little actress and I love the hell out of her dress up costumes, I'm getting pretty damn tired of all of her mind games."

I blinked at Jack, thought about what he said and realized he was right. I grinned and replied, "Shit Jack, you're right."

He interrupted, "Right as rain! So what the hell really happened to you last night?"

I looked at the cagey old bastard and said, "I could ask you the same question!"

He admitted, "I guess it's better if we let sleeping devil dogs lie."

Then he held out his fist, I bumped his fist with mine and we chorused, "Semper Fi until we die!"

Jack changed the subject, "By the way, thanks for the help with Major M today. For a bit I thought my tit was in a ringer."

I grinned, "And thanks for keeping me from killing the bastard. When he threatened Mira I don't know what came over me. So what's your take on him?"

Jack got a faraway look in his eyes and replied, "I've been in the Corps most of my life and have heard enough bullshit to drown all the politicians in DC several times over. When I was in Nam, there were stories about a special branch of the Marines which did 'things' extremely outside the norm for the Corps – lots of covert missions with high body counts. Of course we all just blew it off as feel-good BS. The same stories arose again in Grenada and again I dismissed them. Then I've heard rumors about 'special' mercenary missions throughout the world – but much too professionally done to be done by mercs and it's made me wonder about the rumors. And after meeting Major Fucking M, I'm pretty sure those rumors are true."

I thought about what Jack said. Seeing it was in line with what I believed I added, "Well, I had a feeling that M was more spook than Marine. The honor is there, but he's not totally clean."

Jack nodded his head and complimented my thinking, "Damn Banzai, you're getting smarter all the time."

I smiled, "That's because I've got the best teacher in the world."

He got a serious look on his face and said, "Well Major M told me I was riding on your coat tails and holding you back with my attitude. He said if I don't shape up, he's putting me behind a desk."

That pissed me off and I spit, "That son-of-a-bitch! I'll kill the bastard if he tries to do that. We're a team and always will be."

I held out my fist, he bumped me with his fist, we both yelled, "Oorrrahhh!" and rattled the whole mess hall!

Flashback – Mira – Late Day four, week one of spook school

Well, the plan where I left my boyfriend's table didn't work out quite as I planned. He was supposed to cast forlorn glances in my direction and eventually, figuratively crawl over to my table and beg me to come back and sit with them.

Once again stinky Sgt. Reynolds thwarted my plan. He and my L.Cpl. engaged in a huge discourse. When they both yelled and shook the dining room it even made me jump.

I was not happy eating alone and was extremely pleased when someone came and sat at my table, even if it was HER!

Flashback – Jack – Late Day four, week one of spook school

Damn! It's been good to have some time to really talk to Banzai with no one else around. There were some things we needed to work out and with Mira around we couldn't. I wondered if she realized the mistake she made when she left the table.

Well, this should make for an interesting situation. I said to Banzai, "Look who's headed to Mira's table."

Flashback – Ben – Late Day four, week one of spook school

I turned slightly and watched with huge concern as Charlie sat down at Mira's table. What the hell was going on? I started to jump up and go save everything when Major M walked up to our table. Jack and I snapped to attention.

He ordered, "Let's sit and talk."

Flashback – Major M – Late Day four, week one of spook school

I'd been observing tonight's 'show' with extreme interest. Ms. Sedankina hadn't stopped 'playing' with my Marines and I wasn't sure what the hell she was doing right now. She was certainly disappointed when she left the table and they ignored her. In fact it was satisfying to see the Sgt. and L.Cpl. immediately act like Marines as soon as she left.

Long before my Marines saw her, I watched Ms. Charlotte Blackwood head towards Ms. Sedankina's table. Someone certainly had a twisted sense of humor when they named Ms. Blackwood Charlotte: They must have been a Tom fucking Cruise fan to name her after the character Kelly McGillis played in "Top Gun." Now that was one fucked up movie! Not only was it bogus, I heard that Cruise was a huge asshole during the filming and demanded that real pilots salute him - a fucking civilian. It's a good fucking thing I wasn't there because I would have thrown his ass off the deck of the carrier.

The L.Cpl. started to get up to head to Ms. Sedankina's table but I wanted to see what was going to happen so I intervened and the three of us sat at their table. The Sgt. was mildly amused by the two women, but L.Cpl. Blaine was extremely agitated. I questioned him, "L.Cpl. you seem highly concerned that Ms. Blackwood just sat at Ms. Sedankina's table. Would you care to enlighten me as to why?"

He looked at me and answered, "Sir! It's just that Mira and Charlie don't get along with each other." He blinked too much and his voice was a bit too high when he replied, it wasn't totally the truth.

I continued, "L.Cpl. do you make it a habit to lie to officers?"

He replied, "No Sir! That was not a lie."

I countered, "It also wasn't the whole truth. Would you like to amend your original answer?"

I watched him think and he finally said, "Sir! Yes I would, but the other part is personal."

I looked at Sgt. Reynolds who was grinning from ear to ear. He certainly had trained the L.Cpl. well. Yes I could demand that he tell me his 'personal' reason, but it would do more damage than good. And I still needed to get both these Marines on my side. So I said, "L.Cpl. for now I will respect your privacy."

Flashback – Mira – Late Day four, week one of spook school

I tensed as Charlie walked up to my table and asked, "Is this seat taken?"

Initially I wanted to tell her to go train herself, but curiosity and superior manners overwhelmed me so I replied, "No it is not."

She slipped into the chair and our eyes engaged in unblinking combat. I won when she blinked first and said, "Miranda, I came here tonight to bury the hatchet."

I shocked myself when my mouth automatically opened and said, "Give me the hatchet and I will bury it in your blonde vacuous cranium!"

She laughed and replied, "Miranda, 'bury the hatchet' is an American euphemism for removing the problems between two people. I know I offended you when I flirted with the L.Cpl. but I wanted to tell you I have no interest in him."

I gazed deep into her eyes, checked her other autonomic cues and determined her words were more truth than fallacy. I answered, "Charlie, I ascertain your words are mostly true and I accept your hatchet job offer."

I was puzzled when she giggled, but understood once she explained, "Miranda, you really are captivating. A 'hatchet job' is a cruel or ruthless effort usually ending in destruction. Now, I'm not saying we should be friends, but what I am offering is to not be enemies. Besides you could be useful to me."

She piqued my curiosity so I asked, "Charlie, please expound on your statement."

She smiled and offered, "Miranda, it's obvious to everyone you've been taught well and know practically everything I could teach you. Because of this you're a bored student and bored students are trouble. So I was wondering if you would like to help teach my class."

I instantly had a vision of my boyfriend being a bad student with me making him stand in the corner and then keep him after class for thorough training! I smiled, held out my hand and replied, "I accept your gracious offer."

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