Olivia - Cover


Copyright© 2010 by Gurl Luver

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Olivia is tricked by her doctor into taking hormone treatments which have dramatic effects on her burgeoning sexuality. Her escapades quickly spiral out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Olivia had beat her mother home, but just barely. She had just finished closing the front door as she saw her mother's headlights coming down the street. With no time to change, Olivia turned off her bedroom light, jumped into bed in her cum splattered dress, pulled up the covers and pretended to be asleep. She heard her mother come in and go to the bathroom. As she laid there, the cum sticking to her skin, the scent of the cum strong in her nostrils, she began to feel aroused again. Just the smell of the semen was turning her on, she pulled up the hem and licked the material finding a particularly fresh glob and sucked it into her mouth. It was salty and a little bitter, but it satisfied her somehow. She quietly searched out more globs and sucked them, trying her best not to notify her mother that she was awake. Finally she heard her mother go into her bedroom and heard the pull chain on her nightstand jingle signaling she had turned out the light.

Olivia pulled off the dress and sucked on every cum splatter she could find and when she was done, rubbed the dress against her pussy until she orgasmed. "I'm not just a slut, I'm a cum slut," she thought. "I can't seem to get enough." With that she drifted off to sleep.

Olivia awoke to a buzzing noise and realized it was her cell phone notifying her of a new test message, two actually. The first was from Stacy, "Hey, txt me, I thought we were going to hang out?" The second from Steve, "when you coming over?" She also saw a warning message on her phone about the memory being full. She checked her phone over and found dozens of photos snapped with her phone, they were all of her having sex, over and over again with the guys from last night. She ran to her computer and uploaded them to a secret file she had on her computer. She looked at the pictures and didn't remember even taking her phone over to Steve's but there it was in full color. They were taken from every angle, some really close up of some random cock going into her pussy, "damn that thing looks huge, I can't believe that fit in here," she wondered looking down at her kitty. It wasn't even sore, but that wasn't going to stop her from rubbing cream on it this morning. Her always firing hormones had her ready to go even after all the activity she had yesterday. "How many guys did I have sex with yesterday?" she wondered. She actually had to count them up using the photos because she didn't remember all of them. As she went through them she saw two faces you only vaguely remembered, they must be Frank and Eddy she thought remembering Pete saying they were there then left. "Hmm, Eddy's hot, I wouldn't mind fucking him again," she said to herself. Including Steve and her teacher, that made twelve guys, one for every year she'd been alive. Not bad for her first two days of being a non-virgin.

Olivia smelled cooking bacon and knew her mother was up, she also noticed her skin was still caked in dried cum, and headed to her bathroom to get cleaned up before her mother saw her. He shower felt great and she felt clean once again, she managed to wash her pussy without bringing herself off, a feat becoming harder and harder to do these days. She couldn't resist slathering on the lotion though and relished the sensation it gave her pussy. She noticed the jar was nearly empty and thought she would have to call her doctor and see if she could get a refill, "I don't want to run out of that stuff, it feels too good." She donned her bathrobe and headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning sleepy head, it's about time you got up, it's nearly ten o'clock," her mother playfully scolded her. "You look different this morning," her mother commented. Noticing her bosom she asked, "are your boobs getting bigger?"

"I think so, my bra's have been getting tighter lately," she replied, lying through her teeth because she couldn't even get any of them on anymore without her boobs spilling completely out of them. "Have some breakfast and don't forget your meds," she said.

"I have to go into work early today, we have some new residents coming in today and I need to go over their meds with the other nurses. Why don't you and Stacy go shopping and get some new bras, I'll leave you my Victoria Secret card and you can treat yourself," she suggested. "Mom, you're a life saver, thank you," she replied. Her mom puttered around for the next hour and then left for work leaving Olivia on her own, just she and her hormones.

She took advantage of the empty house and jumped up onto her bed with her jar of cream. She reached in and scooped out the last of it and slathered it onto her pussy wondering if her doctor made house calls on a Saturday?

The effects of the last of the cream were starting to wear off shortly after her second orgasm. More than a little concerned about her empty cream jar, a hormonally revved up Olivia picked up the phone and called her doctor's office getting the answering service. "Can you have Dr. Sanders call Olivia Hastings please?" she asked, and proceeded to provide her phone number.

"Is this an emergency?" the operator asked.

"It's pretty urgent, but I don't know if I'd call it an emergency," she replied.

"I'll pass along the message," she said and then hung up on her.

Five minutes later Dr. Sander called the Hastings house and got Olivia on the phone wondering what the emergency was? It had only been three days since he saw her, he wondered if something had gone horribly wrong with the medication, or if her mother had figured something out? After all, she was a nurse and might have recognized the pills he had given Olivia as something other than what they should have been.

"What can I do for you dear?" he asked.

"Uhh, Dr. Sanders, I'm all out of cream and I was wondering if there was some way I could get more?" she asked.

"Holy crap, there should have been enough for two weeks or more!" he thought. "That shouldn't be a problem, what happened dear did you spill it or something?" he asked.

"Well, uh, well, I used it," she answered.

"The whole jar?" he asked incredulously.

"Yeah, why is that bad?" she asked.

"No dear, no, it's not bad, not bad at all," he replied, shocked that this horny little minx used up the whole jar of his specially prepared cream on her greedy little pussy in only three days. "She's my kind of girl," he thought, she can't keep her hands off her pussy.

"Well, can I get more?" she asked.

"Sure, have your mother bring you by next week and I'll get you some more," he answered.

"Uh, I need it before then, is there any way I can get more today?" she asked.

"Well, can she bring you in today?" he asked.

"No, she's already left for work and it's just me here," she replied.

"Mother of all things holy," he thought, this is my chance to tap that sweet pussy.

"Tell you what dear, I only have one more patient to see today, so I guess I could drop another jar of the cream off on my way home," he replied.

"That would be fantastic," she replied. "Oh, one other thing, my friend wanted me to ask you something personal?" she asked.

"Sure, what is," he replied not knowing where this might be heading.

"Well, it's kind of embarrassing, but here it goes," she started. "My friend noticed that I'm going through a bit of a growth spurt and she wondered if there was any medication that she could take that might help her start growing there too," she said.

"Growing there where?" he asked.

"Uhh, her chest," she replied.

"Do you mean her breasts?" he asked.


"So let me understand correctly, your friend noticed your breasts had grown larger and she was hoping it had something to do with the medication you were on and wanted the same thing?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's what she thought," Olivia agreed.

"Ms Hastings I can assure you that the medication you are on would not have such an effect, but if you don't mind me asking, have your breasts grown larger recently?"

Sheepishly she said "uhhh, yeah, a lot."

"That could be an indication of something serious, I'm glad you called, I'll be over right away," he said. "Oh, and I'll see if I have something for your friend that she can try as a sample," he offered and hung up the phone, his cock already erect with the excitement of his impending visit.

"I never thought my plan would be so effective so soon," he thought as he drove over to the Hastings house. "Her tits have grown noticeably in only three days and she went through the whole jar of cream too! And she has a friend that can join the club, this is awesome, I can't wait to meat her too!" he thought to himself as he checked his bag making sure he had enough supplies for two girls.

Olivia had just hung up on Dr. Sanders and thought she share the good news with her friend and gave her a call, Steve would have to wait.

"Hey Stacy, guess what?" Olivia asked.


"My doctor said he has something he can give you to help your boobs grow!" she said.

"Cool, what do I need to do, make an appointment or something?" Stacy asked.

"Nope, he's going to drop it off here, he's on his way over now," she replied.

"That's so awesome. I'll come over later and maybe we can hang out by the pool or something," Stacy suggested.

"That would be so much fun," she replied.

Olivia hated waiting for anything and what she was waiting for was more of her lovely cream. She was still wearing her bathrobe and wasn't done yet with her kitty yet, not by a long shot. She sat on the living room couch in her bathrobe, gently stroking up and down her vulva. She thought Dr. Sanders might want to check on her now healed rash, so should really stop rubbing her pussy, it might make it look irritated, but she couldn't stop, not now, she was too close. With her free hand she squeezed her right breast, pinching her nipple and relishing the sensation as it brought her within seconds of achieving her third orgasm of the morning. Her conquest was painfully cut short by the door bell ringing.

"Damn it, just a few seconds more and I would have been there," she thought. She went to the door expecting to find Dr. Sanders, instead finding Steve, and he looked pissed.

"Why didn't you text back or call?" he demanded.

"I'm sorry, my mom and I were hanging out and then I was on the phone with my doctor and then my friend," she answered.

"Your doctor, why?" he wondered.

"I ran out of medicine and he offered to drop some more off on his way home," she replied.

"He's on his way over?" "When will he be here, do we have time to fuck?"

"I don't know, but I don't want to get caught, you should leave and come back later just in case," she answered. "I make the rules, not you," he answered as he reached for her bathrobe pulling it open, delighted to see her naked underneath. He dropped the robe to the floor and told her to stay naked all the time, she was too hot for clothes. Olivia had spent just about as much time naked in the last 48 hours as she had with clothes on, and she was getting used to it.

Steve pulled her over to the couch and sat her down admiring her beautiful body. He wanted to do the one thing he hadn't really done yet, eat her glorious pussy out. Olivia gasped as she felt his mouth close on her slit. Forgetting for the moment both her doctor and her best friend might be on their way over, she gave in to the amazing experience.

"Oh that feels so good, don't stop, keep going, you're going to make me cum fast," she a groaned. True to form, the little vixen shuddered through her fourth orgasm of the day. Steve pulled his jeans down revealing his hardened cock and grabbed her ankles spreading her legs wide. Her toned legs forming a perfect V shape, at the apex, her beautiful blond pussy. He aimed his tool at her opening and pushed in. Olivia shuddered at the intense feel of her love tube getting stuffed, she could never again say no to a cock presented to her pussy. It felt too good, the slut in her would always say yes, her hormones ruled her world and she was a slave to them. Steve pounded into gash intent on cumming into her pussy again for what, the fifteenth time?" he wondered. Twentieth time, in three days? He'd lost count already, he knew one thing for certain, that number was only going to keep going up. He knew he was getting close and her moans suggested she was close to when they both heard the doorbell ring.

"Damn!" that's twice she'd had a cum interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Steve continued pounding into her, he wasn't to be denied as his orgasm hit, his cock pumping his seed into her slit.

"Steve, stop fucking me, it's my doctor I have to answer the door," she pleaded.

"That's ok, I'm done," he said as he stood up, grabbed his jeans and headed for the back door. Her twat was slick and oozing Steve's cum as she pulled on her bathrobe and headed for the door, her arousal level still sky high as she was only seconds away once again from cumming.

"Hi Dr. Sanders, come on in, have a seat, I'll just be a second, I need to run to the bathroom," she said as she could feel Steve's cumshot rolling down her thigh.

Dr. Sanders was delighted to see her wearing a bathrobe, that meant it would be easier to convince her to show her "the goods" if she had less clothing to remove.

"Damn that Steve, just had to fuck me even though I told him my doctor was coming over," she cursed. Of course she wouldn't have refused, she wouldn't refuse anyone anymore, "but why did he need to pump me full of his cum when he knew my doctor was standing on the other side of the door?" He would know for sure she was fucking if she saw cum oozing out of her slit. She tried her best to wipe away the cum and clean herself up.

She ran from the bathroom and grabbed a pair of her granny underwear form her drawer and put it on under her bathrobe. She figured he might want to make sure the rash was gone but hoped any remaining semen would get sucked up the cotton briefs. She headed back the living room hoping she could just get the cream and be done with the doctor.

Olivia returned to the living room and Dr. Sanders was delighted she hadn't changed in to regular clothes. Her bathrobe protruded noticeably in the front suggesting her breasts really had grown since he saw her only a few short days ago. He wondered what else the hormone treatment had done for her. "She must be a bundle of sexual energy," he thought. "I wonder if anyone's tapped into the energy source yet?" I sure hope not, so I can be the first.

"Come on over a sit down Ms. Hastings here on the couch and let's talk about your meds," he started. "Now you think that the meds may have had some effect on your breast development?" he questioned. "Well, they sure got bigger in a hurry," she replied.

"Like I said on the phone, that should have nothing to do with the medication, why don't we take a look and see if there is something to be concerned about, shall we?" Olivia watched as her doctor opened up her bathrobe revealing her now ample bosom. "I'll do a simple breast examination to see if there are any abnormalities that may be cause for concern," he stated as he began to fondle the supple tissue. "These are spectacular," he thought as he massaged the tissue pretending to actually check them, first one breast then the other. "I didn't really think they would grow this big this fast, but I'm damn glad they did!" he thought.

He continued massaging them far beyond what would be considered a normal breast exam. He could tell that her breathing rate had increased, a sure sign that she was feeling something from his technique. He then pretended to be checking her nipple for whatever excuse would need to come up with if she actually asked what he was doing. He stroked the nipple and applied pressure to the surrounding tissue and was delighted to see the little pink cap begin to harden. He gave the raised bud a gently pinch and was rewarded with a slight moan from the girl. "Are these more sensitive than normal dear?" he asked.

"Yeah, they seem to be a lot more sensitive," she cooed. The doctor's exam was having quite the effect on youg Olivia, her juices were flowing and heightened the fact that she had been left on the precipice of another orgasm when Dr. Sanders had arrived. Her libido was picking up right where it had left off, which was really close to another release.

"He's going to make me cum again," she thought, just from rubbing my tits. She started squirming in her seat trying to press her vulva into the couch cushion, hoping for some covert stimulation to her lonely clitty. Her swampy hole already soaked form her combined excretions and Steve's cum, were drenching her briefs.

Kevin Sanders was delighting in the fact that his new "test" patient seemed to be in some degree of sexual distress from his manipulations. Her skin was becoming flush, her breathing could only be described as panting, and she was squirming like she had ants in her pants.

"Now, how to take this to the next level he wondered?" as his patient suddenly began shaking, her whole body going rigid in her attempts to control the shaking.

"She just had an orgasm from just having her tits rubbed!" he realized. "This may be easier than I thought."

Olivia had just received the release she had been looking for. Sure it was her fifth of the morning, but that was just par for the course these days. The big question was how she was going to get her sixth?

Not wanting to bring attention to the fact he had just made her cum, Dr. Sanders moved right along. "Nothing seems to be wrong with your breasts, in fact they seem perfectly healthy." "I wish all my patients could have breasts as perfect as yours," he added.

"Did he just compliment my boobs, or did he mean perfect as in healthy?" she wondered as she laid there savoring the last remnants of her orgasm. "My doctor thinks I have perfect boobs? But he's probably seen hundreds of pairs of boobs, maybe thousands, and he thinks mine are perfect?" Her head was swimming with the thought. "I know they certainly draw attention, yesterday at school proved that, but Dr. Sanders is an expert and he just said they were perfect," she thought, the realization stoking her fire even more.

Her ever present horniness and her flowing juices causing her to think, "I'll let him fuck me if he wants." Her kitty was calling out to her, making her want his cock jammed inside.

He was still holding onto her left breast when she slumped back on the couch, her bathrobe falling open completely revealing her full-cut underwear, the crotch soaked through and through. He looked her over and realized she was making no attempt to cover herself up, her new breasts standing proud, her flat stomach exposed and her legs parted showing a nice gap between her legs. He drank her in with an expression on his face that hid nothing, he lusted for her and she returned his gaze with the same look.

"Uhh, everything looks ok with your breasts Ms. Hastings, realizing he had already told her that." "Get a hold of yourself, you're acting like a school boy seeing his first pair of titties!" he scolded himself.

"How is the rash coming along, is the cream helping?" he asked trying to regain his composure.

"Yeah, I think it's getting better," she replied.

"Well, let's take a look shall we?" he suggested.

Olivia pushed her briefs down her hips, lifted her butt up off the couch and pulled them down to her knees, dropping them to the floor. She reclined back against the couch and let her legs fall open revealing her pink pussy. It had mostly recovered from her and Steve's fuck session, it was only slightly more pink than normal, the tissues had a little extra blood in them making her pussy look a little fuller than usual. Her kitty felt hot though, like it needed more attention, and having her doctor stare at her cunt wasn't helping her condition at all, it was firing her up.

"It looks a little irritated, I think it needs some cream applied to it," he said. "Do you mind showing me how you apply it? You went through a lot of cream in a short time and I want to make sure you are doing it right," he asked.

Opening the jar of the special cream, he held it out to her and she reached in and scooped out a healthy amount. Olivia started at the bottom of her slit and slathered the cream up the entire length of her pussy, and then started rubbing it in. The cooling sensation knocked the fire down a little from her hot and hungry pussy, but the effect was short lived as the "medicine" kicked in. She felt the familiar warmth building as she rubbed the cream into her folds, her fingertips dancing over her clitoris.

This batch was a little different as she felt herself getting a little light headed and her whole pussy become super sensitive. "Ahhh," she moaned as the spiked cream worked its magic.

"It was truly remarkable what a dose of methamphetamine and ecstasy in a simple jar of aloe cream can do," he thought as he watched it work its magic on the pre-teen. He was glad upped the dose of meth in this jar because he needed to get a hook in her that would require to keep coming back.

Her hand had gone beyond simply applying a dose of cream to her sensitive tissues, she was full blown masturbating in front of him. Her fingers stroking her clit in little circles, her other hand digging into her folds searching out her vaginal entrance.

Olivia loved the new batch of cream, it was even better than the old jar. The intense pleasure she was getting from her loins made her extremely glad she called her doctor today. "Her doctor, oh yeah, I'm frigging myself right in front of him, oh well, he already got me off, I might as well show him how I do it, after all, he asked me to show him," she thought through her hazy hormone riddled brain. "I'm going to show him how to really make a girl cum hard," she thought.

Kevin Sanders watched in amazement as young Olivia Sanders worked her clit and pounded her fingers into her gash, right in front of him, his cock ready to burst at the sight. "I can't take any more of this," he said to himself as he fished his cock out of his pants. He grabbed her legs and pulled her ass to the edge of the couch and aimed his cock head at her hole. Her pulled her fingers out of her steamy slit and buried his tool to the hilt in her hot tight vice. "Ugghh," she groaned as her tube was filled with her doctor's hard cock.

The feeling was amazing, her pussy was tight and wet, as perfect as he had imagined it would be, except for one thing, no hymen. "I guess somebody beat me to it," he thought as he sawed into her cleft. He pumped his shaft going balls deep and then pulling out until just the tip of his cock remained inside and then slamming inside again, bottoming out, feeling the head of his cock battering her cervix with every thrust.

He threw her legs over his shoulders and grabbed her by the hips so he could really bury his tool with force. Olivia's fingers never leaving her clit, she strummed away as her doctor plowed into her love nest. Kevin picked up her hips giving him a better angle to rub her g-spot with every thrust of his hard pole. His effort was rewarded as she clamped down on is cock as she shuddered through yet another orgasm. Her tightness before was delicious, now it felt like she was trying to rip his cock off, five more thrusts and he was dumping his seed into her snugness.

"That was awesome honey, I'd like to enjoy you again." He stated. "Ok," she sighed as she reached down and toyed with her pussy feeling her doctor's seed ooze from her kitty.

"Suck me hard sweetheart," he instructed as he pulled his semi-erect cock from her pussy, climbed up on the couch and aimed the wet tool at her mouth. He was glad he had thought of popping a Viagra on his way over as he planned on fucking her until he ran out of cum.

Olivia encircled his cock with her mouth and did her best to give him a good blow job, she was still working on her technique. She was pleasantly surprised that his member never really got soft and found it was regaining its firmness.

Kevin pulled his hard cock from the beautiful pre-teen's mouth and urged her to stand up. He reached out and eased her bathrobe off her shoulders, dropping the article to the floor. He marveled at her beauty and relished the fact that he had made her this way, a slut that would fuck with no hesitation. He pulled off his shirt and laid down on the couch, instructing her to lay on him.

Olivia climbed onto Dr. Sanders and pressed her body against his, her tits mashed up against his chest hair. Her groin rested above his hard tool and she ground her clitty down onto it, eliciting a fresh surge she felt all the way to her core. He pulled her legs to either side allowing her to straddle him. She rubbed her greasy pussy up and down his tool coating it in the combined juices leaking from her slit. She grabbed his cock head and put in her pussy, pushing until she felt his curly pubes resting against her labia. Her hips needed no instruction as they began riding the cock like a jockey riding his steed. He reached up and grabbed an ample breast in each hand and gripped the resilient flesh. "Those tits look really, really big on her small frame," he thought. "If they continue getting any bigger, I may have to change her hormone dosage," he thought as he handled the gorgeous mounds.

Her pussy was massaging his cock like nothing the good doctor had ever felt, it was so warm and inviting and he was feeling sensations he never thought possible. "Oh God, I've drugged myself he suddenly realized!" "The meth in the cream has been absorbed into my skin too!" He was lost in the enhanced stimulation and was about to add a second load of cream to her muffin when the door bell rang.

"Not again, that's the second time today I've been interrupted," she mumbled, sitting up and extricating herself from the doctor's hard cock.

"Second time today? Interrupted? Who else are you fucking?" he thought.

Dr. Sanders didn't have much time to ponder the question as Olivia merely threw on her robe and headed for the door. Kevin grabbed his clothes and bolted for the bathroom hoping he wasn't getting busted in the act of fucking a minor.

"Stacy, I'm so glad you're here, but you should have called first, Dr. Sanders was just finishing up his examination making sure I'm ok," she said, loud enough that Kevin could hear her covering for him.

"I tried, but you didn't answer your cell phone," she replied. "Where is your doctor anyway?" she asked.

"He had to use the facilities, he'll be right out I guess."

Kevin Sanders hoped he didn't look like he had just fucked a twelve year old twice. He exited the bathroom and was met in the living room by his "special project" and a beautiful brunette who was about to become his second "special project". She was very cute, and had the "girl next door" look to her. She had very little development compared to Olivia, she had small swellings for breasts and no flair to her hips at all. "I can understand why she wants my help," he admitted. "Well, I'm just the doctor she needs," he concluded.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Sanders, what's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Stacy Bennett, a friend of Olivia's," she replied.

"Olivia tells me you would like to speed up Mother Nature if possible?" he asked.

"Yes, can you help me with that?" she replied. "I mean look at Olivia and look at me, can I look like her?" she asked.

"I can't guarantee anything, and anything we do must be kept strictly a secret. This sort of thing is very much frowned upon in the medical community. I'm not saying I'd lose my license, but I certainly don't think your parents or any other authority figure would support this type of treatment," he finished.

"Is it dangerous?" she asked.

"No, not at all."

"What I'll be administering are normal female hormones that your body will eventually produce naturally, we're just giving your body a kick start," he answered.

"How am I going to pay for it if my parents aren't supposed to know?

"Why don't we call it a trial basis, if it works, we can sort that out later, if it doesn't work, no harm, no foul," he suggested. "Uh, ok, what do we do?" she asked.

"Why don't we start by giving you a physical exam and see what we are starting with so we can gauge our progress? Strip down to your underwear and let's get started," he ordered. He really didn't need to see anything, he just enjoyed the power to being able to tell a young girl to take her clothes off. He knew she was incredibly embarrassed which just fueled his ego, that a 12 year old girl would willingly strip down for a middle aged man just to grow some boobs which she was eventually going to grow anyway. He loved it.

"Well, I think we can have some great success here," he said as he bullshitted his way through the exam. She had little fat sacks for boobs topped with nice puffy nipples, her bikini panties showed enough to suggest she had no pubic growth either. She wasn't athletic, he could tell, but she wasn't fat either. A little toning and some development and she'd be a full blown hotty, he concluded.

"This is what we're going to do," he started. "I have a hormone shot that will kick start Mother Nature, and then some pills that will help move the progress along. Please keep in mind that the hormone pills I give you are very serious and that you must follow my direction to the letter. At no time can you deviate from the regimen I put you on," he instructed.

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